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EVE General Discussion

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What happens to Eve.....

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#121 - 2012-01-09 09:55:10 UTC
Skydell wrote:

Red Herrings like the Bigger tyrant before me usually indicate the unwillingness to admit you are wrong.

Can I get a translation?

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Bad Girl Posse
#122 - 2012-01-09 10:04:46 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Skydell wrote:

Red Herrings like the Bigger tyrant before me usually indicate the unwillingness to admit you are wrong.

Can I get a translation?

Ask your CEO, I don't get paid to tell you what to think.
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#123 - 2012-01-09 10:06:59 UTC
Skydell wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Skydell wrote:

Red Herrings like the Bigger tyrant before me usually indicate the unwillingness to admit you are wrong.

Can I get a translation?

Ask your CEO, I don't get paid to tell you what to think.

He wouldn't be able to make sense of it either. What are you trying to say? That if you asked CFC members who used to be NC pets who they liked better they would lie because they are afraid of Mittens? Because if that's what you are saying it's p funny.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Jafit McJafitson
Amarr Empire
#124 - 2012-01-09 10:24:07 UTC
Elessa Enaka wrote:
Mar Drakar wrote:
The fact is that EVE endgame is all about meta-game and winning it, nowadays the war is won on jabber, broadcasts, spying, forums etc, and to be competitive a force, a coalition needs an immense infrastructure that is capable to withstand DDoS, hacking attempts and be as 1984-ish as possible to catch, bait and burn opposing spies. In the end it boils down to actually creating a resilient enterprise out of volunteers with actual professional skills at IT, management, HR and others.
End game has evolved that much, that toppling current status quo will need a matching oponent, and well... when starting a new alliance - how many of you would think : OK... amazon-cloud-based mumble, cloud based forums, content distribution network ... hell most of ppl have no idea what it is, if even that they need it.

^^precisely the reason why CCP needs to flush every asset held by anyone in 0.0, leave nothing aside from NPC stations and then reset all Sov back to Unclaimed....

It's amazing that you think that an in-game reset would destroy an alliance with a strong out-game community and metagame infrastructure.
Keep It Simple Software Group
#125 - 2012-01-09 10:28:10 UTC
*cough*Roman Empire*cough*

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Bad Girl Posse
#126 - 2012-01-09 10:47:13 UTC
Mar Drakar wrote:
The fact is that EVE endgame is all about meta-game and winning it, nowadays the war is won on jabber, broadcasts, spying, forums etc, and to be competitive a force, a coalition needs an immense infrastructure that is capable to withstand DDoS, hacking attempts and be as 1984-ish as possible to catch, bait and burn opposing spies. In the end it boils down to actually creating a resilient enterprise out of volunteers with actual professional skills at IT, management, HR and others.
End game has evolved that much, that toppling current status quo will need a matching oponent, and well... when starting a new alliance - how many of you would think : OK... amazon-cloud-based mumble, cloud based forums, content distribution network ... hell most of ppl have no idea what it is, if even that they need it.

EVE is a job. If you don't have an RMT investment, it is simply too much work to be fun in any way. It has always been like this. The current EVE is only different in, now that the lines are drawn and the winners of EVE have pretty much been written in stone, now all they can do is trade space with thier alts to give EVE an appearance of dynamic.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#127 - 2012-01-09 10:59:46 UTC
Skydell wrote:

EVE is a job. If you don't have an RMT investment, it is simply too much work to be fun in any way. It has always been like this. The current EVE is only different in, now that the lines are drawn and the winners of EVE have pretty much been written in stone, now all they can do is trade space with thier alts to give EVE an appearance of dynamic.

Bad Girl Posse
#128 - 2012-01-09 11:05:32 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Skydell wrote:

EVE is a job. If you don't have an RMT investment, it is simply too much work to be fun in any way. It has always been like this. The current EVE is only different in, now that the lines are drawn and the winners of EVE have pretty much been written in stone, now all they can do is trade space with thier alts to give EVE an appearance of dynamic.


