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Lv4s 100-150mil/h+: Breakdown

First post
Anize Oramara
#301 - 2015-12-01 08:47:28 UTC
We've already seen what happens when null income is the best, most consistent and easily farmable in the game; giant blue rental empires and rampant RMTing. Currently it's only a mild problem because the content can still be farmed with multiboxing but any buffs to nullsec (as have started creeping into the nullies posts) will worsen it again. Jenn's entire argument depends on multiboxing not existing. Multiboxing 3 alts in null will net you more isk but that's apparently 'not fair'. It's fair that you can make double the isk with 3 alts in null than people can running the content normally with 3 alts in HS. It's fair that you can just add more alts and make double the isk I will ever be able to make in HS. But people are lazy and risk averse in null and suddenly it's unfair what hisec is able to do.

The only metric that matters is how much isk a player(not character) can make because that will dictate the level of abuse possible for that content. So why is it every time I bring multiboxing up it's immediately dismissed or ignored?

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#302 - 2015-12-01 16:17:37 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:

Baltec wants to remove faction missions from hi-sec to low-sec without another form of compensation for producing that level of income in hi-sec.

Never said that. I said move the faction LP rewards to lowsec with faction ammo and capboosters staying in highsec. I also said CCP should move meta loot drops away from NPC wrecks and into the highsec LP shops. I never said remove the missions themselves. This the problem with you highsec bears, you don't read anything, you just scream we are out to get you and only you.

Daniela Doran wrote:

Lack of foresight in full display here. Most players play in hi-sec today because they are relatively new to the experience of Eve and are not ready to take on the challenge of low sec or players who prefer casual gameplay due to lack of dedicated time.

We aren't talking about these people we are talking about people like me who know the mechanics inside and out. The average low skilled highsec player wont even see any change.

Daniela Doran wrote:

The only activity there is to do in hi-sec is mostly PVE, BUT do you think even this activity would be conducted if all you could make was a lousy 30 mill an hour? Hi-Sec players doing lev 4 missions should be capable of making 50-80 mill an hour per char. Anything less than this then it would start to feel like a 2nd part time job that doesn't pay enough.

That right there is what should be happening. You SHOULD be looking at your income and saying I want what that guy in lowsec or null is earning. This is how you incentivise people to get out there.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#303 - 2015-12-01 16:22:42 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Estella Osoka wrote:

Then un-blue some people.

Then we have a smaller powerblock with the same lack of anoms. Anoms are very poor at their job because they are finite, they cant adapt to growing populations like missions can. Everyone in null has this problem.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#304 - 2015-12-01 16:26:35 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Like I said way back at the start of this thread, null sucks and you're blaming it on HS instead of taking your leaderships to task on why null sucks.

What exactly can they do? Its game mechanics that are the problem here and they have no control over that.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#305 - 2015-12-01 16:31:09 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
We've already seen what happens when null income is the best, most consistent and easily farmable in the game; giant blue rental empires and rampant RMTing. Currently it's only a mild problem because the content can still be farmed with multiboxing but any buffs to nullsec (as have started creeping into the nullies posts) will worsen it again. Jenn's entire argument depends on multiboxing not existing. Multiboxing 3 alts in null will net you more isk but that's apparently 'not fair'. It's fair that you can make double the isk with 3 alts in null than people can running the content normally with 3 alts in HS. It's fair that you can just add more alts and make double the isk I will ever be able to make in HS. But people are lazy and risk averse in null and suddenly it's unfair what hisec is able to do.

The only metric that matters is how much isk a player(not character) can make because that will dictate the level of abuse possible for that content. So why is it every time I bring multiboxing up it's immediately dismissed or ignored?

Because you can multibox incursions in highsec and make a staggering sum of isk that dwarfs any other pve activity.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#306 - 2015-12-01 17:10:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Anize Oramara wrote:
We've already seen what happens when null income is the best, most consistent and easily farmable in the game; giant blue rental empires and rampant RMTing. Currently it's only a mild problem because the content can still be farmed with multiboxing but any buffs to nullsec (as have started creeping into the nullies posts) will worsen it again. Jenn's entire argument depends on multiboxing not existing. Multiboxing 3 alts in null will net you more isk but that's apparently 'not fair'. It's fair that you can make double the isk with 3 alts in null than people can running the content normally with 3 alts in HS. It's fair that you can just add more alts and make double the isk I will ever be able to make in HS. But people are lazy and risk averse in null and suddenly it's unfair what hisec is able to do.

