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What's the minimum skills need to solo C5's in a Naglfar?

Sandrilla Sastrum
#41 - 2015-09-17 08:27:47 UTC
Delt0r Garsk wrote:
Shey Nabali wrote:
T2 siege is simply required. Period. You may not die on the first site, or the 10th, but eventually RNG will **** you, and you absolutely will die to the site.

That being said, if you have not run escalations in a group, I would not attempt doing it solo. You will probably die. Quickly.

Well if you don't Leroy in 2 dreads and 2 carriers on your first time. It takes quite a bit of time for sleepers to grind down a dread. There are ways to get a stuck dread out. t1 siege while your waiting for t2 hasn't hurt us all that much. And we only almost lost a dread :D.

Worse is DC. We had the carrier and a dread DC once. Yea interesting times.

I don't think soloing is a good idea anymore. Thinking 2 dreads will be better. But with the impeding capital rebalance coming up, I'd hate to pass up on the Revelation (which would be a lot quicker for me to train for then the others).
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#42 - 2015-09-17 13:21:18 UTC
In this case i assume solo means one real person many accounts. Simple because you need to have other ships at the ready. At the very least 3 capitols. Otherwise you may as well just run the site with a marauder.

Honestly i don't like doing escals without at least 2 dreads 2 carriers + webs+links. It is also nice to have a bit more subcap support ready for action if things go sideways.

These days we are considering the "blob of dreads" method of doing the escals.

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Cannibal Zuza
#43 - 2015-10-06 09:40:17 UTC
Save yourself from being a gank magnet and use 5 RR domis or 3 Rattlers in C5s.
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