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The Mining Frigate Tree Serves No Functional Purpose.

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2016-01-19 01:29:40 UTC
Jace Varus wrote:
The Venture is vital to gas mining (at least with ease) due to it's 2 warp core stabs that are built in. In addition to this, it serves as a point for people to become interested in mining. Without the venture, mining would become a more specialized and isolated profession. The Prospect and Endurance, though I have not tried them, both seem very good at doing their jobs. They may be needlessly specialized for jobs that are already doable with barges, but it serves as an entrance point, like I stated before.

agreed it keeps things simple thats about it. but then we look over at the prospect. and what kind of upgrade is that? like nothing, no yield bonus, no extra high slot for this NEW Covert Ops cloak. like it's terrible. you have a bigger ore hold sure.

yes the prospects got more hp
has the ability to fit covert ops
warps faster
prob aligns faster
and has a lower sig radius
but who cares?
your taking a 30 mil dollar ship into a wormhole youre gonna lose some sometimes. and its huge set back compared to the venture.

CCP just give it an extra high slot, and abit better yield when it comes to ore mining. new players arent going to see fun. im holding back quite abit by training this tree right now. im losing out on a bunch of isk. more then neccesary. especially when its pretty obvious you intended this vessel to be the vessel im describing but nerfed it before it could hit the game.

thank god for the players who dont use a calculator and just assume this ship is great for gas mining cause ... they really keep the game fresh.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#22 - 2016-01-19 01:32:29 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Leonerd Dice wrote:

New players for instance. Aren't going to see fun. They're going to see yield, numbers. When they went out and gas mined for 6 hours. While their friend hung back and Mined in their barge. Only to see that his friend earned more ISK then him in 1.0 then a ship designed to be fast, fit a scanner, and has gas harvester bonuses, mining in a wormhole for 15000m3 of gas worth a ton of ISK. Really starts to annoy this possible new player who just trained 25 days to get into their Prospect.

I think it is kind of rude of you to assume that these hypothetical new players will not be substantially smarter and more capable than you.


P.S. TO EVERYONE: Say something nice for christ sakes. 18 replies. And i'm dead wrong. It really goes to show that the older players of this game might have stuck around because logging on for them everyday was a MYSTERY. Get a clue... damn ...

Of course the MINING FRIGATE is going to have trade offs. But were talking MAJOR Trade offs. So much so I made a thread about how the Prospect is useless. Like read the POST. If you're an idiot PLEASE ... PLEASE ... don't reply to me.

You made a thread! Good job! I guess that makes you a subject matter expert and not just some guy who has internet access and an active Eve-O subscription!

We read the post. The post was ******* stupid, and we explained, in vivid detail, what was stupid about it.


What numbers would those be? And having spent large swaths of time living in WH space, I'm going to hazard a guess that I (and most everyone else in this thread telling you that you're wrong) have vastly more experience scanning them down than some whiny daytripper who occasionally pulls on his Superman underoos and lets go of Concord's apron strings for an hour or two. Roll

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2016-01-19 01:37:58 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Leonerd Dice wrote:

New players for instance. Aren't going to see fun. They're going to see yield, numbers. When they went out and gas mined for 6 hours. While their friend hung back and Mined in their barge. Only to see that his friend earned more ISK then him in 1.0 then a ship designed to be fast, fit a scanner, and has gas harvester bonuses, mining in a wormhole for 15000m3 of gas worth a ton of ISK. Really starts to annoy this possible new player who just trained 25 days to get into their Prospect.

I think it is kind of rude of you to assume that these hypothetical new players will not be substantially smarter and more capable than you.


P.S. TO EVERYONE: Say something nice for christ sakes. 18 replies. And i'm dead wrong. It really goes to show that the older players of this game might have stuck around because logging on for them everyday was a MYSTERY. Get a clue... damn ...

Of course the MINING FRIGATE is going to have trade offs. But were talking MAJOR Trade offs. So much so I made a thread about how the Prospect is useless. Like read the POST. If you're an idiot PLEASE ... PLEASE ... don't reply to me.

You made a thread! Good job! I guess that makes you a subject matter expert and not just some guy who has internet access and an active Eve-O subscription!

