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Jump Fatigue Reductions were Not Enough

Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#81 - 2015-11-04 22:31:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Rowells
Vic Jefferson wrote:
This is precisely why there needs to be either a rebalancing of blops-fatigue or more NPC stations littered throught deep null, as the opportunity cost for doing those activities in regions which are so isolated as to be effectively immune from a protracted blops or other harassment campaign are slim to nothing.

Only regions I can think of that are so far from NPC influence are the drone lands. Everywhere else isn't so far from a regional gate that takes you to NPC space. Some map-fu can get your jump drive really close to targets. A few places like back-end Deklein exist, but not so much to be difficult to access.
Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#82 - 2015-11-04 23:16:36 UTC
Rowells wrote:
Vic Jefferson wrote:
This is precisely why there needs to be either a rebalancing of blops-fatigue or more NPC stations littered throught deep null, as the opportunity cost for doing those activities in regions which are so isolated as to be effectively immune from a protracted blops or other harassment campaign are slim to nothing.

Only regions I can think of that are so far from NPC influence are the drone lands. Everywhere else isn't so far from a regional gate that takes you to NPC space. Some map-fu can get your jump drive really close to targets. A few places like back-end Deklein exist, but not so much to be difficult to access.

Says the guy presumably living in Branch.

Have you seen how station free Venal is? To get to a good place to set up in Branch requires 2 mids really. Upper Deklein is sorta the same deal. It isn't players defending that space, as they should according to AegisSov philosophy, but geography alone.

Rivr Luzade wrote:
However, that places are too secure (Although, I cannot confirm that notion from my experience in Querious) is no reason whatsoever to blanket remove or further reduce fatigue. It is just a sign that people are increasingly not interested in combat any more, both hunters and prey. People these days are not interested in fights, they are only interested in ganks. Fights bear risk of losing and that is unacceptable.

I never said anything about a blanket. I was specifically pointing to blops.

It's not about wanting to fight or not wanting to fight. Sov is fought for by the ratters and miners. To fight sov, you need to take it to the streets, harass, annoy, and usurp. Now, if only we had the tools to do so well, we'd have a game again, where a few smaller groups really could suitably **** off a larger one.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#83 - 2015-11-04 23:56:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Rowells
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Says the guy presumably living in Branch.

Have you seen how station free Venal is? To get to a good place to set up in Branch requires 2 mids really. Upper Deklein is sorta the same deal. It isn't players defending that space, as they should according to AegisSov philosophy, but geography alone.

You don't know what a POS is? And how cheap a small one is? hell, just throw one up with an SMA and as soon as the hostiles start knocking on the door, evac and set up some more.,5/MA-VDX,5/B3QP-K

All of Branch and Tenal are covered. And like I said about Deklein:,5/DKUK-G

Good chunk is safe, but only a single mid needed, maybe drop on something while you're at it. Also, blops aren't the only ships that can interrupt mining or ratting, by far. The Dronelands are the biggest guilty party in distance safety, however not so much that a couple extra gates from lowsec won't get you in range:,5/RT64-C

It's all about :imagination: I'll ley you see the possibilities from there. Depending on how long you move from gate to gate, you shouldn't have more than 30 minutes of fatigue upon arrival. Plenty of time to grab a snack and send out the hunters.

It isn't players defending that space

Are you attacking their sov or their ratters? They are not the same thing. Don't pretend they are inclusive. Yes, one affects the other, but you won't take ya0 by killing all the ratting titans.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#84 - 2015-11-05 00:42:06 UTC
Vic Jefferson wrote:

It's a chicken and egg problem. Distance didn't use to mean anything period, and that was bad, but what were before arbitrary distances on the map have since taken on lots of meaning. One or two mids basically means you are done for the night, and severely raises the bar for antagonists wanting to create content. Contrast this to High Sec where it's basically undock catalysts, receive killmail. Basically what came first, the fatigue or the (meaningful) distance?

Blops are totally different than a carrier blob. The problem with a carrier blob was that it was significantly more mobile than other fleets, and it was significantly better at fighting than other fleets. Yes, you can take ganks as you find them, but you cannot take fights and not expect to suffer hilariously expensive losses with blops. The problem with carrier and supercarrier blobs teleporting around was that not only were they the most mobile, they were also un-counterable by anything except more of themselves.

The whole beauty of the ship class is supposed to be mobility and damage. It needs that mobility, and even more so, Sov space needs those risks.