The only metric that matters is how much isk a player(not character) can make because that will dictate the level of abuse possible for that content. So why is it every time I bring multiboxing up it's immediately dismissed or ignored?

There's that dishonesty again, as if I said the words 'not fair'.

There is, in the above post, a great bit of ignorance. To wit:
We've already seen what happens when null income is the best, most consistent and easily farmable in the game; giant blue rental empires and rampant RMTing.

The "blue donut" problem formed AFTER 2009 ie after null sec was no longer the best place to make personal wealth. This is why, CCP did previously buff null by making anomalies persistent, but 90% of null anomalies suck and paid less than level 4 missions. But then CCP nerfed the anomalies system by tieing what spawned to system sec. Instead of turning null into something worth fighting for, it turned null into a RENTAL DESERT only worth taking so we could rent to people to dumb to really know how to generate wealth.

It worked that way because (like now) we had options. Instead of fostering conflict, the change CCP made fostered more people in faction warfare, more people in wormholes and WAY longer high sec incursion waitlists. In other words, CCPs efforts to revitalize the heart of EVE (war) were thwarted because CCP has given people way to many safe wealth generating options

The blue donut is what happens when sov null isn't worth fighting for, but still marginally worth cooperating (blue donut) over. Anize Onamara would do well to learn a bit of game history before making proclamations about things. Self serving proclamations at that.

Lastly. The multiboxing thing is dumb. Greedy people always think it's about total amount of isk (ie they think everyone is after the top amount of isk). Wrong, it's about isk vs time vs effort. WHY would I multibox 3 characters in null to make more that 220 mil when I can run ONE toon in space where I don't have to worry about watching local and make enough to make a plex (using plex for example) in a reasonable amount of time? THIS IS WHY lots of us have high sec (AND FW alts)., multiboxing isn't hard, but having to multibox while trying to protect THREE plus characters at the same time gets old. So off to high sec we go, because we have that "lower effort for about the same isk" option.

The mental lengths these people will go to to justify their abuse of broken mechanics is incredible. It's literally high sec lvl 5s all over again.
Anize Oramara
#307 - 2015-12-01 18:31:36 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
We've already seen what happens when null income is the best, most consistent and easily farmable in the game; giant blue rental empires and rampant RMTing. Currently it's only a mild problem because the content can still be farmed with multiboxing but any buffs to nullsec (as have started creeping into the nullies posts) will worsen it again. Jenn's entire argument depends on multiboxing not existing. Multiboxing 3 alts in null will net you more isk but that's apparently 'not fair'. It's fair that you can make double the isk with 3 alts in null than people can running the content normally with 3 alts in HS. It's fair that you can just add more alts and make double the isk I will ever be able to make in HS. But people are lazy and risk averse in null and suddenly it's unfair what hisec is able to do.

The only metric that matters is how much isk a player(not character) can make because that will dictate the level of abuse possible for that content. So why is it every time I bring multiboxing up it's immediately dismissed or ignored?

Because you can multibox incursions in highsec and make a staggering sum of isk that dwarfs any other pve activity.

Funny thing is I don't give a single care about incursions, I've only ever pointed out that excessive, or the wrong kind of nerfs has in the past backfired and CCP has had to undo them. None of the suggested changes (as few and far in between as they are) are sane and most of them will have knock on effects that will harm the game. Besides they're already changing incursions. What's the point of baying for blood if we don't even know what effect the planned changes will have in the first place?

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#308 - 2015-12-01 18:41:42 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:

Funny thing is I don't give a single care about incursions, I've only ever pointed out that excessive, or the wrong kind of nerfs has in the past backfired and CCP has had to undo them. None of the suggested changes (as few and far in between as they are) are sane and most of them will have knock on effects that will harm the game. Besides they're already changing incursions. What's the point of baying for blood if we don't even know what effect the planned changes will have in the first place?