We read the post. The post was ******* stupid, and we explained, in vivid detail, what was stupid about it.


What numbers would those be? And having spent large swaths of time living in WH space, I'm going to hazard a guess that I (and most everyone else in this thread telling you that you're wrong) have vastly more experience scanning them down than some whiny daytripper who occasionally pulls on his Superman underoos and lets go of Concord's apron strings for an hour or two. Roll

CCP Ban this guy please. VIVID DETAIL. What numbers? NO WITH YOUR VIVID DETAIL ---YOU GIVE ME THE NUMBERS if im so wrong.

right now i've got bigger ore hold
less sig radius. um
covert ops cloak.

i thkn thats the vivid detail i got so far. You're living in your head good bye.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#24 - 2016-01-19 01:50:55 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Leonerd Dice wrote:

CCP Ban this guy please. VIVID DETAIL. What numbers? NO WITH YOUR VIVID DETAIL ---YOU GIVE ME THE NUMBERS if im so wrong.

right now i've got bigger ore hold
less sig radius. um
covert ops cloak.

i thkn thats the vivid detail i got so far. You're living in your head good bye.

Numbers on what? Why do you think "THE YIELD" is so important? Yield is relative. Generally speaking, giving a ship any substantial yield advantage without extremely significant downsides just makes that ship "the best" and renders every comparable ship obsolete.

Mining barges/exhumers used to be structured this way, and it was pretty much, "If you're mining, you're doing it in a hulk, or you're stupid and wrong."

So, they tiericided barges, and now there are 6 very usable ones. You can fly a hulk for maximum yield, but you're going to pay for it with paper thin tank and mediocre cargohold. You can fly a Skiff and have a battleship-grade tank, and it will cost you a bit of yield.

Additionally, the abilities of the prospect do, in fact, add up to more yield, in practice. More cargo means less downtime spent unloading cargo. More survivability means more time spent huffing without having to flee.

As an aside, for a guy crying about THE NUMBERS so much, you suggested earlier that a catalyst is a better fleet huffer - did you actually run the numbers on that? Lol

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2016-01-19 01:55:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Leonerd Dice
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Leonerd Dice wrote:

CCP Ban this guy please. VIVID DETAIL. What numbers? NO WITH YOUR VIVID DETAIL ---YOU GIVE ME THE NUMBERS if im so wrong.

right now i've got bigger ore hold
less sig radius. um
covert ops cloak.

i thkn thats the vivid detail i got so far. You're living in your head good bye.

Numbers on what? Why do you think "THE YIELD" is so important? Yield is relative. Generally speaking, giving a ship any substantial yield advantage without extremely significant downsides just makes that ship "the best" and renders every comparable ship obsolete.

Mining barges/exhumers used to be structured this way, and it was pretty much, "If you're mining, you're doing it in a hulk, or you're stupid and wrong."

So, they tiericided barges, and now there are 6 very usable ones. You can fly a hulk for maximum yield, but you're going to pay for it with paper thin tank and mediocre cargohold. You can fly a Skiff and have a battleship grade-tank, and it will cost you a bit of yield.

Additionally, the abilities of the procurer do, in fact, add up to more yield, in practice. More cargo means less downtime spent unloading cargo. More survivability means more time spent huffing without having to flee.

As an aside, for a guy crying about THE NUMBERS so much, you suggested earlier that a catalyst is a better fleet huffer - did you actually run the numbers on that? Lol

Um yeah the venture gets two gas harvesters and with a 100% bonus to yield that equivalent to 4 gas harvesters. ANYTHING THAT CAN FIT 5 is going to be better then the venture at least for fleet ops. and witht he duration reduction witht he venture i think it puts it pretty close. but now what? youve got a probe launcher on there? while the catalyst has a cloak, a probe laucnher a room for something else. let me quickly go check here ....

2 more low slots then a venture
1 less medium but meh.
oh and look at that
way more HP.
i love how i can just assume at this point the venture going to be outclasses by something else. hm why is that.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#26 - 2016-01-19 02:00:28 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Leonerd Dice wrote:

Um yeah the venture gets two gas harvesters and with a 100% bonus to yield that equivalent to 4 gas harvesters. ANYTHING THAT CAN FIT 5 is going to be better then the venture at least for fleet ops.

