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Minmatar structures are green

First post
Billy Colorado
Evasion Gaming
#1 - 2011-09-08 16:54:38 UTC
Anything Minmatar has lots of neon green stuff bleeding through. Looks weird. Makes me bothered.

Fix that; also, FiS.
Vincent Athena
#2 - 2011-09-08 17:18:47 UTC
And some are red.

Red station

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Ivana Twinkle
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-09-09 07:01:59 UTC
In a thread such as this, i think some BASIC INFORMATION about the graphics card you're using would be helpful.
CCP Engineering Corp
#4 - 2011-09-09 14:38:13 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP RubberBAND
These sound like potentially two separate issues, a screenshot of the green bleed would be much appreciated (also your Mac specifications). Regarding certain structures not rendering correctly on the Mac (red), this is a known issue that we have been working with our partners to resolve;

Feel free to poke me on: Twitter

Vincent Athena
#5 - 2011-09-09 15:38:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
Hi CCP rubberBAND.

I have reported it, bug #99612.

Whats annoying is I reported it over a year ago, and we still have it.

To those who wonder: MacBook Pro, NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M

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Billy Colorado
Evasion Gaming
#6 - 2011-09-09 19:53:15 UTC
13" Macbook Pro, mid 2010
os: 10.7.1
cpu: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
gpu: NVIDIA GeForce 320M

It's noteworthy that this only started occurring after upgrading to 10.7. I'll screen cap it next time I log in.
CCP Engineering Corp
#7 - 2011-09-12 17:29:27 UTC
The reason this is still not fixed is because this is contingent on the drivers that apple include with OSX. By and large Lion should have resolved this issue, but there still may be occurrences of this on certain Nvidia cards. We apologize for this, but it is not just down to us to fix unfortunately.

Feel free to poke me on: Twitter

Billy Colorado
Evasion Gaming
#8 - 2011-09-15 04:21:50 UTC

Given that the hardware options of Apple computers is not vast, "by and large" isn't applicable; that's a lot of laptops.

Guess I'll avoid Minmatar space.
Vincent Athena
#9 - 2011-09-15 16:35:49 UTC
Maybe Lion would fix it, but Im in a bit of a unique position here.

Work gives me a free computer. Given that, no reason for me to buy one. The catch is its configuration controlled. They want employees to as much as possible use the work computer for everything as then they know anything work related will be done on a configuration controlled computer. So they allow games and game playing on the computer.

But OSX 10.7 is not in the configuration yet, so stuck I'm on 10.6.8.

CCP there are several ways to get around a driver issue:

Bundle an improved driver with the client build, and have that driver used by just the client

Have the client check what graphics card and driver are loaded and not do graphics that triggers the bug. For example, I get the red station bug only with mission stations and when I got the shader on high. So the client could just default down to low shader for displaying mission space stations on all computers with my graphics card and OS.

I never see this bug with normal npc stations. They must be different somehow. Figure out what that difference is and apply it to the stations in mission space.

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RvB Industries
#10 - 2011-09-20 08:31:33 UTC
Oddly lion doest fix it for me, they just went from Red (in snow leopard) to green (in lion)
Even min looking stations in missions come out this colour to.

Tbh its quite fun, feels like christmas in minmatar land =)

Billy Colorado
Evasion Gaming
#11 - 2011-09-30 13:33:17 UTC
Have a screenshot now
Peter Grayson
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2011-10-04 10:01:00 UTC
Same red station here, reported about six months ago…

nVidia GT120 video card - imac core2duo (2.93 GHz) -mac osx 10.6.8
Syr Dread
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-10-07 12:24:13 UTC
I have those same effects also whether using lion or snow leopard. So upgrading to lion did nothing.

Same specs as Billy Colorado.
13" Macbook Pro, mid 2010
os: 10.7.1 <- now
cpu: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
gpu: NVIDIA GeForce 320M

But i found out that you can at least avoid the red station bug(?) with turning your shader setting to low.

But that neon effect (i had different colors besides green like... blue and red) i could not get rid of.