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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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#21 - 2016-01-05 08:27:15 UTC
What role do you envision frigates having with this change?

need I remind you that two different types of frigates (Assault Frigates and Interceptors) are solely designed around tackling?

If frigates arent supposed to tackle well then what ARE they supposed to do well? And if the answer is nothing, then why should they even exist?

In this game bigger doesnt equal better, and that's the way it should be.
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2016-01-05 11:03:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Tauren
FT Diomedes wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
So OP?

How many newbies in rifters should it take to tackle a carrier under your proposal?

All of them?

No, as i proposed a frigate should scramble a frigate, 2 frigates should scramble a cruiser and it will take 4 for a battleship or bigger ship.
As i proposed, electronic warfare fitted on frigates it is powerful enough in a fleet fight with a lot of important bonuses.
Also frigate pilots and interceptors, as i am one of them, are not obsolete in any way since the most warfare is frig v frig.
I also proposed that the potential lack of this amazingly uber super duper ability a frigate has to be replaced by more powerful weaponry like cruise missiles as it used to be.
Have you kids ever watched a damn SF? In any SF the small ships are dangerous because they have firepower. Not a stupid ability to hold on ANY damn ship in this game until his friends arrive.
This is the problem, people fight only when they blob. This is what this proposal is meant to counter.
Anyway, you are all hostile. Just like the game is. Everywhere you go anyone want't to shoot you because they can. No logic or involvement. Mindless shooting.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2016-01-05 11:40:36 UTC
Tauren wrote:
the most warfare is frig v frig.

Except that it isn't, and you're outright lying to try and get frigates nerfed into uselessness for some weird reason you've never actually explained...
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2016-01-05 12:22:12 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Tauren wrote:
the most warfare is frig v frig.

Except that it isn't, and you're outright lying to try and get frigates nerfed into uselessness for some weird reason you've never actually explained...

The weird reason is that if you fly a battleship and you get scrambled by a frigate there is not much you can do. Just wait untill the little prick gets his 50 corp mates to take you down. Drones? Even seen a Dramiel eating drones?
Tell me what do you do?
There was a dumbass who wrote ealier "fit warp core stabs".
Any other bright ideea?
Gadget Helmsdottir
Gadget's Workshop
#25 - 2016-01-05 13:07:47 UTC
Tauren wrote:

Any other bright ideea?


Real battleships had escorts for this very reason....


Work smarter, not harder. --Scrooge McDuck, an eminent old-Earth economist

Given an hour to save New Eden, how would respected scientist, Albertus Eisenstein compose his thoughts? "Fifty-five minutes to define the problem; save the galaxy in five."

Iain Cariaba
#26 - 2016-01-05 13:10:23 UTC
Tauren wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Tauren wrote:
the most warfare is frig v frig.

Except that it isn't, and you're outright lying to try and get frigates nerfed into uselessness for some weird reason you've never actually explained...

The weird reason is that if you fly a battleship and you get scrambled by a frigate there is not much you can do. Just wait untill the little prick gets his 50 corp mates to take you down. Drones? Even seen a Dramiel eating drones?
Tell me what do you do?
There was a dumbass who wrote ealier "fit warp core stabs".
Any other bright ideea?

Have tou tried getting 50 corp mates of your own to take him down, or even one? You do understand the concept of escorts, right? The great thing about battleships is their tank allows them time to wait for their escorts to arrive on grid, meaning they don't have to sit right on top of you.
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2016-01-05 13:21:31 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Tauren wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Tauren wrote:
the most warfare is frig v frig.

Except that it isn't, and you're outright lying to try and get frigates nerfed into uselessness for some weird reason you've never actually explained...

The weird reason is that if you fly a battleship and you get scrambled by a frigate there is not much you can do. Just wait untill the little prick gets his 50 corp mates to take you down. Drones? Even seen a Dramiel eating drones?
Tell me what do you do?
There was a dumbass who wrote ealier "fit warp core stabs".
Any other bright ideea?

Have tou tried getting 50 corp mates of your own to take him down, or even one? You do understand the concept of escorts, right? The great thing about battleships is their tank allows them time to wait for their escorts to arrive on grid, meaning they don't have to sit right on top of you.

My friend. This is not about fleet fighting nor corporations. It is about a simple paradox. A module that is overpowered. It does not matter what you fly. I've been scrambled in any kind of ship in the same way. And maybe my corp mates were far away or i dont even have at all. This means that i am doomed because i have no chance to get away except jump bridge in a capital?
Of course, as i previously said, if you encounter a fleet that's it, it wasn't your day. But encountering a t1 frigate that hold you up for 30 mins untill the blob comes it is not a matter of skill, intelligence, tactic or anything but an unbalanced module.
Khan Wrenth
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2016-01-05 14:29:49 UTC
Tauren wrote:
My friend. This is not about fleet fighting nor corporations. It is about a simple paradox. A module that is overpowered. It does not matter what you fly. I've been scrambled in any kind of ship in the same way. And maybe my corp mates were far away or i dont even have at all. This means that i am doomed because i have no chance to get away except jump bridge in a capital?
Of course, as i previously said, if you encounter a fleet that's it, it wasn't your day. But encountering a t1 frigate that hold you up for 30 mins untill the blob comes it is not a matter of skill, intelligence, tactic or anything but an unbalanced module.

In EvE, most frustration is borne from the same root cause. "You used the wrong tool for the job". "Tools", as a concept in EvE, can cover everything from skilling up the right skills, using different modules or ships, boosters or drugs, intel channels, corp members, alliances, diplomacy, psychological warfare, assorted other specialty chat channels, tactics (including but not limited to hotdrops, wardecs, or suicide ganks), killboards, etc.

