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Hyperdunking nerf on sisi, to the battlements!

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Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2015-10-11 08:55:39 UTC
Kandu Harr wrote:
Well it seems my efforts may not have been for naught after allCool

This would be a proper change in mechanics.
I'll wait until it's implemented before I celebrate.

Can you explain why the mechanical removal of an underpowered tactic is a good thing? I'm honestly struggling to figure that one out.

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Tora Bushido
The Vendetta Mercenaries
Vendetta Mercenary Group
#122 - 2015-10-11 09:34:54 UTC
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:
No Link alt's and there are REAL PvP pilots there?
Ohh I love realll F1 monkeys, challenge accepted. Twisted


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Nighthawk The Assassin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#123 - 2015-10-11 09:44:35 UTC
412nv Yaken wrote:
MMORPG...... what does it stand for? Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Yet solo freighter pilots can cry enough on the forums, reddit, petitions and get a play style banned. If they had 1 friend who brought reps, hyper dunking would not work.


Except this is bullshit. You play a play style that in ANY other game would be constituted as "Griefing" i.e deliberately upsetting other players in attempt to get "your rocks off". In ANY other game you would have warnings, temps bangs and then perma bans.

Yet in this cess pit CCP is now starting to realise that allowing this type of game play is in fact killing the game. In the last two years we have lost close to 22 THOUSAND players who have quit in disgust. So yet, with the base fact evidence that we are not retaining new players, you continue this play style with one goal in mind. To take down EvE and say "yeh we did that".

Which shows a disgusting mindset. No, all of you, griefers, need to be stopped so eve can grow. So eve can retain new players who can look after children and afk mine to make ISK, who can log in in super shiny ships they earned and feel safe flying about in empire space.

If you want loot so badly, go low/null/wh's and fight for it, but you don't, you spout "risk vs reward" like it's a shield, yet when a player i.e me suggested link alt's become *suspect* as soon as they enter the field, what did u all do? You war decked the **** out of the corp i was in and forced it to disband as we had 2k+ players on us in a 15 man corps.

Why should we Risk our stuff to get rewards when you risk NOTHING to get yours, ganking is NOT RISK VS REWARD, death is a certainty when ganking i.e so it is not BY LOGIC Risk vs reward. The shield you hide behind is complete and utter rubbish, you use a motto of the game to do one thing.

Grief other players in an attempt to **** as many people off as possible and call is "risk vs reward" when you infact risk nothing as u know you will loose your ship so by definition of "risk". No, there is no risk, its a certainty you will loose your ship so BY EXTENSION OF YOUR LOGIC it is pre planned assault on another player.

So stop spouting your crap like it means anything. Griefers are the biggest cowards in the game and always will be.

You dont dare head to real pvp areas because you would get slapped sideways so much by real players, you'd realise what you call pvp is infact ganking and griefing and NOT pvp.

Kandu Harr
#124 - 2015-10-11 09:54:07 UTC
Hiasa Kite wrote:
Kandu Harr wrote:
Well it seems my efforts may not have been for naught after allCool

This would be a proper change in mechanics.
I'll wait until it's implemented before I celebrate.

Can you explain why the mechanical removal of an underpowered tactic is a good thing? I'm honestly struggling to figure that one out.

Boarding a ship in hisec while under a criminal timer is ****.
That is the only proper change required.

Ganking and bumping will continue unaffected by this change.
As it should.
Kandu Harr
#125 - 2015-10-11 10:05:19 UTC
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:


I'd gank you too if I found you afk mining.
And pay Tora to wardec your corp.

Welcome to Eve.
Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#126 - 2015-10-11 10:07:53 UTC
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:
You play a play style that in ANY other game would be constituted as "Griefing" i.e deliberately upsetting other players in attempt to get "your rocks off". In ANY other game you would have warnings, temps bangs and then perma bans.

Killing other people is not griefing. It's PvP, pure and simple. EVE is one of the few games that boast asymmetric PvP. I, for one, love that; both as a ganker and a victim.

Yet in this cess pit CCP is now starting to realise that allowing this type of game play is in fact killing the game.