The more you reduce fatigue, the less distance actually matter because you can always jump again. Is distance supposed to matter or is it just a side effect we got?
Orca Platypus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2015-11-05 02:55:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Orca Platypus
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
But a blanket reduction to all jump fatigue is not an appropriate way to address the issue.

It absolutely is. The mechanic is just plain bad, it needs to be mitigated and marginalized, if not outright removed for a later redesign.

Kaarous Aldutard is the best monitor for the features.
If he's for it, the change is bad.
If he's advocating it, it's horrible.
If he's against it, it's good.
If he's crying about it, it's great.

Jump fatigue was literally among the best things to ever happen to eve, and he's crying about it like he never told anyone to HTFU.

I'm against the reduction. It was already reduced almost to the point where it makes no sense anymore. Managing your fatigue is stupidly easy at the moment. HTFU (c).

If anything, wormhole projection is also too great and needs to be nerfed - for example with wormhole fatigue where a hole gets a reactivation and fatigue timer every time a ship passes, depending on a ship mass and hole type. One ship - unnoticeable. Small gang is going to take 3 minutes to come through. Huge fleets of party poopers - 1 hour, because frak you, plan your deployments in advance, creeps.

ED: If you really think 3 minutes is a big price to pay for crossing a hundred light years in a single free leap, you are too fat.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#86 - 2015-11-05 07:06:09 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Entities like CFC need to be starved to death so that a more varied landscape of entities can take root in Sov.

Nevermind the pettiness of just putting in punitive mechanics against people you don't like...

But how's that working for you? Seems to me like it just managed to destroy most of the small-mid size nullsec groups instead. It's almost like your singlemindedness blinded you to the reality of the changes being made.

I also find it regrettable that Null-Null-WHs or Null-WS-Null-WHs needed to be reduced

That did not "need" to happen. Sort Dragon is just a big crybaby.

There were small/mid-sized entities in Sov Null sec before Phoebe? Please name some, because I cannot think of any that were not under the protective umbrella of one of the big blocks. In contrast, now there are more capable and willing smaller/medium sized entities in Sov Null sec then ever before. Some indeed collapsed but it is working relatively well in Querious and Delve, for instance, or some areas of the drone regions as well as Wicked Creek and Scalding Pass. Fountain also broke up into several smaller groups and even made the Aridia dukes LSH join the boredom and tedium of sov. So, people who underestimate Sov and think it's just like live in High sec or Low sec sure will crumble and have no place in sov to begin with. Others, who actually demonstrate some level or prowess can cut out some systems for themselves -- until they get blobbed by the bigger groups because their home areas of space are too boring.

Crybaby or not, getting piled on repeatedly by Deklein troops (not the CFC people who already were in Khanid, but direct Deklein residents) through wormholes as soon as the Khanid detachment was in trouble of losing a fight clearly worked just as intended. The change was, furthermore, also supported by other people who used that technique, otherwise CCP would not have done anything if it only were supported by one CSM.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#87 - 2015-11-05 07:57:42 UTC
I have to agree, stopping power projection was really about caps and supers. Give the sub caps a break.
But we have to remember the whole point of jump fatigue was so that you couldnt quick just hot drop people in another region and go back home again.
CCP have made the point clear that you live where you make your home and you play where you are living, and if you do want to move across the universe well its going to take some time, and when you do you make your home vunerable too. I think thats pretty fair. You can always use wormholes right? Thats your get out clause

So yes lower it a little for BOPs but nothing like JF numbers.

All my views are my own - never be afraid to post with your main, unless you're going to post some dumb shit

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2015-11-05 09:22:02 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
Orca Platypus wrote:

If anything, wormhole projection is also too great and needs to be nerfed - for example with wormhole fatigue where a hole gets a reactivation and fatigue timer every time a ship passes, depending on a ship mass and hole type. One ship - unnoticeable. Small gang is going to take 3 minutes to come through. Huge fleets of party poopers - 1 hour, because frak you, plan your deployments in advance, creeps.

ED: If you really think 3 minutes is a big price to pay for crossing a hundred light years in a single free leap, you are too fat.

I can see you've never actually tried to coordinate or use this before.

Also your idea breaks all of WH combat, literally all of it.

So here's an idea, don't sperg in threads when you know zero about the topic at hand. Thanks.

There could be other things done to help blops mobility, but I think tweaking the fatigue/range is the place to start. I mean to be perfectly fair - CCP basically overlooked them even existing in the initial pass, which is fairly telling that they've been hit "because jump drive" and not because they presented a manifest problem.

A straight range increase will alleviate some issues with mid points, but of course the further you jump, then the bigger the fatigue hit - so perhaps balanced, perhaps just trading one pain for another.

