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In Defense of CCP Fozzie

Michael Ruckert
Hohere Kavallerie-Kommando
#1 - 2015-09-10 04:11:38 UTC
Needed to be said.

"No matter how well you perform there's always somebody of intelligent opinion who thinks it's lousy." - Laurence Olivier

Alavaria Fera
#2 - 2015-09-10 04:34:33 UTC
Thanks for spreading the word :)

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Chainsaw Plankton
#3 - 2015-09-10 04:37:06 UTC
bitter vets will be bitter. I've managed to stay out of most of the negative threads, does sound like some work needs to be done, but for now just enjoy your time in space and shoot some stuff

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#4 - 2015-09-10 05:01:55 UTC
Yeah! You should all HTFU and write about delicious tears!

Did I do it right?

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

#5 - 2015-09-10 05:05:43 UTC
What annoys me the most is the sweeping generalisation that anyone who dislikes Fozziesov is a bittervet.

Follow me on Twitter for literally no good reason @TheUltim8Evil

All Kill No Skill
#6 - 2015-09-10 05:14:52 UTC
Have we started the fire?
Yes. The fire rises!

I'm in it for the money


Avanda Redblade
#7 - 2015-09-10 05:55:06 UTC
He has done an excellent job of polarizing Eve towards a highly combat PvP-focused play style. He has also done a top job in driving away many unwanted, WoW-type carebears who didn't play that minority style. The guy's a genius!
Philip Ogtaulmolfi
We are not bad. Just unlucky
#8 - 2015-09-10 06:48:17 UTC
I just hope that when Devs listen to the community represented by the people that write in the forums, they use some kind of statistical tool to put it in perspective.

We frecuently talk about the Community, but I am afraid that the ones that write here are only a small fraction of the player base.
Amarisen Gream
#9 - 2015-09-10 07:06:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarisen Gream
Fozzie, as the lead designer/developer is in the right place to be blamed for the errors and mistakes that have taken place in the recent months. Seagull, as his boss, is more so (liable) at fault then he is.

The biggest points I can see with the issues is this
1: the player feedback on Fozzie SoV was only halfway listened too. Players said interceptors would be an issue - yet CCP refused to listen - but change can still happen and changes have been made, so CCP has to be given some credit for making changes.

2: the over all biggest issue I see is in the order of changes - there are/where dozen other things that could/should have been released before hand.
-- alliances and corporations needed their bigger changes - deployables needed their rework - PVE content needed its rework in the since of what makes people want to own/control null!

I will be patient and wait while CCP makes these changes and hopefully learns what all the other programmers world wide have learned - people hate drastic change, but smaller pieces that people can adopt to aren't so bad.


I wanted to edit this to express the idea a little more from my view.

The new SOV changes are great. they shook up the game (sort of, the blue donut is still very present). The issues I see with the release of the new mechanics is 1) Lack of reasons for some groups to seek and take SOV, 2) Goons showed how weak the new system works when large overwhelming numbers invade a smaller group (Provi did a ****ing amazing job defending their space, but still a lot was lost), 3) lack in the order of what *should* have been a priority for release. The current placement feels like we have half a car, and what we have doesn't match up as well as it would appear it should. There are a lot of little things missing that fill in the gaps in the new Fozzie SOV system.

List of things I feel/felt should have been addressed before capture mechanics where released
1) Corporations and Alliances - not only do their sizes need to be reviewed, but a lot of the roles and other functions that make them work need looking at.
2) Small deployable and new medium structures - These should have been way above the capture mechanics release. As these are focused on single/small gang groups they would have given the smaller groups/corps a reason to settle in somewhere.
3) The PI/Moon Mining game mechanics - the whole industry behind creating the new SOV structures in based off these two functions. You have to have these components to manufacture the parts to create and upgrade SOV buildings. This would (I feel) help the smaller groups want to band together or join other larger groups in a purpose. Instead of leaving the Moon materials in the hands of the few, many more could take part and assist creating more goods to be blown up.

Theres a lot more I could go on... but i won't. I will await CCP to fix and fill in the gaps to make this game enjoyable for the next 10 years.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2015-09-10 07:13:53 UTC
Amarisen Gream wrote:

I will be patient and wait while CCP makes these changes and hopefully learns what all the other programmers world wide have learned - people hate drastic change, but smaller pieces that people can adopt to aren't so bad.