Here comes the clue train, last stop is you:

The venture gets a 100% bonus to yield AND a 25% reduction in gas cloud harvester cycle time, for a grand total of 5.33 effective harvesters, resulting in a no-booster, no-implant maximum yield of 2.67 m3 per second.

The 5-harvester Catalyst you've never actually tried to fit gets 2.5 m3 per second and, with ONLY the gas cloud harvesters fit, is at 157.3% of its maximum CPU. Even with 3 co-processors and 2 overclocks, it is more than 3% over.

I'd be surprised if you can actually make it fit at a pricepoint lower than a Prospect, nevermind a venture. LolLol

By the way, since shoehorning it together leaves no room for any kind of tank, your catalyst is left with a paltry 3900 EHP. And you're certainly not putting a cloak or a probe launcher on it, even with a 5% CPU implant that you probably can't afford if the price of a prospect is rustling your jimmies.

The venture can be fit quite easily with a cold tank of over 7K, aligns faster, has that built in +2 scram strength, lower signature, more cargo...

In other words, it's better in basically every way.

I'm pretty sure this is the part where you apologize to everyone for your attitude, realize how much you have to learn, and try to be less of an ass in the future, right?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2016-01-19 02:23:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Leonerd Dice
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Leonerd Dice wrote:

Um yeah the venture gets two gas harvesters and with a 100% bonus to yield that equivalent to 4 gas harvesters. ANYTHING THAT CAN FIT 5 is going to be better then the venture at least for fleet ops.

Here comes the clue train, last stop is you:

The venture gets a 100% bonus to yield AND a 25% reduction in gas cloud harvester cycle time, for a grand total of 5.33 effective harvesters, resulting in a no-booster, no-implant maximum yield of 2.67 m3 per second.

The 5-harvester Catalyst you've never actually tried to fit gets 2.5 m3 per second and, with ONLY the gas cloud harvesters fit, is at 157.3% of its maximum CPU. Even with 3 co-processors and 2 overclocks, it is more than 3% over.

I'd be surprised if you can actually make it fit at a pricepoint lower than a Prospect, nevermind a venture. LolLol

By the way, since shoehorning it together leaves no room for any kind of tank, your catalyst is left with a paltry 3900 EHP.

The venture can be fit quite easily with a cold tank of over 7K, aligns faster, has that built in +2 scram strength, lower signature, more cargo...

It is objectively better in every way.

I mean you're right. But to get that duration you're training up Mining Frigate. And the catalyst is more efficient by default. In fact only when you've completed level 4 of mining frigate are you now FINALLY on par with a catalyst yield for fleet ops. now your training for 10+ days. You've now FINALLY surpassed the catalyst in yield. By I think it's 3-6% like you said. and then we gotta upgrade this ship we want a better ship of course we wanna move forward. oh and by the way you gotta read my post.

you gotta read all of it. cause i dont really have too much beef with the venture but moving forward.

now we gotta get a better ship. oh the prospect. how long? 25+ days cool.
oh no yield upgrade. oh no high slot upgrade. im now gonna be flying a glorfied venture the same way id fly a venture for gas mining. 2 gas harvesters and a scanner. cause anchoring a mobile depot is a pain in the ass every time you want to scan. you can really feel this when you enter a wormhole with no gas sites. its ust plain annoying.

why do i even care it can fit a covert ops cloak? like you cant mine cloaked which is what youre gonna be doing most of the time presumably. you want it for scanning. when you thing thats scanning is taking up the spot where your cloak would be. so you take off a harvester no big deal. but its just huge pain in the ass. and its not a proper upgrade.

not to mention the ore yield. like wheres the ship in the game that ninja mines ore??? there isnt one, well it was supposed to be the prospect. but ina barge johns making 3-4x more mining veld next to concord. then bob is making mining rare ore in dangerous space. well you can expect there to be a trade off. but i mean like .... 3-4x??? like its useless for ore mining.

like just agree with me man the prospect needs a buff.
it needs yield buffs.
and it needs 1 more high slot.

why does the endurance do so well. cause the yield is like 75% ish that of a barge for ice mining. and it can fit a scanner and a cloak. which makes it easy to take into dangerous space. hm.

thats because the trade off seems reasonable. it does its job, and you hardly if at all lose isk doing it.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#28 - 2016-01-19 02:29:10 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Leonerd Dice wrote:

I mean you're right.

