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Update to the EVE Launcher (beta)

First post
Tenletters Arcturus
#61 - 2015-11-28 03:11:05 UTC
The new Launcher seems to have issues with high DPI Screens.
I have a surface Pro 2 and the beta Launcher appears very small.
The old launcher respects the windows scaling and appears larger
Alex Quintane
Pandemic Legion
#62 - 2015-11-28 11:51:32 UTC
The .exe always had status updates shown on the login screen for the server which showed things like startup time, vip mode, etc
would it be possible to include this functionality into the new launcher?

Pictures to demonstrate
Ser Berus
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2015-11-28 17:35:08 UTC
Couple of suggestions:

- I agree with some of the other comments about the multi-launch; the slider switch is more visually appealing, but the checkbox works a lot better. Maybe a bigger checkbox with a fade in visual effect so it looks good?
- I would really like it if there was a "check for updates" button someplace; I tend to leave my computer on all the time, and as a window slob, I tend to just close the eve client window and leave the launcher open. This means that the next time I sit down after a patch is pushed, I get to sit through the client load, only to get "Incompatible (build)" once it loads, requiring me to close out of exefile, close out of the launcher, restart the launcher, then wait for it to update. I'm thinking of some kind of visual bug on the launcher that could "light up" when it needs to take an update, which I could then just click on to update without having to restart the launcher to check.
- Small thing, but the news button in the upper right corner should be configured so that you can close the news box by clicking the same button again, rather than having to click the X button in the actual news popup.
- It'd be nice if the sidebar buttons (account, support) did something in the launcher window instead of just opening an external browser; guessing this is just a beta thing and you guys are working on it. Also echoing the comments that the "launcher" button doesn't seem to have a point currently.
Anna Ohu
#64 - 2015-11-28 21:03:34 UTC
really like how the launcher is coming along Big smile
One HUGE request, can we have a drop down menu instead of a cog wheel for the select profile, please? that way we can see what profile is set to each account at a glance rather than having to open the menu for each client.

Also some of the "client settings" don't seem to carry over, like when i unchecked all the wallet settings, or market window settings, and neo comm bar order of icons seems to get botched a lot, and the chat window setting seem to have to be re-done all the time. Would really like to have everything from the settings window saved and assigned to that profile along with each setting for each window and neo comm bar, and would also like to have window locations, window pin info, and window stacking, and overview setting set and saved to each profile??

It would be very nice to have the profiles "server" side saved so that no matter what computer I access the game from all profiles are available no matter what computer made/edited on. or at least put them in an easily accessed file location?
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2015-11-28 21:04:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Richecko
Thanks for fixing the report of the motd obscuring the play button and having no [x] box.

I found one case where the current launcher reports an incorrect error:

If you quit the client and then use the launcher to immediately relaunch it you get an error to use the repair tool because your client is corrupted. It ends up the client is not corrupted and the actual error should be "you are relaunching too quickly" (or just delay and have no error). If you wait a bit - and then try to re-launch the client it works fine. So, there's some part of the shutdown/relaunch process that causes the launcher to incorrectly think the client software is corrupted. Maybe there needs to be more checking the previous instance has shut down before enabling the play button.
Ayer Loyen
The Oasis Group
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#66 - 2015-11-28 22:06:58 UTC
After logging in an account, there is a selection window to choose an alt on that account.

I would rather have this choice in the launcher so that I can get in my pilot in one step instead of in two steps as now.

I guess this would require quite large redesign of the login process though.
Ayer Loyen
The Oasis Group
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#67 - 2015-11-28 22:08:00 UTC
Text: "The authentication token has expired, please log in again" keeps on screen even after re-logging.
Bester Lamont
Journey Sykeouts
#68 - 2015-11-29 07:24:08 UTC
"The EVE client is not ready - please wait for downloads to finish."

Been this way for a while now but there's no indication anywhere that it's downloading anything. Where can I view this progress so I can know if it's just stuck or actually doing something?
Cat Harkness
Twilight Labs
The Serenity Initiative
#69 - 2015-11-29 09:45:35 UTC
Bester Lamont wrote:
"The EVE client is not ready - please wait for downloads to finish."

Been this way for a while now but there's no indication anywhere that it's downloading anything. Where can I view this progress so I can know if it's just stuck or actually doing something?

I have also had this the last few days. It does not appear to be downloading anything, but you can't login until it states ready.

Would be nice if you could click on launch, and the client would just launch when it is ready. Didn't the old launcher do this? Been a while since I used it.

Cat Harkness


Twilight Labs

Valerius Marcus
EVE University
Ivy League
#70 - 2015-11-29 17:05:00 UTC
Anna Ohu wrote:
really like how the launcher is coming along Big smile
One HUGE request, can we have a drop down menu instead of a cog wheel for the select profile, please? that way we can see what profile is set to each account at a glance rather than having to open the menu for each client.

This is an excellent suggestion. Launcher should be able to provide info at a glance for your accounts I think.
Astrid Farnsworth
Broke and Famous
#71 - 2015-11-30 01:23:57 UTC
Any way have an master user an password and in the back of that one all the account..

I don't now how to explain. Like a user to rule all and the you be able to see all the accounts that you can launch.

"Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics." - Gen. Robert H. Barrow, USMC (Commandant of the Marine Corps) noted in 1980**strong text**

Marius Fett
C5 Flight
#72 - 2015-11-30 02:21:26 UTC
It won't let me select the singularity server on the beta launcher, why can't anything from CCP ever be Simple.
Leo Burnhart
Through The Star Horizon
#73 - 2015-11-30 08:06:05 UTC
Btw, could you make the launcher skipped by steam tracking? Cause when I close the game but forget about the current launcher , steam still says that I am in EVE and tracks time for it.
#74 - 2015-11-30 08:20:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Darkblad
My Launcher is currently stuck at version 985175, UI Version 1.728

Each time I start the launcher (or select Refresh from the E Menu) I get this notification

Launcher Settings are

Language: English
Version Type: Development
Download everything: checked
Test Servers: Sisi checked

Modification Date of C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\updatelog.txt is 26.11.2015. with:

updatelog.txt wrote:


updater.exe needs updating
Starting copy...
Copying C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\/ResFiles\92/9246d9682663155d_a1d39f309ecf0e4485f65ccbc8232f46 to C:/EVE/Launcher\evelauncher.exe
Copy failed for evelauncher.exe(error code 32)
Retrying copy of evelauncher.exe
Copying C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\/ResFiles\09/0982e16ebf24cb56_2e8bc216da42f531d01236767d90bac8 to C:/EVE/Launcher\fixpermissions.exe
Copying C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\/ResFiles\f1/f1635b817fc8c38c_14cd202d7877cd8f97da9e1f47b6bcdb to C:/EVE/Launcher\updater.exe
Update finished - restarting launcher

Changing the Version type setting from Development to Release or Beta and restarting the launcher (would make sense to trigger the updater if that setting is changed?) offers launcher build 984818 and successfully applies that update.

Proceeding and changing Version type back to Development again fails to apply 985175

Issues with the new files of that build?


CCP nLock
C C P Alliance
#75 - 2015-11-30 09:18:09 UTC
Darkblad wrote:
My Launcher is currently stuck at version 985175, UI Version 1.728

Each time I start the launcher (or select Refresh from the E Menu) I get this notification

Launcher Settings are

Language: English
Version Type: Development
Download everything: checked
Test Servers: Sisi checked

Modification Date of C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\updatelog.txt is 26.11.2015. with:

updatelog.txt wrote:


updater.exe needs updating
Starting copy...
Copying C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\/ResFiles\92/9246d9682663155d_a1d39f309ecf0e4485f65ccbc8232f46 to C:/EVE/Launcher\evelauncher.exe
Copy failed for evelauncher.exe(error code 32)
Retrying copy of evelauncher.exe
Copying C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\/ResFiles\09/0982e16ebf24cb56_2e8bc216da42f531d01236767d90bac8 to C:/EVE/Launcher\fixpermissions.exe
Copying C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache\/ResFiles\f1/f1635b817fc8c38c_14cd202d7877cd8f97da9e1f47b6bcdb to C:/EVE/Launcher\updater.exe
Update finished - restarting launcher

Changing the Version type setting from Development to Release or Beta and restarting the launcher (would make sense to trigger the updater if that setting is changed?) offers launcher build 984818 and successfully applies that update.

Proceeding and changing Version type back to Development again fails to apply 985175

Issues with the new files of that build?

We are pushing out quite a lot of updates on Development that have the potential to break the launcher. I completely un- and reinstalled the launcher on Friday to get around a similar problem. If you're having problems with Dev, just stick with Release for now - or you could try reinstalling.
Chino Saisima
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#76 - 2015-11-30 20:01:54 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Chino Saisima wrote:


thanks for your response, though the infuriation was more literally spoken :)

the launcher shouldnt download anything - i just have tranq and sisi as usable servers checked. still, ive checked my net connections and there isnt any download going on from the evelauncher.exe

the black-screen problem appeared after the launcher-update before this. when i restart, i can launch multiple clients. now if i close one of those, i run into the black screen problem. already submitted a bug report but it was closed with "clear cache or open a 'character stuck' ticket". point is, its not related to a single character, but to all accounts.

Alright, I'll investigate the progress bar issue, maybe there are some edge cases I've missed where it isn't updated properly. If this persists, please file a bug report attaching the launcher log (from AppData/Local/CCP/EVE/Launcher).

Not sure what to say about the black screen issue. If the problem persists, run the clients with logging enabled, file a new bug report and attach the logs (AppData/Local/CCP/EVE/ClientLogs). Mention my name in the title so it gets routed to me, I'll take a closer look.

Ticket with number EBR-58116 opened, thanks for looking into it! :)
CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#77 - 2015-11-30 20:11:41 UTC
Chino Saisima wrote:


Ticket with number EBR-58116 opened, thanks for looking into it! :)

The launcher logs are stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\Launcher.
If you check 'Run clients with logging' in the launcher settings you'll also get full client logs under %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\ClientLogs.
I recommend unchecking that setting once you're done - the client logs can become quite large and have a minor impact on performance as well.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#78 - 2015-11-30 20:59:41 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Chino Saisima wrote:


Ticket with number EBR-58116 opened, thanks for looking into it! :)

The launcher logs are stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\Launcher.
If you check 'Run clients with logging' in the launcher settings you'll also get full client logs under %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\ClientLogs.
I recommend unchecking that setting once you're done - the client logs can become quite large and have a minor impact on performance as well.

I have a theory on what's going on, thanks to your logs. Hopefully we'll have a fix in a day or two.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#79 - 2015-11-30 21:07:31 UTC
I love the new launcher guys .. it makes so much easier going from TG to SiS .. my only wish is that it would close out or minimize to the task bar once you launch the game ..

Other than that looks great .. will be using from one for sure ..
Torque and Fiction
Forged Kooperative
#80 - 2015-12-01 00:15:39 UTC
Love the new launcher. One suggestion is to disable the Play Selected box until downloads are complete. This would provide a much better user experience.