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ECM nerf ideas

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Chainsaw Plankton
#21 - 2015-10-21 03:47:29 UTC
Dungheap wrote:
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:

in solo/small gang it can be hard to justify using a slot for ECM. especially since it only reduces your chance of getting jammed, and unless an ECM ship shows up it doesn't do anything.

this is the same argument miners used when told to tank their barges against ganking .. they were mocked for complaining about something that has in game counters available ..

you could always tank a barge and maintain a decent yield. most miners were complaining because they fit all cargo expanders had almost no EHP, and could get ganked by a single catalyst. we called it anti-tanking. in this case no one is actively fitting mods that decrease their sensor strength.

and it isn't a counter, it is something that reduces the chance you get jammed. people with 100+ sensor strength can still get jammed by a 1 point ECM drone. Fitting a tank to a barge isn't a counter against getting ganked, but does increase either the number of ganking ships the gankers need, or the quality of the ship used.

so now I should fit an eccm, a sensor booster, a cap injector, a tracking comp, and a prop mod just to counter the stuff my opponents might bring! oh great now I'm out of slots and can't even point/web my targets

yes it is a trade off of not fitting an ECCM. but I still maintain fitting one isn't a very compelling counter.

yet another point about ECM being strongest vs solo players, and very strong against small gangs, and not so strong in massive fleets.

if I had a fantastic idea about how to change ECM so it was "balanced" I'd be over in F&I talking about it.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Anize Oramara
#22 - 2015-10-21 08:06:12 UTC
Ace Lapointe wrote:
t a hard counter for a gang against ECM, use a Armour Tanked Vexor or something like that, that doesn't need to be tackle, and fit it with 1-2 remote ECCM, 2 of those will break a Falcon jam, you can't really complain about ECM when it is the one E-WAR, that is countable both with Local fits, and Remote fits.

Remote Sebo, Remote Tracking Comp, Tracking comp, Sebo, tracking enhancer, Signal amp. The difference between these is that they improve the ship over and above even when they are not being used to counter e-war. ECCM has no such additional utility.

Perhaps adding some kind of utility to eccm modules over and above just *sometimes* countering an ecm ships, if there even is one on field or not, would encourage people to bring an ECCM instead of say, a TC or Sebo. Make it a rewarding choice for the player rather than making him feel like he's being forced to neuter his fit for the off chance that he runs into an ECM ship end gets completely shut down.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Amanda Chan
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2015-11-01 03:59:23 UTC could yolo a marauder, dread or super and say screw your ecm Pirate
Lumberjack Commandos
#24 - 2015-11-01 04:57:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Ong
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
Two words: Sensor Dampeners.