A straight fatigue reduction increases range over time and reduces downtime between jumps.

It's probably fair to say that most people are not wholly adverse to blops getting some help. That said, we need to ascertain what problem actually existed which fatigue was brought in to resolve.

And before anyone blusters about "power projection" and the blob I should like to request some evidence up front before I entertain the notion. Find me some kill reports of these several hundred man BLOPS fleets YOLOing up and down the galaxy to third party a fight and farm kills. I mean if that was really happening, that won't be hard to find, right? They'll be everywhere.

With that said if we can agree on the problem (or potentially, the lack thereof) then we can work towards a solution which helps blops and still stops us falling into the problem zone again.


Here is my citation for BLOPs not being a problem, for those saying they were - where's your evidence to the contrary?

CCP Greyscale wrote:
Black ops are working in a generally OK manner on TQ right now, and we want to minimize harm to their use with these changes.

Black Consuls
#89 - 2015-11-05 12:36:22 UTC
I own sov systems,why i dont have any bonuses to my bridges?(like reduction to fatique or something around that idea)
Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2015-11-05 12:38:55 UTC
TrickyBlackSteel wrote:
I own sov systems,why i dont have any bonuses to my bridges?(like reduction to fatique or something around that idea)

why should sov have special treatment over everyone else?

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Black Consuls
#91 - 2015-11-05 12:45:14 UTC
Because its sov,it should have some bonuses,otherwise is like any other NPC nullsec space.
Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2015-11-05 12:57:03 UTC
TrickyBlackSteel wrote:
Because its sov,it should have some bonuses,otherwise is like any other NPC nullsec space.

are you actually being serious? the only thing npc null has is pirate agents, you can upgrade your systems and basically be showered with isk constantly through anomolies, sov is the reason pirate bpc's prices are worth nothing so dont go saying you get no benefits owning sov. if anything npc nullsec players should get a reduction in fatigue so they can kill you blue donut carebears who are raking in tons of isk with hardly any risk.

new citadels will probably have a module for missions so thats another kick for npc nullsec guys because sov will just farm it to death and wreck the market for more lp items

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#93 - 2015-11-05 13:12:32 UTC
Wormhole rolling, criminal cooldown preventing ship boarding and fatigue are all had too much fun timers.

Fatigue at least should get flat out removed.

It's not stopping people from dropping their caps for every frigate, it's just curbing the response.
As a very negative side effect it also makes blopsing very tedious because you have to wait 45 minutes after every drop.

Not to mention having to move a carrier from one side of eve to another.

You. Just. Do. Not.

You dock the carrier in the nearest station, reprocess it and sell the minerals, buy a new carrier at a destination.
It's cheaper.

Go ahead, tell me to take those gates through 100 bubbles.
I'm not a fan of supers and capitals in general but blackops activity went down a lot and nullsec activity consists pretty much purely of ratting and ratting some more now.

But hey at least you don't have to be worried about hotdrops when you are on the edge of K-Space with nobody anywhere near you.Ugh

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2015-11-05 13:16:00 UTC
TrickyBlackSteel wrote:
Because its sov,it should have some bonuses,otherwise is like any other NPC nullsec space.

Except I can't build jump bridges in NPC space. One might even say the bridge IS the perk...
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#95 - 2015-11-05 13:19:11 UTC
If you're quoting Greyscale, you've already lost the argument.

Just sayin'.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#96 - 2015-11-05 13:23:22 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
If you're quoting Greyscale, you've already lost the argument.

Just sayin'.

Well that is paradoxical, because the quote is clearly stating that the blops were never the problem.

Thus by extension we should be revisiting them as this change HAS affected their use beyond the minimal amount.

So if in your view, he's always wrong, then logically you think the fatigue/ranges on blops are good. This doesn't seem to be the case since you're loudly shouting they are bad in here.

It's dangerous making blanket assessments based on WHO rather than WHAT.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#97 - 2015-11-05 13:23:53 UTC
Personally, I have no issues with jump fatigue. Yes, it has kept me from getting to a few fun fights with my capital ships, but it has meant many, many more fun fights where my own capitals were at less risk of getting pig-piled.

The discussions about the need for more accessible NPC space lead me right back to this thread:

Additionally, I'll go ahead and say that the WH nerf CCP implemented back in June was horrible. Life was much better when roaming gangs had an easier time getting behind enemy lines.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Orca Platypus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#98 - 2015-11-05 13:37:19 UTC
afkalt wrote:
I can see you've never actually tried to coordinate or use this before.

