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Carebear to Pirate

Sanic Xaqueter
Glory-WH Inc.
See No Evil Hear No Evil
#1 - 2016-01-19 04:17:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Sanic Xaqueter
I am on the road to taking off my carebear diaper and putting on my gothic spiked big boy panties for space murder.

Before I live in the low/null, I want to make sure I have a bank roll coming in in which I will do gas mining for drug manufacturing in a POS and running pirate missions for isk and the booster BPCs using loyalty points. I am pretty good at running lvl 3 security missions and same for mining. I will be running this whole operation solo.

Since I have some decent standing with the main 4 is it still possible to repair my pirate standings? What is the safest type of missions I can do (mining, security, distribution etc...) I wish to run mission that will hurt my main 4 faction standings the least while offering the most amount of LP for completed missions. Keep in mind this will be is low sec or possibly null so not dieing is a good thing. Any tips on flying illegal boosters in Hi sec? Is there still implants that help you not get caught by customs?

Is there any more advice you can offer?

Thank you so much for your help!
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#2 - 2016-01-19 06:37:04 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Sanic Xaqueter wrote:
I am on the road to taking off my carebear diaper and putting on my gothic spiked big boy panties for space murder.

Before I live in the low/null, I want to make sure I have a bank roll coming in in which I will do gas mining for drug manufacturing in a POS and running pirate missions for isk and the booster BPCs using loyalty points. I am pretty good at running lvl 3 security missions and same for mining. I will be running this whole operation solo.

Since I have some decent standing with the main 4 is it still possible to repair my pirate standings? What is the safest type of missions I can do (mining, security, distribution etc...) I wish to run mission that will hurt my main 4 faction standings the least while offering the most amount of LP for completed missions. Keep in mind this will be is low sec or possibly null so not dieing is a good thing. Any tips on flying illegal boosters in Hi sec? Is there still implants that help you not get caught by customs?

Is there any more advice you can offer?

Thank you so much for your help!

Rejigger your portrait so it doesn't look like you were the unfortunate victim of a driveby shooting with Homer Simpson's makeup gun. :(

And, also, your plan is bad. You've signed yourself up for managing a reaction POS, gas mining, and mission running.

Doing multiple steps of a production chain is usually a bad idea (there are some exceptions, generally contingent on a lack of liquidity in intermediate goods). Do the LP stores even carry non-synth BPCs? IIRC, the rest come from drug exploration sites, no? Anyway, it doesn't matter. BPCs you buy with your own LP are not free. If it is worth producing from the BPC, then it is worth producing from the BPC even if you buy it from someone else. Otherwise, it is not worth producing from the BPC, even if you procure it yourself - you should sell the BPC instead. In general, if you're going to farm LP, you should just cash it out on whatever provides the most isk/lp.

Same goes for gas harvesting, really. Just do one thing well, don't try to build some bizarre, Rube Goldbergian income machine. All of that is without getting into the relatively slow turnaround time on boosters, as well.

Hell, just go run high sec missions for 200 million an hour, that's all the rage these days, and less work than what you're talking about.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#3 - 2016-01-19 11:58:18 UTC
Better yet, run other people's high sec missions and take the things they think are theirs.
You'd be surprised what some folks will put on the line for a few metal scraps.

Earning is boring. Taking is fun.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Arthur Aihaken
#4 - 2016-01-19 20:21:26 UTC
Sanic Xaqueter wrote:
Is there any more advice you can offer?
Thank you so much for your help!

Have fun!

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#5 - 2016-01-19 20:29:55 UTC
Sanic Xaqueter wrote:
I am on the road to taking off my carebear diaper and putting on my gothic spiked big boy panties for space murder.

Before I live in the low/null, I want to make sure I have a bank roll coming in in which I will do gas mining for drug manufacturing in a POS and running pirate missions for isk and the booster BPCs using loyalty points. I am pretty good at running lvl 3 security missions and same for mining. I will be running this whole operation solo.

Since I have some decent standing with the main 4 is it still possible to repair my pirate standings? What is the safest type of missions I can do (mining, security, distribution etc...) I wish to run mission that will hurt my main 4 faction standings the least while offering the most amount of LP for completed missions. Keep in mind this will be is low sec or possibly null so not dieing is a good thing. Any tips on flying illegal boosters in Hi sec? Is there still implants that help you not get caught by customs?

Is there any more advice you can offer?

Thank you so much for your help!

For a single character, pirate missions are an all or nothing proposition. Just getting to lvl 4 standings with one pirate faction is going to do nasty standings to 1 and probably 2 of your high sec standings. And the BEST missions for pirate agents tank your faction stands and security status like crazy. Like CONCORD Blockade for example.

Unless you are in space controlled by a powerful alliance you are blue to, Pirate missions are good fun (because evading bad guys is fun) but you won't make crazy wealth from doing them. That's because the kind of ship you need to do that that can also survive traveling to them and just undocking from station is not the optimal mission boat type ship. If you are part of such an alliance and have the ability to blitz missions (including reshipping for burners) in relative peace, it's probbly some of the best income in the game.