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The bad mechanics of high sec ganking

First post
Arya Ikahrus
#81 - 2015-10-01 15:46:46 UTC
Does anyone else think the webbing mechanic is dumb? I get why it works in game but it feels stupid every time I do it.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2015-10-01 15:49:01 UTC
Leto Aramaus wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:

EDIT: Perhaps the appropriate middle ground would be to block criminals from docking in high sec stations, forcing them to use citadels and other structures. I'm not going so far as to suggest I know the best way to fix the problem. But there is a definite imbalance in the exposure both 'sides' are presented with, even after all the ways to reduce the risk.

Ahhh there it is! So I was right, your point is that you think criminals shouldn't be allowed to dock in high-sec stations.

I agree that criminals (-10 sec status) shouldn't be allowed to dock in CONCORD stations.

But why would The Scope or Caldari Navy care about sec status? These are independent corporations and if you have good standings with them, regardless of your standings with Concord, they're going to let you dock in their stations.

I seriously can't express how funny I found your multi-paragraph world-problem just to say "people who undock are at risk more than people who don't undock".

Again. Read. You seem to have a problem with that.

I specifically state I am not suggesting a specific fix. I am merely stating that the mechanics are old and clunky and need addressed as they lend to an imbalance in exposure assumed by both sides. You suggested -10's not docking in high sec, I responded that that could be a viable middle ground. I also suggested that with the incoming of Citadels and the rest these structures, this would be an opportune time to look at these mechanics.

Again. I suggest you read.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Syn Shi
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#83 - 2015-10-01 15:59:31 UTC
Get rid of bumping.

The idea that these big ass ships can collide and harmlessly bounce off each other is just fail.

Even when you call it emergent game play.
Azn Empire
#84 - 2015-10-01 16:17:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Kenrailae wrote:
The point is exposure.
I read what you wrote and would dispute your premise.
You seem to base it upon a freighter running solo. If said freighter had a webbing friend, then exposure as you put it, is down to mere seconds within that 15 jumps.

Unlocking. Well unless you're at war, the only hassle is clutter.
Warping to a gate. No real risk, warp to zero has been a thing for quite some time.
Warping from a gate. Let's be conservative and say less than 3 seconds, with a webbing friend.

So let's round it and say exposure is 45 seconds. Damn you're right, balance here is way out of wack. Ganking should be made easier.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2015-10-01 16:36:48 UTC
I am making consideration for webbing alts. I am also making consideration for lock time, time on gate before jumping and instances of being out of jump range, instances of spawning outside of web range, and time spent in warp.

A freighter is still able to be interfered with from outside sources across those 15 jumps on both sides of a gate, where the gank character is not.

I am also not suggesting a wholesale nerf to ganking, but rather addressing the mechanics on both sides as a whole.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Azn Empire
#86 - 2015-10-01 16:39:08 UTC
So you're suggesting it's more than 45 seconds?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2015-10-01 16:48:18 UTC
Okay, let's break it down for that one freighter, since you're wanting to focus there.

Let's say that freighter is vulnerable for 45 seconds across his route.

The character ganking his is vulnerable for 27 seconds.

Or we can do this the way it is intended, and look at the mechanics on both sides.

They are very old, very bland, and in many cases quite silly.

I'll repeat, and please don't make me ask you to re-read:

I am not suggesting a specific nerf to ganking. I am suggesting re-addressing the mechanics as a whole. They are old and clunky, too easy to be played, and too bland, and too 2 dimensional. They could be much better. I am also suggesting that this is an opportune time as we are soon to get player citadels, which change the 'rules' considerably.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Azn Empire
#88 - 2015-10-01 17:00:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Kenrailae wrote:
Okay, let's break it down for that one freighter, since you're wanting to focus there.

Let's say that freighter is vulnerable for 45 seconds across his route.

The character ganking his is vulnerable for 27 seconds.