Which nerfs would those be? The most damaging things have always been buffs and new overpowered content. Tracking titans, tech moons, level 5 missions, original FW mechanics, original incursion income, anom buffs. All of them were delt with via nerfs of some kind or another. Nerfs infact tend to be the best answer to game issues.
Anize Oramara
#309 - 2015-12-01 18:44:01 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
We've already seen what happens when null income is the best, most consistent and easily farmable in the game; giant blue rental empires and rampant RMTing. Currently it's only a mild problem because the content can still be farmed with multiboxing but any buffs to nullsec (as have started creeping into the nullies posts) will worsen it again. Jenn's entire argument depends on multiboxing not existing. Multiboxing 3 alts in null will net you more isk but that's apparently 'not fair'. It's fair that you can make double the isk with 3 alts in null than people can running the content normally with 3 alts in HS. It's fair that you can just add more alts and make double the isk I will ever be able to make in HS. But people are lazy and risk averse in null and suddenly it's unfair what hisec is able to do.

The only metric that matters is how much isk a player(not character) can make because that will dictate the level of abuse possible for that content. So why is it every time I bring multiboxing up it's immediately dismissed or ignored?

There's that dishonesty again, as if I said the words 'not fair'.

There is, in the above post, a great bit of ignorance. To wit:
We've already seen what happens when null income is the best, most consistent and easily farmable in the game; giant blue rental empires and rampant RMTing.

The "blue donut" problem formed AFTER 2009 ie after null sec was no longer the best place to make personal wealth. This is why, CCP did previously buff null by making anomalies persistent, but 90% of null anomalies suck and paid less than level 4 missions. But then CCP nerfed the anomalies system by tieing what spawned to system sec. Instead of turning null into something worth fighting for, it turned null into a RENTAL DESERT only worth taking so we could rent to people to dumb to really know how to generate wealth.

It worked that way because (like now) we had options. Instead of fostering conflict, the change CCP made fostered more people in faction warfare, more people in wormholes and WAY longer high sec incursion waitlists. In other words, CCPs efforts to revitalize the heart of EVE (war) were thwarted because CCP has given people way to many safe wealth generating options

The blue donut is what happens when sov null isn't worth fighting for, but still marginally worth cooperating (blue donut) over. Anize Onamara would do well to learn a bit of game history before making proclamations about things. Self serving proclamations at that.

Lastly. The multiboxing thing is dumb. Greedy people always think it's about total amount of isk (ie they think everyone is after the top amount of isk). Wrong, it's about isk vs time vs effort. WHY would I multibox 3 characters in null to make more that 220 mil when I can run ONE toon in space where I don't have to worry about watching local and make enough to make a plex (using plex for example) in a reasonable amount of time? THIS IS WHY lots of us have high sec (AND FW alts)., multiboxing isn't hard, but having to multibox while trying to protect THREE plus characters at the same time gets old. So off to high sec we go, because we have that "lower effort for about the same isk" option.

The mental lengths these people will go to to justify their abuse of broken mechanics is incredible. It's literally high sec lvl 5s all over again.

Oh Jenn, tsk, tsk, so dishonest. After all that high and mighty preaching to be lying through your teeth like this. First off, it's hard for lv4s to "literally" be Lv5s so that's a straight up lie. Lv5 missions were a bug, as you've said multiple times, while blitzing missions is practically as old as missions themselves. Hardly a bug wouldn't you say? The fact that they're in high sec is also, not a bug. In fact they have been making multiple changes to burners, both in frequency and in how hard each burner is since soon after their release. Currently the dev are very happy with where burners are at, again, exactly the opposite of hisec lv5s.

"lower effort for about the same isk"

Another bit of dishonest preaching, made worse by the fact that you're asserting this out of ignorance too. Not only that but that you're so hypocritical in what information and proof you choose to believe. You haven't managed to get to 250mill/h solo blitzing lv4s and burners but you take my word as gospel that it can be done. However when I say that doing so means you can't do anything else, that it requires as much if not more effort than multiboxing 3 characters in null you call me all kinds of nast, nasty names and slander my person up and down these threads. Extremely disappointing.

Talk about self-serving and self centered. I can't take a word you say serious util you can give me proof that you're able to get to 250mill/h solo blitzing lv4s. Until that time I have to unfortunately consider everything coming out of your mouth as self serving dishonestly and lies.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#310 - 2015-12-01 19:10:29 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:

Another bit of dishonest preaching, made worse by the fact that you're asserting this out of ignorance too. Not only that but that you're so hypocritical in what information and proof you choose to believe. You haven't managed to get to 250mill/h solo blitzing lv4s and burners but you take my word as gospel that it can be done. However when I say that doing so means you can't do anything else, that it requires as much if not more effort than multiboxing 3 characters in null you call me all kinds of nast, nasty names and slander my person up and down these threads. Extremely disappointing.

