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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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83 mil SP and 15 mil SP alt LF tight knit group (US TZ)

Father Weebles
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-10-21 04:06:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Father Weebles
Prefer small group focused PVP
Tight knit, friendly group with a sense of humor
Nullsec (preferably NPC space)
Use BLOPS (training to V now)

Main Char:
Specialized in subcap ships (can technically fly Min carrier). Enjoy flying Sabre, Pilgrim, Rapier.

Can fly interdictor, recon V and about to fly Rapier and Pilgrim.
The Price Of Freedom
Apocalypse Now.
#2 - 2015-10-21 05:23:43 UTC
Hi there

take a look at our recruitment thread, we've got a tight nit group of mainly US TZ players, who are looking to carve out a piece on npc null for ourselves.

hopefully you will like the sound of it and we will be a good fit
JengoFett Miromme
Project Omega Industries
#3 - 2015-10-21 17:39:57 UTC
Extreme Agony

Come by our in game recruiting channel: Extreme-Recruit

We are small gang PVP in Curse NPC space. and part of The WraithGaurd Alliance. We fleet nightly, Blops, GateCamps, Roaming and anything else we can find that will bring us PVP.
Take a look at our kill-board. We are very busy and very active.
Devils Minions
#4 - 2015-10-21 18:23:16 UTC
Hello Father Weebles.

I believe that we may just have what you're looking for in [MBALM], a small tight-knit community that is pvp focused.

Below is our corp advert copied from the forums:

Corporation Established: 26 AUG 07

Member of: Get Off My Lawn [LAWN]

(Alliance Established: 25 MAY 09)

Public Chat Channel: PITBOSS' Office


We are a small/med size corp with a mostly US and EU timezone contingent. PVP focused for the most part but due to FozzieSov mechanics we are seeking Industry focused people too.

We are seeking mature pilots that desire fun and action in null sec.

We understand that REAL LIFE comes first. We expect you to participate in corp / alliance fleets, and to be an eager part of our team.

To be a part of us ... A positive, no drama attitude is a must !!

Previous null sec expierience is not necessary to join.


* 10 Million PVP-focused Skill Points (API-Verified)
* Be prepared to relocate to 0.0 (Vale of the Silent Region)
* Mumble with a working microphone (NON-NEGOTIABLE)
* We also welcome Industrial Characters


MEMBERSHIP to an Alliance: Get Off My Lawn [LAWN]

MEMBERSHIP to: The Imperium Coalition

* Mumble Server for Comms (Alliance)
* Forums (Alliance)
* Killboard (Corp / Alliance)

* Multiple ISK Making Opportunities
* Logistics Service to bring your goods/ships to and from Jita.

* Exclusive Gurista Ratting Space with a nice Intel pipe.
* Large swaths of Vale of the SIlent to plunder and make your riches!

* Numerous Fleet OPS
* Solo PVP Opportunities
* Specialty Groups to try out different types of combat

* Mining Fleets with access to RARE ores and ICE
* Corporate Projects to flex your manufacturing skills
* Corporate Buy-Back Program (90% Jita Price. Save money on shipping!)


* Respect Corp / Alliance Membership
* Adhere to the Alliance NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) Policy
* Attend CTA & Home Defense Fleets
* Killboard Kill Activity
* Living in Vale of the Silent Region with the rest of the Corporation / Alliance
* Be Self-Sufficient
* A full account wide API key is required and is subject to checks.

* Have Fun ... If not ... Speak up


* Join our Public Chat Channel: PITBOSS' Office

* Post to this thread or EVEMail a recruiter

* Jaden Kasan (CEO)

* Lorien Gondolphin (Director / Diplomat)

* Lorien Gondolphin (Recruiter and US coordinator - USTZ)
* Tingerz (Recruiter and EU coordinator - EUTZ)
Lasko Ferrani
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#5 - 2015-10-22 01:18:06 UTC
Come on by for a chat. BO Hot drops are fun

Dust Expeditionary Team{3UST} is currently recruiting. We are part of the Good Sax Alliance. We are based on NPC 0.0 and have Sovereignty 0.0 space as well. We are seeking both experienced players and new players who wish to learn the game. We are recruiting for all time zones. We are a mostly US time zone corporation but with a EU/Asia time zone presence.

We Offer:
PvP: anything from Small Gang to Large Fleet. SRP for Corp/Alliance Operations.
Mining: Upgraded 0.0 systems to mine the High End Ores and Full Fleet Boosts. Upgraded Refining Station. Multiple Ice Belts. Good 0.0 planets for PI production.
Exploration: Multiple Regions to scan Relic/Data Sites
PvE: Mission running in NPC 0.0. Belt Ratting. Upgraded 0.0 Sov systems for running anomalies
Experienced members to learn from on how to play and make a living in Eve without turning Eve into another job.


Voice Comms: We use TeamSpeak. Expect all members to be on Comms.
Full API key for accounts
Full account subscribed. No Trial accounts.

