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Three ideas to enhance player experience and increase player base

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Aramean Excavations
#1 - 2012-01-04 21:07:10 UTC
I have played this game for couple years now and taken a look over a few things as I've played casually. I've read over ideas in the forums as well and taken time to think about a few ideas. After discussing with friends and corp mates, I've come to the time to put the ideas up here. Some ideas people may try to claim was theirs or like theirs but while it may be similar it's also different, and so I will post my ideas all at once to make it easier to track comments from the readers.

The following ideas are meant to enhance corp and alliance player experience by allowing them to be more uniform together, having a more individual personlity to differentiate from other corps and alliances. The ideas also are to attract new players to the game and keep their interest to in turn having the active player list double from 40k-50k to over 100k, and not have most of them being alt accounts either.


I've noticed form recent expansion, the new paint jobs on ships along with new redesigns of ships. I've also noticed the emblems placed on the ships as well. With that already in place I do not find it hard to allow players to custom paint their ships and putting their corp or alliance emblems on their ships in place of emblems are currently for NPC factions.

It would be simple to create present patterns say..3-5 patterns for each ship, or at least for each ship design, then allow players to choose 3-4 preset color swatches to use in the ship paint pattern. This then allows for a moderate customs paint job, which would cost isk to do, and bigge the ship the bigger the cost. Then players would also have the choice of 3 emblems: The default emblem, the Corp emblem, or the alliance emblem. Emblem choies would be limited depending on if the player is in a corp or alliance or not.

This again can enhance corp and alliance player experience allowing them to feel more uniform together having a similar paint job and emblem displayed.


Hisec and Lowsec need changing in order to protect new players and casual players. With greifing and ganking so high, new players along with casual become frustrated and many times quit. There fore decreasing the player base and overall decreasing the EVE experience along with funding for the game. In order to keep this fropm happening new security setup is needed.

In hisec CONCORD can develop a new system, a type of ship disabling EMP system meant to target an attacking player, disable their ship long enough for CONCORD to warp in and attack and giving the victim time to get away. This in effect near eliminates greifing. It would take a group of attacking ships to survive the disabling and onslaught of CONCORD to kill anyone they possibly can but at a high cost too. Single player greifing would become non existant in hisec. And yes I know I'll hear many boos and hisses from players who don't wanna lose their sick pleasure of greifing people into quitting the game. Well tough luck for you.

In low sec, patrols are needed like how it is currently in hisec. No CONCORD emp system in place, jsut the empire faction ships warping in to put the hurt on attacker greifers. But greifers and gankers still can get their targets and destroy them before they themselves are destroyed. It still gives them a chance ot have their fun but on more experiencd players or foolish casual players. Though it doesn't make it as rampant as before.

Nullsec remains unchanged, a target buffet for all players wanting some fun PVPing. But hisec needs ot become a truly safe haven for starting players and casual players wanting some non PVP fun.


Along with the previous idea, the third idea is to help new players and casual players not become bored and leave the game because of the lengthy times to train skills to be able to do anything truly fun in the game. A new SKill Point Earning system needs to be put into play. But unlike a similar idea I read based on limitless skill time reduction from use of like missiles, this system I propose allows players to earn skill points from variety of ways in which they perform tasks.

Players can earn skills points from say mining asteroids, ratting, completeing missions, surveying hidden places, and more. Though this does NOT include killing player ships or pods as they can become abusive. Though some may wonder how somehting like mining would work. For each ore mined the player would recieve for example 0.0001 skill point. So for the thousands of ore they mine they can recieve full skill points for every so many ore mined.

Some will speak up about posisble ways to abuse this to allow a player ot train everything in only a week, I assure you I already thought of that through daily and weekly limitations. Each day a player can at most earn for example 250k points. And there fore in a weekly limitation of 750k skill points. This eliminates the BOT using abuse by only allowing so much skill points to be earned in an day and a week.

The skill points earned would also be unassigned which can allow players to choose where to apply those unassigned skill points. This does allow faster training times for players allowing new and casual players a chance to beef themselves up quicker than before but not be able to contend with the super powers too quickly though.