Talk about self-serving and self centered. I can't take a word you say serious util you can give me proof that you're able to get to 250mill/h solo blitzing lv4s. Until that time I have to unfortunately consider everything coming out of your mouth as self serving dishonestly and lies.

rofl, you just said you guide is a lie. Thanks.

Look , I get it, you are uncomfortable with the truths and realities of this discussion. That's fine, you can't expect everyone to understand the situation being talked about (although one would hope that people who choose to reply to a discussion would have some idea of what's going on). I've noticed an ironic situation , the people who reply the most to PVE type issues tend to be the poorest at PVE (this mirrors but pvp discussions and real life btw).

My suggestion would be for you to experience more of EVE Online's PVE scene (in other words, why don't you advance past the "lol Myrmidon" stage) so that you can follow what's being talked about better.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#311 - 2015-12-01 19:52:53 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:

Funny thing is I don't give a single care about incursions, I've only ever pointed out that excessive, or the wrong kind of nerfs has in the past backfired and CCP has had to undo them. None of the suggested changes (as few and far in between as they are) are sane and most of them will have knock on effects that will harm the game. Besides they're already changing incursions. What's the point of baying for blood if we don't even know what effect the planned changes will have in the first place?

Which nerfs would those be? The most damaging things have always been buffs and new overpowered content. Tracking titans, tech moons, level 5 missions, original FW mechanics, original incursion income, anom buffs. All of them were delt with via nerfs of some kind or another. Nerfs infact tend to be the best answer to game issues.

Salvage nerf comes to mind. Concord LP (and the ability to exchange it). Super easy scanning mechanics which caused a rise in the exploration community effectively lowering the value of faction and deadspace mods/ships. It also made combat scanning so easy that you saw an increase in mission ganking/flipping. Removal of drone loot.

Kind of ironic that some hisec carebears come up with ways to min/max mission rewards, and nullbears who whine about it; trying to make it out that this is the norm.

OP made 108mil isk per hour using 3 toons. Three toons. 3 toons in nullsec flying AFK Ishtars make more than that in 1 hour of gaming with less effort involved. I can chain some FW L4 missions and make more than that. I can join an incursion and make more isk than that.

Bittervets. Get over yourselves and adapt. Lest the Dark Lord Jar Jar Binks decides to destroy you.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#312 - 2015-12-01 20:10:54 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:

Salvage nerf comes to mind. Concord LP (and the ability to exchange it). Super easy scanning mechanics which caused a rise in the exploration community effectively lowering the value of faction and deadspace mods/ships. It also made combat scanning so easy that you saw an increase in mission ganking/flipping. Removal of drone loot.

Kind of ironic that some hisec carebears come up with ways to min/max mission rewards, and nullbears who whine about it; trying to make it out that this is the norm.

OP made 108mil isk per hour using 3 toons. Three toons. 3 toons in nullsec flying AFK Ishtars make more than that in 1 hour of gaming with less effort involved. I can chain some FW L4 missions and make more than that. I can join an incursion and make more isk than that.

Bittervets. Get over yourselves and adapt. Lest the Dark Lord Jar Jar Binks decides to destroy you.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#313 - 2015-12-01 21:03:43 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:

Salvage nerf comes to mind. Concord LP (and the ability to exchange it). Super easy scanning mechanics which caused a rise in the exploration community effectively lowering the value of faction and deadspace mods/ships. It also made combat scanning so easy that you saw an increase in mission ganking/flipping. Removal of drone loot.

Kind of ironic that some hisec carebears come up with ways to min/max mission rewards, and nullbears who whine about it; trying to make it out that this is the norm.

OP made 108mil isk per hour using 3 toons. Three toons. 3 toons in nullsec flying AFK Ishtars make more than that in 1 hour of gaming with less effort involved. I can chain some FW L4 missions and make more than that. I can join an incursion and make more isk than that.

Bittervets. Get over yourselves and adapt. Lest the Dark Lord Jar Jar Binks decides to destroy you.