We are a corp of mature players so we understand that Real Life has to come first. Just ask to be kept informed if you have any issues with your ability to play. We do ask no swearing on Comms since there maybe young children listening.

Please join us in our public in-game channel “Dust Team” with questions and initial contact. We will then get you on TS for further interview.

Questions can be mailed to BluSmoke as well.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2015-10-22 01:36:34 UTC
Hello come take a look at us

Black Horse Corporation is recruiting motivated, active PVP pilots to join us.

Black Horse is a 0.0 corporation founded in 2003 and run by veteran pilots, we are looking to expand and grow our corporation. We offer 0.0 PVP, Mining, Ratting, and Manufacturing. We require at least 10 million skill points, TeamSpeak is required with working microphone. API check is also required. Must be PVP oriented who enjoy 0.0 fleet action defending our space. We are a fun group who have been in New Eden for several years. We don’t put up with whining or drama.

If you are interested, join our public channel: UOME
Or contact Queen Isotope, Shemsu Mordus, Musttang or HaroldMott in game.

Lukas Skywalkor
Cybertech System Industries
#7 - 2015-10-22 02:57:51 UTC
heya Father Weebles

Starcall Intergalactic is an industry heavy, casual, Low-Sec PVP corporation. As a growing corp our goal is to become a significant influence in our pocket. Our member base ranges from new players to players since EvE first launched.

Looking for:

Exploration, Mission Running, Small-Scale Gangs, Mining, Manufacturing, New Pilot Friendly

What you can get from us:

- Low sec is awesome
- SRP program
- Competitive Ore and PI buying program
- Casual CTA's to repel pocket invaders
- An industry base that has been growing for over a decade
- Max boosted mining operations and logistical support
- Intelligent and experienced corpmates

What we expect from you:
Have fun, it's a game afterall
RL comes first
No SP requirements

Starcall Intergalactic is based on USTZ with CDN and EUTZ pilots and our EU sister corp Pheonix Industries

You can reach us by replying to this post or in game by sending a message to one of our recruiters:
Lukas Skywalkor, Meryk Sindrak, Wo Mein, SirlCE6

Best Regards
Personnel Director
Lukas Skywalkor
Lippstadt Creed
Solyaris Chtonium
#8 - 2015-10-22 13:46:09 UTC
Hello Father

I am from Trojan Legion. We are members of Goonswarm. TLRE and GSF are active in all Timezones with fleets going out all hours of the day to take on roaming gangs coming thru our space, or to help out fellow coalition alliances. Trojan Legion has 75 individuals within the corporation and we are looking to grow that number with active and friendly pilots. We have active FC's that run both alliance wide fleet and specialized operation fleets, including BlackOps, small gang and recon.

The alliance has an exstensive ship replacement program and the corp offers inexpensive ship hulls to members. Being a member of GSF also gives us the ability to use some of the richest space in all of eve to generate income between fleets.

We require all members to join fleets. Submit full API's for all accounts that you control. The ability to use Out of game voice communications and chat programs. And dont be a jerk.

Join our ingame channel "TLRE Recruitment" to have a chat with myself or one of the other recruiters

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#9 - 2015-10-22 16:59:35 UTC
It sounds like Calamitous-Intent would be a perfect fit. We are currently living in Curse, with some sov in nearby Scalding Pass.

Day-to-day activity is small nano gang roaming, third partying all the timers, and looking for difficult engagements.
We aim for larger scale ops at least a few times a week, with an emphasis on tight fleet doctrines and small scale capital fights.

Recruitment is selective, and all applicants will need to fly with us on a few fleets before joining.
Max Exit
Sturmgrenadier Inc
Pandemic Horde
#10 - 2015-10-23 01:56:58 UTC
If you are looking for a mature group of gamers Check out SGHQ Inc we are small gang PVP corp that is part of the Dirt Nap Squad Alliance
Dannar Hetoshi
Rote Kapelle
#11 - 2015-10-23 02:44:08 UTC

We are Stimulus and Rote Kapelle.

You might have heard of us.

We're primarily USTZ based small gang pvpers, and we are very tight knit. Sounds like you'd be an excellent fit with us.

You should check us out.

Mira deVorsha
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#12 - 2015-10-24 00:23:46 UTC
Habitual Chaos is a newly formed Low-sec PVP alliance operating in the Amarr/Minmatar Faction Warzone.

We currently participate in Factional Warfare and Pirate activities.

What we offer:

-Experienced FC
-TeamSpeak Server
-EU/US TZ Coverage
-Frigate to Capital ship PVP
-Mixture of Experienced players and newer players

What you need to join?

-Active corporate Kill board
-Members using TeamSpeak
-Strong desire to violence space boats.

For individual corporate recruitment see the ads for:

-Calibrated Chaos
-Habitually Absent

Join our in game channels, Habitual Recruitment

Calibrated Chaos.Corporation is always looking for new members