You would be the second person to imply you didn't understand what I said. If that's genuine, you will need to read the thread I replied to and quotes. Read my response and put some thought in to it. If you have an historic understanding of EVE and null sec politics it will make sense. if you don't, the train came, went and has been decommissioned. It isn't something you need to worry about.
Jafit McJafitson
Amarr Empire
#129 - 2012-01-09 11:13:48 UTC
Wacktopia wrote:
*cough*Roman Empire*cough*

Congratulations. Although the competition was very tough, you have said the dumbest thing in this thread so far.

Skydell wrote:
The current EVE is only different in, now that the lines are drawn and the winners of EVE have pretty much been written in stone, now all they can do is trade space with thier alts to give EVE an appearance of dynamic.

Ah, a challenger appears.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#130 - 2012-01-09 11:14:11 UTC
Skydell wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Skydell wrote:

EVE is a job. If you don't have an RMT investment, it is simply too much work to be fun in any way. It has always been like this. The current EVE is only different in, now that the lines are drawn and the winners of EVE have pretty much been written in stone, now all they can do is trade space with thier alts to give EVE an appearance of dynamic.


You would be the second person to imply you didn't understand what I said. If that's genuine, you will need to read the thread I replied to and quotes. Read my response and put some thought in to it. If you have an historic understanding of EVE and null sec politics it will make sense. if you don't, the train came, went and has been decommissioned. It isn't something you need to worry about.

Having lived in venal for most of the past 5 years and having had access to to every power blocks internal communications over those years I can safely say you dont know squat about what goes on in 0.0 politics.
Bad Girl Posse
#131 - 2012-01-09 11:35:21 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Skydell wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Skydell wrote:

EVE is a job. If you don't have an RMT investment, it is simply too much work to be fun in any way. It has always been like this. The current EVE is only different in, now that the lines are drawn and the winners of EVE have pretty much been written in stone, now all they can do is trade space with thier alts to give EVE an appearance of dynamic.


You would be the second person to imply you didn't understand what I said. If that's genuine, you will need to read the thread I replied to and quotes. Read my response and put some thought in to it. If you have an historic understanding of EVE and null sec politics it will make sense. if you don't, the train came, went and has been decommissioned. It isn't something you need to worry about.

Having lived in venal for most of the past 5 years and having had access to to every power blocks internal communications over those years I can safely say you dont know squat about what goes on in 0.0 politics.

Meaning I know things you don't want others to know has been my experience.
Null has been controlled by the same people for 8 years. That's no mystery or great secret in EVE.
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#132 - 2012-01-09 11:36:23 UTC
Skydell wrote:
Mar Drakar wrote:
The fact is that EVE endgame is all about meta-game and winning it, nowadays the war is won on jabber, broadcasts, spying, forums etc, and to be competitive a force, a coalition needs an immense infrastructure that is capable to withstand DDoS, hacking attempts and be as 1984-ish as possible to catch, bait and burn opposing spies. In the end it boils down to actually creating a resilient enterprise out of volunteers with actual professional skills at IT, management, HR and others.
End game has evolved that much, that toppling current status quo will need a matching oponent, and well... when starting a new alliance - how many of you would think : OK... amazon-cloud-based mumble, cloud based forums, content distribution network ... hell most of ppl have no idea what it is, if even that they need it.

EVE is a job. If you don't have an RMT investment, it is simply too much work to be fun in any way. It has always been like this. The current EVE is only different in, now that the lines are drawn and the winners of EVE have pretty much been written in stone, now all they can do is trade space with thier alts to give EVE an appearance of dynamic.

Dammit, yet another highsec player has realized all characters in 0.0 are actually just alts of the Mittani.

BTW, this seems like the place to sell my tinfoil bridge. Any bids?

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Bad Girl Posse
#133 - 2012-01-09 11:54:00 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
Skydell wrote:
Mar Drakar wrote:
The fact is that EVE endgame is all about meta-game and winning it, nowadays the war is won on jabber, broadcasts, spying, forums etc, and to be competitive a force, a coalition needs an immense infrastructure that is capable to withstand DDoS, hacking attempts and be as 1984-ish as possible to catch, bait and burn opposing spies. In the end it boils down to actually creating a resilient enterprise out of volunteers with actual professional skills at IT, management, HR and others.
End game has evolved that much, that toppling current status quo will need a matching oponent, and well... when starting a new alliance - how many of you would think : OK... amazon-cloud-based mumble, cloud based forums, content distribution network ... hell most of ppl have no idea what it is, if even that they need it.