The game is delicately balanced around the interaction of all these hundreds or thousands of different things. That includes the module in question. The module isn't overpowered. It didn't get you killed. It is one of the very, very few modules people have at their disposal to put you at risk. Conversely, you have hundreds of modules, tactics, etc, to keep you safe. Nothing in this game, either the mechanics that put you at risk nor the mechanics that keep you safe, are 100% reliable. It's up to you, your skillful use of them, and willingness to diversify what you do, that keeps you safe. Just as much as the odus is on the hunters to use the tools at their disposal to put you at risk. Whomever masters the game mechanics better, wins.

If you suffered a major loss, the odus is on you to figure out why and how to avoid it. In this thread, already dozens of people have come forward with helpful advice. But you have to start your line of thinking with "what did I do wrong?", instead of, "what is wrong with this game?". It's much easier that way; you'll learn a lot more and make fewer enemies along the way.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#29 - 2016-01-05 14:35:04 UTC  |  Edited by: FT Diomedes
If you are in a battleship and get tackled and it takes your opponents 30 minutes to get there and in that time you have not found a way to defeat one T1 Frigate, escape from him, or bring a single friend of your own to come kill him or chase him away, then you must really, really suck and you deserve to lose your ship. And if you do lose your ship, at worst it was a few dollars worth of virtual property. Not a bad price to pay for having fun and learning a lesson about this game we love.

By the way, there are plenty of people who go out roaming with Battleships, they just tend to know how, when, and where to use them. As Dirty Harry says, "A man's got to know his limitations." Sun Tzu put it more fully: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Cynosural Samurai
#30 - 2016-01-05 17:02:04 UTC
Hell i used to roll in spidertanked armageddons, i had so much fun in them...

If you cannot clear tackle and are some place where that is a thing you might realisitically need to do. You didnt deserve your fancy spaceboat to begin with since you are clearly not well versed with rule number 1
#31 - 2016-01-05 17:07:07 UTC
Proposal: Have an actually useful title for this thread that briefly describes what your actual proposal is. I mean, if you are posting on this subforum, I think everyone understands that you are posting a proposal.

Lowering the average to make you look better since 2012.

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#32 - 2016-01-05 18:55:10 UTC
Tauren wrote:

My friend. This is not about fleet fighting nor corporations. It is about a simple paradox. A module that is overpowered.

You seem to have confused, "Grrr, I don't like it!" and "overpowered". TOTALLY different concepts. Lol

It does not matter what you fly. I've been scrambled in any kind of ship in the same way. And maybe my corp mates were far away or i dont even have at all.

Sounds like a personal problem. It is not as if you simply could not have prepared for that eventuality.

Of course, as i previously said, if you encounter a fleet that's it, it wasn't your day. But encountering a t1 frigate that hold you up for 30 mins untill the blob comes it is not a matter of skill, intelligence, tactic or anything but an unbalanced module.

It's a matter of a LACK of skill, intelligence, tactics, and, most of all, planning on your part. You're flying a ship that has a specific vulnerability. You've identified that specific vulnerability. You've opted to completely ignore that specific vulnerability.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#33 - 2016-01-05 23:25:53 UTC
Tauren wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Tauren wrote:
the most warfare is frig v frig.

Except that it isn't, and you're outright lying to try and get frigates nerfed into uselessness for some weird reason you've never actually explained...

The weird reason is that if you fly a battleship and you get scrambled by a frigate there is not much you can do. Just wait untill the little prick gets his 50 corp mates to take you down. Drones? Even seen a Dramiel eating drones?
Tell me what do you do?
There was a dumbass who wrote ealier "fit warp core stabs".
Any other bright ideea?

Drones, smartbombs, heavy neuts, webs/paints/missiles, HAVING SUPPORT...

If there are fifty of them and you are solo, why should you expect to win automatically?

Hell, if there are five of them and you are solo, why should you expect to win automatically?
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2016-01-05 23:49:25 UTC
Obviously, except the flaming and bad words you have no argument.
This thread is closed.
Iain Cariaba
#35 - 2016-01-06 00:03:19 UTC
Tauren wrote:
Obviously, except the flaming and bad words you have no argument.
This thread is closed.

Your "I'm bad at EvE, so change the game so I'm not" argument is better?
This thread should've been closed after your OP.
Darth Squeemus
#36 - 2016-01-06 00:16:41 UTC
Tauren wrote:
If this was already debated i apologize.

If you had used the search function, you would have found that this idea has been discussed. Many times. It seems to pop up frequently, manifesting in slightly different forms but ultimately boiling down to the same general idea: cripple (not just nerf) point mods.

So, what about if warp scramblers and disruptors would work like target jammers? And the ships would have a certain warp strength that can be countered with more modules of the same size or higher class modules that have more inherent power?

You wouldn't happen to be talking about stacking point mods and stacking warp core stabilizers would you?

What do you think about changing the warp point interdiction into class modules like weapons? It could look like this:
Small disruptor/crambler could 1/1 interdict frigates and destroiers, 1/2 interdict cruiser class (so you need 2 modules or 2 ships with 1 module fitted) and 1/4 interdict battleships.
Medium disruptor/scrambler could 1/1 interdict frigs/destro, 1/1 interdict cruiser class and 1/2 interdict battleships.
Large disruptor/scrambler could 1/1 interdict all lower size classes and the same class.

Provide a reason why this feature is necessary and how it will help improve game play for players on both sides of any given battle where this feature would be relevant.

Because, personally i do not think it is ok that a frigate can hold on a battleship with a small module. Or at least not with a single one.

Ok, provide ANOTHER reason. Because there is only one word to describe the reason you've given, and that word is "****".

What do you think?

I think you're lying about playing Eve since 2003. I don't give a damn if your character sheet says otherwise.
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