That's the first sane thing you've said.

But to get that duration you're training up Mining Frigate. And the catalyst is more efficient by default.

Training up mining frigate? Gosh, that would be awful. Roll


In fact only when you've completed level 4 of mining frigate are you now FINALLY on par with a catalyst yield for fleet ops. now your training for 10+ days. You've now FINALLY surpassed the catalyst in yield. By I think it's 3-6% like you said. and then we gotta upgrade this ship we want a better ship of course we wanna move forward. oh and by the way you gotta read my post.

you gotta read all of it. cause i dont really have too much beef with the venture but moving forward.

So you glossed right over the part where putting 5 GCH IIs on a catalyst puts it 57.3% over its CPU limit, I take it.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2016-01-19 02:30:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Leonerd Dice
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Leonerd Dice wrote:

I mean you're right.

That's the first sane thing you've said.

But to get that duration you're training up Mining Frigate. And the catalyst is more efficient by default.

Training up mining frigate? With mining

In fact only when you've completed level 4 of mining frigate are you now FINALLY on par with a catalyst yield for fleet ops. now your training for 10+ days. You've now FINALLY surpassed the catalyst in yield. By I think it's 3-6% like you said. and then we gotta upgrade this ship we want a better ship of course we wanna move forward. oh and by the way you gotta read my post.

you gotta read all of it. cause i dont really have too much beef with the venture but moving forward.

So you glossed right over the part where putting 5 GCH IIs on a catalyst puts it 57.3% over its CPU limit, I take it.[/quote]

dude believe me you can do i use have one and use one i called it a gas hog.
but we need to stop talking about the venture man. i already told you i dont really have a problem with the venture. but its damn close to being useless as your 3% says.

-your like talking about something your know youre right about. but it isnt even the point of the conversation. like please.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#30 - 2016-01-19 02:33:21 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Leonerd Dice wrote:

dude believe me you can do i use have one and use one i called it a gas hog.

Cool, show us the fit. You can do it with GCH Is, but now you're down to a sad little 1.67 m3 per second.

T2s? Doesn't look like it's happening without exotic co-processors (all of which cost more than a prospect hull by itself) or a CPU implant.

And, all the fitting modules required means the Venture still tanks more/does literally everything else better, too.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2016-01-19 02:37:04 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Leonerd Dice wrote:

dude believe me you can do i use have one and use one i called it a gas hog.

Cool, show us the fit. You can do it with GCH Is, but now you're down to a sad little 1.67 m3 per second.

T2s? Doesn't look like it's happening without exotic co-processors (all of which cost more than a prospect hull by itself) or a CPU implant.

please re read ive eidtted and co processors arent exotic. and the price tag barely even matter were not talking about billions or hundreds of millions were tlaking about 10's of millions if that.
Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2016-01-19 02:46:05 UTC
not to mention i know youre on a fitting site right now checking my stuff. 57.3% over the base cpu limit, you said? why dont you just link the fit while youre there. like... dont be an *sshole
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#33 - 2016-01-19 02:46:41 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Leonerd Dice wrote:

please re read ive eidtted and co processors arent exotic.

The kind you would need to make that fit work are. T2s won't cut it.

3 T2 co-pros and 2 overclock rigs and you're still more than 3% over. You would need a 4% implant, then, and that's close to 100m.

Or, you could use 3 "Dyad" co-pros and a 1% implant, that's closer to 50. Of course, this still means you will have less EHP/everything else than a venture.... but don't let that stop you from spending a lot on a horrible fit. Oh, hey, maybe one dyad, 2x T2s, and a 3% implant? Still 40 million.

A smarter person would use a Cormorant. Roll It's worse than a venture in every way, but at least it's easier to fit than a catalyst.