A guide to specialized blitzing techniques. Takes a year to train to do it, and requires several billions of isk to get it rolling. Training for a stealth bomber takes less time and cost to start running FW L4s, but I don't see you complaining about it. Not to mention, training for a logi or DPS ship for Incursions takes less time and will net lot more isk, and you're not complaining about your preferred hisec activity.

And technically if you were to take Anize's guide and apply it to lowsec and nullsec npc space, then you would make a lot more, barring interruptions; but you know, if you got some good peeps you can easily overcome that.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#314 - 2015-12-01 21:18:01 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:

Salvage nerf comes to mind. Concord LP (and the ability to exchange it). Super easy scanning mechanics which caused a rise in the exploration community effectively lowering the value of faction and deadspace mods/ships. It also made combat scanning so easy that you saw an increase in mission ganking/flipping. Removal of drone loot.

All of those things happened in low an null space too and all but scanning were very much needed and far from bad for the game.
Daniela Doran wrote:

Kind of ironic that some hisec carebears come up with ways to min/max mission rewards, and nullbears who whine about it; trying to make it out that this is the norm.

Its players from null based groups that have figured out the vast bulk of the best ways to exploit the mechanics in highsec.
Daniela Doran wrote:

OP made 108mil isk per hour using 3 toons. Three toons. 3 toons in nullsec flying AFK Ishtars make more than that in 1 hour of gaming with less effort involved. I can chain some FW L4 missions and make more than that. I can join an incursion and make more isk than that.

Bittervets. Get over yourselves and adapt.

We have adapted, hence the problems. We have turned highsec into the cashcow that supports our nullsec linemembers.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#315 - 2015-12-01 21:36:28 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:

Salvage nerf comes to mind. Concord LP (and the ability to exchange it). Super easy scanning mechanics which caused a rise in the exploration community effectively lowering the value of faction and deadspace mods/ships. It also made combat scanning so easy that you saw an increase in mission ganking/flipping. Removal of drone loot.

All of those things happened in low an null space too and all but scanning were very much needed and far from bad for the game.
Daniela Doran wrote:

Kind of ironic that some hisec carebears come up with ways to min/max mission rewards, and nullbears who whine about it; trying to make it out that this is the norm.

Its players from null based groups that have figured out the vast bulk of the best ways to exploit the mechanics in highsec.
Daniela Doran wrote:

OP made 108mil isk per hour using 3 toons. Three toons. 3 toons in nullsec flying AFK Ishtars make more than that in 1 hour of gaming with less effort involved. I can chain some FW L4 missions and make more than that. I can join an incursion and make more isk than that.

Bittervets. Get over yourselves and adapt.

We have adapted, hence the problems. We have turned highsec into the cashcow that supports our nullsec linemembers.

And yet, you continue to whine.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#316 - 2015-12-01 21:46:45 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:

A guide to specialized blitzing techniques. Takes a year to train to do it, and requires several billions of isk to get it rolling. Training for a stealth bomber takes less time and cost to start running FW L4s, but I don't see you complaining about it. Not to mention, training for a logi or DPS ship for Incursions takes less time and will net lot more isk, and you're not complaining about your preferred hisec activity.

And technically if you were to take Anize's guide and apply it to lowsec and nullsec npc space, then you would make a lot more, barring interruptions; but you know, if you got some good peeps you can easily overcome that.

Wait a minute, You Haven't seen me complain about FW missions? That mean you haven't read my posting in this thread.

In fact, you can google "jenn aside" and FW missions" lol. And incursions? I'm sorry, but you simply haven't been reading what I wrote in this thread (and you haven't visited General Discussion lately).

Also, you can't apply that guy to the majority of null. Want to know why?
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#317 - 2015-12-01 21:49:24 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:

And yet, you continue to whine.

Being honest enough and informed enough to point out things that are problems even when you benefit from them is not whining, it's literally honesty. I ran high sec lvl 5 missions in dual rattlesnakes back in the day, and those of us who told the truth about them (even before CCP admitted that is was a bug) got the same kind of reaction that we are getting in this thread.
Arthur Aihaken
#318 - 2015-12-01 22:24:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
If the various alliances weren't so tainted, one might be inclined to take some of what's being said at face value. It's hard to take claims of "high-sec PvE is too lucrative" seriously when these same alliances are literally drowning in ISK and supercapitals. Not a week goes by without some CSM, Alliance Tournament, Kickstarter, RMT or other scandal being brought to the forefront - so you'll have to forgive me if a lot of what's being proposed sounds and comes across as suspect.

