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Charge ISK for out-of-game services?

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-12-30 20:18:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Droidster
Is it ok by the EVE EULA/TOS to charge ISK for out of game services, like price commodity information or convenience tools on a private web site or other strategic information on a private web site?

For example, would it be permissible by CCP for to charge ISK for the use of their "Trade Finder" tool?

[any official response would be appreciated]
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#2 - 2015-12-30 22:26:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
The only official word we have is in this thread: (

This has been extended to include website hosting and voice chat services. Please note that scamming for out of game services is not allowed; for more information see this post by GM Lelouch.

I'm sure if you look really hard you can find other posts on the matter by CCP devs.

I think as long as you're charging ISK for a service that is related to EVE then you're okay, there are several that do this. You're definitely not allowed to charge IRL $ for access to an EVE service, app or video. Also it seems you're not allowed to charge ISK for a service that has nothing to EVE, as seen in this recent thread: ( Though that one was also advertising a real life business.

Honestly though, your best bet is to file a support ticket with CCP with a lot more details on what you want to do and ask whether it's okay as that's the best way to get an official response.
Buzz Orti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-12-31 03:39:49 UTC
It was a meant to empower 3rd party services of EVE Online websites to help control their costs with higher end EVE Online related info services.

Certain entities accept donation on Twitch and I inquired to find that they had an association with CCP.
CCP also does stream there.

As for EVE-Central, they already do charge for certain log in services such as perhaps the "Trade Finder" tool.
(I didn't verify yet. Good point, that could be updated in a valid Market related post.
I also have a website on a webhost with domain names, but I don't plan on using it for EVE Online yet.)

Builds ship in empty Quafe bottle.

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#4 - 2015-12-31 14:56:17 UTC
Pretty sure you are free to charge isk for whatever service you like, its only if you convert it to real money that you get in trouble..

The best way to stay "safe" is to send a description of what you are doing to CCP, and make sure you disclose everything about your operation.

The community devs and the security devs would be the ones to inform and get to sign of on what your doing..

Buzz Orti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2015-12-31 15:12:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Buzz Orti
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
Pretty sure you are free to charge isk for whatever service you like, its only if you convert it to real money that you get in trouble..

The best way to stay "safe" is to send a description of what you are doing to CCP, and make sure you disclose everything about your operation.

The community devs and the security devs would be the ones to inform and get to sign of on what your doing..

Don't get me wrong, there is more than one way to do this illegally.
Just that if you get a confirmed agreement with CCP before and can prove that it is maintained as agreed to (it's too easy to change processes midway), then, it may be a valid activity.

For instance, let's say I offer hypothetical market info for an agreed price in ISK.
Even if no-one ever pays me for it, which helps reduce the bandwidth of data pull, I could still do it.
Of course, I could do it for free with a proper password and username security routine or other security subprogram applied in the proper phase of the program design and flow.
I could also charge for the said security, in ISK, or as appropriate.

Here lies the problem condition, to charge or get money against CCP intellectual property rights, to which they own 100% of, not 99%.
In other words, to deny them of their rightfully earned rights, which they have the right to protect.
Even to try to do that is illegal, as in an illegal attempt to.
It is also illegal to try to circumvent security measures (IT security measures implemented electronically).

Can it be viewed as electronic warfare?
I wouldn't bet what you don't have on it.

To try to gain from programs to marginalize others is as legal as it sounds.
It is also illegal to lie in court that it is legal, even when it does happen, and it does happen, and you know when.

Builds ship in empty Quafe bottle.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2016-01-01 19:12:46 UTC
After some additional webbing around I found a fairly official answer to this question which I will post for the benefit of anyone coming later looking for an answer to the question.

Developer Resources FAQ it says, quote (with some reformatting):

1. Can I charge people real life money for my application?

Answer: No.

2. Can I charge people ISK (the in-game currency) for access to my application?

Answer: Yes

3. Can I generate revenue via ads in my application?

Answer: Yes, however you must follow CCP’s guidelines for monetization of videos

4. Am I allowed to collect donations from users of my application?

Answer: Yes, as long as they are purely voluntary. “Donations” may not be mandatory, and you cannot require a donation to unlock premium access or special items.

5. What are the different URLs for Sisi and TQ?

Answer: You can find a quick reference to these in the references section of the documentation.

Buzz Orti
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2016-01-14 05:00:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Buzz Orti
it could be a bit different (a bit of reformatting) but

you are not allowed to make money against ccp intellectual property rights
while using their intellectual property
to generate money
and compete against them without letting them have the fair share of their work

you should consult with ccp before doing anything risky with their rights because
if technical problems were to occur on top of financial or legal problems
it may cost more to repair
and they could hold the party doing that or trying to do that liable
and they develop systems and methods to protect their interest against this
and find ways and prepare to track those activities

if you charge $5 for logging in to your site to charge for a service
such as the forum
or eve-marketdata or who knows which site, twitch included
you may need better logistic to prove the procedures than simple arguments about rights since
those charges could have to be justified to cover costs and not go over those costs

and i am sure there are plenty of reasons or grounds not covered in the EULA
there are some listed in the 3rdparty license which allows a better a understanding of the reasons
however, they can change it without notice

Builds ship in empty Quafe bottle.