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Missions & Complexes

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Lv4s 100-150mil/h+: Breakdown

First post
Anize Oramara
#181 - 2015-11-27 09:01:32 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:

The Blitz-Burner method for Lv4s can certain pay off dividends, but no more so than using the same method in low-sec or null-sec. It's a fairly huge investment at around 5-billion ISK - not to mention the necessary skills.

This is not true, burner blitzing pays an individual pilot more than being a memebr of all but the most blingy high sec incursion fleets. In other words, it takes being in the old ISN or a "TVP Elite" fleet of 5 bil isk ships to match what a solo burner blitzer can make. That's jsut a high sec to high sec comparision.

And Multiboxing null and wormhole content pays an individual player more than anything else in the game. Yes, this does actually sound balanced (no sarcasm) because it's null, it's supposed to be more lucrative for the individual player and encourages people to focus all their characters in null.

You still haven't acknowledged the fact that in nullsec you can make far more isk per player than in hi-sec. I don't think I will ever reach 300mill/h in hi-sec doing what I like doing (Fun fact: Burners were already nerfed once btw). A null player can exceed that with 4 subcap characters and then continue going.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#182 - 2015-11-27 09:32:03 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:

The Blitz-Burner method for Lv4s can certain pay off dividends, but no more so than using the same method in low-sec or null-sec. It's a fairly huge investment at around 5-billion ISK - not to mention the necessary skills.

This is not true, burner blitzing pays an individual pilot more than being a memebr of all but the most blingy high sec incursion fleets. In other words, it takes being in the old ISN or a "TVP Elite" fleet of 5 bil isk ships to match what a solo burner blitzer can make. That's jsut a high sec to high sec comparision.

What's even worse to achieve what SOLO Burner Blitzers in high sec can do (the guide proves it), you need a team and a Class 5 wormhole. That's a pure travesty, and i'd bet it's just one more of the reasons why wormhole space is the least traveled/lived in space (according to CCP at the fanfest before last).

So now we're blaming things that didn't even exist at the time? Burners only came out after that fanfest if you're talking about 2014, the last one being 2015 and 2014 being before that one. You're not even grasping at straws anymore Jenn, you're blatantly making things up. Not cool.

Now you're rambling ( a sure sign that you, deep down, understand what I'm saying , and experience pain because of that understanding).

I said nothing about burners at fanfest. I wasn't even at that one.

You're starting to lose it. Throttle back and think for a bit.
Chainsaw Plankton
#183 - 2015-11-27 09:34:20 UTC
watching yall bicker is some of the best forum entertainment I've seen in a while 10/10 all around! I don't even know how to respond to most of this stuff anymore

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#184 - 2015-11-27 09:41:36 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:


1, why do you cling to that? Why do you pretend to not understand that we are talking about lone character income potential.

And 2, how do you know? You've never done high end anom ratting, only beginner stuff with phoons and myrmydons. (lol myrm).

You are wrong by the way. Multiboxing null anomalies does not and physically can not pay as much as multiboxing an incursions toon with This Navy Raven running full clear missions for SOE.

Let me say something. I don't like you and you don't like me. But that's no reason for you to stop thinking and learning. So how about this: Why don't we get together and test it?

Or, if you follow the EVE way and trust no one and don't care to do that, would you accept screen shots of my wallet and journal entries when I am able to play after this weekend and I fire up my incursion and SOE mission toon again? You say you want proof, I am willing to provide it.
The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#185 - 2015-11-27 09:42:14 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
watching yall bicker is some of the best forum entertainment I've seen in a while 10/10 all around! I don't even know how to respond to most of this stuff anymore

Probably for the best, there not a lot of understanding going around.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#186 - 2015-11-27 09:43:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
watching yall bicker is some of the best forum entertainment I've seen in a while 10/10 all around! I don't even know how to respond to most of this stuff anymore

If you knew anything damn nub you'd know that this bickering is a 9/10 not a 10/10, because 9/10 escalate more than once like this thread!