I can see you cannot really see.

afkalt wrote:
Also your idea breaks all of WH combat, literally all of it.

What part of "depending on hole type" is so misleading? You want to keep your wh combat - give your C5-C6 holes less fatigue values. It's K-space to K-space travel which is overpowered.

afkalt wrote:
So here's an idea, don't sperg in threads when you know zero about the topic at hand. Thanks.

So here's a counter-idea, let's not assume things about each other especially when you clearly have no idea. Thanks.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#99 - 2015-11-05 14:47:21 UTC
afkalt wrote:

There could be other things done to help blops mobility, but I think tweaking the fatigue/range is the place to start. I mean to be perfectly fair - CCP basically overlooked them even existing in the initial pass, which is fairly telling that they've been hit "because jump drive" and not because they presented a manifest problem.

A straight range increase will alleviate some issues with mid points, but of course the further you jump, then the bigger the fatigue hit - so perhaps balanced, perhaps just trading one pain for another.

A straight fatigue reduction increases range over time and reduces downtime between jumps.

It's probably fair to say that most people are not wholly adverse to blops getting some help. That said, we need to ascertain what problem actually existed which fatigue was brought in to resolve.

And before anyone blusters about "power projection" and the blob I should like to request some evidence up front before I entertain the notion. Find me some kill reports of these several hundred man BLOPS fleets YOLOing up and down the galaxy to third party a fight and farm kills. I mean if that was really happening, that won't be hard to find, right? They'll be everywhere.

With that said if we can agree on the problem (or potentially, the lack thereof) then we can work towards a solution which helps blops and still stops us falling into the problem zone again.

It's hard to prove that BLOPS would not be used to drop everywhere if they didn't have fatigue since people proved they would do it with caps before. While BLOPS don't have the sustainability of caps in a fight, they would still be the only option to reliably 3rd party any fights if they were the only ship with a jump drive to not have fatigue. The fact that people didn't do it before amount to nothing when it was possible with a much better option to do so.

afkalt wrote:

Here is my citation for BLOPs not being a problem, for those saying they were - where's your evidence to the contrary?

CCP Greyscale wrote:
Black ops are working in a generally OK manner on TQ right now, and we want to minimize harm to their use with these changes.


How many drops/hours were blops actaully doing before fatigue was implemented? Was this mode of operation slowed down or is it just the "getting into a staging area to do drops" portion that is much harder because it involve consecutive jumps thus stacking fatigue fast?
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#100 - 2015-11-05 14:52:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Serendipity Lost
Frostys Virpio wrote:
afkalt wrote:

There could be other things done to help blops mobility, but I think tweaking the fatigue/range is the place to start. I mean to be perfectly fair - CCP basically overlooked them even existing in the initial pass, which is fairly telling that they've been hit "because jump drive" and not because they presented a manifest problem.

A straight range increase will alleviate some issues with mid points, but of course the further you jump, then the bigger the fatigue hit - so perhaps balanced, perhaps just trading one pain for another.

A straight fatigue reduction increases range over time and reduces downtime between jumps.

It's probably fair to say that most people are not wholly adverse to blops getting some help. That said, we need to ascertain what problem actually existed which fatigue was brought in to resolve.

And before anyone blusters about "power projection" and the blob I should like to request some evidence up front before I entertain the notion. Find me some kill reports of these several hundred man BLOPS fleets YOLOing up and down the galaxy to third party a fight and farm kills. I mean if that was really happening, that won't be hard to find, right? They'll be everywhere.

With that said if we can agree on the problem (or potentially, the lack thereof) then we can work towards a solution which helps blops and still stops us falling into the problem zone again.

It's hard to prove that BLOPS would not be used to drop everywhere if they didn't have fatigue since people proved they would do it with caps before. While BLOPS don't have the sustainability of caps in a fight, they would still be the only option to reliably 3rd party any fights if they were the only ship with a jump drive to not have fatigue. The fact that people didn't do it before amount to nothing when it was possible with a much better option to do so.

afkalt wrote:

Here is my citation for BLOPs not being a problem, for those saying they were - where's your evidence to the contrary?

CCP Greyscale wrote:
Black ops are working in a generally OK manner on TQ right now, and we want to minimize harm to their use with these changes.


How many drops/hours were blops actaully doing before fatigue was implemented? Was this mode of operation slowed down or is it just the "getting into a staging area to do drops" portion that is much harder because it involve consecutive jumps thus stacking fatigue fast?

oops, got the wrong post - disregard