High-sec Incursions are only run by a select (elite) few, yet the topic keeps rearing its ugly head time and time again. Why? Because they're near impossible to gank (or at least too much effort), and that makes null-sec alts sad.

High-sec DED sites are not an issue because even when they make a rare appearance, they are farmed into oblivion by low and null-sec alts. During the Blood Harvest it was next to impossible to find a spawn, despite the fact that both low and null-sec were literally flooded with sites. I'm sure we'll see a repeat with the upcoming Frost event as well.

Which brings us to high-sec PvE. Specifically - L4 missions. Even before Burners there have long been calls to remove these from high-sec, and now it effectively kills two birds with one stone. Never mind the fact that to achieve the level of ISK/hour by blitzing and running Burners requires about a year of solid training, a 5-billion or so investment in ISK and selection of one or two very specific regions. The alternative is several characters, a similar level of training and ISK investment and a higher degree of micromanagement beyond simply pressing 'F1' (something many null-sec players might be unfamiliar with).

High-sec players aren't risk-averse - we're bullsh*t averse. We don't want to be bullied or otherwise indoctrinated into the various alliance marketing and propaganda machines. If you nerf high-sec PvE income anymore than it already has (let's not forget the various loot drop, mineral, reprocessing, etc. nerfs that have taken place over the last year or so), you'll probably find that the vast majority of high-sec EVE players just quit.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#319 - 2015-12-01 22:45:49 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
If the various alliances weren't so tainted, one might be inclined to take some of what's being said at face value. It's hard to take claims of "high-sec PvE is too lucrative" seriously when these same alliances are literally drowning in ISK and supercapitals. Not a week goes by without some CSM, Alliance Tournament, Kickstarter, RMT or other scandal being brought to the forefront - so you'll have to forgive me if a lot of what's being proposed sounds and comes across as suspect.

This is the 1st mistake. We are individual PVErs. We are talking about individual pve, not about what alliances have or do.

Looking at a group rather than the individuals that make up that group is how prejudices work. I'm not TEST Alliance, I'm one guy who likes to pew pew npcs. If you don't believe what we are saying about imbalances, you can always take a ship to null when the owners aren't there (for instance, the Detorid Region when Russians are sleep) and see for yourself.


High-sec Incursions are only run by a select (elite) few, yet the topic keeps rearing its ugly head time and time again. Why? Because they're near impossible to gank (or at least too much effort), and that makes null-sec alts sad.

I don't know why what I'm about to say next is hard to understand. WHY WOULD WE GANK OURSELVES? I know I have an incursion alt, and if you go to TVP's teamspeak and ask, lots of people will tell you "yea, I play in null, this is how I get isk".

High-sec DED sites are not an issue because even when they make a rare appearance, they are farmed into oblivion by low and null-sec alts. During the Blood Harvest it was next to impossible to find a spawn, despite the fact that both low and null-sec were literally flooded with sites. I'm sure we'll see a repeat with the upcoming Frost event as well.

Which brings us to high-sec PvE. Specifically - L4 missions. Even before Burners there have long been calls to remove these from high-sec, and now it effectively kills two birds with one stone. Never mind the fact that to achieve the level of ISK/hour by blitzing and running Burners requires about a year of solid training, a 5-billion or so investment in ISK and selection of one or two very specific regions. The alternative is several characters, a similar level of training and ISK investment and a higher degree of micromanagement beyond simply pressing 'F1' (something many null-sec players might be unfamiliar with).

High-sec players aren't risk-averse - we're bullsh*t averse. We don't want to be bullied or otherwise indoctrinated into the various alliance marketing and propaganda machines. If you nerf high-sec PvE income anymore than it already has (let's not forget the various loot drop, mineral, reprocessing, etc. nerfs that have taken place over the last year or so), you'll probably find that the vast majority of high-sec EVE players just quit.[/quote]

The rest of this is again dripping with the types of prejudices that are the real enemy of discussion.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#320 - 2015-12-01 23:02:55 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:

And yet, you continue to whine.

You keep on using that word yet you don't understand its meaning.

Were we whining when we called for tech moons to be nerfed? Or when tracking titans were not only blapping frigates in pvp but also printing so much isk they were driving inflation?

Pointing out game imbalances is not whining.