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Autopilot vs. Manual

torric Roma
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-02-09 05:56:56 UTC
Okay I'm like 2 says old, and I've figured a lot out. But one of the things i have seen is "don't autopilot" I understand null space and low sec zones (.4 or less) but

So my question is why is autopilot bad, if not when should and shouldn't be used? What are the advantages vs disadvantages?
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2016-02-09 06:01:30 UTC
Advantage - you can have a cup of tea, make out with your partner or go to the shops for cigarettes while your ship happily makes it way to the destination.

Disadvantage - your ship spawns 10 km from every gate and then slow boats it to the gate before jumping and doing it all over again. This gives a substantial amount of time for people to get a few cheap ships together and blow you up, sometimes just for the lols.
Ice Fire Warriors
#3 - 2016-02-09 07:10:51 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
torric Roma wrote:
Okay I'm like 2 says old, and I've figured a lot out. But one of the things i have seen is "don't autopilot" I understand null space and low sec zones (.4 or less) but

So my question is why is autopilot bad, if not when should and shouldn't be used? What are the advantages vs disadvantages?

Short answer: Autopiloting makes you an easy target. A REALLY easy target.

Long answer: When you autopilot the game will slightly penalize you by only warping within 15km of your destination (be it gate or station) and then cruise at your ship's natural top speed (NOTE: it will not activate your Microwarpdrive or Afterburner) until you reach activation range (either jumping the gate or docking).

What this does it make you a slow moving target for a long period of time relative to everyone else who manually warped and jumped/docked.
You can be scanned by hostiles more easily, hostiles will have more time to organize against you, and hostiles will have more time to get into range to shoot you***.

Basically... in EVE, you do not want to be the "slowest gazelle" on the safari.

***Footnote: in high-sec, the greatest risk you will face (outside of wars declarations) will come from "suicide gankers." These players willfully shoot other players in high-sec and lose their ships to the NPC police (see: CONCORD) in the hopes of destroying their target and getting enough loot to pay off their losses and/or earn a profit.
Some suicide gankers are more careful and will only choose targets that are "squishy" and full of valuable stuff.
Other suicide gankers simply want to see the world burn and will shoot anything "squishy."

There are many tricks and tactics you can use to avoid becoming a victim of suicide gankers. Most of them fall along the lines of...
- tank your ship: This will raise the amount of people necessary to kill you... possibly discouraging random / ragtag groups with little manpower.
- don't carry too much valuable stuff in one load: You want the ganking attempt to cost more than the potential payoff of killing your ship. This will discourage more selective gankers who are looking to make the most of their time, effort, and resources.
- minimize your exposure to any potential risk: Warp as quickly as possible, take alternate routes, have a friend assist you, etc.
Cherri Minoa
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2016-02-09 10:56:22 UTC
There are only 2 things you should use autopliot for ...

1. Route planning (then fly the route manually ... the next gate will always be yellow on your overview, which can be a lifesaver in a panic situation)
2. Insta - docking (Google that one, or I can explain it)

The general rule in EVE is AFK = dead. There may be times when you choose to take some time away from the keyboard, but you must recognise that every second your eyes are away from the screen, your chances of losing your ship are increasing.

"If I had been censured every time I have run my ship, or fleets under my command, into great danger, I should have long ago been out of the Service" - Horatio Nelson

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#5 - 2016-02-09 11:23:38 UTC
Advantage : can alt tab , grab a beer and watch Netflix

Disadvantage : by the time you alt tab back your ship and pod may well have been violanced to death.

Fyi, borde mercanaries will war dec you if they see you auto piloting anything expensive.
Jacques d'Orleans
#6 - 2016-02-09 11:26:58 UTC
Cherri Minoa wrote:
There are only 2 things you should use autopliot for ...

1. Route planning (then fly the route manually ... the next gate will always be yellow on your overview, which can be a lifesaver in a panic situation)

You don't need Autopilot to mark your gates yellow at the overview, open your map, choose the solar system, then choose your target destination and then right click and "set destination". You can also do that with your personal locations "Peoples and Places" (Alt-E),choose one, just right click and then " set destination. Then undock and fly manually.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2016-02-09 11:31:47 UTC
If you are in a cheap or free ship or a cheap or free pod there is no reason that you can't autopilot. Just know that you do run the risk of having your ship and / or pod blown up. However if you don't have much into them isk wise there is no reason that you can not autopilot.