If you have a cheaper one, by all means, share it. Bear in mind that a Prospect hull is only about 17 million, though.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#34 - 2016-01-19 02:49:32 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Leonerd Dice wrote:
not to mention i know youre on a fitting site right now checking my stuff. 57.3% over the base cpu limit, you said? why dont you just link the fit while youre there. like... dont be an *sshole

Wait, I've got something for this.

Leonerd Dice wrote:

thank god for the players who dont use a calculator and just assume this ship is great for gas mining cause ... they really keep the game fresh.

Leonerd Dice wrote:

What numbers? NO WITH YOUR VIVID DETAIL ---YOU GIVE ME THE NUMBERS if im so wrong.

Leonerd Dice wrote:

Thanks Folks ... Don't post if you haven't crunched the numbers. "DER THE PROSPECT HAS A BIGGER ORE HOLD DEER. NEVER SCANNED FOR A WORMHOLE IN MY LIFE ... DER

I was lead to believe that you had already crunched the numbers, friend. I am disheartened to learn you have been remiss in this matter.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Laphroaig Inc.
#35 - 2016-01-19 03:07:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Mephiztopheleze
Leonerd Dice wrote:
less sig radius. um

You didn't watch the video I posted earlier, did you?

Or did you not understand what you were looking at?

Or do you not have even the faintest clue what a reduced Signature Radius does for you?

Take a minute to read Feyd's wonderful Daredevil Of Sexytimes article, wherein Harkonnen the Younger introduces us to miracle that is Sig Tanking.

The Prospect starts with a 40m Sig Radius, which will drop to 30m at Expedition Frigate V (no links, boosters or implants).

A 30m Sig radius?


To give you a comparison: Warrior II light drones have a 25m Sig Radius and when flying my drugged up (~ISK20m/hour for Strong X-Instinct), linked, billion ISK Halo pod Dramiel I manage a teensy 16m, which is as small as you can get without having a Ragnarok in fleet and in-system with you.

Seriously, that little bonus is far, far more powerful than you appear to give it credit for.

Leonerd Dice wrote:
why do i even care it can fit a covert ops cloak?

If you don't recognise the HUGE benefits of having that CovOps cloak, then the Prospect is definitely not the ship for you.

Leonerd Dice wrote:
why does the endurance do so well. cause the yield is like 75% ish that of a barge for ice mining. and it can fit a scanner and a cloak. which makes it easy to take into dangerous space. hm.

Note that the Endurance cannot fit a CovOps cloak, only a regular one for which it receives a few bonuses. It cannot warp while cloaked, light a Covert Cyno or take a Black Ops jump bridge, things the Prospect CAN do.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2016-01-19 03:14:07 UTC
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
Leonerd Dice wrote:
less sig radius. um

You didn't watch the video I posted earlier, did you?

Or did you not understand what you were looking at?

Or do you not have even the faintest clue what a reduced Signature Radius does for you?

Take a minute to read Feyd's wonderful Daredevil Of Sexytimes article, wherein Harkonnen the Younger introduces us to miracle that is Sig Tanking.

The Prospect starts with a 40m Sig Radius, which will drop to 30m at Expedition Frigate V (no links, boosters or implants).

A 30m Sig radius?


To give you a comparison: Warrior II light drones have a 25m Sig Radius and when flying my drugged up (~ISK20m/hour for Strong X-Instinct), linked, billion ISK Halo pod Dramiel I manage a teensy 16m, which is as small as you can get without having a Leviathan in fleet and in-system with you.

Seriously, that little bonus is far, far more powerful than you appear to give it credit for.

Leonerd Dice wrote:
why do i even care it can fit a covert ops cloak?

If you don't recognise the HUGE benefits of having that CovOps cloak, then the Prospect is definitely not the ship for you.

Leonerd Dice wrote:
why does the endurance do so well. cause the yield is like 75% ish that of a barge for ice mining. and it can fit a scanner and a cloak. which makes it easy to take into dangerous space. hm.