EVE is a job. If you don't have an RMT investment, it is simply too much work to be fun in any way. It has always been like this. The current EVE is only different in, now that the lines are drawn and the winners of EVE have pretty much been written in stone, now all they can do is trade space with thier alts to give EVE an appearance of dynamic.

Dammit, yet another highsec player has realized all characters in 0.0 are actually just alts of the Mittani.

BTW, this seems like the place to sell my tinfoil bridge. Any bids?

Sarcasm and polarity might help you to win the foums but people can figure out on thier own ingame who is closer to the truth.

The Caldari girl who brings out views and information
Or the league of trolls who make it thier mission to try and incite and provoke with obvious flames.

Oh, no you can't has my stuffs (that would include intell)
Jafit McJafitson
Amarr Empire
#134 - 2012-01-09 12:21:54 UTC
Skydell wrote:
Meaning I know things you don't want others to know has been my experience.
Null has been controlled by the same people for 8 years. That's no mystery or great secret in EVE.

Sir Molle plays SW:TOR now you know.
Bad Girl Posse
#135 - 2012-01-09 12:30:44 UTC
Jafit McJafitson wrote:
Skydell wrote:
Meaning I know things you don't want others to know has been my experience.
Null has been controlled by the same people for 8 years. That's no mystery or great secret in EVE.

Sir Molle plays SW:TOR now you know.

In your enthusiasm to win the forum and prove me wrong, you seem to havbe missed most of the converstation.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#136 - 2012-01-09 12:36:07 UTC
Hey I'm a newbie and the 0.0 "end game" is sometimes fun, I've never met Mittani before and he's never told me what to think but I do listen to that guy who sounds like seinfeld while I fly cruisers and stuff. bark bark

well, bye
Prince Kobol
#137 - 2012-01-09 12:39:02 UTC
My view is so what?

Lets just say for argument sakes that the CFC do take over all of null, then what?

Lets put aside the accusations of RMT for a moment as so far I have yet to see any proof of anybody involved in RMT.

(Just to clarify I am sure people / alliances do RMT but as I have no proof I mainly keep that opinion to myself)

What do they do then?

How many people in the CFC would stay and play Eve if there is nothing for them to do, nobody left to fight.

Also it will never happen simply because at some point somebody will sense an opportunity to turn against everyone else to take space for there own.

Now I admit I know very little about 0.0 politics and truth be told I don't care, but people will always be people.

Those people that I know who live in null and have done so for a long time tell me that the only reason TEST still exist is simply because they are blue to the goons and without the goons they would be annihilated.

Maybe this is true, maybe it isn't, but people being people at some point I wouldn't be surprised if who ever is in charge of TEST gets fed up off being accused of being nothing more then pets and cannon fodder of the goons and goes for it using there friendship with PL to their advantage to prove a point.

Maybe this can be said of any other alliance of the CFC. Maybe its all crap, who knows but at some point somebody will decide to take advantage of a given situation, switch sides and take space for their own because that is what people do.

That is Eve Big smile

Hell maybe their is a faction with the goons who hate the idea of being blue to so many different corps/alliances and the accusations that they have become what they swore to destroy, the next BoB.

So personally I am not worried in the slightest that any coalition will control all of null sec because people being people will at some point turn against those they call friends to gain an advantage.

Bad Girl Posse
#138 - 2012-01-09 13:12:22 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
My view is so what?

Lets just say for argument sakes that the CFC do take over all of null, then what?

Lets put aside the accusations of RMT for a moment as so far I have yet to see any proof of anybody involved in RMT.

(Just to clarify I am sure people / alliances do RMT but as I have no proof I mainly keep that opinion to myself)

What do they do then?

How many people in the CFC would stay and play Eve if there is nothing for them to do, nobody left to fight.

Also it will never happen simply because at some point somebody will sense an opportunity to turn against everyone else to take space for there own.

