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Jump drives

#1 - 2015-09-15 12:53:45 UTC
Jump Drives allow specific classes of ships to jump instantaneously from point of origin to point of destination. Rest of ship classes require the use of a portal to do the same thing.

I wonder what the implications would be, if all ships had a jump drive, with jump capability according to chassis size and no bonus to fatigue. That way everybody could use them when necessary, new players could hotdrop faster and join the fun, and already existing jump drive capable ships would maintain a bonus advantage over their T1 counterparts, fatigue and LY wise, based on chassis.

People would reap benefits from jump drive skills faster, opening up the steep curve of jump drive capability. Smaller entities that could not afford to buy and maintain Titans could now relocate to more dangerous grounds, having more options and capabilities.

Excluding caps, the monopoly of blops/covert ops vessels could open up, while the blops would maintain a tactical advantage to fatigue and jump range of projection.

Also , that would give an incentive for battleships to be employed again in 0.0 and other space, always within certain limitation.
If people think its too much for every ship to be jump drive capable, start from the Battleship class and move down till a good balance can be maintained.

Changes to T1 hulls (cruisers) led to them being used more frequently. Changes to jump drive could lead to the revamping of certain T2 hulls too.

Tell me what you think.

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2015-09-15 13:04:03 UTC

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

#3 - 2015-09-15 13:08:18 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:

Thanks for qualifying your answer, Appreciate it :P
Ice Fire Warriors
#4 - 2015-09-15 14:11:05 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Lan Wang wrote:

Not empty quoting.

Teleportation mechanics are cancerous for the game as a whole if liberally applied and with few restrictions.

Of anything, they should be removed entirely. Yes, yes.... it will massively increase tedium, but it would boost the requirement for actual teamwork rather than reliance on alts.
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#5 - 2015-09-15 14:36:08 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:

Not empty quoting.

Teleportation mechanics are cancerous for the game as a whole if liberally applied and with few restrictions.

Of anything, they should be removed entirely. Yes, yes.... it will massively increase tedium, but it would boost the requirement for actual teamwork rather than reliance on alts.

I couldn't disagree more on this particular stance.

Total removal of Jump Drives would be very disappointing in a space game, to me.

What I think EVE needs is a major re-thinking of how ships travel...

Warp drives:
- plottable warps of any distance (within the min-max), in any direction
- inter-stellar warping, ability to warp between stars, taking hours or even days
i.e. true, actual control of your ship and ability to actually travel through space without external factors like warp drives needing something to "lock on to", and requiring gates to travel between systems. I think gates should be conveniences that allow instant travel but are less common and have drawbacks (chokepoints)
This would of course require many other changes to warp mechanics, such as warp speed, and a cooldown period after warping, to allow, for example, a couple minutes or so for someone to probe your ship down in the system you land in.

Jump drives:
- max fatigue of 6 days (or 5, w/e, just agreeing with someones suggestion for "fatigue always gone by next weekend")
- maybe ability to jump to stars
Braden Fanguard
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#6 - 2015-09-15 16:26:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Braden Fanguard
Leto Aramaus wrote:

Warp drives:
- plottable warps of any distance (within the min-max), in any direction
- inter-stellar warping, ability to warp between stars, taking hours or even days
i.e. true, actual control of your ship and ability to actually travel through space without external factors like warp drives needing something to "lock on to", and requiring gates to travel between systems. I think gates should be conveniences that allow instant travel but are less common and have drawbacks (chokepoints)
This would of course require many other changes to warp mechanics, such as warp speed, and a cooldown period after warping, to allow, for example, a couple minutes or so for someone to probe your ship down in the system you land in.

Oh praise-be-unto-Spod yes. CCPlease. +10
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-09-15 17:28:12 UTC
slumbers wrote:
new players could hotdrop faster and join the fun

What fun are you refering to?

Also if this was a thing, would stargates and warp drive then get removed?
#8 - 2015-09-15 17:47:01 UTC
Celthric Kanerian wrote:
slumbers wrote:
new players could hotdrop faster and join the fun

What fun are you refering to?

Also if this was a thing, would stargates and warp drive then get removed?

That could be the turning point for eve, yes. No stargates, till players build them and claim systems. A big chaotic system that constantly changes according to people's will and endurance (not sure on that yet). And Ponies, lotsa ponies!!