Debunked months ago by CCP. Try again.

Which shows a disgusting mindset. No, all of you, griefers, need to be stopped so eve can grow. So eve can retain new players who can look after children and afk mine to make ISK, who can log in in super shiny ships they earned and feel safe flying about in empire space.

You're trolling. You must be. Right?

If you want loot so badly, go low/null/wh's and fight for it

This is a stupid suggestion. HiSec is a target rich environment full of AFK loot piƱatas. If you want piracy HiSec is a great place to start and stay, in fact.

You war decked the **** out of the corp i was in and forced it to disband as we had 2k+ players on us in a 15 man corps.

Why is your failure their fault? If you're seriously out-gunned, switch tactics. Guerilla warfare for the win!

I'm all but certain this is a troll, but meh, it's Sunday.

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2015-10-11 10:13:20 UTC
Kandu Harr wrote:
Hiasa Kite wrote:
Can you explain why the mechanical removal of an underpowered tactic is a good thing? I'm honestly struggling to figure that one out.

Boarding a ship in hisec while under a criminal timer is ****..

This doesn't answer the question. How does the game benefit from such a change? "I don't like it" isn't a valid answer.

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#128 - 2015-10-11 10:19:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:
Except this is bullshit. You play a play style that in ANY other game would be constituted as "Griefing" i.e deliberately upsetting other players in attempt to get "your rocks off". In ANY other game you would have warnings, temps bangs and then perma bans.
Your point being? That playstyle is explicitly allowed here, therefore how other games view it is completely irrelevant.

Yet in this cess pit CCP is now starting to realise that allowing this type of game play is in fact killing the game. In the last two years we have lost close to 22 THOUSAND players who have quit in disgust. So yet, with the base fact evidence that we are not retaining new players, you continue this play style with one goal in mind. To take down EvE and say "yeh we did that".
Citation needed on the 22,000 players that have supposedly quit in disgust, especially when you take into account that multiple character training is now a thing, that the changes to the EULA with regards to input broadcasting made a lot of multiboxing accounts untenable to maintain etc, etc. As for newbie retention, that has always been an issue for CCP; furthermore CCP looked into claims about ganking etc driving away newbies and found them to be questionable at best.

Which shows a disgusting mindset. No, all of you, griefers, need to be stopped so eve can grow. So eve can retain new players who can look after children and afk mine to make ISK, who can log in in super shiny ships they earned and feel safe flying about in empire space.

If you want loot so badly, go low/null/wh's and fight for it, but you don't, you spout "risk vs reward" like it's a shield, yet when a player i.e me suggested link alt's become *suspect* as soon as they enter the field, what did u all do? You war decked the **** out of the corp i was in and forced it to disband as we had 2k+ players on us in a 15 man corps.
They're not meant to feel safe, ask CCP Falcon. Afking anything in a game that is PvP in nature is a bad idea, and Eve is definitely PvP in nature.

All the really shiny loot is in hisec, some people stuff their freighters full of it and afk it across the universe while they're busy not playing the game, some mission runners fit all sorts of unnecessary bling and are dumb enough to get tricked into fights or afk their ship between destinations etc.

CCP can't fix lazy or stupid people by nerfing the not lazy or stupid people.

Why should we Risk our stuff to get rewards when you risk NOTHING to get yours, ganking is NOT RISK VS REWARD, death is a certainty when ganking i.e so it is not BY LOGIC Risk vs reward. The shield you hide behind is complete and utter rubbish, you use a motto of the game to do one thing.

Grief other players in an attempt to **** as many people off as possible and call is "risk vs reward" when you infact risk nothing as u know you will loose your ship so by definition of "risk". No, there is no risk, its a certainty you will loose your ship so BY EXTENSION OF YOUR LOGIC it is pre planned assault on another player.
You're wrong, ganking does carry risks; that those risks are mostly in the hands of other players who can't be bothered to use the mechanics available to them to provide those risks is irrelevant.

So stop spouting your crap like it means anything. Griefers are the biggest cowards in the game and always will be.