(didn't want you to feel left out Chainsaw so threw you some shade ot make you feel welcomed)

Big smile
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#187 - 2015-11-27 09:51:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerry T Pepridge
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
watching yall bicker is some of the best forum entertainment I've seen in a while 10/10 all around! I don't even know how to respond to most of this stuff anymore

me either, they both make good points.

i stayed out when i realised it probs only 20 or so dudes actually using these methods.

is there any metric for that, of not not alot point to argue either side.

I can imagine them both in RL, looking at there moniter & getting slightly mad, maybe hitting keys harder.

but yeh very entertaining, on topic.

@OP when i do missions i usually salvage the loot, as i dont rly need the isk, i just gather the loot anyway sometimes something useful comes up. its like treasure finding in a way.


Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#188 - 2015-11-27 09:51:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
The Bigpuns wrote:
So Jenn, is your solution that blitzing should not be possible? Or that burners should not exist, or should take as long as a normal lvl4? Should Anizes methods just not be possible at all, meaning normal hisec missioners can't have a goal of being better at what they do than a normal player?

Not at all. I like that people can engineer new concepts. We're not talking about elmiinationg that, but in many cases they pay too much.

It's jsut like the old super tracking 400/mil per hour tracking titans in null sec a few years ago. It was a genious use of them, it just paid to much, doing real damage to the game.


You keep comparing different activities Seriously, until you tell us exactly what change you would like to see...

I've done so over and over.

A short list is:

Lower top potential from burner and al level 4 mission blitzing.

Either reduce pays outs or add more risk to high sec incursions

Hammer FW missions to the ground (players already gain LP from fw pvp, leave it at that, FW is supposed to be pure pvp not a farming simulator)

Leave non-FW low sec, npc null and wormhole space alone, they are fine.

For null, eliminate the afk-ability of anoms. Change awards scheme from all isk to half isk, half reedemable tags that drop in npc wrecks and have to be collected (and moved to empire to redeem). Add new items to signature complex/escalation site drop chances. But for Space-Gods sake don't up the isk rewards, too much isk in game to begin with.

There, a comprehensive plan for Combat PVE, which it seems none of you seem to care much about while defending a measurably broken status quo.


And don't try to tell me you're doing this for other people's benefit. You just want it all your way, and people aren't allowed to play how they want.

If 'play how they want' actually means 'make us of broken rewards mechanics', then you are right.


I am thinking of the children, cos at the moment I'm thinking of you and your grizzling.

Edt: like you have been fond of pointing out Jenn, it's a GAME.

Which makes the fact that you have the wrong ideas about it more troubling lol.
The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#189 - 2015-11-27 09:53:54 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:


1, why do you cling to that? Why do you pretend to not understand that we are talking about lone character income potential.

And 2, how do you know? You've never done high end anom ratting, only beginner stuff with phoons and myrmydons. (lol myrm).

You are wrong by the way. Multiboxing null anomalies does not and physically can not pay as much as multiboxing an incursions toon with This Navy Raven running full clear missions for SOE.

Let me say something. I don't like you and you don't like me. But that's no reason for you to stop thinking and learning. So how about this: Why don't we get together and test it?

Or, if you follow the EVE way and trust no one and don't care to do that, would you accept screen shots of my wallet and journal entries when I am able to play after this weekend and I fire up my incursion and SOE mission toon again? You say you want proof, I am willing to provide it.

I like the way you insist that, deep down, people just agree with you but are being stubborn. Couldn't just be that other people might also be megalomanical egotists trying to impose their thoughts and will over the whole of Eve.

Sorry no, that IS just you.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#190 - 2015-11-27 10:01:05 UTC
The Bigpuns wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:


1, why do you cling to that? Why do you pretend to not understand that we are talking about lone character income potential.

And 2, how do you know? You've never done high end anom ratting, only beginner stuff with phoons and myrmydons. (lol myrm).