Even on an unbonused hull, a lone damp can stop a Griffin jamming anything without getting significantly closer. Of course, you'll need to get the damp on them before they get a jam cycle off on you.

~~~You are literally the aids that is killing the game from the inside out. Go kill yourself you piece of ****.~~~
Ylein Kashuken
#25 - 2015-11-01 11:07:29 UTC
Stop complaining, you would die anyway :D
ISD Buldath
#26 - 2015-11-01 14:50:33 UTC
Topic moved to FANDI.

~ISD Buldath

Instructor King of the Forums! Knight of the General Discussion

Support, Training and Resources Division

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE-Mails regarding forum moderation.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2015-11-01 16:45:17 UTC
ISD Buldath wrote:
Topic moved to FANDI.

Aw come on bro, there's clearly enough shiptoasting down here already.

Plus I'm only going to have to report it for being unoriginal and redundant What?
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2015-11-02 01:25:55 UTC
I like your ideas and they bear similarities with other ECM proposals going around, but I don't feel a nerf is in order. ECM needs to be changed, yes. But not due to how strong it is. If you take a 300 million ISK ship against a small fleet, that's your first mistake. If the Griffin weren't able to pacify your Vigilant, they would have just brought a Maulus instead. In the end, rich babies will have their toys taken away from them, such is the nature of EVE Online.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#29 - 2015-11-02 02:47:44 UTC
Pilot goes solo roaming. Runs into a gang that is prepared for him. He dies. Instead of bringing friends, he posts another whine thread on the forums. Welcome to Eve.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2015-11-02 08:56:11 UTC
Paging Aliventi for an updated version, this is the google one I hit.

Aliventi wrote:
There is nothing wrong with ECM: A substantiation with numbers
Version 1.0.3 10/21/13
By: Aliventi
A work in progress. To be refined as more "ECM is OP/wrong/bad" threads pop up.

If you step back and take a look, ECM is arguably the least destructive of the EWAR varieties with the exception of TPs. A sensor dampener can lower a ship's targeting range to the point that it can't lock anything. Tracking disruptors lower the tracking on a ship to the point it can't actually hit anything. How frustrating is it that you can lock a target, but you can't track well enough to even hit it? Of course, TDs don't work against logistics, EWAR, or missile boats. That would make TDs less effective than ECM.

In other words, ECM, damps, and tracking disruption all have the potential to remove enemies from the fight. ECM and damps prevent you from locking, and TDs prevent your guns from doing anything effective. ECM is balanced in the way that it has a non-trivial chance of outright failing none of the other EWARs have. In fact SDs, TDs, and TPs never miss. ECM effects lasts 20 seconds whereas SD and TD effects last for as long as the module is activated.

Another balancing factor is that ECM is a mid-slot module in a race that is purely shield tanking. The other three races can fill their mids with EWAR and put together a reasonable armor tank. It is no mystery that this is why the CFC celestis fleets are so successful. They are combining never miss EWAR with a bonused ship that can tank long enough for logi to rep them. Caldari ships can put together a tissue paper armor tank at best.

One more reason ECM is less effective than the other types of EWARs is that to be effective in all situations a ECM ship needs to fit 4 specialized modules compared to the 1 generalized module that TDs, SDs and TPs enjoy. This means that tank is often sacrificed to reacha bare minimum of effectiveness.

"That is all fine and dandy," You say "but ECM is still too powerful". Why don't we take a look at some numbers?

Take a T2 Minmatar jammer. The ECM Phase Inverter II has a Ladar jam strength of 3.6.
Jammer vs Rifter: 3.6/8 sensor strength = 45% chance of a jam or 55% chance of doing nothing.
Jammer vs Stabber: 3.6/13 sensor strength = 27.69% chance of a jam or 72.31% chance of doing nothing.
Jammer vs Hurricane: 3.6/16 sensor strength = 22.5% chance of a jam or 77.5% chance of doing nothing.
Jammer vs Tempest: 3.6/20 sensor strength = 18% chance of a jam or 82% chance of doing nothing.

See? hardly anything wrong with ECM. Even against the most basic frigate it will fail more times than it will succeed. Imagine if your guns, hardeners, point, MWD, etc. had that fail rate. *shudder*

You see your issue is not truly with ECM. Your issue, is in fact, with the ECM bonused hulls. Take a Falcon with all level 5 skills fit with racial jammers, 2 Sensor Distortion Amps, and one ECM strength rig and let's look at those numbers again.

All level 5 Falcon vs. Sensor Comp. 5 ship:
Jammer vs Rifter: 14.2/9.6 sensor strength = 100% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Stabber: 14.2/15.6 sensor strength = 91.02% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Hurricane: 14.2/19.2 sensor strength = 73.95% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Tempest: 14.2/24 sensor strength = 59.16% chance of jamming

That really isn't OP at all. Considering the vast amount of training one has to accomplish to become a perfect Falcon pilot. In comparison the time it take to train a racial sensor comp to 5 or fit an ECCM module is trivial. In addition a Falcon has a tissue paper tank, a non-trivial chance of missing a jam, and unlike the other forms of EWAR it doesn't last forever.

Now you are likely to bring up a rather painful point in small gang and solo PvP: The ECM drone. Why don't we take a look at those?

EC-300 drone strength is 1.
Jammer vs Rifter: 1/9.6 sensor strength = 10.41% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Stabber: 1/15.6 sensor strength = 6.41% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Hurricane: 1/19.2 sensor strength = 5.23% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Tempest: 1/24 sensor strength = 4.16% chance of jamming