And with that, there are three ideas I have thought out and finally able to put up on the forums. I do hope to get much support. If anyone has suggestions please feel free to reply those suggestions.
Achtung Waffle
Nex quod Principatus
#2 - 2012-01-04 21:21:09 UTC
I'm all for a limited paint/emblem scheme. Probably should make it fairly cheap: Why not?

High sec stuff: Sure. I mean, people will die damn near instantly as it is. This EMP thing is weird though; how do you make it fit into lore?

As for Low Sec, I think all that needs to happen is 50% buff to gate guns to make gate camping less attractive. As it is, you need a decent gang to do it right, and the gate guns are a real pain in the butt, but they're not -too- much of a deterrent. I don't believe that CONCORD should ever appear in LS, not even at gates. Piracy and ganking are part of the game, like it or not. It's actually actively encouraged, to keep things interesting. Don't be a puss, now. :p

I like your SP earning idea, but it seems rather easy to flub and get unbalanced, and lately we've all seen how bad CCP can screw something so apparently simple up.
XS Tech
#3 - 2012-01-04 22:12:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
OP -- your post is 2/3 terrible. you should be ashamed.

1. This could work, new stuffs for our ships are always fun :)

2. CONCORD is there to punish, not to protect. The better fix would be to REMOVE Concord from 0.5 (and myabe 0.6), and replace them with the navies (tankable, and legally avoidable -- i.e. it's not an exploit to avoid them, as with avoiding concord). "Griefing" has a wholly different meaning in EVE than in other games. You clicked on the "turn on my PVP flag" button to get into space (it's in the lower left-hand corner labelled "undock").

Hisec is safer than Lowsec. Lowsec is safer than null/w-space. Nowhere is safe, this is intended.

3. 250k per day * 7 days in a week = 1.75m SP ... not 750k. I can mine something like 28,990 veldspar per minute. Assuming I'm getting 1 SP per million veld (based on your 0.0001 SP/unit), it would take me just about 144k hours to mine the 250bil veld needed (i.e. your 1/1000000 SP per unit is stupidly low). Assuming you meant 1/1000 (0.001) SP/unit, it'll only take 250 million units of trit ... or needing 144 hours to get 250k SP. Now take into account the following:

1. without drones, 2899 m3/min is the absolute best you can do in hisec. (drones take you to ~3300)
2. it takes MONTHS to get the skills needed to do this
3. I'm getting full T2 boosts from an orca.

assuming your newbie miner is going for "mining" as their career path, and is sitting in their racial mining frigate, with 2x miner II, and the skills mining 5, frigate 4, astrogeology 3 (i.e. they can't fly a retriever yet, and aren't bothering with the Osprey) gets them to 310.5 m3/minute (155.25 m3 per miner II). Without any expanders (or other skills increasing cargohold), they only have 258 m3 available.

at the absolute maximum, you earn 2700 SP per hour (64800 SP/day) ... and that's with a remap, and +5 implants... 1.7 million SP takes 27 days at this rate. Using your (stupid) "SP for doing stuff" mechanic, people would be earning SP at 4x normal ...

I don't care about giving newbies a boost (cerebral accelerator, etc) ... but giving them 4 months of SP in 4 weeks is over the top. They need to learn the game before having the SP to go do stuff. Yeah, it sucks, but it's necessary for them so that they don't go do something stupid -- like thinking they're badass in a nightmare 3 weeks in and losing the ship to the first halfway competent pilot they meet.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Aramean Excavations
#4 - 2012-01-05 06:25:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Cayate
Well seems some are not using high brain functions here. Achtung though is quite constructive which is nice to see someone going by the rules stated for the forums. Anyway, to expand more explaination:

For the icnreased security in Hi and Low sec. Navy would do patrols in low sec space, and lower the security level the logner it takes for Navy patrols to respond to attackers. Gankers, griefers, pirates, harassers, people intent on driving players off the game to shrink the player base, whatever you wish to call it, can have all your fun you want in low and null sec but new players should have a safe area to learn the game before they venture into someone's crosshairs. It's meant to help increase player base which helps to increase CCP profits to provide them with revenue to improve servers and the game overall. it helps them provide a better game experience for all players.

