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Do you prefer Aurum, Pay higher subs, or Neither?

Miss Whippy
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-01-04 09:18:24 UTC
This is really a question about your attitude to Micro Transactions. Personally I hate MT think it is something Eve can do without. I think it's fine for games where players have accepted the fact that you can pay more for extras, but Eve is a different animal to most other online games, and its players are here BECAUSE Eve is a different animal. For me, the trouble with MT is:

  • 1 - I hate the fact that I have to pay extra to get full access to the content of a game I'm already paying for.
  • 2 - It creates a diving line between the 'Haves' and the 'Have nots.' Players who can't afford the extras are alienated and like second rate customers.
  • 3 - As far as I'm aware it makes no sense from an RPG point of view.
  • 4 - It's would be an extra ball ache.
  • 5 - It stinks of corporate greed over simply providing a great game made by people we can trust, because it's not just about milking a cash cow.
  • 6 - It is completely set aside from the sandbox and the player driven economy, and so clashes with the philosophy of the game.

So, to get back to the original question. Would you prefer:

  • 1- Have Aurum in the game as a means to paying extra for things like clothes, ship paint jobs, etc.
  • 2 - Increase the subscription charge to cover extra content, as you understand that this new content needs payig for somehow.
  • 3 - Neither as you feel that you are already entitled to new content at the price you are currently paying.

I'm personally voting 3. But if CCP explained itself well enough and convinced me that this extra content HAD to be financed somehow, then I would choose 2.

Interested to hear thoughts.

[URL=""]UI Iteration isn't enough, we need to start from scratch[/URL]

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-01-04 09:21:14 UTC
as i dont really care. As far as i am concerned they can sell pirate faction BPC at NeX for aur. What is an difference in shooting NPCs and buying it from NeX.. there is one, one takes a lot more time, aka game-play, other is payed for removing that game-play, person who chose the NeX lost potential game-play, i care not.
The Waterworks
#3 - 2012-01-04 09:23:50 UTC
Ai Shun
#4 - 2012-01-04 09:34:00 UTC

That way I can choose if I want to buy fluffy crap. Under your option 2 I would be forced to pay for something I do not want, do not enjoy and so forth.

I dislike your option 3 as well, because I recognize that there is additional effort that went into this. It is a new revenue stream and I don't mind rewarding a company that provides a service I enjoy. I am already grateful that CCP provides us with free expansions, a fantastic game and the ability to play with no cost to ourselves (Although others do pay for us)

The way things are now, with Aurum as an optional extra makes it a user choice element.

I prefer choice over the politics of envy and an enforced levy to subsidize you for the needless fluff you are unwilling to pay for.

Keep It Simple Software Group
#5 - 2012-01-04 09:51:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Wacktopia
Miss Whippy wrote:

  • 1- Have Aurum in the game as a means to paying extra for things like clothes, ship paint jobs, etc.
  • 2 - Increase the subscription charge to cover extra content, as you understand that this new content needs payig for somehow.
  • 3 - Neither as you feel that you are already entitled to new content at the price you are currently paying.

3... or 2.

I do not want to see higher subs as it is already an expensive game to play, considering that if you have a Capital you pretty-much will have an alt too.

I know that we kind of have P2W already with PLEX but I just do not like the whole Aurum / MT in EVE. I especially do not like the idea that you can buy benefits that you cannot acquire by other means (e.g The dreaded Faction-Towers-In-Nex prediction).

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Miss Whippy
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-01-04 10:12:04 UTC
Ai Shun wrote:

That way I can choose if I want to buy fluffy crap. Under your option 2 I would be forced to pay for something I do not want, do not enjoy and so forth.

Surely that's the standard risk you have with a normal subscription?

[URL=""]UI Iteration isn't enough, we need to start from scratch[/URL]

Shivus Tao
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-01-04 10:27:05 UTC
I don't feel I need purely cosmetic additions to play the full game. If people want to shell out money in some way for them, great, but I don't really care.

Joshua Aivoras
Tech IV Industries
#8 - 2012-01-04 10:30:40 UTC
CCP actually uses the fact that you get access to all future expansions and content for free as a selling point for EVE. So CCP already said themselves it was three.

95% of the players are loving EVE, the other 5%? On the forums.

Kietay Ayari
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-01-04 10:35:27 UTC
Wacktopia wrote:

I do not want to see higher subs as it is already an expensive game to play, considering that if you have a Capital you pretty-much will have an alt too.

