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Screw My Parents.

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Tyyler DURden
Mordechai and Sons Distribution Co.
#41 - 2015-11-02 16:38:45 UTC
Nafensoriel wrote:
Funny how people assume everyone they dont agree with is somehow younger and never apparently have any children.

The kind of misinformation that a parent has an automatic right to micromanage a childs life is mentally insane. We guide. We teach. We warn. Automatically assuming you know best always and forever without fail is a surefire way to lead your child down dangerous paths. It's a cheap dominance trait. Does a child know more about life than we do as parents? No. They havent experienced life yet in any volume yet to allow them to know. Does this mean they cant understand the concepts? No. Does this mean they have no right to question? Hell no. There is a fine line between being a parent and being a warden.

As to parents not valuing their children as number 1 priority.. well I guess this is just a factor of education or lack there of.
This is a fact. A significant majority of young parents actually find their children a burden to their lives. Mostly due to rushing into it to meet fake social needs or general lack of understanding of what being a parent means. Want a brutal example? One of my coworkers has never said a kind word about his son in 12 years. He does all the right parent things(school, sports, social events) but he never mentally wants to be there. The reason? He never wanted children. He socially caved to his wifes wishes because "happy wife happy life and I can deal with it for 18 years".
Stop pretending every family is a fairy tale of perfection and realize we are all a big pile of screwed up trying to figure out each other as human beings.

Dude is it possible you're reading into **** a bit too much? Most people posting here are telling the OP to buck up and show his parents a little respect and maybe go outside or something.

I don't think anyone is specifically disagreeing with you rather then just being a little surprised to read these big pontifical post's from some rank & file goon when they're used to **** jokes and inappropriate links to furry animal porn from your contemporaries.

Tyyler DURden says "use soap"

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2015-11-02 16:52:38 UTC
is this the sage adulthood advice giving thread

get a haircut X
Daedlus Caine
Void Lurkers
#43 - 2015-11-02 16:55:21 UTC
Otso Bakarti wrote:
Only retirees with solid pensions, or enviable incomes in royalties from a life's work should play EVE.
You can tell you're one of these by:

a.) Spend more time outdoors than you do gaming online.

b.) At least try to have some sort of relationship with someone of the opposite gender
(that has no sexual component to it.)


a.) Who in their right mind would go outside? It's crazy out there!

b.) Reminder that you may have to try and make outside contact. Girls do not, if fact, exist on the internet.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#44 - 2015-11-02 17:01:45 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
is this the sage adulthood advice giving thread

get a haircut X

No, I don't want to, youdon'tunderstandmeandmygenerationiwillnotconformYOUR'ENOTMYSUPRVISOR!!!!!!!!1111!!!1
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2015-11-02 17:15:22 UTC
Tyyler DURden wrote:
Nafensoriel wrote:
Funny how people assume everyone they dont agree with is somehow younger and never apparently have any children.

The kind of misinformation that a parent has an automatic right to micromanage a childs life is mentally insane. We guide. We teach. We warn. Automatically assuming you know best always and forever without fail is a surefire way to lead your child down dangerous paths. It's a cheap dominance trait. Does a child know more about life than we do as parents? No. They havent experienced life yet in any volume yet to allow them to know. Does this mean they cant understand the concepts? No. Does this mean they have no right to question? Hell no. There is a fine line between being a parent and being a warden.

As to parents not valuing their children as number 1 priority.. well I guess this is just a factor of education or lack there of.
This is a fact. A significant majority of young parents actually find their children a burden to their lives. Mostly due to rushing into it to meet fake social needs or general lack of understanding of what being a parent means. Want a brutal example? One of my coworkers has never said a kind word about his son in 12 years. He does all the right parent things(school, sports, social events) but he never mentally wants to be there. The reason? He never wanted children. He socially caved to his wifes wishes because "happy wife happy life and I can deal with it for 18 years".
Stop pretending every family is a fairy tale of perfection and realize we are all a big pile of screwed up trying to figure out each other as human beings.

Dude is it possible you're reading into **** a bit too much? Most people posting here are telling the OP to buck up and show his parents a little respect and maybe go outside or something.

I don't think anyone is specifically disagreeing with you rather then just being a little surprised to read these big pontifical post's from some rank & file goon when they're used to **** jokes and inappropriate links to furry animal porn from your contemporaries.

This is slightly off topic to the thread but honestly still sort of valid to the discussion. I usually dont like answering in personal fashions.

Oh a professional note no I'm not reading into it to much.. What is happening however is you are responding emotionally to intentional subtexts. I work professionally as an arbitrator and mediator typically in situations where one side has seriously boned themselves with a major spill or chemical release. These types of cases often involve people who do not know what the chemicals are or what they will do and often do not understand "what the big deal is". They also involve overzealous EPA agents and legal teams that can't for the life of them understand that people make honest mistakes and genuinely want to find a solution for said mistake. Thanks to all that experience in controlling a debates emotions and flow I tend to write passionately flowered words and subconsciously push a readers emotion in a specific direction. In retrospect its something I should probably control more outside of work. Still I'm awesome at capturing and elevating a crowd especially at trade shows :).

I can say with absolute certainty that not once in my entire eve career have I ever been angry or even marginally upset at anyone within this game/forum regardless of my expressed tone. It's just habit to add those emotions in.
ISD Decoy
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#46 - 2015-11-02 17:30:18 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Decoy
I'm going to move this to OOPE. I have also adjusted the title.

ISD Decoy


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Tyyler DURden
Mordechai and Sons Distribution Co.
#47 - 2015-11-02 18:59:05 UTC
Nafensoriel wrote:
Tyyler DURden wrote:
Nafensoriel wrote:
Funny how people assume everyone they dont agree with is somehow younger and never apparently have any children.