I admit its not the most popular idea ever, im just contemplating expanding the jump drive to other classes of ships, reducing the skill time for acquiring a jump capable ship, minimizing the need for titans to provide portals. T1 Battleship class is big enough to house a jump drive, maybe it could have some Ridiculous fatigue penalty once jumped, and limited range .

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-09-15 20:22:23 UTC
Leto Aramaus wrote:

Jump drives:
- max fatigue of 6 days (or 5, w/e, just agreeing with someones suggestion for "fatigue always gone by next weekend")
- maybe ability to jump to stars

thats actually going to be a thing

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2015-09-15 21:14:18 UTC
Yeah I'd actually like to see jump drives opened up a bit more, mainly to battleships. Though that may be part of a larger issue of thinking BS need to be given a few more capital esque attributes in general.....

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Mr Mieyli
#11 - 2015-09-15 21:22:07 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Yeah I'd actually like to see jump drives opened up a bit more, mainly to battleships. Though that may be part of a larger issue of thinking BS need to be given a few more capital esque attributes in general.....

Battleship weapons no longer offer a big enough increase from cruiser sized weapons to make up for their worse trackin; fixing this would help a lot. Also battleship ehp is not considerably higher than some cruiser fits and a class wide dps and ehp buff would not be a bad thing.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2015-09-15 21:27:01 UTC
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
Yeah I'd actually like to see jump drives opened up a bit more, mainly to battleships. Though that may be part of a larger issue of thinking BS need to be given a few more capital esque attributes in general.....

Battleship weapons no longer offer a big enough increase from cruiser sized weapons to make up for their worse trackin; fixing this would help a lot. Also battleship ehp is not considerably higher than some cruiser fits and a class wide dps and ehp buff would not be a bad thing.

TY for telling me so many things that weren't blatantly obvious to anyone who has installed Eve online....... -.-

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Mr Mieyli
#13 - 2015-09-15 23:40:54 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
Yeah I'd actually like to see jump drives opened up a bit more, mainly to battleships. Though that may be part of a larger issue of thinking BS need to be given a few more capital esque attributes in general.....

Battleship weapons no longer offer a big enough increase from cruiser sized weapons to make up for their worse trackin; fixing this would help a lot. Also battleship ehp is not considerably higher than some cruiser fits and a class wide dps and ehp buff would not be a bad thing.

TY for telling me so many things that weren't blatantly obvious to anyone who has installed Eve online....... -.-

No problem, I normally charge 50m for my services.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

Deaf Armada
#14 - 2015-09-16 02:56:38 UTC
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
Yeah I'd actually like to see jump drives opened up a bit more, mainly to battleships. Though that may be part of a larger issue of thinking BS need to be given a few more capital esque attributes in general.....

Battleship weapons no longer offer a big enough increase from cruiser sized weapons to make up for their worse trackin; fixing this would help a lot. Also battleship ehp is not considerably higher than some cruiser fits and a class wide dps and ehp buff would not be a bad thing.

that would cause issue of power creep unless your suggestion is nerf cruiser
#15 - 2015-09-19 22:43:02 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Yeah I'd actually like to see jump drives opened up a bit more, mainly to battleships. Though that may be part of a larger issue of thinking BS need to be given a few more capital esque attributes in general.....

Well they have given them capitalesque attributes already, now battleships warp and arrive on grid with the speed of a cap. ^^
Mr Mieyli wrote:

Battleship weapons no longer offer a big enough increase from cruiser sized weapons to make up for their worse trackin; fixing this would help a lot. Also battleship ehp is not considerably higher than some cruiser fits and a class wide dps and ehp buff would not be a bad thing.

They dont track well, they dont move fast , not considerably higher ehp and a big sig radius means they can die easy. Awesome. Another capitalesque reason to give them a jump drive (grant them at least the element of surprise). Or in case you don't want built in capability, a Battleship class ONLY jump module occupying 1 highslot. Even though i still think that battleships are large enough to house one without the use of modules.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#16 - 2015-09-20 03:17:55 UTC
slumbers wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:

Thanks for qualifying your answer, Appreciate it :P

Do I think it's a good idea to throw away a decade of space travel mechanics and swap to something totally different and new because you came up with an idea to change it?

Ben Ishikela
#17 - 2015-09-20 04:26:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Ben Ishikela
jump drives neglect the difficulties of geography. Therfor less contact.