1 hour of RL work per character for a month of playtime is an expensive game?

I think the choice should be between option 1 and 2. Personally it doesn't matter to me which of those they pick. Though if they did pick 2 I would hope they actually spend the money on additional workforce to make the extra content and not just backlog real content and pocket the extra money.

Ferox #1

#10 - 2012-01-04 11:07:29 UTC

I don't give a crap about custom clothing as a paying subscriber, but if anyone else richer than me wants to give CCP extra cash to dressup and help fund further game developement then please do so.

Since custom clothing and ship paintjobs etc. have no effect whatsoever on the gameplay, it is not something that should be required inside the subscription price, it's an unnecessary OPTIONAL extra. And if not having a certain pair of shiny shoes suddenly makes you unable to justify playing a spaceship game anymore, there is something wrong with you.

Bad Girl Posse
#11 - 2012-01-04 11:26:58 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
as i dont really care. As far as i am concerned they can sell pirate faction BPC at NeX for aur. What is an difference in shooting NPCs and buying it from NeX.. there is one, one takes a lot more time, aka game-play, other is payed for removing that game-play, person who chose the NeX lost potential game-play, i care not.

Using the support of Plex for ISK because you don't want to grind ISK. The part not mentioned is, someone grinded the ISK and made a trade for your plex. With drop loot in Aurum nobody is grinding and all drops become only as rare as the size of your wallet. If you make ISK selling Dramiel BPC's and tommorow I can buy a drami on Aurum shop, you are pretty much screwed.

Having more people in EVE or a game CCP makes is the inevitable best answer but I can never bring myself to entice people in to EVE because I know most people don't belong here.
Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#12 - 2012-01-04 11:33:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Professor Alphane
4. There not developing EVE as much as they should be considering what we are all paying them, given they have just invested in 2 new projects.

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#13 - 2012-01-04 11:35:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
Miss Whippy wrote:

  • 1- Have Aurum in the game as a means to paying extra for things like clothes, ship paint jobs, etc.

  • Absolutely not. Especially because this function is economically-meaningless next to the Plex/isk conversion that happens already when anything extra for isk comes into the game.

    Miss Whippy wrote:

  • 2 - Increase the subscription charge to cover extra content, as you understand that this new content needs payig for somehow.

  • If this was the only option then sure, but it isn't, and its not even the best option. CCP have shown us that Eve itself is extremely profitable as is - its limits are simply that it doesn't make quite enough profit to fund the entirety of 2 entirely different games at the same time. Scale back the expenditure on non eve stuff (as they have) and the funding problem goes away. Concentrate on improving Eve properly and more subscriptions will be gained further increasing profits (and available development budget)

    Miss Whippy wrote:

  • 3 - Neither as you feel that you are already entitled to new content at the price you are currently paying.

  • Well we ARE entitled to new content for the price we are paying because that is the agreement between CCP and its customer base. Our subs get us access to the game world + continuing expansion of the game client/world. If that agreement was ever to change then I suspect last autumn's unsubscription crisis would look like damp squib compared to the firestorm of fury that would mark the new eden armageddon.

    But the important point here is that WE (as paying customers) should not be trying to rationalize micro transactions as a funding methodology to perniciously subdivide subscription-game content between $ haves and have nots. Its CCP's responsibility to balance their books and ensure they have appropriate budget to maintain and develop Eve Online to keep the user base enthused and numbers growing. The last few years finished in a fiasco because CCP management FAILED to understand basic business finance and overextended themselves while allowing their sole income source to be threatened by underfunding and mismanagement. The solution to this crisis is not rationalizing microtransactions and justifying a two-tier eve segregated by tawdry little $ paywalls, but to return to a climate of continual improvements for Eve Online that keep the eight year old game fresh and attractive for new and existing subscribers. This is not optional, its mandatory. Once CCP get subscriptions back on an upward trend and stop spending all the eve subs money on pointless rubbish then all these problems go away.

    The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

    Errant Alaois
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #14 - 2012-01-04 12:01:33 UTC
    W1rlW1nd wrote:

    I don't give a crap about custom clothing as a paying subscriber, but if anyone else richer than me wants to give CCP extra cash to dressup and help fund further game developement then please do so.

    Since custom clothing and ship paintjobs etc. have no effect whatsoever on the gameplay, it is not something that should be required inside the subscription price, it's an unnecessary OPTIONAL extra. And if not having a certain pair of shiny shoes suddenly makes you unable to justify playing a spaceship game anymore, there is something wrong with you.

