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Please allow 'Fit to active ship' option while using mobile depot.

The Larold
This is an anagram of itself.
#1 - 2015-10-04 19:25:50 UTC
I returned to Eve a couple months ago and am excited about the Mobile Depot.

However, in the heat of battle, it can be a little frustrating to use. The problem is that I have to have two windows open - my fitting screen and my ship cargo. To fit a module from my cargo, I've had to actively drag it into a vacant slot in the fitting screen.

Contrast this with: While docked, I use the time-saving (and screen-space saving) option 'Fit to active ship' from the right-click menu.

I think having this option available from the right click menu while using the Mobile Depot would be immensely beneficial.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#2 - 2015-10-04 19:36:56 UTC
So long as it's not a fitting and is just per module I see no issue
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#3 - 2015-10-04 21:58:55 UTC
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#4 - 2015-10-05 15:29:18 UTC
The Larold wrote:
However, in the heat of battle, it can be a little frustrating to use. The problem is that I have to have two windows open - my fitting screen and my ship cargo. To fit a module from my cargo, I've had to actively drag it into a vacant slot in the fitting screen.

Minor correction, as this is incorrect. You can drag from your cargohold to your hotkeys on your overview directly. No need to have the fitting window open.

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#5 - 2015-10-05 16:16:15 UTC
This is a classic example of "the gold brick you just gave me is too heavy.... could you make it lighter?"

For crying out loud, they gave you the convenience of being able to refit anywhere in space. That's a massive functionality improvement. Now a year later it isn't good enough. You need more functionality?

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#6 - 2015-10-05 17:02:24 UTC
Cidanel Afuran wrote:
The Larold wrote:
However, in the heat of battle, it can be a little frustrating to use. The problem is that I have to have two windows open - my fitting screen and my ship cargo. To fit a module from my cargo, I've had to actively drag it into a vacant slot in the fitting screen.

Minor correction, as this is incorrect. You can drag from your cargohold to your hotkeys on your overview directly. No need to have the fitting window open.

ShockedHoly **** are you serious!?
I gotta try this.
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#7 - 2015-10-05 17:09:56 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
ShockedHoly **** are you serious!?
I gotta try this.

Pretty sure you have to have "allow passive modules" shown or something like that (been a long time since I unf*cked my overview), but yes. I run sleeper sites with a mobile depot dropped next to me so I can quickly refit to tank, damage or stabs to kill, survive or laugh at the attacker and warp out if they try to point me
The Larold
This is an anagram of itself.
#8 - 2015-10-05 18:48:54 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
This is a classic example of "the gold brick you just gave me is too heavy.... could you make it lighter?"

For crying out loud, they gave you the convenience of being able to refit anywhere in space. That's a massive functionality improvement. Now a year later it isn't good enough. You need more functionality?


It's called 'Consistency of interface design.' You'll get exposed to it if you pursue a career in software development.

From a pure gameplay perspective, there's no reason for it NOT to be there, given that it exists in-station. It's a problem of setting expectations that don't get met.

I acknowledge it would take time and effort on the dev side, and that's a very legit reason not to implement something. My instinct tells me that the reason this doesn't already exist with the mobile depot is not an oversight, but the fact that non-trivial mechanics might need to be adjusted in the codebase so that 'Fit to Active Ship', or more appropriately, 'Fit to Ship', can occur in space.)

This isn't an unreasonable request, especially for someone who is legally blind and spent a long time searching for something that didn't exist in one location, but DID in another similar location.

The Larold
This is an anagram of itself.
#9 - 2015-10-05 18:51:57 UTC
Cidanel Afuran wrote:
No need to have the fitting window open.

Your method sounds awesome; will try it.

BUT, to your point - doesn't selecting 'Use Fitting Services' _force_ you to have the fitting window open, at least initially? Granted you may not _need_ it, but is there a way to get a mod from your cargo loaded onto your ship _without_ using the menu option of the mobile depot, and hence a force-open of the fitting window?
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#10 - 2015-10-05 19:25:33 UTC
The Larold wrote:
Your method sounds awesome; will try it.

BUT, to your point - doesn't selecting 'Use Fitting Services' _force_ you to have the fitting window open, at least initially? Granted you may not _need_ it, but is there a way to get a mod from your cargo loaded onto your ship _without_ using the menu option of the mobile depot, and hence a force-open of the fitting window?

No. Keep your cargohold open and small, as long as the depot is online/active and you are within range of it (2500m I think) just drag the module from your overview to your cargo, then drag the new mod from your cargo to the empty overview slot.

No need to even click on "use fitting service"

Look around the 4 minute mark. Not my video, but one I could find showing someone doing it.