Hisec still has it's dangers and players willing to gank or whatever in hisec can still do it, it'll just take more ships to do it.

As for the Skill Point increase, don't try being a mathe genius. Read carefully and think. SP earning will be a Daily limit, for example can be tweaked as needed, but a DAILY limit of 250,000, meaning they can't earn more than that in a single day. There is then a secondary limit, a WEEKLY limit of, for example, to be 750,000 and they can't earn anymore that week. So in otherwords, 750k a week with 250kn a day means a player spends 3 days earning 750k for the week and that's it no more until the next week. Now again this is what's called an EXAMPLE. Meaning CCP can decide later what they feel is a good limit for daily and weekly.

I hope that helps to clarify things, espeially for the simpler folk who don't read forums rules. Anyway, feel free to post questions or suggestions and pelase remember, CONSTRUCTIVE comments should be posted as per forum rules stated at the start of the forums. Thank you.
Ice Fire Warriors
#5 - 2012-01-05 09:01:21 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers

I was hoping to just let this thread die and be buried with all the other half-baked thoughts that get posted on here... but you appear to one of those "stubborn people." Allow me to enlighten.

Griefing in other games =/= griefing in EVE.

Here, you REALLY have to single out and harass a single person in order to be "griefing." Just because someone randomly blew you up, it does not mean they have "griefed" you.
And yes, the whole concept of "griefing" is an arbitrary concept... and no, what YOU (or many others) think does not apply... it is up to CCP because it is their game.

Now then...

Your first idea is already in the pipeline. That's why the DEVs are reskinning all the ships in the game. No one is sure how decals and colors will be rolled out yet... but it is largely assumed to be a AURUM/PLEX gimmick (i.e. "microtransactions")

Your seconds idea... why should high-sec be safer than it already is? I find it almost totally safe so long as I keep my eyes open and, when in doubt, follow common sense.

Your third idea... it's been brought up before and I can safely say that it's not going to happen. Ever. The people have spoken and they like the system as it is.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2012-01-05 12:34:22 UTC
1) Sure, why not.

2) What. Highsec is already far too much rewards for far too little risk. Setting aside your misunderstanding of what griefing actually is, as ShahFluffers explains it better than I could, you want to remove ALL of the risk from highsec. Why? How would a change as drastic as this 'protect' anyone? EVE is a PVP centric game, no matter what you might think, weather it's can flipping or suicide ganking in highsec, gatecamping or...whatever it is people do in lowsec, big fleet fights in null or playing 0.01 isk games in Jita, it's all PVP.

You cannot remove an entire playstyle from the game like this. (Also, please note, I'm not a highsec pvp guy, so don't go all 'herp derp u dun leik mi idea bcux u r piwate' or anything.)

You also don't seem to understand what lowsec is. I'm not a lowsec guy either, but surely the entire point of that place is that there is some serious risk? Removing said risk with more overpowered NPC bullshit is not the way to fix lowsec. How, exactly, would you handle things like pos shots in lowsec? or capital ships? If, for example, I tackle a red or neutral carrier in Tama or something, why is he going to be saved by the NPC navy? Is navy protection of tech moons really what you're going for here? I'll let someone who actually lives out there point out ther est fo the reasons why you quite clearly don't know what you're talking about.


WHY is this pve only? Why, exactly, can pvp players not benefit from this? Forcing people to grind EVE's godawful pve just to keep up is against the very spirit of the game. Gaining skillpoints in any way other than the queue system is too, but that isn't the issue here. That horse has been beaten to death many a time, and suffice to say, grinding for skillpoints has no place in EVE whatsoever.

Think of it like this, do you really want to encourage botting? Botting up the 750k skillpoints allowed per week is still trebling the rate at which things are learnt. Fighters V in two weeks instead of the closer to two months it takes now? That isn't overpowered at all now, is it.