Or we can do this the way it is intended, and look at the mechanics on both sides.

They are very old, very bland, and in many cases quite silly.

I'll repeat, and please don't make me ask you to re-read:

I am not suggesting a specific nerf to ganking. I am suggesting re-addressing the mechanics as a whole. They are old and clunky, too easy to be played, and too bland, and too 2 dimensional. They could be much better. I am also suggesting that this is an opportune time as we are soon to get player citadels, which change the 'rules' considerably.

I've not even suggested you want a nerf. I'm just trying to assess your stance.
I disagree with it and would add one more thing. Whilst that freighter is exposed for 45 seconds, at no point is it likely the faction police will turn up and attack. Unless you're carry illicit goods of course.

I really don't follow your logic in this. All I see is that one friend can almost guarantee safe travel. Even when bumped, said friend could help you out of it. But the likelihood of being bumped when being webbed, isn't even worth working out.

That said, I'd rather have the current tried and tested system, than some new half baked poor substitute tbh.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#89 - 2015-10-01 17:07:34 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Leto Aramaus wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:

EDIT: Perhaps the appropriate middle ground would be to block criminals from docking in high sec stations, forcing them to use citadels and other structures. I'm not going so far as to suggest I know the best way to fix the problem. But there is a definite imbalance in the exposure both 'sides' are presented with, even after all the ways to reduce the risk.

Ahhh there it is! So I was right, your point is that you think criminals shouldn't be allowed to dock in high-sec stations.

I agree that criminals (-10 sec status) shouldn't be allowed to dock in CONCORD stations.

But why would The Scope or Caldari Navy care about sec status? These are independent corporations and if you have good standings with them, regardless of your standings with Concord, they're going to let you dock in their stations.

I seriously can't express how funny I found your multi-paragraph world-problem just to say "people who undock are at risk more than people who don't undock".

Again. Read. You seem to have a problem with that.

I specifically state I am not suggesting a specific fix. I am merely stating that the mechanics are old and clunky and need addressed as they lend to an imbalance in exposure assumed by both sides. You suggested -10's not docking in high sec, I responded that that could be a viable middle ground. I also suggested that with the incoming of Citadels and the rest these structures, this would be an opportune time to look at these mechanics.

Again. I suggest you read.

Dude. I think you're the one that's not reading.

I have said again and again that I've read everything you wrote, and the ONLY thing you keep saying is EXACTLY THIS:

A ship that is undocked and traveling is exposed to risk more than a ship that is docked most of the time.

How in the actual **** is that "clunky mechanics" ??

Are you trolling?

"Imbalance in exposure"?? NO SH*T.

Seriously get a brain.
Odie McCracken
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2015-10-01 17:45:09 UTC
Thread reported for trolling.
Christopher Multsanti
Disaster Area
DISASTER Delivery Service
#91 - 2015-10-01 17:46:14 UTC
Mag's wrote:
[quote=Kenrailae] Whilst that freighter is exposed for 45 seconds, at no point is it likely the faction police will turn up and attack. Unless you're carry illicit goods of course.

Now it sounds like you're just trolling. Who the Actual F**ck is talking about freighters being shot by faction police???

You're another one who needs to step away from the bong my friend.
Christopher Multsanti
Disaster Area
DISASTER Delivery Service
#92 - 2015-10-01 17:50:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Christopher Multsanti
Leto AramausA ship that is undocked and traveling is exposed to risk more than a ship that is docked most of the time.[/quote wrote:

How in the actual **** is that "clunky mechanics" ??

Are you trolling?

"Imbalance in exposure"?? NO SH*T.

Seriously get a brain.

You also. Bong Down.

Clunky mechanics are the fact you can take down a freighter in high sec and that freighter has less defensive options than one in null sec.