You dont dare head to real pvp areas because you would get slapped sideways so much by real players, you'd realise what you call pvp is infact ganking and griefing and NOT pvp.

CODE.'s killboard would like to disagree with you, for a bunch of griefers who won't leave hisec because they might get slapped sideways by "real PvPers" they certainly seem to spend some time outside of hisec without getting slapped sideways. Even more damning for your assertion is that the other major ganking group that operates in hisec is made up of members from one of the major nullsec blocs.

Ganking is indeed PvP, unless of course all of the people that gankers kill are actually bots or NPCs?

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Siegfried Cohenberg
Cohenberg's Ethical Hauling
Freighter Friends
#129 - 2015-10-11 11:05:21 UTC
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:
412nv Yaken wrote:
MMORPG...... what does it stand for? Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Yet solo freighter pilots can cry enough on the forums, reddit, petitions and get a play style banned. If they had 1 friend who brought reps, hyper dunking would not work.


Except this is bullshit. You play a play style that in ANY other game would be constituted as "Griefing" i.e deliberately upsetting other players in attempt to get "your rocks off". In ANY other game you would have warnings, temps bangs and then perma bans.

Yet in this cess pit CCP is now starting to realise that allowing this type of game play is in fact killing the game. In the last two years we have lost close to 22 THOUSAND players who have quit in disgust. So yet, with the base fact evidence that we are not retaining new players, you continue this play style with one goal in mind. To take down EvE and say "yeh we did that".

Which shows a disgusting mindset. No, all of you, griefers, need to be stopped so eve can grow. So eve can retain new players who can look after children and afk mine to make ISK, who can log in in super shiny ships they earned and feel safe flying about in empire space.

If you want loot so badly, go low/null/wh's and fight for it, but you don't, you spout "risk vs reward" like it's a shield, yet when a player i.e me suggested link alt's become *suspect* as soon as they enter the field, what did u all do? You war decked the **** out of the corp i was in and forced it to disband as we had 2k+ players on us in a 15 man corps.

Why should we Risk our stuff to get rewards when you risk NOTHING to get yours, ganking is NOT RISK VS REWARD, death is a certainty when ganking i.e so it is not BY LOGIC Risk vs reward. The shield you hide behind is complete and utter rubbish, you use a motto of the game to do one thing.

Grief other players in an attempt to **** as many people off as possible and call is "risk vs reward" when you infact risk nothing as u know you will loose your ship so by definition of "risk". No, there is no risk, its a certainty you will loose your ship so BY EXTENSION OF YOUR LOGIC it is pre planned assault on another player.

So stop spouting your crap like it means anything. Griefers are the biggest cowards in the game and always will be.

You dont dare head to real pvp areas because you would get slapped sideways so much by real players, you'd realise what you call pvp is infact ganking and griefing and NOT pvp.


My friend, we are not griefers. We are simply fellow capsuleers who just LOVE to pvp.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#130 - 2015-10-11 11:06:59 UTC
Then what you doing in highsec ganking freighters and miners trololol

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#131 - 2015-10-11 11:14:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Lan Wang wrote:
Then what you doing in highsec ganking freighters and miners trololol
Following his profession as a freelance trader, who specialises in acquiring goods at gunpoint from traveling merchants and resource gatherers as the opportunity arises.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#132 - 2015-10-11 11:16:34 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
Then what you doing in highsec ganking freighters and miners trololol

PvPing, of course!

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Faylee Freir
Abusing Game Mechanics
#133 - 2015-10-11 14:26:39 UTC
Last night there was an Orca sitting on a gate while AFK for many minutes. I normally don't scan orcas but I'm glad I did this time... He had 8b in capital ship and capital ship component BPOs. I started bumping him and a few minutes later he "woke up" and started insulting me. Dunking ensued, followed by him jettisoning his cargo container named "capital bpos". I quickly scooped them and thanked him for the isk.