EC-600 drone strength is 1.5.
Jammer vs Rifter: 1.5/9.6 sensor strength = 15.62% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Stabber: 1.5/15.6 sensor strength = 9.61% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Hurricane: 1.5/19.2 sensor strength = 7.81% chance of jamming
Jammer vs Tempest: 1.5/24 sensor strength = 6.25% chance of jamming

Neither of those scream OP at all. "Now that isn't the real story" you exclaim "Most ships have 5!" True:
(How to calculate: Link calculator: Link (P (X>=1)) is the important number)

5 EC-300 jam strength 1:
vs Rifter: 42.28% chance of jamming with 5 drones.
vs Stabber: 28.19% chance of jamming with 5 drones.
vs Hurricane: 23.55% chance of jamming with 5 drones.
vs Tempest: 21.02% chance of jamming with 5 drones.
For 25m3 of drones these do seem a touch too powerful. I would recommend a reduction in jam strength down to .75.

5 EC-600 jam strength 1.5:
vs Rifter: 57.22% chance of jamming with 5 drones.
vs Stabber: 39.66% chance of jamming with 5 drones.
vs Hurricane: 33.40% chance of jamming with 5 drones.
vs Tempest: Or 27.58% chance of jamming with 5 drones.
For 50m3 of drones these seem very well balanced for their size.

You see in the grand scheme of things ECM is neither OP, broken, wrong, out of place, or any of the other things people claim ECM is. It is merely a different and perfectly valid form of EWAR. It is high-risk high-reward, only truly effective on bonused hulls (as it should be) which at best can manage a tissue paper tank when fitting jams, and doesn't last forever like the other forms of EWAR. All things considered, it is perfectly in line with the other forms of EWAR. What's so wrong with that?
Zansha Expansion
#31 - 2015-11-02 12:17:00 UTC
ISD Buldath wrote:
Topic moved to FANDI.

Nah, but Ships and Modules would be the right place for this.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#32 - 2015-11-02 12:25:20 UTC
unidenify wrote:
bigger ship have higher sensor strength, thus reduce chance to jam.

There is counter against ECM, it is called ECCM, Drone* and Auto-targeting missile

*BS should have 5 light drone which will destroy fragile griffin given that it likely to have no tank if it manage to permajam BS somehow. so if your corpmate can't kill griffin with Tempest, it is not because ECM is OP as hell.

and you think having auto-targeting missles is effective in a BS to do anything but shield off a griffin, or that a small fleet of frigites have a problem dealing with 5 small drones?

it is pretty stupid that a frigite can keep a BS that has a much higher sensor strength permanently jammed

I aint against ECM either but maybe it should base its chances on size of ship so a frigite cant permanently jam a BS

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#33 - 2015-11-02 13:37:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Frostys Virpio
Adrien Aideron wrote:

The second idea is : if the ship you're trying to jam is bigger than yours, you get a malus to the chances to jam it and the bigger the ship is compared to yours, the bigger the malus will be .
(For example if you're in a frigate : you got a 10% malus while trying to jam a dessie, 25% on a cruiser, 50% on a battlecruiser and 90% on a battleship. These numbers are only here for the example).

This is already in game. It's called sensor strength. HTH

Also, cruisers losing to gang of frigs is kind of normal...
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2015-11-02 13:45:11 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
Ellendras Silver wrote:
unidenify wrote:
bigger ship have higher sensor strength, thus reduce chance to jam.

There is counter against ECM, it is called ECCM, Drone* and Auto-targeting missile

*BS should have 5 light drone which will destroy fragile griffin given that it likely to have no tank if it manage to permajam BS somehow. so if your corpmate can't kill griffin with Tempest, it is not because ECM is OP as hell.

and you think having auto-targeting missles is effective in a BS to do anything but shield off a griffin, or that a small fleet of frigites have a problem dealing with 5 small drones?

it is pretty stupid that a frigite can keep a BS that has a much higher sensor strength permanently jammed

I aint against ECM either but maybe it should base its chances on size of ship so a frigite cant permanently jam a BS

FC what are drones?

FC what are sensor integrity links?

FC what is sensor comp skill?

FC why am I solo engaging superior numbers in a lumbering ship?

And my personal favourite

FC NO EWAR LANDED!!! A phrase not uttered by any other ewar user in the game.
Chihiro Chugakusei
Fortune Hunters - Navy Operations
#35 - 2015-11-22 10:22:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Chihiro Chugakusei
Adrien Aideron wrote:

I'm actually in FW since almost 4 years so I get in small PvP gangs really often and I'm getting really tired of ECMs, I've got nothing
against the idea of the ECM itself but I think it should get nerfed. I think getting a Vigilant worth 300M killed by a small gang of frigs just because there was a 2M worth Griffin in this gang is not normal. The Griffin was able to perma jam my Vigilant for the whole fight, I just had to wait for my death. A corp mate got the same kind of thing with his Tempest, he got perma jammed by a little Griffin (ok it's a minmatar ship but it's a battleship...).

The first idea is : If someone manages to jam a ship, he gets a malus to his ecm chances for the second cycles, if he manages to jam the ship twice, he got a bigger malus for the third cycles. If the jammer fails a cycle the malus resets. A bigger ship could have a smaller malus per successful jam cycle.

The second idea is : if the ship you're trying to jam is bigger than yours, you get a malus to the chances to jam it and the bigger the ship is compared to yours, the bigger the malus will be .
(For example if you're in a frigate : you got a 10% malus while trying to jam a dessie, 25% on a cruiser, 50% on a battlecruiser and 90% on a battleship. These numbers are only here for the example).