Like most things in this game you need to balance what you are risking versus the potential benefits.

If anyone did ever blow up your cheap ship you would get a kill right and have the ability to go back and have some fun with the gankers.

Outside of not caring if you loose whatever ship and pod combination that you are flying or farming kill rights you should not autopilot.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2016-02-09 11:35:37 UTC
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Cherri Minoa wrote:
There are only 2 things you should use autopliot for ...

1. Route planning (then fly the route manually ... the next gate will always be yellow on your overview, which can be a lifesaver in a panic situation)

You don't need Autopilot to mark your gates yellow at the overview, open your map, choose the solar system, then choose your target destination and then right click and "set destination". You can also do that with your personal locations "Peoples and Places" (Alt-E),choose one, just right click and then " set destination. Then undock and fly manually.

"set destination" is setting the destination for your autopilot. You are using the autopilot system when you do that. This is exactly what everyone here is talking about. You just don't go ahead and active the autopilot to fly your ship for you.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Jacques d'Orleans
#9 - 2016-02-09 11:55:02 UTC
ergherhdfgh wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Cherri Minoa wrote:
There are only 2 things you should use autopliot for ...

1. Route planning (then fly the route manually ... the next gate will always be yellow on your overview, which can be a lifesaver in a panic situation)

You don't need Autopilot to mark your gates yellow at the overview, open your map, choose the solar system, then choose your target destination and then right click and "set destination". You can also do that with your personal locations "Peoples and Places" (Alt-E),choose one, just right click and then " set destination. Then undock and fly manually.

"set destination" is setting the destination for your autopilot. You are using the autopilot system when you do that. This is exactly what everyone here is talking about. You just don't go ahead and active the autopilot to fly your ship for you.

Here i stand corrected, i really did not know that because i never ever touched that button from the start.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#10 - 2016-02-09 13:18:08 UTC
In the old tutorial it actually told the player to use the autopilot. Thus one of the reasons old players advise new players so strongly to not use it at all.

I recall weeks of blissfully warping around hi-sec wondering if there were a faster way to get around.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Cherri Minoa
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2016-02-09 13:25:38 UTC
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
ergherhdfgh wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Cherri Minoa wrote:
There are only 2 things you should use autopliot for ...

1. Route planning (then fly the route manually ... the next gate will always be yellow on your overview, which can be a lifesaver in a panic situation)

You don't need Autopilot to mark your gates yellow at the overview, open your map, choose the solar system, then choose your target destination and then right click and "set destination". You can also do that with your personal locations "Peoples and Places" (Alt-E),choose one, just right click and then " set destination. Then undock and fly manually.

"set destination" is setting the destination for your autopilot. You are using the autopilot system when you do that. This is exactly what everyone here is talking about. You just don't go ahead and active the autopilot to fly your ship for you.

Here i stand corrected, i really did not know that because i never ever touched that button from the start.

You wouldn't necessarily know because you can use the functionality of planning your route without ever realising that it's technically part of the autopilot system.

"If I had been censured every time I have run my ship, or fleets under my command, into great danger, I should have long ago been out of the Service" - Horatio Nelson

Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2016-02-09 15:26:20 UTC
Cherri Minoa wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
ergherhdfgh wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Cherri Minoa wrote:
There are only 2 things you should use autopliot for ...

1. Route planning (then fly the route manually ... the next gate will always be yellow on your overview, which can be a lifesaver in a panic situation)

You don't need Autopilot to mark your gates yellow at the overview, open your map, choose the solar system, then choose your target destination and then right click and "set destination". You can also do that with your personal locations "Peoples and Places" (Alt-E),choose one, just right click and then " set destination. Then undock and fly manually.

"set destination" is setting the destination for your autopilot. You are using the autopilot system when you do that. This is exactly what everyone here is talking about. You just don't go ahead and active the autopilot to fly your ship for you.

Here i stand corrected, i really did not know that because i never ever touched that button from the start.