I never wished him any harm nor was my intent to "grief" him. Yet if you ask him (if he ever logs back on again) he will probably call me a griefer. I'm glad he did what he did because it's isk in my pocket and made for some humorous entertainment. I think it's insane that players such as the one I described would have any kind of voice that pertains to the direction or changes in mechanics in this game. These people only exist in eve to acquire wealth and then have it taken from them.
Faylee Freir
Abusing Game Mechanics
#134 - 2015-10-11 14:36:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Faylee Freir
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:
412nv Yaken wrote:
MMORPG...... what does it stand for? Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Yet solo freighter pilots can cry enough on the forums, reddit, petitions and get a play style banned. If they had 1 friend who brought reps, hyper dunking would not work.


Except this is bullshit. You play a play style that in ANY other game would be constituted as "Griefing" i.e deliberately upsetting other players in attempt to get "your rocks off". In ANY other game you would have warnings, temps bangs and then perma bans.

Yet in this cess pit CCP is now starting to realise that allowing this type of game play is in fact killing the game. In the last two years we have lost close to 22 THOUSAND players who have quit in disgust. So yet, with the base fact evidence that we are not retaining new players, you continue this play style with one goal in mind. To take down EvE and say "yeh we did that".

Which shows a disgusting mindset. No, all of you, griefers, need to be stopped so eve can grow. So eve can retain new players who can look after children and afk mine to make ISK, who can log in in super shiny ships they earned and feel safe flying about in empire space.

If you want loot so badly, go low/null/wh's and fight for it, but you don't, you spout "risk vs reward" like it's a shield, yet when a player i.e me suggested link alt's become *suspect* as soon as they enter the field, what did u all do? You war decked the **** out of the corp i was in and forced it to disband as we had 2k+ players on us in a 15 man corps.

Why should we Risk our stuff to get rewards when you risk NOTHING to get yours, ganking is NOT RISK VS REWARD, death is a certainty when ganking i.e so it is not BY LOGIC Risk vs reward. The shield you hide behind is complete and utter rubbish, you use a motto of the game to do one thing.

Grief other players in an attempt to **** as many people off as possible and call is "risk vs reward" when you infact risk nothing as u know you will loose your ship so by definition of "risk". No, there is no risk, its a certainty you will loose your ship so BY EXTENSION OF YOUR LOGIC it is pre planned assault on another player.

So stop spouting your crap like it means anything. Griefers are the biggest cowards in the game and always will be.

You dont dare head to real pvp areas because you would get slapped sideways so much by real players, you'd realise what you call pvp is infact ganking and griefing and NOT pvp.


This thread is about hyperdunking.

I, like many others gank for profit. I'm confused on what you qualify as risk. I think I take on great amounts of risk when I spend anywhere around 500m on bombers to kill a Freighter.

- Hyperdunking is very easy to stop
- The Freighter might not drop enough to even cover bomber costs
- The wreck might get popped
- The loot might get stolen
- The freighter I use to scoop the loot might get killed
- My bowhead stuffed with 50 bombers, Machariel, and pod could all get blown up.

So I put 500m on the table and any of those scenarios are very likely to happen... Cool, glad to know there's no risk.
Saskia Laru
Saskia Laru Trading Corporation
#135 - 2015-10-11 15:25:10 UTC
Nighthawk The Assassin wrote:
412nv Yaken wrote:
MMORPG...... what does it stand for? Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Yet solo freighter pilots can cry enough on the forums, reddit, petitions and get a play style banned. If they had 1 friend who brought reps, hyper dunking would not work.


Except this is bullshit. You play a play style that in ANY other game would be constituted as "Griefing" i.e deliberately upsetting other players in attempt to get "your rocks off". In ANY other game you would have warnings, temps bangs and then perma bans.

Yet in this cess pit CCP is now starting to realise that allowing this type of game play is in fact killing the game. In the last two years we have lost close to 22 THOUSAND players who have quit in disgust. So yet, with the base fact evidence that we are not retaining new players, you continue this play style with one goal in mind. To take down EvE and say "yeh we did that".