Re-read OP and come back. Then disagree with the above line with a straight face. I dare you. I Double dare you.
Azn Empire
#93 - 2015-10-01 17:50:54 UTC
Christopher Multsanti wrote:
Mag's wrote:
[quote=Kenrailae] Whilst that freighter is exposed for 45 seconds, at no point is it likely the faction police will turn up and attack. Unless you're carry illicit goods of course.

Now it sounds like you're just trolling. Who the Actual F**ck is talking about freighters being shot by faction police???

You're another one who needs to step away from the bong my friend.
Take a breath and read it again in context. I'm talking about what most gankers have to deal with. Thanks anyway. Roll

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Christopher Multsanti
Disaster Area
DISASTER Delivery Service
#94 - 2015-10-01 17:54:24 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Christopher Multsanti wrote:
Mag's wrote:
[quote=Kenrailae] Whilst that freighter is exposed for 45 seconds, at no point is it likely the faction police will turn up and attack. Unless you're carry illicit goods of course.

Now it sounds like you're just trolling. Who the Actual F**ck is talking about freighters being shot by faction police???

You're another one who needs to step away from the bong my friend.
Take a breath and read it again in context. I'm talking about what most gankers have to deal with. Thanks anyway. Roll

But all really know that faction police are not an issue for someone in a catalyst. And not an issue at all if you're not -10.
Azn Empire
#95 - 2015-10-01 18:00:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Christopher Multsanti wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Christopher Multsanti wrote:
Mag's wrote:
[quote=Kenrailae] Whilst that freighter is exposed for 45 seconds, at no point is it likely the faction police will turn up and attack. Unless you're carry illicit goods of course.

Now it sounds like you're just trolling. Who the Actual F**ck is talking about freighters being shot by faction police???

You're another one who needs to step away from the bong my friend.
Take a breath and read it again in context. I'm talking about what most gankers have to deal with. Thanks anyway. Roll

But all really know that faction police are not an issue for someone in a catalyst. And not an issue at all if you're not -10.
It's an issue and completely relevant to the point we were discussing. So thanks for the apology.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#96 - 2015-10-01 18:09:45 UTC
Christopher Multsanti wrote:
Leto AramausA ship that is undocked and traveling is exposed to risk more than a ship that is docked most of the time.

How in the actual **** is that "clunky mechanics" ??

Are you trolling?

"Imbalance in exposure"?? NO SH*T.

Seriously get a brain.
[/quote wrote:

You also. Bong Down.

Clunky mechanics are the fact you can take down a freighter in high sec and that freighter has less defensive options than one in null sec.

Re-read OP and come back. Then disagree with the above line with a straight face. I dare you. I Double dare you.

That wasn't a response to you OP... but this is.

I read the OP. I thought it was a giant whine-filled baby-fest.

A freighter, by itself, has NO defensive actions except one; Warp away.

Let's break this down for you.

A freighter in hi-sec can scout gates to look for camps.
A freighter in low/null can also scout gates to look for camps.

A freighter in hi-sec can have a friend or alt web him into warp faster.
A freighter in low/null can also have a friend or alt web him into warp faster.

A freighter in hi-sec can have a fleet of friendly escorts that can remote repair him.
A freighter in low/null can also have a fleet of friendly escorts to remote repair him.

Hmmm I'm running out of ideas... what can be done in lowsec that can't be done in hi-sec?
Ah yes, a freighter's escort fleet (assuming he has one) can pre-emptively shoot any gate campers in low/null without being destroyed by concord.

So how is this "clunky" mechanics? I'm pretty sure you and Kenrailae are the same person yea? Because you keep using that word, "clunky". Without giving any meaningful explanation for what you mean.

What mechanics are you referring to? What is "clunky"?

Use your words. Make an argument. Better yet, make a SUGGESTION for a feature or idea.

I actually agree that there's a problem with freighter-ganking. However, you are so bad at making any kind of coherent argument, all I can think when reading this thread is "what? go away crybaby".