Actually most programmers never learn this.

There is also a very good reason people hate drastic change in games. Most players in most games like to think that the success of their character build is at least partly based on good/bad decisions they made creating the character and equipping it.

If changes are so extreme that the success or failure of your particular builds seemingly depends on the current mood the developer is in (rather than your own personal decisions) people will quickly lose interest.
Anthar Thebess
#11 - 2015-09-10 07:38:55 UTC
No one need to defend fozzie, he is doing grate job - decisions are hard , most of them we hate , as we are lazy , but stuff that is happening now in fountain proves that game is moving in right direction.

Even i am annoyed by the capital range change , i love them , they fixed many issues in the game , but then in order to move between my "npc home" and "sov that i fought for , just to see my alliance flag on map" i need to make 5 jumps.

Maybe because of this i think that eve map need someone to look at it , as after changes , some regions are just to far from most things.
Some could say that those are places where you can build your empires , but for me those are places where people die ( leave game bored).
We need more smuggler gate connections , but i guess no one will ever add them.

PlanetCorp InterStellar
#12 - 2015-09-10 07:42:39 UTC
Honestly, they need to go back to my Sovereignty 2.0 idea, that they practically took exactly as laid out minus the critical parts needed to make it work. Ironically, it was Fozziesov without all this magical module stuff.

Star Jump Drive A new way to traverse the galaxy.

I invented Tiericide

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#13 - 2015-09-10 07:42:50 UTC
Yes, again we should all calm down, adapt or wait for the fixes.
Anthar Thebess
#14 - 2015-09-10 08:00:58 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Yes, again we should all calm down, adapt or wait for the fixes.

Remember that what we need and what we want are totally 2 different things.
Hemmo Paskiainen
#15 - 2015-09-10 08:12:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Hemmo Paskiainen
Nice piece of pro ccp propaganda.... people only seem to forget that in a player driven sandbox, everything is interconnected. Atleast two large type playergroups were driven out of this game due partivulairy changes and the direct and indirect concequences. The mature, loyal standard old timer got out due the technetium, supers for everyone, and the blue donut. This category is where me and all my not playing friends belong in. Why did it look 5 years???? To fix a broken mechanic, that supose to be a fix, but that made it actualy more worse.....while the playerfeedback warned for this before implenmentation, but got ignored. MAYOR fuckup. All friend i used yo know, stop playing because of that. (Unlimited srp for you oppoment ect ect is no fun, makes you chanceless) The second group that is appear to be quiting are the insta gragification people. People, that got feeded with free tech supers for the past 5 yrs and those activly involved in sov warefare.

Eve lost its loyal playerbase years ago. The plex prices, jumpchanges and no more i-win supers thus i quit people, only makes it more visible.

Told ya sooo

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Amarisen Gream
#16 - 2015-09-10 08:12:53 UTC
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Amarisen Gream wrote:

I will be patient and wait while CCP makes these changes and hopefully learns what all the other programmers world wide have learned - people hate drastic change, but smaller pieces that people can adopt to aren't so bad.

Actually most programmers never learn this.

There is also a very good reason people hate drastic change in games. Most players in most games like to think that the success of their character build is at least partly based on good/bad decisions they made creating the character and equipping it.

If changes are so extreme that the success or failure of your particular builds seemingly depends on the current mood the developer is in (rather than your own personal decisions) people will quickly lose interest.

I was speaking more along the line of OS developers. Windows 8 I here was crazy, because they pushed a whole new UI (designed more for mobile stuff) to all forms of their computers. I am a Mac OS user, and they are as guilty of drastic change as anyone else - but I think they learned and slow down some of their design changes 1) to allow people to slowly adopt and 2) make sure they have it as perfect as they can make it.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#17 - 2015-09-10 08:21:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Frankly, Aegisov hans't affected me in no way. Yes, I had to block a few alliances/corporations/dudes when Russian had a tantrum at Jita as I was doing some business there, but, whatever.