If you want to propose sweeping changes to the central mechanics of EVE, you need to play the damn game first. You quite clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Get Out.
Jafit McJafitson
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-01-05 13:25:51 UTC
If I weren't at work I'd be fitting up a Tornado and giving the OP's name to a locator agent right now...
XS Tech
#8 - 2012-01-05 14:31:01 UTC
Cayate wrote:
...There is then a secondary limit, a WEEKLY limit of, for example, to be 750,000 and they can't earn anymore that week. So in otherwords, 750k a week with 250kn a day means a player spends 3 days earning 750k for the week and that's it no more until the next week.

You said "250k per day, and therefore a 750k per week limit". Assuming that English is not your primary language, you really should have stated it as "a limit of 250k per day, with a weekly limit of 750k" (or similar).

ignoring the fact that it's completely impossible to hit 250k with a completely maxxed out miner (using your numbers), the problems are:

1. as it stands right now, you get approximately 450k SP/week (remap and +5s).
2. new players (generally) believe "Bigger = better" and will shoot for that bigger ship whilst ignoring all the support skills required
3. There's a hard limit to the SP one can put toward anything... for example, I have ~60m SP, ANY pilot with 1 million SP focused into Planetary Management will be better than me, as I have something like 500k there. Any pilot who flies amarr, minmatar, or caldari is better than me with those respective ships -- the only non-gallente ships I can fly are the other racial shuttles.
4. no matter how you try to gear this "for newbies", it will always benefit the vets much more.

and, oh ... they had this mechanic in the game back in '03. It was taken out *really* fast.

If your whole point is because a lot of corps say "5+ million SP" -- it has nothing to do with the SP, or where it's at (excepting nullsec types, they usually want it in combat for good reason). It has everything to do with "we don't want to bother teaching everyone who applies to our crew the game".

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Sunshine and Lollipops
#9 - 2012-01-05 14:53:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
1. Sure.

2. Griefing isn't allowed in EVE and will get you banned. Highsec does not need to be made safer — quite the opposite. The effect you're talking about already exists to the extent it needs to exist

3. The EVE skills system is unique and vastly superior to every other thing out there in that it does not require grinding. Adding it will only make the system worse for everyone (especially new players). Something similar to what you suggest existed early in the game and it was removed due to the idiotic behaviour it promoted — it only distracts people from actually playing the game, which is a very bad idea. It is also impossible to apply sensibly to the wide/shallow/multi-use skill system EVE has.
#10 - 2012-01-05 16:44:46 UTC

1) Supported.

2) Supported. Unlike what some dorks who's lost touch with reality may think, the function of Concord is neither protect nor punish, it is to ensure Eve has big enough of a player base to stay afloat and pay bills for CCP. If there had been no Concord, Eve would've went under ages ago.

3) Supported. It doesn't go far enough though. Actions and consequences. No consequences/rewards for lack of action. SP should be no different. You pay subscription for game time, not SP. Remove free SP for doing nothing.
Fawkes' Loyal Professionals
#11 - 2012-01-05 18:13:34 UTC  |  Edited by: CobaltSixty
1) Supported, but it's not a new idea.

2) Unsupported. CONCORD is a mechanic, one of the few situations in EVE where if you do X, Y will happen, every time. Regardless of what Goose says, CONCORD's function IS to punish those who do wrong, and that's what keeps EVE going. The devs have just always felt that you should be able to get something for your wrongdoings, a common theme in EVE. I agree wholeheartedly.

3) Semi-supported. Your numbers are wiggity whack. Let's say pilots regularily train at 2200 SP/hour. This nets 52,800 skillpoints daily. Suggesting they could get up to an additional 4-5x the SP for slogging rocks all day is gamebreaking-and-a-half. Let's say you could potentially earn 8,000 SP extra per day - up to a maximum of 40,000 SP per week - through VARIOUS means which emphasize player activity. Note that: it should be practically impossible to get the full 8,000 SP, let alone do it 5 days out of 7. Things which would modify the rate at which you get SP are, being undocked/in-space (time), mining ore (amount), collecting PI (volume), shooting NPCs (damage dealt), shooting players (damage dealt, EWAR/tackle used).

