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Bumping miners in high sec

Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#41 - 2012-01-06 12:02:22 UTC
Sonny Dang wrote:
mine with a Titan, the mass is too large to be bumped

I know some very angry titan pilots and FC's that would gladly shoot you on the spot for even claiming such a thing.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Lady Aja
#42 - 2012-01-06 12:04:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Aja
Abrazzar wrote:
You could file a petition for harassment and depending on the circumstances, they may get a warning.

its an harrassment to bump continously, i know this as i got a warning from a gm over it. after i bumped thier orca 40km out of thebelt and hulks 80km.
where is my ability to link a sig properly CCP you munters!!
Annoyed Tritanium Bar
#43 - 2012-01-06 12:09:30 UTC
James 315 wrote:
Well, well, well...

Look at what we have here.

Ishmael, I am extremely disappointed. Here I was, giving you credit for attempting to suicide gank my stabber with your talos, and you do this? I would expect it from one of the miners. Apparently I misjudged you. So noted.

To answer the question in your OP, it's really quite simple. If you want to mine in Arvasaras, you pay me my ransom of 1 million isk. Upon receipt of said ransom, I will set you to positive standings for life, and you are free to mine all of the ore and ice in the system you want. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the consequences, namely getting bumped.

The choice is yours. I'm not your boss, just the boss of Arvasaras. I don't tell you how to live your life. I merely present you with the choice:

giev 1 mil or i bump

That is all.

You bump and write that wall off text for a million isk? An entire million?

I wonder what you'd do for a dime irl.
Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#44 - 2012-01-06 12:51:20 UTC
James 315 wrote:
Well, well, well...

Look at what we have here.

Ishmael, I am extremely disappointed. Here I was, giving you credit for attempting to suicide gank my stabber with your talos, and you do this? I would expect it from one of the miners. Apparently I misjudged you. So noted.

To answer the question in your OP, it's really quite simple. If you want to mine in Arvasaras, you pay me my ransom of 1 million isk. Upon receipt of said ransom, I will set you to positive standings for life, and you are free to mine all of the ore and ice in the system you want. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the consequences, namely getting bumped.

The choice is yours. I'm not your boss, just the boss of Arvasaras. I don't tell you how to live your life. I merely present you with the choice:

giev 1 mil or i bump

That is all.

This entire post is so sad it is funny, he's the bumping boss of Arvasaras guys! Watch out! I'd suspect it's just a troll but I am guessing a troll wouldn't be so brilliantly sad...

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Gary Bell
Black Dragon PHP
Brave Collective
#45 - 2012-01-06 13:04:20 UTC
OOOORRRR Stop mining cuz you are waisting your time and dont make any isk doing it, and go run incursions like the cool highsec care bears!

Mai Khumm
#46 - 2012-01-06 13:25:14 UTC
Devoyd wrote:
FYI: 78.9% of statistics are made up.

Actually 86.2% of statistics are made up.
Ishmael Hansen
Renegade Revenge Technologies
Solyaris Chtonium
#47 - 2012-01-06 13:56:42 UTC
Gary Bell wrote:
OOOORRRR Stop mining cuz you are waisting your time and dont make any isk doing it, and go run incursions like the cool highsec care bears!


Need something to do while I practice my guitar, and the 500 sec cycle time is nice. :)
Tiberius Sunstealer
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#48 - 2012-01-06 14:17:09 UTC
Gary Bell wrote:
OOOORRRR Stop mining cuz you are waisting your time and dont make any isk doing it, and go run incursions like the cool highsec care bears!


But incursions actually require you to be playing. Mining is for all us lazy people. Lol
Ramacliv's IRA
#49 - 2012-01-06 14:24:59 UTC
Had a guy who was bumping me as I was mining (for minerals to make a ton of ammo). He bumped me a few times then demanded 50M to stop. I simply timed my warp outs and ran shortly after being bumped. Then I went and did missions. Let me tell you he was cussing me for leaving. Since then he has ignored me in system not that I mine much. What I am suggesting is simply don't give in and don't let them bother you simply leave them with nothiing not even tears.

BTW to the guy who wants 1m to leave you in peace in "his" system that is just stupid. Of course I bet you have been paid off before so there are those that are more stupid out there.
Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium
#50 - 2012-01-06 15:02:04 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:
Sonny Dang wrote:
Wait how does bumping work again?

You've just done it twice to this thread.

My hat's off to you.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2012-01-06 15:14:10 UTC
learn about keet at range, orbit and mass.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#52 - 2012-01-06 17:18:21 UTC
Lady Aja wrote:
its an harrassment to bump continously, i know this as i got a warning from a gm over it. after i bumped thier orca 40km out of thebelt and hulks 80km.