    ^^ I agree 100% ! ^^
    Jorn Isu
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #15 - 2012-01-04 12:05:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jorn Isu
    1, as long as everything RMT-related can also be bought and sold for ISK (or at least the "gold ammo" or whatever).

    edit: I "prefer" 3, but I don't see 1 as being a significant detriment, or hurting me any. I see 2 as hurting me, somewhat.

    If your objection is "buying power", players do that already with PLEX. If your objection is the RMTers looking different/special/whatever, grow up.
    Jade Constantine
    Jericho Fraction
    The Star Fraction
    #16 - 2012-01-04 12:19:18 UTC
    W1rlW1nd wrote:

    I don't give a crap about custom clothing as a paying subscriber, but if anyone else richer than me wants to give CCP extra cash to dressup and help fund further game developement then please do so.

    Since custom clothing and ship paintjobs etc. have no effect whatsoever on the gameplay, it is not something that should be required inside the subscription price, it's an unnecessary OPTIONAL extra. And if not having a certain pair of shiny shoes suddenly makes you unable to justify playing a spaceship game anymore, there is something wrong with you.

    What about Engine Trails, enhanced ship models, nebulas and cyno animations? Those also have "absolutely no effect whatsoever on gameplay" - so why do you think those things should be required inside the subscription price where incarna content and ship customization is not?

    By your logic (unless I am misunderstanding you) shouldn't ccp have charged us aurum to see the new graphic effects since they were not gameplay altering?

    The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

    Azahni Vah'nos
    Vah'nos Family
    #17 - 2012-01-04 12:22:54 UTC

    You may have missed the developer recently talking about subscription MMO's running anywhere up to a 70% profit margin without other revenue schemes like added microtransactions. CCP wouldn't have had to polute EVE with the NeX if they hadn't tried to develop two other games rather than completing and releasing one additional game at a time.

    Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

    Dane El
    Negative Density
    #18 - 2012-01-04 12:23:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Dane El
    We really need to stop jumping to the worst possible conclusions regarding the NEX store. I'm not a fan of dressing up my avatar nobody ever sees so I've never used it but as long as it stays purely cosmetic items, I have no issue with it existing. Has there been any announcements that the NEX will carry something that actually affects gameplay or is this another thread lamenting a problem that does not yet exist?

    I choose 1. Why would I want to pay for expansions or more monthly for something I'm not using? Let the fashion hounds buy their PLEX and convert it to Arum for their shiny shoes. I don't want to pay for it.
    Jade Constantine
    Jericho Fraction
    The Star Fraction
    #19 - 2012-01-04 12:54:28 UTC
    Dane El wrote:
    We really need to stop jumping to the worst possible conclusions regarding the NEX store. I'm not a fan of dressing up my avatar nobody ever sees so I've never used it but as long as it stays purely cosmetic items, I have no issue with it existing. Has there been any announcements that the NEX will carry something that actually affects gameplay or is this another thread lamenting a problem that does not yet exist?

    I choose 1. Why would I want to pay for expansions or more monthly for something I'm not using? Let the fashion hounds buy their PLEX and convert it to Arum for their shiny shoes. I don't want to pay for it.

    Question then. On the argument you've just made would it be reasonable for a market trading jita alt to argue that he or she shouldn't be paying for enhanced ship graphics, engine trails, cyno animations and nebulas on the grounds that they don't actually undock to play the game?

    Their game is entirely station bound and yet you see fit to say they should pay extra to customize the avatar that is the only thing they ever see.

    Why shouldn't they suggest YOU pay extra for graphic tweaks to spaceships they never see?

    You see the point. Segregating content to "vanity only" simply because YOU don't want to use it is a very dangerous route to go down.

    Why shouldn't hisec dwellers start arguing that they don't want to pay for development of 0.0 sovereignty mechanics that they will likely never interact with?

    The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

    Sunshine and Lollipops
    #20 - 2012-01-04 13:03:33 UTC
    I'd prefer neither (3) over paying a higher sub (2), seeing as how I don't see why paying more should be needed seeing as how they've been able to do far more for far less.

    MT isn't even part of the equation unless they completely rebuild the game from scratch and take that business model into account when designing everything. If they want to invent new out-of-game services and charge for those to pad the budget, then that would work, but then we're not talking about MT any longer anyway…
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