If all of these were multiplied appropriately, it should end up that someone who is docked all the time gets 0 extra SP daily while someone who is online 23/7 and is active the whole time has a chance earn near 8k extra SP. Unallocated SP could be calculated/claimed on a weekly basis and put towards the skill of the pilot's choice.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#12 - 2012-01-05 19:02:05 UTC

1.) Meh... skins for aurum is in the pipelines, and I couldn't care less. As long as its not gold ammo!

2.) Hell NO. There is no such thing as a safe place in EvE, and that's a good thing. Furthermore, if you were to create a "safe spot" for newbies, it sure as hell shouldn't extend through all of hisec. Empire is too safe as it is, and personally I like the "Patrolled by tankable Faction Navy" and NOT Concord, but only for 0.4-0.5 space. This would be to enhance the safety gradient between hisec and lowsec.

3.) Talk about a one-sided approach. No SP for PvP activities, and ****-poor for mining... BTW, are these limits per character or per account? It doesn't matter... Your limits are rediculous, with well-spec'd training, you earn 60k/day.... and you want to provide 250k more per day by running missions and mining roids.... Your suggestion just breaks the entire sp system of EvE!!! Hell NO!!!
Aramean Excavations
#13 - 2012-01-05 20:07:49 UTC
Ugh these forums don't like me, erasing my posts all the time.

Anyway, these ideas are posted for the DEV team to read and decide on. Players don't rule any game else the game would be so twisted Bin laden would be straighter. Players have a heresay but don't decide on how the game is developed. SO post your comments but no need ot be making idle threats against any player. Just convince the DEV team what is a good idea or bad. Give them somehting to think about by weighing in your comments. I think that is the idea they try to get across in the concept known as FORUM RULES.

NOw then, about the paint jobs, many seem to try repeating others like a bad echo. I know it's been in the works as people been chanting for this for couple years now. YOu have any idea why it's taken so long though? Simple, it's because it's taken them a while to figure out how to apply such a thing to the game. They may be the developers but they are human, they don't always come up with the best idea on implementing an idea. Sometimes it takes a player saying somehting to help them come up with a way. Game developers were and are jsut like us, they are players. They started out playing games before making them. They have not reached all knowing game godhood yet. So besides echoing another player help suggest ways to apply an idea. It will overall benefit the DEV team and game far better than sitting on a wide ass waiting for it to be done for you. No laziness allowed.

As for the hisec increased security. Listen, PVP for the most part takes up 2/3s of this game with Nullsec and Lowsec. Hisec needs a bit more security from piracy and ganking. Wardecs can still be applied, unchanged. Everygame has to have a balance of PVE and PVP to appeal to players of both. When I started, this game had quite the vertical leanring curve. Over the years, I've noticed the tutorials being reworked to make that curve more horizontal in order to help new players learn the game and its aspects. It's good practice of any game developer. A safer from piracy and ganking Hisec will help new players and casual PVE players enjoy this game better. PVPers can still run about the other 2/3s having fun blowing eachother up. Many don't seem to understand the potential of new players coming to the game. They too afraid of being shot at in return when trying to attack what would appear to be a weak player.

As for patrols, yes to those who suggest it, I do agree with you, CONCORD stays out of lowsec. Those should be patrolled by Navy fleets. I still think it is best for it to be the lower the security the longer it takes for patrols to respond and maybe even the smaller the patrol ships that respond. As someone stated it helps with a kind of boundary of lesser security, more realistic in a sense.

As for the SP earning system. This is suggested for rewarding ACTIVE players. And again I emphasize, the numbers I used previously are an EXAMPLE. If you are unsure as to the meaning of the word, you can find it at . Those cap limits can be tweaked and set to any value. It can be set to 8000 SP for a daily cap and 16000 SP for a weekly cap. And again for the dyslexic ones or those with a 5th grader's vocabulary, a player can earn only so much SP in a day and so much in a week. So if the DAILY cap is 8k, that means an ACTIVE player can earn 8k sp in a SINGLE day. If the WEEKLY cap is set to 16k a WEEK it means that they can ONLY earn 16k SP in a SINGLE week no matter how many days they play. They cna spend TWO days earning 16k SP and that would be it. they can NOT earn anymore for the rest of the week. I hope that helps those who are bad with math.