You are wrong by the way. Multiboxing null anomalies does not and physically can not pay as much as multiboxing an incursions toon with This Navy Raven running full clear missions for SOE.

Let me say something. I don't like you and you don't like me. But that's no reason for you to stop thinking and learning. So how about this: Why don't we get together and test it?

Or, if you follow the EVE way and trust no one and don't care to do that, would you accept screen shots of my wallet and journal entries when I am able to play after this weekend and I fire up my incursion and SOE mission toon again? You say you want proof, I am willing to provide it.

I like the way you insist that, deep down, people just agree with you but are being stubborn. Couldn't just be that other people might also be megalomanical egotists trying to impose their thoughts and will over the whole of Eve.

Sorry no, that IS just you.

I'm not imposing my thoughts on anyone. I'm telling the truth as I see and can measure it. I'm sorry you don't like that, but not everyone does. That's a personal problem for you to solve.

If you don't like the way i present it, tough.

The invitation extends to you. If you don't believe, I'm willing to show you.
Chainsaw Plankton
#191 - 2015-11-27 10:02:33 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
You are wrong by the way. Multiboxing null anomalies does not and physically can not pay as much as multiboxing an incursions toon with This Navy Raven running full clear missions for SOE.

I prefer the fof navy raven with rigors/flares missile guidance blehs, and a pithum c-type medium booster. at 100km with an AB speed tank it pretty much doesn't take damage and sometimes you can do a manual 100km burn and save a MJD cool down, or just orbit gate at 20km. In something like "The Score" I usually just burn to the next gate. Haven't tried running it in a while though. Can't make a claim on the isk/hour.

although I've done a little bit of barghest testing and it is pretty dank. need to try an fof version sometime. the missile velocity bonus is awesome hit at over 100km before you fire the next volley. If you 1 or 2 volley most frigs it would probably be pretty workable. although with fury cruise I was 2 volleying a MWDing elite frig Shocked

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#192 - 2015-11-27 10:15:47 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
The Bigpuns wrote:
So Jenn, is your solution that blitzing should not be possible? Or that burners should not exist, or should take as long as a normal lvl4? Should Anizes methods just not be possible at all, meaning normal hisec missioners can't have a goal of being better at what they do than a normal player?

Not at all. I like that people can engineer new concepts. We're not talking about elmiinationg that, but in many cases they pay too much.

It's jsut like the old super tracking 400/mil per hour tracking titans in null sec a few years ago. It was a genious use of them, it just paid to much, doing real damage to the game.


You keep comparing different activities Seriously, until you tell us exactly what change you would like to see...

I've done so over and over.

A short list is:

Lower top potential from burner and al level 4 mission blitzing.

Either reduce pays outs or add more risk to high sec incursions

Hammer FW missions to the ground (players already gain LP from fw pvp, leave it at that, FW is supposed to be pure pvp not a farming simulator)

Leave non-FW low sec, npc null and wormhole space alone, they are fine.

For null, eliminate the afk-ability of anoms. Change awards scheme from all isk to half isk, half reedemable tags that drop in npc wrecks and have to be collected (and moved to empire to redeem). Add new items to signature complex/escalation site drop chances. But for Space-Gods sake don't up the isk rewards, too much isk in game to begin with.

There, a comprehensive plan for Combat PVE, which it seems none of you seem to care much about while defending a measurably broken status quo.


And don't try to tell me you're doing this for other people's benefit. You just want it all your way, and people aren't allowed to play how they want.

If 'play how they want' actually means 'make us of broken rewards mechanics', then you are right.


I am thinking of the children, cos at the moment I'm thinking of you and your grizzling.

Edt: like you have been fond of pointing out Jenn, it's a GAME.

Which makes the fact that you have the wrong ideas about it more troubling lol.