The kind of misinformation that a parent has an automatic right to micromanage a childs life is mentally insane. We guide. We teach. We warn. Automatically assuming you know best always and forever without fail is a surefire way to lead your child down dangerous paths. It's a cheap dominance trait. Does a child know more about life than we do as parents? No. They havent experienced life yet in any volume yet to allow them to know. Does this mean they cant understand the concepts? No. Does this mean they have no right to question? Hell no. There is a fine line between being a parent and being a warden.

As to parents not valuing their children as number 1 priority.. well I guess this is just a factor of education or lack there of.
This is a fact. A significant majority of young parents actually find their children a burden to their lives. Mostly due to rushing into it to meet fake social needs or general lack of understanding of what being a parent means. Want a brutal example? One of my coworkers has never said a kind word about his son in 12 years. He does all the right parent things(school, sports, social events) but he never mentally wants to be there. The reason? He never wanted children. He socially caved to his wifes wishes because "happy wife happy life and I can deal with it for 18 years".
Stop pretending every family is a fairy tale of perfection and realize we are all a big pile of screwed up trying to figure out each other as human beings.

Dude is it possible you're reading into **** a bit too much? Most people posting here are telling the OP to buck up and show his parents a little respect and maybe go outside or something.

I don't think anyone is specifically disagreeing with you rather then just being a little surprised to read these big pontifical post's from some rank & file goon when they're used to **** jokes and inappropriate links to furry animal porn from your contemporaries.

I can say with absolute certainty that not once in my entire eve career have I ever been angry or even marginally upset at anyone within this game/forum regardless of my expressed tone. It's just habit to add those emotions in.

Sorry friend, this is where I call bullshit. You're talking out both sides of your mouth to say to I'm having an emotional reaction to the sermons you've been posting while simultaneously saying that you never not once had any kind of negative feelings of any kind while playing this game. I think with that post you lost any credibility you might have possessed.

Tyyler DURden says "use soap"

State War Academy
Caldari State
#48 - 2015-11-02 20:13:47 UTC
Shiloh Templeton wrote:
While they may be misguided about some things, never forget that they love you and want only good things for you and your life ahead. If they didn't, they wouldn't care what you did with your time.

Good luck.

You obviously haven't met a lot of parents....
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2015-11-02 20:23:58 UTC
No its a basic of logic. Seriously this is a video game. Its online. Literally nothing a person can do in EVE can impact me unless I explicitly choose to have it impact me. If you blow up my shiny toy or take all my stuff.. I still explicitly allowed it.

It's functionally very hard to get angry at someone for doing something I allowed them to do. It's also the main selling point of the entire game. EVE uses people to replicate what other games use AI for. Our pirates are real people. Our heros are real people. Our truckers are real people. Hell even our bosses are actual bosses. The only major difference is the currency we are paid with is interest and entertainment.. If we find what someone offers us interesting and entertaining then we pay them with our time.

If you actually get angry or upset over anything game related then you need to sit down and evaluate what is causing your anger. Chances are its due to you forgetting it's a game and that you are only a tiny fraction of that game. Sandboxes are cool because we decide who we are in them.

Now if you could slash my tires or break a window from EVE.. well then I'd have to dispense with a little Albertan Badlands Justice.
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#50 - 2015-11-03 00:21:30 UTC
Nafensoriel wrote:
Funny how people assume everyone they dont agree with is somehow younger and never apparently have any children.

The kind of misinformation that a parent has an automatic right to micromanage a childs life is mentally insane. We guide. We teach. We warn. Automatically assuming you know best always and forever without fail is a surefire way to lead your child down dangerous paths. It's a cheap dominance trait. Does a child know more about life than we do as parents? No. They havent experienced life yet in any volume yet to allow them to know. Does this mean they cant understand the concepts? No. Does this mean they have no right to question? Hell no. There is a fine line between being a parent and being a warden.

As to parents not valuing their children as number 1 priority.. well I guess this is just a factor of education or lack there of.
This is a fact. A significant majority of young parents actually find their children a burden to their lives. Mostly due to rushing into it to meet fake social needs or general lack of understanding of what being a parent means. Want a brutal example? One of my coworkers has never said a kind word about his son in 12 years. He does all the right parent things(school, sports, social events) but he never mentally wants to be there. The reason? He never wanted children. He socially caved to his wifes wishes because "happy wife happy life and I can deal with it for 18 years".
Stop pretending every family is a fairy tale of perfection and realize we are all a big pile of screwed up trying to figure out each other as human beings.

This one has always made a lot of sense to me, as both a kid and a parent. Especially when I see football dads driving kids hard, tiger moms driving kids harder. From Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet. It's from the 1920s or something, ignore the deity references if you don't like them.

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
Max Godsnottlingson
Amarr Empire
#51 - 2015-11-07 11:07:24 UTC
Cpt Armarlio wrote:
My parents think my EVE friends are nothing but losers and so am I for playing an online game.
So I guess moving out is the way forward. I’ve left my character with a year's training and that's that.
Would have liked to play longer but **** those ignorant fools.

Shame I can't pod them

See you soon o7

One day in the future, when you have grown up some more, holding down a responsible job, married and, say, with a couple of kids, you are going to be 'bitching' about them to your parents. And they will stand there with an enigmatic grin on their faces.

A grin that says

"Welcome to our world"

I love it when my kids do that. Or as my son said a few days ago

"God Dad, the kids were driving me up the wall the other day, and I lost it, and yelled at them. Until I realised that it was your voice coming out of my mouth!"
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