The idea is again to reward ACTIVE players. Right now training is based on Real Time. It takes 5 minutes to 5 months to train a skill. This is not about earning skill points just to have a bigger wang or whatever. It's meant to decrease training times for ACTIVE players. As it was said in Zero Punctuation, you can set your skills to train, turn off your computer and go get laid or whatever and be rewarded for NOT playing the game. It takes an active player the same amount of time to fly a carrier as it would take a non active player. How is that suppose to be rewarding for ACTIVE players? They might as well just set skills to train especially those that take longer than a month, suspend their subscription and not pay for the game for a month, then reactivate to train more skills. Once they saved money from subscription fess and got their skills trained they jsut buy a few plex, sell in Jita for several billion isk, but a carrier then go pirating with it. It would take an active player the same amount of time to do the same thing. Why? Shouldn't the active player be rewarded for actually playing the game? I think so.

So why not let the active players earn skill points to apply to skills of their choice to shorten the training times so they get their carrier faster than a non active player.

As for PVPers, come on you get rewarded enough for killing another player's ship and even podding them. You get killmail, you get bragging rights, given the chance you loot whatever wasn't destroyed and sell it. You can even display their goolies on your space mantlepiece. You don't need SP ontop of all that. Besides PVPers started out doing PVE stuff too, just like every new player, unless of course you BOUGHT your account and did no work for it.

Anyway I hope this has simplified and clarified things even more for many of you. Again this is a forum for ideas to the DEV team, not to reenact your high school bully experiences. And seriously, no need for idle empty threats, it only proves you live in the dark damp basement of your parent's house chomping on cheetos and losing your hair. Grow up okay?

Have fun and good hunting.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#14 - 2012-01-05 20:14:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Cayate wrote:
As for the hisec increased security. Listen, PVP for the most part takes up 2/3s of this game with Nullsec and Lowsec. Hisec needs a bit more security from piracy and ganking.
Not quite. PvP takes up 3/3 of the game — nullsec, lowsec and highsec. Why does highsec need to be more secure than it already is when it's already so ridiculously secure?

As for the SP earning system. This is suggested for rewarding ACTIVE players.
…and they are already being rewarded by the things you gain for being active: ISK, equipment, experience, and general know-how. Again, what you're asking for has already been tested and proven to be a very bad idea: it promotes not playing the actual game, and instead just grinding; it is highly unbalanced in what it rewards; and it's not applicable to the vast majority of skills.

So why not let the active players earn skill points to apply to skills of their choice to shorten the training times so they get their carrier faster than a non active player.
Because it's not particularly needed.
As for PVPers, come on you get rewarded enough for killing another player's ship and even podding them. You get killmail, you get bragging rights, given the chance you loot whatever wasn't destroyed and sell it. You can even display their goolies on your space mantlepiece. You don't need SP ontop of all that.
The same logic applies to PvE: you get ISK, you get loot, you don't need SP on top of that. Especially since you also don't get blown up with any regularity and can therefore stick a couple of +5s in there without any fear of loss, and that already equates to more SP.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-01-05 20:25:12 UTC
Either the Empire Navies should defend it, or let the null-sec alliances conquer them.

If the SOV mechanics worked vs NPC lowsec like it does in null-sec, Empire would lose lowsec in a matter of days. You know, not actually fielding any navy ships there and all.

That would be the true test of Low-sec, if Empire Navies were to defend it like Null-sec alliances defend theirs.

Drop a Sovereignty Blockade Units in High-sec, and CONCORD would blow it away in moments.
Drop one in Lowsec, and as it is now, nothing would happen (other than the fact that you cannot place it.)
Drop one in Null-sec, and you get a PVP fight.

I think Lowsec should get a nice big fat PVE navy fight when you drop a SBU. And the Navies should show up at law breaking events in lowsec.

I'm not sure what would happen if you did succeed in conquering an NPC system and how they would get it back. (Faction Warfare to reclaim it somehow?)
Questionable Acquisitions
#16 - 2012-01-05 20:27:44 UTC
One ok idea and two horrible ideas.