Apparently the media mood (, Nozy Gamer, Rixx Javix) now is that:

a) it's OK if Russian & al quit the game rather than adapt
b) it's terrible that CCP gets so much negativity for being so open to the community
c) all in all, things are looking fine enough since (and as long as) CCP is at work improving and expanding what they're doing

Of course, my personal opinion isn't that positive, and is very related to the lost battle for Walking in Stations, the appaling condition of the Spanish community sicne CCP shut down the official language channels due to Russian <-> Ukrainian trolling, and the complete wreck that has become high security PvE on top of it being a gameplay dead end since first implemented.

My opinion on CCP, thus, is due to the fact that:

- they failed to deliver what I wanted and then abandoned it (if you think your game feature is a unfinished wreck... look at the CQ!)
- they killed my ingame community for being too shy(?) and refuse to enforce the EULA on Russian trolls
- they are actively ignoring a reality they don't like and which would improve my game experience if CCP adressed it (high sec PvE needs to be taken to a higher level and become a content generation tool as ship to ship PvP is)

I am a unsatisfied customer, and yet I like EVE enough to keep playing it unless something blows it of the water in my eyes.

And of course, I still hope that what is good for the goose is good for the gander and, in the event that CCP did something radical and so much needed for high security PvE, I could adapt to it and enjoy it. As long as, you know, it doesn't involves ship to ship PvP, since that is something I've never done and I'm not interested to do.

Well, neither me nor 62% of all players...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Chainsaw Plankton
#18 - 2015-09-10 08:34:37 UTC
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Nice piece of pro ccp propaganda.... people only seem to forget that in a player driven sandbox, everything is interconnected. Atleast two large type playergroups were driven out of this game due partivulairy changes and the direct and indirect concequences. The mature, loyal standard old timer got out due the technetium, supers for everyone, and the blue donut. This category is where me and all my not playing friends belong in. Why did it look 5 years???? To fix a broken mechanic, that supose to be a fix, but that made it actualy more worse.....while the playerfeedback warned for this before implenmentation, but got ignored. MAYOR fuckup. All friend i used yo know, stop playing because of that. (Unlimited srp for you oppoment ect ect is no fun, makes you chanceless) The second group that is appear to be quiting are the insta gragification people. People, that got feeded with free tech supers for the past 5 yrs and those activly involved in sov warefare.

Eve lost its loyal playerbase years ago. The plex prices, jumpchanges and no more i-win supers thus i quit people, only makes it more visible.

Told ya sooo

pretty sure this whine covers ~95% of the whines I've seen in my 8+ years in eve, and I'm pretty sure they were saying the same things before. Replace tech with dyspro (aka the reason they changed everything and made tech a thing. funny enough akita t called that happening before the change ever went live, made 100b+ on it)

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Chainsaw Plankton
#19 - 2015-09-10 08:40:28 UTC
Amarisen Gream wrote:
Fozzie, as the lead designer/developer is in the right place to be blamed for the errors and mistakes that have taken place in the recent months. Seagull, as his boss, is more so (liable) at fault then he is.

The biggest points I can see with the issues is this
1: the player feedback on Fozzie SoV was only halfway listened too. Players said interceptors would be an issue - yet CCP refused to listen - but change can still happen and changes have been made, so CCP has to be given some credit for making changes.

2: the over all biggest issue I see is in the order of changes - there are/where dozen other things that could/should have been released before hand.
-- alliances and corporations needed their bigger changes - deployables needed their rework - PVE content needed its rework in the since of what makes people want to own/control null!

I will be patient and wait while CCP makes these changes and hopefully learns what all the other programmers world wide have learned - people hate drastic change, but smaller pieces that people can adopt to aren't so bad.

2 is my biggest issue. I've never wanted to live out in null. It was a cool sounding idea that helped me get into the game, and the dream was alive with newbie plankton. but a few trips out there and a big ole stinking meh :'[

the main new "content" that I remember being added to null was the anom system, and well that is some of the most mindless grinding I've ever seen.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Abiding Ormolus
#20 - 2015-09-10 08:40:53 UTC
I can't say or comment on behalf of sov...but i will say im having a good time in low sec... So , if you don't like sov and you can't adapt why not just do what Black Legion did and move to low sec...dunno why there must be so much rage.

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

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