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Docked starships need a remake

Shalimar Yanumano
ISK Ventures
#1 - 2015-12-14 15:45:46 UTC
I have been playing for slightly more than a year now. I spend maybe 20 to 25% of my time looking at the dreary and bland ships in the docking station -- buying, selling, planning my next move, etc..... The graphics haven't changed in all the time I have been playing, but wouldn't it be more aesthetically pleasing to see a more robust model of the ship in an active space port?

I would like to see men scurrying around on the outside of my ship, making repairs. I want to see robotic and mechanoid transports working to offload and reload my ship with goods and weapons. I want to see more interaction between the various ports.

Just like the PI stuff, the current stations are static and all look alike (for each of the factions). Can we get more diversity of graphics, based perhaps on the moon or planetary types?

Exotic Dancers Union
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#2 - 2015-12-14 17:30:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Mornak
Shalimar Yanumano wrote:
I have been playing for slightly more than a year now. I spend maybe 20 to 25% of my time looking at the dreary and bland ships in the docking station -- buying, selling, planning my next move, etc..... The graphics haven't changed in all the time I have been playing, but wouldn't it be more aesthetically pleasing to see a more robust model of the ship in an active space port?

I would like to see men scurrying around on the outside of my ship, making repairs. I want to see robotic and mechanoid transports working to offload and reload my ship with goods and weapons. I want to see more interaction between the various ports.

Just like the PI stuff, the current stations are static and all look alike (for each of the factions). Can we get more diversity of graphics, based perhaps on the moon or planetary types?

Sure, I'd love that too!

The problem is limited Dev time. As long as there is important stuff to do that influences the game itself, you know like citadels and stuff, I'd rather have them work on that first and do the eye-candy later.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#3 - 2015-12-14 17:43:27 UTC  |  Edited by: FT Diomedes
My understanding is that the ship hanger is going away and will be replaced with a new view.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#4 - 2015-12-14 18:09:08 UTC
CCP's already been down this road of doing stuff related to in station activities before. No one's very anxious, likely including CCP, to see a repeat.

And, besides, maybe you should take a look at what half the ships in the game looked like up until the last few years -- night and day difference in many cases. Most of them didn't have crap for detail before the art team went nuts on ship remodels. Sure, they all could be much better, but flip side of the coin is they weren't always this good looking for many of them either.

Btw, off subject a little, but did anyone hear if CCP gave any hints whether the Chimera is still up for visual overhaul, or is that being temp shelved in lieu of carrier roles being repatriated soonish?


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#5 - 2015-12-14 18:30:59 UTC

I've been saying for years that the docked environment / visual is very lacking in both realism and anything interesting.

I know graphics don't matter in EVE and the whole "game" is played in the numbers and data, but maybe that's why it doesn't appeal to a lot of people who try it. Maybe that's why new players don't stick with the game? Because it's not visually immersive.

To quote myself, for the thousandth time, "Fix the visual scale of EVE ships::stations ratio." (Maybe happening with Citadels, doesn't looke like it though).

What do I mean by that? When you undock your Megathron from the station you're in, how many Megathrons does it look like that station can physically fit inside it, from the outside? 1? maybe 2?

Unbelievable that we've had almost 15 years of glaring outdated stuff (graphics/gameplay) and yet we get the Svipul instead of bigger stations.

There's my rant for this month.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#6 - 2015-12-14 18:38:28 UTC
You do know if you have an active station hanger, you see the actual ship as it will appear in space right. So all those recent visual updates apply to the station also.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#7 - 2015-12-14 21:37:03 UTC
Shalimar Yanumano wrote:
I have been playing for slightly more than a year now. I spend maybe 20 to 25% of my time looking at the dreary and bland ships in the docking station -- buying, selling, planning my next move, etc..... The graphics haven't changed in all the time I have been playing, but wouldn't it be more aesthetically pleasing to see a more robust model of the ship in an active space port?

I would like to see men scurrying around on the outside of my ship, making repairs. I want to see robotic and mechanoid transports working to offload and reload my ship with goods and weapons. I want to see more interaction between the various ports.

Just like the PI stuff, the current stations are static and all look alike (for each of the factions). Can we get more diversity of graphics, based perhaps on the moon or planetary types?

considering the devs have already stated they are looking into things like this i;m just going to assume its on the back burner as there are more important things for the different teams to be doing atm