Which shows a disgusting mindset. No, all of you, griefers, need to be stopped so eve can grow. So eve can retain new players who can look after children and afk mine to make ISK, who can log in in super shiny ships they earned and feel safe flying about in empire space.

If you want loot so badly, go low/null/wh's and fight for it, but you don't, you spout "risk vs reward" like it's a shield, yet when a player i.e me suggested link alt's become *suspect* as soon as they enter the field, what did u all do? You war decked the **** out of the corp i was in and forced it to disband as we had 2k+ players on us in a 15 man corps.

Why should we Risk our stuff to get rewards when you risk NOTHING to get yours, ganking is NOT RISK VS REWARD, death is a certainty when ganking i.e so it is not BY LOGIC Risk vs reward. The shield you hide behind is complete and utter rubbish, you use a motto of the game to do one thing.

Grief other players in an attempt to **** as many people off as possible and call is "risk vs reward" when you infact risk nothing as u know you will loose your ship so by definition of "risk". No, there is no risk, its a certainty you will loose your ship so BY EXTENSION OF YOUR LOGIC it is pre planned assault on another player.

So stop spouting your crap like it means anything. Griefers are the biggest cowards in the game and always will be.

You dont dare head to real pvp areas because you would get slapped sideways so much by real players, you'd realise what you call pvp is infact ganking and griefing and NOT pvp.


Well not to split hairs but CCP did a study that showed the opposite of what you are claiming about so called 'griefers" making people quit.

I think those that left are do to carebear boredom, expelled bots, and alt accounts closed down. I have personally closed down 4 of my 5 accounts because I don't care for indy anymore.

And if you just want to make afk ISK in EVE then I would say your the problem, not the people that actively play. So how bout we put on our big girl panties and HTFU. Or you could go try WoW, or Space WoW, or any other of the many games out there that cater to non interactive, I'm afraid of people, don't get out of the house much, don't want to try or learn how to play type of play style.

I play EVE because it is dangerous. Lose is real, and people can %^*&* you over if your not paying attention. Remember... and these words are straight from CCP. High Sec is NOT 100% safe. Not sure what your confused about with this.

OK...bit of a rant. Apologies.

Now for the OP. I have no thoughts or cares on hyperdunking... seems a minor niche that's easily countered. Don't see what the fuss is about. The tears from the AG crowd are enjoyable though.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#136 - 2015-10-11 15:30:21 UTC
Personally i dont get this whole afk thing, why even bother having a game if your just going to afk, i like ganking because we dont really need this whole afk gameplay and if you remove that risk then the problem will just escalate

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#137 - 2015-10-11 16:15:05 UTC
Shitehawk the Assgoblin wrote:

You dont dare head to real pvp areas because you would get slapped sideways so much by real players, you'd realise what you call pvp is infact ganking and griefing and NOT pvp.

By definition, there are no areas of EVE that are not PVP zones.

Your tears on here are great, and we have all enjoyed them. I love it when guys like yourself attempt to throw the old "Hurr hurr pvp is just in nullsec hurr hurr" line out there. You do realize that MANY of the pilots you will encounter in highsec are alts of null sec alliance members, right?

And you do realize they would treat an industrial ship the very same way, anywhere in EVE, right?

"But Leto", you ask, "Doesnt the fact that I pvp in null make me a badass?"

No, it does not. The guns dont fire hotter, the blobs are real, and the only difference is capitol drops and bubbles.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#138 - 2015-10-11 16:48:29 UTC
Bubbles are nullsecs answer to non-consensual pvp

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Faylee Freir
Abusing Game Mechanics
#139 - 2015-10-11 17:24:36 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
Bubbles are nullsecs answer to non-consensual pvp

So are any and all offensive modules.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#140 - 2015-10-11 22:31:46 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
Then what you doing in highsec ganking freighters and miners trololol

Going where CCP send us.

The increases in reward for PVE activity in highsec mean there simply isn't prey to be found outside high.

Want us back out in low or null plying our trade there? Then lobby CCP to end highsec incursions and drop L4 mission payouts, and then you will see the prey head out to dangerous space.

Most of us predators will follow them.

Simple, really.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.