Chainsaw Plankton
#97 - 2015-10-01 18:12:10 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I'm all for ganking, I'd just like the beach ball mechanics to be removed from freighters. I don't want collision damage, but when a weeeee little subcapital bumps a capital ship, it should mostly bounce off and the capital should should only be affected a small amount. (Imagine throwing a ping pong ball really hard into my forehead - I'm not going to go flying across the room.... my head is just too dense compared to the ping pong ball)

I'm working on some breakthrough physics.

(m1)(v1) = (m2)(v2)

I think if the universe were to start using this then energy would be conserved. I'm woking on a bigger more general equation that would conserve all forms of energy. If anyone would like to help with this project I think it would be awesome! This is cutting edge math and physics that would make the world a better place.

hey sting pong hurts! that said a charon has 10x the mass of a mach sooo.... (oh yea, and its less with a MWD active as that is ~+50% mass to the mach)

and if the gankers are doing it right you shouldn't ever be able to see them until it is too late, unless you know all their scout/logistic alts, and if they are using 40 on the gank that is a lot of potential alts.

anyways I kinda like gankers, I never have to worry about flying a freighter, and can over collateralize all my shipments

don't fly what you can't afford to lose and whatnot.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#98 - 2015-10-01 18:22:59 UTC
TLDR: You cannot stop your freighter from being ganked by a bumping mach and 40 catalysts even if you have a support fleet including logis to defend you.

Also just for good measure... this statement is false.

If you have a support fleet of 20 Guardians, 40 catalysts at 400dps each will not be able to kill you before Concord destroys them all.

Yes I know 20 Guardians is ridiculous for a freighter escort, but I have to point out a falsehood when I see one.
Christopher Multsanti
Disaster Area
DISASTER Delivery Service
#99 - 2015-10-01 18:23:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Christopher Multsanti
Leto Aramaus wrote:
Christopher Multsanti wrote:
Leto AramausA ship that is undocked and traveling is exposed to risk more than a ship that is docked most of the time.

How in the actual **** is that "clunky mechanics" ??

Are you trolling?

"Imbalance in exposure"?? NO SH*T.

Seriously get a brain.

You also. Bong Down.

Clunky mechanics are the fact you can take down a freighter in high sec and that freighter has less defensive options than one in null sec.

Re-read OP and come back. Then disagree with the above line with a straight face. I dare you. I Double dare you.[/quote wrote:

That wasn't a response to you OP... but this is.

I read the OP. I thought it was a giant whine-filled baby-fest.

A freighter, by itself, has NO defensive actions except one; Warp away.

Let's break this down for you.

A freighter in hi-sec can scout gates to look for camps.
A freighter in low/null can also scout gates to look for camps.

A freighter in hi-sec can have a friend or alt web him into warp faster.
A freighter in low/null can also have a friend or alt web him into warp faster.

A freighter in hi-sec can have a fleet of friendly escorts that can remote repair him.
A freighter in low/null can also have a fleet of friendly escorts to remote repair him.

Hmmm I'm running out of ideas... what can be done in lowsec that can't be done in hi-sec?
Ah yes, a freighter's escort fleet (assuming he has one) can pre-emptively shoot any gate campers in low/null without being destroyed by concord.

So how is this "clunky" mechanics? I'm pretty sure you and Kenrailae are the same person yea? Because you keep using that word, "clunky". Without giving any meaningful explanation for what you mean.

What mechanics are you referring to? What is "clunky"?

Use your words. Make an argument. Better yet, make a SUGGESTION for a feature or idea.

I actually agree that there's a problem with freighter-ganking. However, you are so bad at making any kind of coherent argument, all I can think when reading this thread is "what? go away crybaby".

When I read this entire post all I hear is please don't take away my gravy train.

Here is suggestion, You're gonna be sorry you asked for it:

Concord now has logistics, the most op logistics ever created preventing any amount of DPS from killing a freighter.

