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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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LF indy/ mining corp

Precision Predator
The Voidstalker Heresy
#1 - 2016-02-06 21:18:44 UTC
looking for a corp to help me out been away from game for some time and was never much into mining.
just bought this toon and looking to mine/build etc

would prefer high sec but open to anything
Cal Nuke
#2 - 2016-02-06 21:59:43 UTC
We are setup in wh space. Gas mining can be very profitable. We are also willing to train if you are interested in pvp or pve content. Convo me in game if interested or join our public channel Roham Public.
Evasive Shadow Assassin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2016-02-07 15:11:03 UTC

I could ask you to read the link


Lemme know if you're interested


Krel Morgantine
Alien Supremacy
The Coalition Of Guardians
#4 - 2016-02-08 18:52:49 UTC
If you think you can deal with the challenge of nullsec please give us a look, we're a heavy indy Corp within a large alliance , we operate a profit share scheme for all members participating in the builds we have (which currently stands at 40 bil).
For more info join channel WADS Recruits or contact myself (EU) Or Pharter Mcbeans (US) .
Alliance is active 24/7
Epicishousness Padecain
#5 - 2016-02-09 17:37:38 UTC
Hello Precision

Please allow me to introduce you to Warped Intentions. W4RP has several corps that are currently recruiting for pilots just like you. Check us out and see what you think.

Warped Intentions - W4RP

With corporations in: Hi Sec, Null, and WH

What does Warped Intentions Offer?
*Relaxed Atmosphere
•Lucrative Mining (High, Null Sec and WH)
•Amazing Null Sec Ratting and Exploration.
•Friendly Family-like Community.
•Max Rorqual Mining Boosts.
•Max Orca Mining Boosts.
•Plenty of PvP opportunities.
•We provide a TS3 server for alliance members to use.
•Alliance wide Buy Back Program

Politics of Warped Intentions:
Each corporation of Warped Intentions are ran independently of each other. This alliance does not dictate how you choose to run your corp. We only asks its corps to have common sense. We also require all corporations within, to require a full api screening.

We promote rules of courtesy and as a representative of Warped Intentions.
We insist you follow the CVA's Rules as the alliance as a whole abides to them.

Outside of those rules, the alliance's mission is to have fun while playing the game and making some new friends along the way.

We DO NOT tolerate scammers, liars, thieves, or those with alternate agendas. We are an industrial alliance who likes to mine, research, build items and ships, run missions, explore the galaxy and pvp.

Feel free contact me via any of the mediums:
Recruitment chat ( W4RP Recruit )
W4RP Forums where you can also see several corp adverts.

Please send your full api to:

Epicishousness Padecain
W4RP Diplomat and Head Alliance Recruiter