You wouldn't necessarily know because you can use the functionality of planning your route without ever realising that it's technically part of the autopilot system.

It's semantics. When people say not to autopilot they aren't talking about using set destination. Everyone uses that.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#13 - 2016-02-09 21:54:31 UTC
As a fellow newbie, I can give some limited experience here:

Only autopilot if you are okay with losing your ship (and possible implants). If this is not acceptable, even in HiSec space, manually fly- ALWAYS.

If you must autopilot, realize it triples the time it takes to get to the destination, so if it's really far, yeah, get ready to watch a LONG movie.

Don't even try autopilot through LoSec or NullSec, it won't work unless you know the route is clear and not populated.

HiSec space is not as safe as PVE'rs want it. It's not as risky as PVP'rs want it. So, I guess it's balanced in that sense, but there are some things that are incredibly wrong with the game mechanic that allow HiSec to become LoSec. As was pointed out, a War Declaration against your corp makes you immediately vulnerable in HiSec.

Personally, I think War Dec's are too cheap as is and single sided War Dec's should cost 2x what the normal War Dec is (logically, to cover each side paying for the War Dec). NEVER haul anything worth more than a War Dec unless your corp/alliance is big and bad enough to keep someone from doing a War Dec. Sadly, "War" is a little too easy in the game for my thinking, then again, a bunch of players would probably say it's too hard, so whatever, just don't carry too much loot.

If you must run expensive loot, do it at a lull time in the game. Some PvP'rs are savvy enough to actually look for haulers at those times, but even if the risk is lowered, that might be enough to get the cargo through.

Good luck... see you around the stars!

(Oh yeah, and as I just learned, the cloak effect is a lie. You uncloak after jump the second you give the warp to the next location command! So make sure your ship can point and shoot as fast as possible.)
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#14 - 2016-02-09 22:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Iria Ahrens
Pandora Carrollon wrote:

Don't even try autopilot through LoSec or NullSec, it won't work unless you know the route is clear and not populated.

Even if it is clear, it won't stay clear by the time you auto through it. Don't auto through low or null, ever. Never auto when your corp is at war even in high.


(Oh yeah, and as I just learned, the cloak effect is a lie. You uncloak after jump the second you give the warp to the next location command! So make sure your ship can point and shoot as fast as possible.)

More accurately, you decloak the tick after you take any action that breaks cloak. Everything in EVE works off one second ticks. The ideal for safest align time is under 2 seconds. Enemy spots you tick 1. Enemy activates point tick 2. Point lands on third tick. Ping does matter.

In null you have HICs that will drop a bubble while you're sitting in gate cloak, which means no warpie outie. Prepare for some excitement one way or another.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2016-02-09 22:21:05 UTC
Pandora Carrollon wrote:

HiSec space is not as safe as PVE'rs want it. It's not as risky as PVP'rs want it. So, I guess it's balanced in that sense, but there are some things that are incredibly wrong with the game mechanic that allow HiSec to become LoSec. As was pointed out, a War Declaration against your corp makes you immediately vulnerable in HiSec.

Actually the "safety" in high sec is only there for the PvPers. WIthout concord protecting them until they decide to strike players could scout ahead and clear everyone off the gates like is done in null sec. High sec is not intended to be safe and this game has a stated goal of making sure that there is nowhere that you are safe with the single exception of remaining docked.

I myself moved to null sec years ago to avoid PvP and never looked back.

If you are looking for a game that provides you with a safe place to solo run engaging PvE content then this is not the game for you. Eve is by design a PvP focused sandbox MMO. If you want to PvE and be free of war dec mechanics there is a simple answer and that is move to null sec.
Pandora Carrollon wrote:

Personally, I think War Dec's are too cheap as is and single sided War Dec's should cost 2x what the normal War Dec is (logically, to cover each side paying for the War Dec).

You are entitled to your opinion but you are picking an uphill battle here. This game is designed to encourage conflict not safety. You don't have to like it but that is the way that it is and by design not by mistake.

So you can play this game and like that or you can play this game and not like it but if you are thinking that you might change it I just wanted to make you aware that CCP has no interest in catering to the safety minded.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#16 - 2016-02-09 22:33:16 UTC
ergherhdfgh wrote:

You are entitled to your opinion but you are picking an uphill battle here. This game is designed to encourage conflict not safety. You don't have to like it but that is the way that it is and by design not by mistake.