Who are these genuinely new players that need more protection? It's people that want EVE to be a space Themepark game with only consensual PvP that want this, not necessarily new players. They need to be told NO!

Mining to gain skill points?!??? Really? ..and this is to make the game more fun? Last thing this game needs is more marco miners, or more rewards for risk aversion and PvE activities.
XS Tech
#17 - 2012-01-05 20:32:38 UTC
Cayate wrote:
Anyway, these ideas are posted for the DEV team to read and decide on.

protip --> devs don't read F&I.

Cayate wrote:
Players don't rule any game else the game would be so twisted Bin laden would be straighter.

Incarna to Crucible. 'nuff said.

Cayate wrote:
As for the hisec increased security. Listen, PVP for the most part takes up 2/3s of this game with Nullsec and Lowsec. Hisec needs a bit more security from piracy and ganking. Wardecs can still be applied, unchanged. Everygame has to have a balance of PVE and PVP to appeal to players of both.

EvE is an acronym. It means "Everyone vs. Everyone". THERE ARE NO PVE ZONES IN EVE. If you don't like that, then EvE isn't for you.

Cayate wrote:

(verbal attacks against people, etc)

As for PVPers, come on you get rewarded enough for killing another player's ship and even podding them. You get killmail, you get bragging rights, given the chance you loot whatever wasn't destroyed and sell it. You can even display their goolies on your space mantlepiece. You don't need SP ontop of all that. Besides PVPers started out doing PVE stuff too, just like every new player, unless of course you BOUGHT your account and did no work for it.

Anyway I hope this has simplified and clarified things even more for many of you. Again this is a forum for ideas to the DEV team, not to reenact your high school bully experiences. And seriously, no need for idle empty threats, it only proves you live in the dark damp basement of your parent's house chomping on cheetos and losing your hair. Grow up okay?

Have fun and good hunting.

As a miner/industrialist wanna-be trader, I personally think I get enough SP as it stands, and see no reason why there should be any mechanics for being able to grind even 1 SP per day. I also get enough "reward" from chatting with friends, selling people overpriced baubles, paying someone 50% less than the going rate for stuff (thank you MIMAF people), and generally playing EvE.

Perhaps you should undock, and play EvE as well, rather than worrying about your SP counter and how you will never catch up to Chribba or whoever.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Aramean Excavations
#18 - 2012-01-05 20:56:04 UTC
I have to say this.. lol this is too funny. trolls that need attention. omg it's hard ot stop laughing when reading Velicitia and Tippia postings. I mean really LOL not getting enough attention from your right hand? I'm sure if you trolled a Twilight fandom forum, you'll gets lots of attention there! LOL! Or.. or maybe lol pretend to be a couple bronies on a MLP forum! I'm sure you'll get lots of hatemail there too! LOL!!
Arkon Olacar
#19 - 2012-01-05 21:00:50 UTC
Lets see:

1) Wants to dress up spaceships - probably also wants fully fledged WiS so she can dress up her space barbie.
2) Massive butthurt from 'griefers' - also known as 'players' by people over the age of 14.
3) Wants to revert back to a basic quest reward skill points system.
AND accuses anyone who disagrees of not engaging their brain fully.

Now normally I would just suggest you returned to WoW, but the dressing up faggottry has left me no choice:

This may be more suited to your temperment.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#20 - 2012-01-05 21:01:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Cayate wrote:
I have to say this.. lol this is too funny. trolls that need attention. omg it's hard ot stop laughing when reading Velicitia and Tippia postings. I mean really LOL not getting enough attention from your right hand? I'm sure if you trolled a Twilight fandom forum, you'll gets lots of attention there! LOL! Or.. or maybe lol pretend to be a couple bronies on a MLP forum! I'm sure you'll get lots of hatemail there too! LOL!!

So you agree, then, since you can't come up with anything resembling a counter-argument and have to resort to personal attacks and non-sequitur accusations instead.

Well, that's settled then. Nice of you to admit your numerous mistakes.
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