Now I admit I know very little about 0.0 politics and truth be told I don't care, but people will always be people.

Those people that I know who live in null and have done so for a long time tell me that the only reason TEST still exist is simply because they are blue to the goons and without the goons they would be annihilated.

Maybe this is true, maybe it isn't, but people being people at some point I wouldn't be surprised if who ever is in charge of TEST gets fed up off being accused of being nothing more then pets and cannon fodder of the goons and goes for it using there friendship with PL to their advantage to prove a point.

Maybe this can be said of any other alliance of the CFC. Maybe its all crap, who knows but at some point somebody will decide to take advantage of a given situation, switch sides and take space for their own because that is what people do.

That is Eve Big smile

Hell maybe their is a faction with the goons who hate the idea of being blue to so many different corps/alliances and the accusations that they have become what they swore to destroy, the next BoB.

So personally I am not worried in the slightest that any coalition will control all of null sec because people being people will at some point turn against those they call friends to gain an advantage.

In principle I agree with everything you said.

Back to what the OP asked (the only reason I hit reply) EVE would look like it's counterpart in China. Alot less people, mostly macro and scripted spam.

EVE is a game of blobs. Blobs win. Most of the people in EVE willing to be a part of the blob are spoken for. They will remain in power untill EVE does what all MO's do. Die.
#139 - 2012-01-09 13:26:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Signal11th
humm so basically people are complaining that some players in Eve are better at organization than others and want CCP to sort that out?

CCP make these people less organized right now!!

Yep ok I'll read something else now I've fixed this one.

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Elessa Enaka
#140 - 2012-01-09 13:27:18 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Elessa Enaka wrote:
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Elessa Enaka wrote:
Mar Drakar wrote:
The fact is that EVE endgame is all about meta-game and winning it, nowadays the war is won on jabber, broadcasts, spying, forums etc, and to be competitive a force, a coalition needs an immense infrastructure that is capable to withstand DDoS, hacking attempts and be as 1984-ish as possible to catch, bait and burn opposing spies. In the end it boils down to actually creating a resilient enterprise out of volunteers with actual professional skills at IT, management, HR and others.
End game has evolved that much, that toppling current status quo will need a matching oponent, and well... when starting a new alliance - how many of you would think : OK... amazon-cloud-based mumble, cloud based forums, content distribution network ... hell most of ppl have no idea what it is, if even that they need it.

^^precisely the reason why CCP needs to flush every asset held by anyone in 0.0, leave nothing aside from NPC stations and then reset all Sov back to Unclaimed....

Do you mean: Reset and then have a gold rush to reclaim? or: Reset and no longer have sov as we know it?

Reset and gold rush

The alliances with the best out of game resources would stomp everyone else.

Ok, so maybe the gold rush should be coupled with a reworking of Sov as we know it.

Give some form of in-game reasoning like whatever it was that killed everything in 0.0 (cause when I said that I meant, nuke everything out there, outposts, POSes, Supers just floating in space and have everyone that was in a 0.0 system when it happened be in the system that was their "n00b" system the next time they logged on) also killed all of the gates and only left the NPC stations because of some dark nefarious reason that we don't entirely understand.

Remap 0.0 as well, systems that were once neighboring systems could now have 56 jumps in between them. Reclassifiy 0.0 as "shallow WH" space that functions in a similar fashion to the way that null does currently and have what is currently WH space be classified as "Deep WH" (Even go ahead and make new moon goos there that might one day become useful but aren't currently since they are totally alien elements)

If 0.0 were to be redone in this way, I think it could be a much fairer gold rush. if the WH's that led to systems died and switched the way that typical WH's do currently, it would prevent the accumulation of large swathes of space by controlling a few chokepoints and then expanding deeper once you've consolidated the chokes. Leave it on the players to actually construct their own gate pairs in a fashion similar to outpost creation, let the colonists determine how the map of null looks permanently (by permanently, I mean gate travel, not Sov)

I think that would be some fun **** that wouldn't get immediately retaken by the current power-blocs.

Devour to survive, so it is, so it's always been Eve is a great game if you can get past all of the asshats....