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Low sec sites battleship

Ranek Tes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-11-07 14:14:22 UTC
Greetings, i just returned and i am looking into doing some sites lowsec and for this i want to use a bs. I favor long range engagements and can fly most factions or i can train for it.

I have somewhat good skills in hybrid, Cruise missiles and drones.

Can you advice on what ship to chose and how to fit it?
Titus Heldane
The Vomit Comets
#2 - 2015-11-07 14:44:16 UTC
use a cruiser. a BS is a massive and slow target. id use either a stratios or a gila. the strat is much better at travelling and scanning and is nearly impossible to catch because of the covops cloak, while a gila can clear sites much faster, has more DPS, tank and better application. what kind of sites do you want to do?
Ranek Tes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-11-07 16:10:05 UTC
The one i have been doing so far is a blood raider rally point, with multiple battleship npc. I have been using a bs, but it tales forever to kill them
Sheeth Athonille
Rabid Dogz Mining
#4 - 2015-11-07 17:22:52 UTC
I'm a big fan of the Domi. Yeah it's safer to use a cruiser, but using the mwd/cloak trick it isn't too bad.

A basic sentry dominix with a MJD fit would probably be ideal for you.
Thierry Orlenard
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-11-07 22:37:52 UTC
A battleship seems like overkill for the rally points -- the gila sounds perfect or a battlecruiser.
Chainsaw Plankton
#6 - 2015-11-08 07:36:34 UTC
Sheeth Athonille wrote:
I'm a big fan of the Domi. Yeah it's safer to use a cruiser, but using the mwd/cloak trick it isn't too bad.

A basic sentry dominix with a MJD fit would probably be ideal for you.

I've been meaning to try running lowsec sites in standardish pvp neut domi, let them think they are getting an easy kill and then neut, web, and scram them while your drones eat em alive. watch out for da blob

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Titus Heldane
The Vomit Comets
#7 - 2015-11-08 10:37:10 UTC
a gila has the same dps as a domi, just less tank and range. with mediums it applies way better to smaller ships though. its also faster, has a smaller sig and is less likely to get caught. there is no reason to use a dominix over a gila for lowsec DEDs unless you are baiting. use an ishtar, stratios, or VNI if you want sentries.
Ranek Tes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8 - 2015-11-08 20:07:42 UTC
I appreciate all the advice, and will consider your input. I have three weeks to t2 sentries, which i assume is a requirement for the drone ships?
Sheeth Athonille
Rabid Dogz Mining
#9 - 2015-11-08 20:18:05 UTC
Ranek Tes wrote:
I appreciate all the advice, and will consider your input. I have three weeks to t2 sentries, which i assume is a requirement for the drone ships?

Highly recommended, though faction will work till you get t2.

And if you decide to try out the gila, all you need are medium drones. Of course gila's are more expensive to lose.