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New Patch Nightmare

Lorde Rahl
Rifters Unlimited
#1 - 2015-10-09 06:42:53 UTC
So I got back from my 12 hour shift out here at the airbase in Bahrain, thinking I'm going to grind on some EVE. Yeah, nope. Get back and the launcher fails to install these new patches about 1000x. Download from the website keeps stopping whenever it wants. Repairing the install doesn't seem to work. Restarting, reinstalling EVE, nothing. To make matters even more upsetting, my buddy across from me is starting up character creation on his trial account RIGHT NOW. When my stuff was working before I left for work at 2000 last night. What gives man.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#2 - 2015-10-09 07:10:00 UTC
New Patch? I didn't even notice it.
Do you normally launch from the exe? That seems to cause problems when you finally revert to the launcher.
Also what updates and new software did you put on the computer.

And have you considered trying the new bootstrapper which uses a different download system as well.
Another Posting Alt
Zerious Fricken Biziness
#3 - 2015-10-09 10:34:05 UTC
Copy the updated client from your friend.
Net 7
#4 - 2015-10-09 15:50:10 UTC
that sounds like you may have pc problems. did you clear the cache?

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