As for me and him being the same person, just lol. GG you.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#100 - 2015-10-01 18:29:43 UTC
Mag's wrote:
I've not even suggested you want a nerf. I'm just trying to assess your stance.
I disagree with it and would add one more thing. Whilst that freighter is exposed for 45 seconds, at no point is it likely the faction police will turn up and attack. Unless you're carry illicit goods of course.

I really don't follow your logic in this. All I see is that one friend can almost guarantee safe travel. Even when bumped, said friend could help you out of it. Bit the likely hood of being bumped when being webbed, isn't even worth working out.

That said, I'd rather have the current tried and tested system, than some new half baked poor substitute tbh.

My stance is that the current system is itself half baked and a poor substitute, and CCP can do better, especially if they get player input on it, as there are some very knowledgeable people who frequent these forums, yourself and several others included. The mentality that it isn't broken because you have to break it for it to be usable is mind boggling. The best way to effectively guarantee your safety is to attack yourself/friend? There has to be a better way than that. Similar mechanics/oversights when in a 'PVP' context are usually abused until they are corrected by CCP, but this set hasn't been, and it has been abused and abused and abused, by both 'sides' for quite some time. See Sentry drones and Assign drone feature.

Everything from the webbing of a freighter to make it 'safe' to the continued and targeted bumping sans consequence or way 'out' is just bad mechanics. Well done to those who use them while they're here, but should they still be here?

*Necessity for Webbing alts be they by duel or same corp
*bumping, legal and fine, but bumping 200k off a gate to play concord mechanics?
*Engaging in criminal conduct on alternate gates or in alternate belts to play Concord response times
*Relative little risk component involved in conducting criminal activity. These mechanics are well documented and easy to take advantage of. We know how fast Concord will show up and know how much DPS it takes to do this or that
*Free docking, cloning, and storage in stations while flagged as a criminal and wanted by the 'Police', and again, attacking a freighter buddy and getting away with it, because of clunky mechanics
*Standings hits/lack thereof for committing crimes in Empire space
*insert any of the other questionable or overly simple mechanics which result in poor gameplay

Yeah, these are the mechanics as they are, and again, well played for using them. But these mechanics are out of date, and very simple. They can be much better.

Evading Concord is Bannable, no one is disputing that. I'm also not disputing the fate of a freighter should he solo 15 jumps, or even soloing 1 jump at the wrong time with too much cargo. But it seems just as much evading Concord if one is playing their spawn mechanics? Likewise having to attack a friend or self to make them safe is absurd, and a questionable use of those mechanics. Another mechanic that makes little sense is how standings do or don't work in relation to high sec and criminal activity. If one is continuously committing crimes in an area of space, shouldn't that faction begin to dislike them as well? The notion of High sec suggests that the Empires maintain some law and order. Yet a player can continuously break that law and order and only get in trouble with Concord? There are better ways to do these things.

The inclusion of Faction police as a response to conducting a criminal act is not an unexpected result, nor something that can be listed as a draw back. It's an accepted and expected response from the same mechanics that are used and abused by both parties in response to committing a criminal act.

In summation, yes what is in place 'works well enough.' But that doesn't say it works well, nor couldn't be much better. A freighter or frigate carrying something worth ganking without taking necessary steps to protect himself should die. But there should be more options available other than 'let's have a friend attack me.' Suggesting use Red Frog doesn't change the problems with the system, it just pushes them off onto someone else. Suggesting use low sec routes again, doesn't change the problems, it avoids them. Suggesting use a different route and Use logi friends also doesn't address the problems, more avoid and deter them. We usually suggest to someone tired of getting ganked any of these solutions, and yes, they provide a solution to that person's problem, but they don't address the overall shortsightedness and scope of the mechanics behind the 'problem.' I just feel that those mechanics could be significantly better, and make game play for both the ganker and gankee much better, involved and reliant on the significance of choice, and not as much the definitive Yes or no aspect of it in its current state.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal