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Gaming hardware recommendations

Researcher Anabiosis
#1 - 2012-01-08 18:00:54 UTC
I'm playing a hotkey-heavy game for the first time in ages I have been wondering about upgrading my mouse to a gaming mouse. I have a Logitech G510 keyboard and love the macro functionality but have been looking at the Razer Gaming mice (specifically the MMOG mouse), but I have also been wondering about getting another Nostromo Gaming Pad (I had one of these a few years ago but before I ever really used it, quite literally, a dog ate it) but figured I'd see if anyone here had any experience with anything like this?

The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#2 - 2012-01-08 18:48:02 UTC  |  Edited by: NeoShocker
I am using a Razor Naga for almost a year now. It replaced my good ol' MX 510 mouse (if it didn't malfuction on that click, I would still be using it even now).

Now, Razor Naga is a really nice and powerful mouse. It did help me play my games better, especially Eve. At first, I assume this mouse have its own unique keys, but I was wrong. It uses the number keys above the letters OR/AND the number pad (right side of keyboard) because there is a switch on the button of the mouse to use any of those two. In addition, you can assign the macro keys to each of the button as you like. It can record how long you press it and number of combination for a single button. I did not really use this feature, so I can't tell you much about it.

There is also a feature called profiles and you can select profiles to meet your specific needs on each game. Plus, it can automatically load said profile as soon as you launch your game!

It is a bit of a learning curve, but that is nothing compared to Eve-O. And if you're a gamer and you don't have this mouse? You're doing yourself a disservice and not much of a gamer! :)
prwar desu
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-01-09 06:50:26 UTC
I highly recommend a Logitech MX518 mouse, and the G110 Logitech keyboard.
The G110 can support "hotkey heavy" games very well with the extra 12 keys to the left of the TAB. Spacious keyboard that doesn't seem bundled and has worked wonders with games such as Starcraft II, Dota, and WoW. You'll be ontop of your game with this mouse and keyboard, reasonably cheap too.