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Jumping into Indutry like a boss

First post
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2015-11-09 02:35:23 UTC

So I have been playing EvE ever since 2008 on and off. I have 3 accounts this being my newest addition.

One 22 Million SP Pure Gallente Combat Pilot.
One 15 Million SP Indy/mining/Freighter/JumpFreighter Pilot/PI/trade
And this new account that will do Mining/PI/Trade

I have never done any manufacturing but have always been intrigued by it but also a little intimidated .

I'm have been accumulating assets for awhile now such as a medium pod tower and one months fuel as well as modules for research, manufacturing and reprocessing ore.

ive just secured a me 8 Megathron BPO . And plan to invest more one BPO's

Just wondering if I creat a 3 man corp with my skill set and throw enough ISK into it would I be looking at turning a profit from BS production/ ammo and drones / POS fuel and what not.

I've been doing Margin Tradeing but it gets boring and I want to broaden my portfolio.

Any advice on this subject would be appreciated.

Bobb Bobbington
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#2 - 2015-11-09 02:42:28 UTC
I'm just getting into it myself, but use a website like eve-cost to check isk/hour and margins on items. I'm afraid, even with a maxed out bpo, you'll be getting -1.3 million isk/hour making megathrons. Ships are, in general, bad to make. T2 production seems the most lucrative to me.

This is a signature.

It has a 25m signature.

No it's not a cosmic signature.


Btw my corp's recruiting.

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#3 - 2015-11-09 13:29:53 UTC
Bobb Bobbington wrote:
I'm just getting into it myself, but use a website like eve-cost to check isk/hour and margins on items. I'm afraid, even with a maxed out bpo, you'll be getting -1.3 million isk/hour making megathrons. Ships are, in general, bad to make. T2 production seems the most lucrative to me.

Depends where you make it.

The industry index can make a huge difference. Jita has a 10% cost to manufacture in.

Move to somewhere quiet, and that -1.3 million can become +3.8 (On a maxed out BPO, in a station. if you take it into a POS, it goes higher, though you then have to account for that cost) may be of interest.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#4 - 2015-11-09 21:02:04 UTC
Shelanski wrote:
ive just secured a me 8 Megathron BPO . And plan to invest more one BPO's

Just wondering if I creat a 3 man corp with my skill set and throw enough ISK into it would I be looking at turning a profit from BS production/ ammo and drones / POS fuel and what not.

So you are wondering this AFTER making an uninformed BPO investment?

I'm betting that if that is the approach you want to take, you will quickly find yourself manufacturing at a loss.

Manufacturing is easy. Deciding what to manufacture, and how much, is hard.
Oriella Trikassi
Trikassi Enterprises
#5 - 2015-11-10 01:21:45 UTC
I'd recommend Eve IPH (see thread in this forum). Use it to check out Blueprints BEFORE you buy them! Do this in conjunction with looking at Price History graphs, since it only provides a snapshot.

Things that can go wrong:

Profit looks good but volume is very low.
Profit looks good now but normally it isn't, you just looked when there was a temporary shortage.
Profit looks good at Jita, but your factory is twenty jumps away.
Competition is strong, but you only adjust your price every week.
There is little competition, but you check your price every day!
The Devs crash entire product lines BY ACCIDENT. Yes, they did it to me.

Start an Isk per hour spreadsheet. Really. It will save you a lot of time if you are serious about manufacturing, by which I mean making enough to pay for your PLEX. That should be your target.

Running my own POS, hm, maybe with the coming changes I'll give it a go. That's what I like about EVE, always something different to try.
SJ Astralana
#6 - 2015-11-11 19:44:47 UTC
I enjoy X can't make you money posts when I can go into my sales history and prove it wrong. I've sold 216 Megathrons over the past six months for 2.2bil at 5.5% profit, my 3rd most profitable battleship. Meanwhile, I've recently finished researching a Rokh BPO only to find that at the moment Rokhs are selling at very low profit. I'm not fussed -- I bought the Rokh because it frequently spikes to the top of my Market Research Report and when an item spikes is really the only time it's a moneymaker anyway. I have Abaddon, Apocalypse and Armageddon BPOs which are a bit tough. The Apoc used to be my #1 item full stop, but it's declined in the past year while the Geddon which used to be hopeless is now quite respectable.

Industry is a portfolio of blueprints, and sales figures drive how much capital is tied up for each print. So when my Abaddon took literally five months of zero sales, no assets were tied up and all I had as a negative was a dead and soon to be retired print. And then, right on the edge, it picked up again and I'll be damned but it netted me 600mil over the past couple months and "it lives!!".

The concept of isk per hour as a sole factor is meaningless. Drill this into your skulls, it's a red herring, for the same reason that margin can't possibly be the sole factor of industry. The driving equation is an item's iph, its turnover, and the number of active competitors. All of the numbers in this equation can be pulled directly from CREST and static data. I routinely build 500k/hr items in preference to 2.5mil/hr because they'll turn over for better profit.

For point of reference, even while ignoring iph as a driving factor, my net iph three months running has been 2.1mil/hr, which is more a reflection of how my Market Research Report has built my portfolio than anything.

Hyperdrive your production business: Eve Production Manager