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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Old player, new Pilot looking for a corp.

Thassel Shaile
The Sacred Order of the Space Weasels
#1 - 2012-01-06 02:31:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Thassel Shaile

I am looking for a corp, must have the following.

Arrow Active membership over 20 members.
Arrow Members that play together and want to team up.
Arrow CEO who has been playing eve longer then I have had this pilot.
Arrow Fun loving people, with a sense of humor.
Arrow Realize real life comes first.

Things I would like but not required:
Arrow I am interested in an all around corp with no singular focus, but rather a well balanced corp.
Arrow A well structured leadership.
Arrow Planned ops on a normal basis.
Arrow Long term and short term membership based goals.
Arrow Possibility of progression in the corp.

I have been playing eve since 2006, a few months ago I sold my main Syberbolt8, and vowed to quit eve forever giving a majority of my isk away in jita with the Ill 2x your isk, because its funny to see people call scam when others really get the money and thank me. I however was unable to quit, and wish I had never sold my main, given away my isk. I am back now and looking for a place to call home.

I have done most things eve has to offer, (no incursions / FW / or living long term in WH's.

I am a father of 2 kids, and only have so much time to be online. I am on at least 5 hours a week and sometimes upto 25 hours a week. I have a headset, can be on voice comms only during per-planed ops that require it. Real life is a priority for me and I may have to go afk without notice (kids do the darnedest things when your not watching them like a hawk.)

I am in EST that is -5 gmt, and like to get on around 21:00 to 01:00 eve time and get off line around 03:00 or till I fall asleep on my keyboard on the weekends.

If you think I can fit into your corp and you would like to talk to me more about it, please contact me in game, or post here with an offer.

Thank you
Banedon Runestar
R3PC0N Tech. Industries
Phoenix Stars
#2 - 2012-01-06 15:03:14 UTC
Check Your Evemail

Banedon Runestar
Thassel Shaile
The Sacred Order of the Space Weasels
#3 - 2012-01-06 22:21:57 UTC
bump bump bump, bump it up.
Neo Corricon
#4 - 2012-01-06 22:44:08 UTC
Sent you a convo but got no reply.
Feel free to cono me back.

Some info:

We are a well organized, proven Corporation founded in 2006 in 0.0 space.
After living in 0.0 for over 5 years, we have moved back to low-sec for some pirate action.
If you are looking for a pirate training Corp, look no further.

We also run an industrial arm for mining and manufacturing.

Typical activities:

- Pirating
- Training new Pirates
- Exploration/Plexing (combat sites, anomalies, gravimetric, ladar, and magnetometric)
- Mining
- Manufacturing
- WH Ops
- L4 Missions


- Experienced PvP pilots willing to teach
- Strong industrial wing
- Access to lab facilities
- RL always comes first in RennTech


- Interview with Neo Corricon or Crien.
- Must be a team player willing to contribute to the good of the Corp.
- Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Mumble, fluent English, and a working headset are required.
- Good sense of humor.

Public Channel: RENNT

AetomHaert Mother
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-01-06 23:48:14 UTC
Star Frontiers is currently recruiting new members. We do some awesome things that you might like:

Currently involved as a 3rd party to all the wars in the north. This means hourly PVP opportunities. We are choc full of people who either have families or professional careers, or the odd layabout like myself.

Some cool things we do:

Ship replacement program
Free in corp logistics
Corp ops and competent corp FCs
The ability to be awesome like Songeyguy is.

Talk to us in game in channel: Star Frontiers

Thassel Shaile
The Sacred Order of the Space Weasels
#6 - 2012-01-07 14:45:48 UTC
Nice Offers, Keep em coming.
Allie Johannes
#7 - 2012-01-07 16:25:02 UTC
Hello there m'dear -

Here's our recruitment thread.

We're fun loving. our corp motto is "If our members are not having a good time, we're not doing our job."

We have members all around the world, and almost always there's someone on and we're expanding quite fast! We've just formed up with a very like minded alliance as-well, who also are active appreciate our sense of humor. Feel free to hop on our team-speak at anytime. Even if you don't feel like joining. It'll give you a better sense of who we are. (Plus I like people :D)

No password.
Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#8 - 2012-01-07 20:20:08 UTC
Sons Of 0din

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#9 - 2012-01-08 12:38:17 UTC
i think you would like The Clean Up Crew! take a look at our KB and Recruitment Post!

recruitment post -

KB -

YouTube -
Thassel Shaile
The Sacred Order of the Space Weasels
#10 - 2012-01-08 13:29:23 UTC
Online again. and bump