Great, you've articulated it beautifully, in a way that is clear and concise. I congratulate you on your change of tack. Now to respond in kind:

Lowering the top rewards for burners? Fine, agreed. But lowering the blitzing reward? Can only be done if you lower the actual reward for the missions (hurting everyone who runs missions) or remove blitzing as a possibility, leaving full clears as the only solution, which will ruin them for a lot more people than the occasional blitzer.

Rebalance incursions risk reward? Again, you'll face a lot more resistance to that than the occasional blitzer. Not saying it's not desirable, but you're on to a loser I'm afraid.

Hammer fw? Possibly, as a pvp oriented activity, maybe it shouldn't have rewards, but then it would just be pvp. At least it has focus at the moment.

Eliminate afkability of anoms and make them drop the rewards rather than just pay? Couldn't agree more personally.

Leave all the stuff YOU want to do alone? Ah, now we're getting somewhere.

So what we have, is that the main thing you have been harping on about (Anize and her "exploit") is the main bit where you fall down. Take the rest of it and annoy ccp with it at their events as much as you like, see how far you get. If you don't like their game, play chess, that's quite well balanced after 7000 years of development.
The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#193 - 2015-11-27 10:19:24 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
The Bigpuns wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:


1, why do you cling to that? Why do you pretend to not understand that we are talking about lone character income potential.

And 2, how do you know? You've never done high end anom ratting, only beginner stuff with phoons and myrmydons. (lol myrm).

You are wrong by the way. Multiboxing null anomalies does not and physically can not pay as much as multiboxing an incursions toon with This Navy Raven running full clear missions for SOE.

Let me say something. I don't like you and you don't like me. But that's no reason for you to stop thinking and learning. So how about this: Why don't we get together and test it?

Or, if you follow the EVE way and trust no one and don't care to do that, would you accept screen shots of my wallet and journal entries when I am able to play after this weekend and I fire up my incursion and SOE mission toon again? You say you want proof, I am willing to provide it.

I like the way you insist that, deep down, people just agree with you but are being stubborn. Couldn't just be that other people might also be megalomanical egotists trying to impose their thoughts and will over the whole of Eve.

Sorry no, that IS just you.

I'm not imposing my thoughts on anyone. I'm telling the truth as I see and can measure it. I'm sorry you don't like that, but not everyone does. That's a personal problem for you to solve.

If you don't like the way i present it, tough.

The invitation extends to you. If you don't believe, I'm willing to show you.

There you go again. Someone doesn't agree with you, so they have a personal problem that needs solving. Noticed your hypocrisy yet?

As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, the proof is also there for you to look at. Blitzing isn't the problem. Us joining up or sharing screenshots isn't going to solve the problem. Cos the problem only exists in your mind. Now who has the problems that need solving?
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#194 - 2015-11-27 11:04:35 UTC
The Bigpuns wrote:

Leave all the stuff YOU want to do alone? Ah, now we're getting somewhere.

Erm, What?
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#195 - 2015-11-27 11:06:50 UTC
The Bigpuns wrote:

There you go again. Someone doesn't agree with you, so they have a personal problem that needs solving. Noticed your hypocrisy yet?

As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, the proof is also there for you to look at. Blitzing isn't the problem. Us joining up or sharing screenshots isn't going to solve the problem. Cos the problem only exists in your mind. Now who has the problems that need solving?

Still you. You don't want to know the truth , even so far as rejecting a chance to find it.

But hey, if pretending your personal issue is actually just something wrong with me, and that makes you feel better, by all means keep doing it. I live to serve.
Market McSelling Alt
#196 - 2015-11-27 13:16:10 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
The Bigpuns wrote:

There you go again. Someone doesn't agree with you, so they have a personal problem that needs solving. Noticed your hypocrisy yet?

As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, the proof is also there for you to look at. Blitzing isn't the problem. Us joining up or sharing screenshots isn't going to solve the problem. Cos the problem only exists in your mind. Now who has the problems that need solving?

