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Rate the Avatar above you

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Jade Blackwind
#14401 - 2015-11-11 20:33:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Blackwind
Hm. This is a hard one. Let's start with the facts.

- Severe burns on the face + heavy tribal tattoo combo. Usually that's where the rating drops to "Large Collidable Object/10", but...
- Contrast shading.
- Imperfect face, to say the least. Malformed, heavy lower jaw.
- She's obviously aging. She looks probably around 35 or so.

Certainly far from most aesthetic criteria, though the full-body avatar seems to be well-shaped.

- Nice pose, a dark outline against the lighter part of the background.
- Background shading details create "shadow wings" around the character. I especially love that.
- Her face instantly captures attention and conveys the general theme - that of the mature, life-battered, but strong and extremely resilient woman that'll give hell to any enemy. Gray eyes underline her "inner steel".

For some weird reason, though some might say that this character is ugly, all the details give a feeling that they are there for a purpose and it all somehow "clicks" together as she comes alive. Very good creation. I can't help but like Neph.

Also, new portrait is much better than the previous one with the orange/black vest.

9/10 :P
Yiole Gionglao
#14402 - 2015-11-13 14:18:45 UTC
Jade Blackwind wrote:

"I think I could fit more metal junk in my face"

No, not really buying those piercings. Nor the tattoo.

Jade haves nice features and she pulls the baldhead style well. First I thought she looked bored, but probably she's just thinking. Color theme is well built around the skin color, background and lighting. I would say 8/10, but the piercings and tattoo are too much for me. Will say 7/10 yet feel tempted to remove even more points... Ugh

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Facedesk Eternal
Gallente Federation
#14403 - 2015-11-14 14:54:43 UTC
Yiole Gionglao wrote:

Seemingly nude yet still classy with the lipstick, earrings, and clean skin. Calm simple background fits the mood. 9/10 just cause I would like to see some tattoos or something dark/interesting but I respect the sleek aesthetic.
Rae Jyn
Ananke Expeditions
#14404 - 2015-11-15 09:33:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Rae Jyn
Derp. I commented on a person from the previous page. NVM.

Pretty cool.

Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#14405 - 2015-11-16 20:03:02 UTC
Nothing special, yet something unique.


My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.

Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#14406 - 2015-11-23 07:44:55 UTC
Basically a Bloody Mary in AV form. 10/10

~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~

"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#14407 - 2015-11-24 14:48:42 UTC
I like the uniform, and the pose and background bring it out really well. However, the strong jawline combined with the weak chin is a bit unfortunate. 7/10
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#14408 - 2015-11-24 14:53:22 UTC
Screams Daddy Issues. But im a sucker for a monocle 8/10

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#14409 - 2015-11-24 15:09:10 UTC
Nice background,but your character is so standing upright that it might've swallowed a stick.The hair is cool as well.Reminds me of CCP Dolan's hair. 9/10
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#14410 - 2015-11-24 15:27:45 UTC
Love the monochrome design and the background adding some fire. That scar, the expression, outstanding. 9/10
Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#14411 - 2015-11-24 16:32:30 UTC

Seriously, very nice.



Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#14412 - 2015-11-24 18:30:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Neph
My first impression is that the odd highlighting makes Azda's hair feels disjointed from her face as it blends into the background. I admit, the deep scarring adds an interesting element, but as far as I can tell, doesn't fit with the rest of the image. I'd thought you were white-eyed, but no, your eyes are closed. Are you sleeping? Orgasming? The dramatic lighting adds another confusing component.

I read some of her other reviews. If the story you are trying to tell is that of a old warrior finding inner peace, it's hinted at but not made explicit. Is that what she is? I'm not sure.

How does Azda feel? I don't know. What kind of person is she? I don't know. Should I fear her, pity her, or understand her serenity? Her avatar doesn't let me know. It's aesthetically appealing but emotionally perplexing.

5/10, but just a few tweaks (to expression? lighting?) would bring that up to 9/10, 10/10.

~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~

"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14413 - 2015-11-24 18:33:55 UTC
Actually like this one, posture looks good and chest size is not too big, i dont really dig the tattoo though but thats just me, all in all good char


Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Karmesin Ross
Elite Trading Inc.
#14414 - 2015-11-25 00:08:39 UTC
A look, a FETID. 8/10.
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#14415 - 2015-11-25 00:32:05 UTC
Oh, look, her chest is bigger than her head. No, seriously, it throws off the composition horribly and draws the eye away from anything interesting. I always was partial to that background, though. 6/10

~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~

"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka

Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#14416 - 2015-11-25 02:33:19 UTC
Neph wrote:
Oh, look, her chest is bigger than her head. No, seriously, it throws off the composition horribly and draws the eye away from anything interesting. I always was partial to that background, though. 6/10

That's just a fish-eye lens and I approve, though I may be biased.

You don't quite have the dark angel thing down, but it's not a bad attempt. Big smile

7.5 / 10

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14417 - 2015-11-25 03:35:50 UTC
10/10 Would bang! Created my own sort of contest, didn't realize this thread existed.
Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#14418 - 2015-11-25 08:08:52 UTC
Almost looks like Tom Cruise. 9/10

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#14419 - 2015-11-25 20:14:04 UTC
Great one. The lighting casting a shadow over the left eye and the off-center positioning are especially nice. 9/10
Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#14420 - 2015-11-26 08:36:43 UTC
Nihlus wrote:
Great one. The lighting casting a shadow over the left eye and the off-center positioning are especially nice. 9/10

Every one says that. Yours looks great. Slightly sinister and sickly evil. I approve! 9/10. Perhaps a darker backdrop?

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.