Note that the Endurance cannot fit a CovOps cloak, only a regular one for which it receives a few bonuses. It cannot warp while cloaked, light a Covert Cyno or take a Black Ops jump bridge, things the Prospect CAN do.

ya i watched it the prospect's new use comes in an unknown form. after training for 30-60 days to get into one and up all its role bonuses. i can now train for another 10-20 days for modules so that sleeper rats can shoot at me while i mine gas with no problem.

it means when i find a really good gas site i can get both clouds of gas even when the sleeper rats are shooting at me. this reduces scanning time. that's good.

ill admit its got that purpose. but no offense it's still not impressing me as a 25+ training time upgrade. especially for ore mining. and especially since you cant have a god damned cloak ont here with a god damned probe launcher at the same time. like what makes that so OP??

ps i recognise the benefits of a covert ops cloak. thats why i want one on there with a probe launcher at the same time.... i think were in agreeance here.

and i read the last thing about how a normal cloak is just such junk compared to the covert ops one. um ...
who cares .... you cant mine cloaked the only time you REALLY need to cloaked is when your attention is on scanning sites and youre just floating around in space which a normal cloak does pretty nicely. warping into a gas site cloaked lol. so what??
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#37 - 2016-01-19 03:20:57 UTC
Leonerd Dice wrote:

and i read the last thing about how a normal cloak is just such junk compared to the covert ops one. um ...
who cares .... you cant mine cloaked the only time you REALLY need to cloaked is when your attention is on scanning sites and youre just floating around in space which a normal cloak does pretty nicely. warping into a gas site cloaked lol. so what??

Anyone with the foresight to scout the system for potential threats and would like to do so without being seen?

At least for any system more than one D-scan range across. Do you even play this game?

They're also handy if you land in a bubble. No need to drop cloak after you slowboat out, just... warp away.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2016-01-19 03:21:34 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Leonerd Dice wrote:
not to mention i know youre on a fitting site right now checking my stuff. 57.3% over the base cpu limit, you said? why dont you just link the fit while youre there. like... dont be an *sshole

Wait, I've got something for this.

Leonerd Dice wrote:

thank god for the players who dont use a calculator and just assume this ship is great for gas mining cause ... they really keep the game fresh.

Leonerd Dice wrote:

What numbers? NO WITH YOUR VIVID DETAIL ---YOU GIVE ME THE NUMBERS if im so wrong.

Leonerd Dice wrote:

Thanks Folks ... Don't post if you haven't crunched the numbers. "DER THE PROSPECT HAS A BIGGER ORE HOLD DEER. NEVER SCANNED FOR A WORMHOLE IN MY LIFE ... DER

I was lead to believe that you had already crunched the numbers, friend. I am disheartened to learn you have been remiss in this matter.

nonon ive literally got a peice of paper here. i dont need a website to do it for me. for every 48 units of gas the venture brings in with MAXED OUT skills. the catalyst or something that can fit 5 modules brings in 45 units. i have to stress this is after lots of training because when a venture has mining frigate 4. for every 48 units of gas it brings in so does the catalyst or equivalent.

-AND PLEASE LET ME HIGHLIGHT. I'm more concerned with the fact that the Prospect isn't a proper upgrade. it's terrible.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#39 - 2016-01-19 03:23:57 UTC
Leonerd Dice wrote:

nonon ive literally got a peice of paper here. i dont need a website to do it for me.

Apparently you do, because left to your own devices, you've put 350 CPU worth of modules onto a ship with 222.5 CPU (at max skills).

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Leonerd Dice
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2016-01-19 03:28:01 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Leonerd Dice wrote:

nonon ive literally got a peice of paper here. i dont need a website to do it for me.

Apparently you do, because left to your own devices, you've put 350 CPU worth of modules onto a ship with 222.5 CPU (at max skills).

FOR F*CK SAKES MAN. I USE TO HAVE ONE. you're probably forgetting skill bonuses. not to mention you said it yourself. there are other ships out there like the NAGA that can fit 5 harvesters with no cpu issues.


***WHICH IS NOT THE POINT OF THE FORUM. A venture is fine for gas mining. its a tech 1 you hardly have to train to get the thing to gas mine in the first place. it's great. and it works fairly good too.