This part is no joke. Fanfest is full of Devs speaking about design decisions. And they always throw around phrases like, "promote conflict" IIRC there is even a quote somewhere of a dev saying that whenever they have a choice between making a change that would result in fewer ships being blown up and one that results in more ships being blown up, they always chose more ships blowing up.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2016-02-09 22:33:40 UTC
The MWD/cloak trick works ...

1. You are in gate cloak
2. You align to next celestial/gate (and will decloak at next tick)
3. You enable your cloak which kicks in next tick
4. You hit MWD to get a cycle of boost to your speed
5. decloak as the MWD cycles out and you insta warp

Note whilst this works in highsec if your ship already has a cloak - throwing a cloak on a hisec only ship just to do MWD/Cloak is not necessarily a good plan.

Also note the "MJD/Cloak" thing some people try does NOT work. You LOOK cloaked in the animation as the MJD spools up but you are actually not cloaked and can be locked and shot at.
Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#18 - 2016-02-10 01:12:10 UTC
ergherhdfgh wrote:
Actually the "safety" in high sec is only there for the PvPers. WIthout concord protecting them until they decide to strike players could scout ahead and clear everyone off the gates like is done in null sec. High sec is not intended to be safe and this game has a stated goal of making sure that there is nowhere that you are safe with the single exception of remaining docked.

This isn't rational to me. I have yet to see anywhere in all the studying I've done that says the games stated goal is that nowhere is safe. This *IS* a common sentiment from dedicated PVP'rs though. What some devs say at conferences aside, I have yet to read that PVE in HiSec is not intended and that PVE is safer in NullSec. That's totally the opposite of all the representations I've ever read.

What may actually be happening is that the players have found ways to work loopholes in HiSec and CCP ignores those loopholes in order to promote "Player Content" or what you guys seem to be calling "conflict".

ergherhdfgh wrote:
If you are looking for a game that provides you with a safe place to solo run engaging PvE content then this is not the game for you. Eve is by design a PvP focused sandbox MMO. If you want to PvE and be free of war dec mechanics there is a simple answer and that is move to null sec.

Again, these points appear to be in conflict with each other. To me, a sandbox is everyone is in the same environment, all playing under the same conditions, free to do whatever they can under the rules given them. PvP'rs are the only ones I see making the claim that it is PvP focused. Please point me to the CCP information that states otherwise so I can learn.

From what I'm seeing, the bedrock of the game seems to be mining, the entire economy seems to be founded on it. So, HiSec, by my read exists to allow that PVE activity to happen and keep things going. If the game were PVP focused, nobody would care about the economy or any of the other trappings the game has and people would be forced into conflict like Strategy MMO's do. Also, PvE'rs seem to be the larger majority of the population. So if PvP is CCP's focus, it doesn't look like it's going so well by player base interest.

ergherhdfgh wrote:
You are entitled to your opinion but you are picking an uphill battle here. This game is designed to encourage conflict not safety. You don't have to like it but that is the way that it is and by design not by mistake.

So you can play this game and like that or you can play this game and not like it but if you are thinking that you might change it I just wanted to make you aware that CCP has no interest in catering to the safety minded.

I'm not trying to change it, or change this thread into a PvP vs PvE discussion. There are just some game mechanics that appear to be at odds with intent. So if HiSec is supposed to be PvP heaven, protecting the attackers then PvP'rs don't seem to have figured that out yet. The ship losses in HiSec lag way behind those in LoSec and NullSec, at least on my read of the stats in DotLan. The only times that anyone has messed with me PvP wise has been in borderline LoSec (0.5), LoSec and NullSec. So my experience is not matching up with what is being claimed here.

I'm not a PvE person or PvP person, I can play either but I'm still wrestling with the mechanics of the game thus my observation. I could be entirely mistaken about how the game works, I am a newbie, but if I am then I'd like to see some confirmation someplace from CCP.