Jumpfreighters let local economies starve, if the distance from Jita to your home is less than certain LYs.
What happened to the freighter convoys? Anyone read about WW2 and the Atlantik battle of Submarines and so on?
What happened to the conflict about choke points? Who controls the supply lines?
Who is doing guerrilla warfare or piracy to harm a mature alliance / to weaken the supremacy of a standing capital fleet?

Therefor remove JumpDrives!

Ideas are like Seeds. I'd chop fullgrown trees to start a fire.

#18 - 2015-09-20 05:41:50 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Do I think it's a good idea to throw away a decade of space travel mechanics and swap to something totally different and new because you came up with an idea to change it?


Hmm, a decade of space travel mechanic is your only argument? I guess you are a traditionalist, and fervently defended all previous changes. WHs gave you the willies, changing the geddon to a neut boat enraged you, jump fatigue forced you to emo rage quit.
Do you still happen to use the Telegraph btw? or Telex?

This thread has been refined via good input. Jump drives for all ships? NO, but battleships might have something to earn from it, since they have been nerfed severily for pvp. For Big fleets they are still good.

At least the idea is not that far fetched. Unless you prefer the idea of a T3 Battleship with Dread guns ( ithink i read it somewhere in forums).

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#19 - 2015-09-20 06:00:53 UTC
slumbers wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Do I think it's a good idea to throw away a decade of space travel mechanics and swap to something totally different and new because you came up with an idea to change it?


Hmm, a decade of space travel mechanic is your only argument? I guess you are a traditionalist, and fervently defended all previous changes. WHs gave you the willies, changing the geddon to a neut boat enraged you, jump fatigue forced you to emo rage quit.
Do you still happen to use the Telegraph btw? or Telex?

This thread has been refined via good input. Jump drives for all ships? NO, but battleships might have something to earn from it, since they have been nerfed severily for pvp. For Big fleets they are still good.

At least the idea is not that far fetched. Unless you prefer the idea of a T3 Battleship with Dread guns ( ithink i read it somewhere in forums).

So yeah, my very soul is still a bit ouchy from the geddon changes, but other than that you're coming off as a wee bit persnickety by wrongly attacking the person and not the message. I have a smartphone, but I don't play candy crush as it's a silly waste of time. I like new things, cool tech and glossy lipstick. I don't like your jump drive idea.

A decade of mechanics not because I'm a traditionalist, but because they have served the game well for a lot longer than most games exist. If it ain't broken - then don't fix it.

(I've lived in wh since the beginning and never met this Willie you speak of nor did he ever give me anything. Jump drives don't serve a purpose in wh so no tears for jump fatigue. The number of things you are wrong about are pilling up rapidly)
#20 - 2015-09-20 06:30:28 UTC  |  Edited by: slumbers
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Do I think it's a good idea to throw away a decade of space travel mechanics and swap to something totally different and new because you came up with an idea to change it?

cause that quote attacks the idea, right? Anyway, dont take it too personally, i was just contemplating the idea of BS being a big enough platform to serve other roles too.

Serendipity Lost wrote:

So yeah, my very soul is still a bit ouchy from the geddon changes, but other than that you're coming off as a wee bit persnickety by wrongly attacking the person and not the message. I have a smartphone, but I don't play candy crush as it's a silly waste of time. I like new things, cool tech and glossy lipstick. I don't like your jump drive idea.

A decade of mechanics not because I'm a traditionalist, but because they have served the game well for a lot longer than most games exist. If it ain't broken - then don't fix it.

(I've lived in wh since the beginning and never met this Willie you speak of nor did he ever give me anything. Jump drives don't serve a purpose in wh so no tears for jump fatigue. The number of things you are wrong about are pilling up rapidly)

Fine if you dont like the idea,

Jump drives dont serve a purpose for whs, yes, but many wholers use jump drives to cyno on top of whs in low sec and get their logistics into the wh.
so indirectly, there is a use for jump drives.

Opening up jump drives to other platforms, breaking the monopoly of caps and supers, could prove fruitful. But ofc, as discussed before, that would need a lot or rethinking and testing (Blops work flawlessly).

Some ppl have labelled teleportation mechanic to be a cancer, but hotdropfsky has been around for ages, people enjoy it due to its "SUPPLISE" effect, and hasnt inhibited gameplay so far. Ppl still risk their ships in the search of riches in Concord-free sec space.
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