Still you. You don't want to know the truth , even so far as rejecting a chance to find it.

But hey, if pretending your personal issue is actually just something wrong with me, and that makes you feel better, by all means keep doing it. I live to serve.


Everything is personal with you Jenn. Your own psychosis is forced on everyone on these forums because you have a personal crusade against people playing the game in a way that personally bothers you.

How about you just ignore the things you don't like, or find a game that better suits your needs. Let the rest of the people play the way they want.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#197 - 2015-11-27 13:28:26 UTC
The defence case is closed. Cos the prosecution doesn't have one.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#198 - 2015-11-27 13:32:43 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
The Bigpuns wrote:

There you go again. Someone doesn't agree with you, so they have a personal problem that needs solving. Noticed your hypocrisy yet?

As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, the proof is also there for you to look at. Blitzing isn't the problem. Us joining up or sharing screenshots isn't going to solve the problem. Cos the problem only exists in your mind. Now who has the problems that need solving?

Still you. You don't want to know the truth , even so far as rejecting a chance to find it.

But hey, if pretending your personal issue is actually just something wrong with me, and that makes you feel better, by all means keep doing it. I live to serve.


Everything is personal with you Jenn. Your own psychosis is forced on everyone on these forums because you have a personal crusade against people playing the game in a way that personally bothers you.

How about you just ignore the things you don't like, or find a game that better suits your needs. Let the rest of the people play the way they want.

I thought you left. You said you were.

Were do you people get "play my way" from "fix this imbalance"? Or do you honeslty think I want everyone to rat angels some days, run incursions other days and dip into a wormhole every now and again?

There is little I dislike in the game. What I dislike is intellectual dishonesty and the lengths people seem to want to go to to preserve advantage (even imaginary space ship game advantage).

It's not the 1st time I've experienced this here either. When there were High Sec lvl 5s I got into the same arguments. I even linked a post where CCP said they knew it was a bug (naively thinking that this would penetrate with the high sec lvl 5 runners, back then i had not yet learned about the backfire effect). Anytime people have an advantage (or they perceive that the advantage in question helps people the like or hurts people they don't), they get all kinds of irrational in it's defense.

I heard it all from "well, that's only one employee saying it's a bug, why don't you get CCP to put out a press statement sying it's a bug" to "it doesn't matter if it's a bug, it's good for the game because it lets players aspire to do big things without having to go through a gate camp!" to "it doesn't matter is they pay out 90k lp per misison, you have to have high standings and only a few people have that".

Every slippery, slimey dodge possible. And yep, when CCP got around to fixing the thing they called a bug for 3 years, the high seccers blasted everyone who told CCP the truth, like somehow we were doing it to hurt them personally. BTW it was the same thing, a lot of those HS lvl 5 runners were null sec people, same as with incursions and high end burner blitzing.

Say what you want, but these issue exists, and if you condone it you're on the wrong side for the wrong reasons.
Anize Oramara
#199 - 2015-11-27 13:46:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Anize Oramara
I'd actually love to see a breakdown of isk generated form anoms/nullsec and isk generated from missions/hisec along with the number of players in both. It's easier to argue the incursion issue because the CCP verified numbers are there for everyone to see and more importantly it's easier to see what can be changed and what shouldn't.

I do find it interesting that Jenn keeps mentioning 'this is just a game' but is unable to divorce the game and game mechanics from the people, especially in my case. Tending to focus on my supposed personal and moral issues rather than on looking at each mechanic and talking about them. Maybe because it's easier to break down and damage a person than it is to argue against facts and numbers of a mechanic. It's an interesting contrast.

Now I don't have a problem with a specific person or group of people doing things, primarily because I've tried nearly everything in eve. I'd rather look at an activity and see what its current and potential effects are on EvE as a whole. Once you understand the concept of looking at the larger picture and the activity you can get a much clearer view on things and dont get bogged down with individual people. Even better is that you can make much better suggestions regarding solving any issues.

I can write a whole wall of text breaking down each activity but it will just be ignored and various personal insults will be all I get in reply so I'll keep it short. Still get insults but less typing.

Missions/burners: isk cap per character and isk cap per player is about the same and fixed.

Null: isk cap per character is lower than missions/burners and isk cap per player is much, much higher than missions and effectively scalable, maybe around double that of burners? More?

Incursions: isk cap per character is kinda variable and slightly higher than null but isk cap per player is potentially very very high. There is however a character cap (1.5%-2% of eve).

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#200 - 2015-11-27 14:01:00 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
I'd actually love to see a breakdown of isk generated form anoms/nullsec and isk generated from missions/hisec along with the number of players in both. It's easier to argue the incursion issue because the CCP verified numbers are there for everyone to see and more importantly it's easier to see what can be changed and what shouldn't.

They already did, a long time ago. about 75% of bounties come from null, because of all the AFKing. which is why AFKing is on my list of things that need to go.

AFKing makes null look rich but it just means people are alting it up with ishtars making 60 mil per hour. That's worse for the economy than incursions are.

But what you refuse to understand is that the problem with incursions is NOT a macro-economic problem, it's the porblem of the incentives they case for actual at the keyboard high end PVErs.


I do find it interesting that Jenn keeps mentioning 'this is just a game' but is unable to divorce the game and game mechanics from the people, especially in my case. Tending to focus on my supposed personal and moral issues rather than on looking at each mechanic and talking about them. Maybe because it's easier to break down and damage a person than it is to argue against facts and numbers of a mechanic. It's an interesting contrast.

Now I don't have a problem with a specific person or group of people doing things, primarily because I've tried nearly everything in eve. I'd rather look at an activity and see what its current and potential effects are on EvE as a whole than insulting people, down to a very personal level as this doesn't solve anything. Once you understand the concept of looking at the larger picture and the activity, rather than persecuting a single group of people you can get a much clearer view on things. Even better is that you can make much better suggestions regarding solving any issues.

I can write a whole wall of text breaking down each activity but it will just be ignored and various personal insults will be all I get in reply so I'll keep it short. Still get insults but less typing.

If you feel insulted by the truth , Im sorry. But it can't be helped, i call them like they are, and you are in denial.


Missions/burners: isk cap per character and isk cap per player is about the same and fixed.

Null: isk cap per character is lower than missions/burners and isk cap per player is much, much higher than missions and effectively scalable, maybe around double that of burners? More?

This is the problem. This is why I offer to show you. You don't understand how things work. Null sec pve is not scaleable. Add even one more ship to your anom, and because of how bounties pay out (and the "overkill effect") you end up with less. The game punishes you for using alts.

Which is moot. Because WHY do that when you can use one character in the relative safety of high sec and make more than enough isk to do what you need to do while not dealing to the pita that is multiboxing.

This is also the draw of incursions. Being in an incursion fleet lets me use one character in high where I'd need 2 in null (and need to be able to defend to, or get both out of danger).

You talk of my insulting you, but you keep glossing over the things I tell you (and things that you could prove for yourself if you were interested, things i'm willing to share information with you about). What, exactly do you want me to think then?

Incursions: isk cap per character is kinda variable and slightly higher than null but isk cap per player is potentially very very high. There is however a character cap (1.5%-2% of eve).[/quote]

It is not slightly higher. You can test this yourself as i have. Take a mach and run with an incursion fleet. Take a mach to null (and pve when you are either not in a fleet, or not being chased). The difference between 90 mil (under peak conditions) and 150 mil plus lp (under peak conditions) is not "slightly, it's damn near double.

Even comparing incursion to incursion its no good, if you did have the rare null incursion pop up, you arne't goign to take a fleet of 2-5 bil is ships to do them, you take navy vexors and such. Because of the time it takes such ships to compelte the incursion, you have about the same isk in your wallet as if you'd just stayed in high sec.