If I'm completely wrong, the OP should be aware of that, with proper sourcing to go with it so we can both learn.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#19 - 2016-02-10 01:59:14 UTC
Pandora Carrollon wrote:

This isn't rational to me. I have yet to see anywhere in all the studying I've done that says the games stated goal is that nowhere is safe. This *IS* a common sentiment from dedicated PVP'rs though. What some devs say at conferences aside, I have yet to read that PVE in HiSec is not intended and that PVE is safer in NullSec. That's totally the opposite of all the representations I've ever read.

It is not intended that pve be safer in Nullsec, it is an effect of emergent gaming. Players control Nullsec, so with the exception of a drop fleet in Null there are Intelligence channels to let you know the enemy is near, what they are doing, what ships comprise the enemy fleets. Then friendly fleets form and drive the enemy away at best, at worst all friendly players know the enemy is around so they flee to the safety of pos shields or outposts.


What may actually be happening is that the players have found ways to work loopholes in HiSec and CCP ignores those loopholes in order to promote "Player Content" or what you guys seem to be calling "conflict".

CCP doesn't ignore anything. They have commented on this behavior many times and it isn't "decision pending" CCP does get caught by the occasional loophole, such as players avoiding CONCORD reprisals. This is something that CCP has stated is off limits. Avoiding CONCORD reprisals = ban. As long as players allow their ship to be blown up by CONCORD, then CCP says there is no problem.


Again, these points appear to be in conflict with each other. To me, a sandbox is everyone is in the same environment, all playing under the same conditions, free to do whatever they can under the rules given them. PvP'rs are the only ones I see making the claim that it is PvP focused. Please point me to the CCP information that states otherwise so I can learn.

It is PVP focused again because of emergent gaming. Everything any player does affects other players. You sell an item in game, and that devalues the same item for other sellers. You mine an asteroid and that asteroid is depleted for another player. You mission and make isk, this is an isk faucet, that creats isk inflation. You buy a ship to mission in, another player built that ship. But if it were just a matter of pve, then you would only need maybe three ships your entire career. It is pvp that keeps blowing up ships so that the economy stays in motion. It is major nullsec alliances determining the prices of entire sections of the marketplace in high-sec because it is high-sec where the major nullsec alliances go shopping.


From what I'm seeing, the bedrock of the game seems to be mining, the entire economy seems to be founded on it. So, HiSec, by my read exists to allow that PVE activity to happen and keep things going. If the game were PVP focused, nobody would care about the economy or any of the other trappings the game has and people would be forced into conflict like Strategy MMO's do. Also, PvE'rs seem to be the larger majority of the population. So if PvP is CCP's focus, it doesn't look like it's going so well by player base interest.

The entire eve economy is a circle. But mining isn't the bedrock of the economy because mining doesn't create demand, it is a supply. PvP is the greatest cause of demand in game. pvp does cause some demand, but it is nothing like major alliances buying supplies to build several fleets of titans and subcaps for the next major war. Without mining there would still be pvp, but it all be in rookie ships. No one wants to be forced to fly in rookie ships.

PvE happens everywhere though, not just Hi-sec. The only reason it happens more in hi-sec is because the population is higher. The most profitable pve is in null, but null players then have to transport their goods all the way back to high-sec.

PvP in HS is more controlled. CONCORD (CCP) defines the rules and it basically is to create Civilization. Wars must be declared, yes they are cheap, but the main benefit of the war mechanic is it gives forewarning that an enemy is about to attack your corp. In LS or NULL the enemy just attacks, without warning. Thus in HS if someone declares war, you have some time to prepare and inform your people.

Devs have declared certain goals with eve.
1. Promote conflict.
2. Create meaningful gains. Which means meaningful losses.
3. Provoke choices.


I'm not going to go searching for the links. But what I will tell you is that you should very strongly consider googling "eve fanfest keynote" for a direct peek at the devs stated goals for the game, as well as their attitudes and you will learn a LOT.

Fanfest keynotes should be required watching for anyone interested in the future of the Eve universe.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2016-02-10 02:07:41 UTC
Pandora Carrollon wrote:
So if HiSec is supposed to be PvP heaven, protecting the attackers then PvP'rs don't seem to have figured that out yet.

High-sec isn't "supposed" to be anything. CCP gives us different areas with various rules of engagement. We determine what happens from there.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

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