I've ransomed people with bumping. Guess no one ever thought to petition it.

After spending 10 minutes unable to warp away, a lot of indy pilots will pay 20-30 mil to be let go. it's not harassment, it's extortion. Non-violent PVP at its best.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

AP Ventures Ltd.
#53 - 2012-01-06 18:30:44 UTC
I remember being bumped only once... he sent my retriever flying away from the belt and all I could do was laugh Lol. I thought it was damn hilarious (weeeee!). So I warped out, got my own fast ship, and proceeded to have a bump-war with my 'assailant.'

Was the most fun I had mining ever.

Shaytan Combine is Recruiting! All Pilots Welcome regardless of Skill level, Profession, or Bitterness level Visit for details.

Alain Kinsella
#54 - 2012-01-06 20:14:39 UTC
Brujo Loco wrote:

1)Stop mining in top hi sec ,go to middle hi sec
2) train anchoring 1
3) anchor can, orbit your own anchored can
4) Profit!

thats all.Bear

Actually that system is a dead-end 0.5 with an Ice belt, which is not bad. I used to place buy orders for cubes there, reprocess, and ship the products to Oimmo for sale.

Better advice would be to find a system with no stations (they do exist in High Sec) and no Ice belts (if you're mining ore).

I believe the OP said Retriever, that will last a decent time with full cargo expansion and Strip 1s. If you're really mining ice switch to ore and you'll have a better time finding quiet areas. Filling the hold will take around the same time.

"The Meta Game does not stop at the game. Ever."

Currently Retired / Semi-Casual (pending changes to RL concerns).

Sttarrlighte Industries
#55 - 2012-01-20 00:29:26 UTC
Said by James 315 earlier tonight in arvasaras.

[23:04:33] James 315 > unbreakable, unyielding, indominable, invincible
[23:09:01] James 315 i have never backed down from a challenge
[23:21:37] James 315 > prove ur honour, and i will fight u any time, any place :)
[23:23:47] James 315 > my ship is incapable of dying
[23:24:04] James 315 > i have defeated whole fleets
[23:24:25] James 315 > are u willing to make a sacrifice to prove ur honour?

Sounds like he is making a challenge to anyone to take him on......

Drem Aldent
#56 - 2012-01-20 01:27:58 UTC
Kharmha wrote:
Said by James 315 earlier tonight in arvasaras.

[23:04:33] James 315 > unbreakable, unyielding, indominable, invincible
[23:09:01] James 315 i have never backed down from a challenge
[23:21:37] James 315 > prove ur honour, and i will fight u any time, any place :)
[23:23:47] James 315 > my ship is incapable of dying
[23:24:04] James 315 > i have defeated whole fleets
[23:24:25] James 315 > are u willing to make a sacrifice to prove ur honour?

Sounds like he is making a challenge to anyone to take him on......

I will bring all of the sov holding alliances on you. try surviving then.
#57 - 2012-01-20 01:43:57 UTC
Just so you miner type folks are aware... suicide ganking is not a lifestyle. You, too, can use suicide ganking as a tool to show flexibility while not letting the cold (slowly warming), hard (slowly easing) universe of EVE get to you or stop you from your goals. That way you are not just fitting your stereotype of always being motionless in space while you whine on the forums. The solution has been provided to you by other EVE players, learn from em, fight back...

... just saying.
Vigrioth Stoneclaw
Daskak Verskaffers
#58 - 2012-01-20 01:46:49 UTC
Sonny Dang wrote:
Wait how does bumping work again?

Well first you buy them dinner, and then you take them to the club and ply them with alcohol...
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#59 - 2012-01-20 01:49:06 UTC
Taedrin wrote:
Ishmael Hansen wrote:
How do you fight them? And I'm talking about the ones hiding behind noob corps.

You can't mine, you can't kill them, you can't war dec them.

Suicide gankers are easy, because you get kill rights, now this new breed are like annoying insects and you can't do anything.

You CAN kill them, you just take a sec hit and get CONCORDUKKEN'd for it.

So log off - if you don't have the 15 minute aggression timer, you disappear after 60 seconds. Then log onto a suicide ganking alt and gank the bastard.

Better: Fit a Covetor with 3 Smartbombs and drones and go lay in wait for them.
Vigrioth Stoneclaw
Daskak Verskaffers
#60 - 2012-01-20 01:52:47 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
Devoyd wrote:
FYI: 78.9% of statistics are made up.

Actually 86.2% of statistics are made up.

Statistics are made up? Wha...?
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