Ok you could say "Dude, it's called sensor strength..." but this would be added to the current mechanics. This idea would get more people to go out with bigger ECM ships like the Scorpion.

The third idea is to create sizes to the ECM modules (small, medium, heavy) but this would mean create sizes for all other electronic warfare modules (damp, tracking disruptors, etc...) but why not.

Fly safe ! o7

its finnicky but not broken. I was vs a brutix in my rook with 4 jammers, and only jammed twice in like 12 cycles (of 4 jammers, 4x12, 48 module cycles). Sometimes you just get realy unlucky, both ways.

Keep it up, +1

Abbot Jackson
Project Nogero
#36 - 2015-11-22 12:03:42 UTC
Adrien Aideron wrote:

I'm actually in FW since almost 4 years so I get in small PvP gangs really often and I'm getting really tired of ECMs, I've got nothing
against the idea of the ECM itself but I think it should get nerfed. I think getting a Vigilant worth 300M killed by a small gang of frigs just because there was a 2M worth Griffin in this gang is not normal. The Griffin was able to perma jam my Vigilant for the whole fight, I just had to wait for my death. A corp mate got the same kind of thing with his Tempest, he got perma jammed by a little Griffin (ok it's a minmatar ship but it's a battleship...).

The first idea is : If someone manages to jam a ship, he gets a malus to his ecm chances for the second cycles, if he manages to jam the ship twice, he got a bigger malus for the third cycles. If the jammer fails a cycle the malus resets. A bigger ship could have a smaller malus per successful jam cycle.

The second idea is : if the ship you're trying to jam is bigger than yours, you get a malus to the chances to jam it and the bigger the ship is compared to yours, the bigger the malus will be .
(For example if you're in a frigate : you got a 10% malus while trying to jam a dessie, 25% on a cruiser, 50% on a battlecruiser and 90% on a battleship. These numbers are only here for the example).

Ok you could say "Dude, it's called sensor strength..." but this would be added to the current mechanics. This idea would get more people to go out with bigger ECM ships like the Scorpion.

The third idea is to create sizes to the ECM modules (small, medium, heavy) but this would mean create sizes for all other electronic warfare modules (damp, tracking disruptors, etc...) but why not.

Fly safe ! o7

ECM has more purposes than screwing over solo pilots, although, I totally agree that it's a low blow.

Changes based on the experiences of solo pvpers are unwise and rare, because EVE is a game where the effects of each ship can be multiplied hundreds of times by the power of the blob. So saying "I want this to happen, because I tried an activity that is notoriously difficult and frustrating and things didn't go the way they do in the youtube videos" is, obviously, silly. If Griffins were able to defeat Vigilants 100% of the time, in any combat situation, no matter how the vigilant or griffin is fit, then there would be a problem. But, fortunately, any competent Vigilant pilot should be perfectly capable of calmly pwning a griffin without dipping into armor.

If ECM is nerfed like you want it to be, then logi is even more overpowered, something you should be more worried about as a small gang/solo pvper. Damps would also be overpowered.

And there are a million little situations where ECM provides a nice, niche counter. You or a friend could have brought your own griffin and jammed whatever was pointing you. Your friend in his maelstrom [soloing in a mael, wat?] would have certainly said yes had a falcon alt been on grid. It's fair because everyone can do it, and it keeps other more broadly powerful mechanics in check.

Also, let's look at the ECM hulls:

Griffin: 0 tank
Blackbird: 0 tank
Falcon: 0 tank
Rook: Nice tank, at the expense of ECM
Scorpion: Bring a falcon
Widow: 0 tank, in any situation where it's in danger, it's tank isn't going to save it.

If your drones go after any of the first three (the only ones you're likely to encounter) they will be forced to warp away, and the griffin will probably just die.

So, all in all, get used to getting jammed, or invest in a falcon alt. And a sabre alt Blink

P.S. Navy Griffin looks manly af, and I hope you lose another vigilant to one Twisted

Zansha Expansion
#37 - 2015-11-22 18:16:36 UTC
Ong wrote:
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
Two words: Sensor Dampeners.

Even on an unbonused hull, a lone damp can stop a Griffin jamming anything without getting significantly closer. Of course, you'll need to get the damp on them before they get a jam cycle off on you.

~~~You are literally the aids that is killing the game from the inside out. Go kill yourself you piece of ****.~~~

Aids is boring, nobody dies from it anymore, you mean pestilence or small pocks.

Hey Adrien, I am elitatwo, I am about nine and I have plenty of ideas how to nerf tracking disruptors you kids in low are so fond of. I may even show you how to melted snow board.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#38 - 2015-11-23 19:31:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cara Forelli
I think most people are agreed ECM is fairly engaging in fleet fights but distinctly unfun when soloing. The other forms of EWAR at least can be somewhat mitigated through piloting. (And anyone that calls FoF missiles or drones a counter really hasn't tried to go up against a gang with ECM solo and is spouting nonsense). The only counter to ECM is having friends.

So here's a crazy idea. What if they made ECM the inverse of damps? IE force a minimum lock range where anything closer can't be locked. It would force the ECM pilot to choose - do you want to get very close to the action (where FoF and drones are a larger threat), or maintain distance where the target can still lock me?

Damps vs. kiters and ECM vs. brawlers?

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

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