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Why did the eve empires of old have no blue donut?

Sunshine and Lollipops
#21 - 2015-08-30 21:16:25 UTC
Cyrina FaithWeaver wrote:
If thats truly the case then why has it been such a big problem only recently, ie the past 2-3 years? why are people bitching about it then.

Because that's when the term was introduced. Before that, they were called nullsec cabals or blobs or NAPfests or… well… just BoB Lol

People have always complained about how the large alliances supposedly make it impossible for the little guy to get ahead, inventing their own reasons and terminology for why this is happening. Beyond that, people have complaining about sov ever since, oh, somewhere around the time sov was introduced, and about alliances and bluelists ever since around the time bluelists were formally included in the game in the form of alliances (with bluelists).

It's just the standard “the big guy is mean” narrative that's been around since the dawn of civilisation. The blue donut is just a catchy placeholder term that does not particularly well describe what's going on, much less how it differs from all the previous iterations of NAPs.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#22 - 2015-08-30 21:21:56 UTC
McChicken Combo HalfMayo wrote:

"Humans tend to seek safety and cooperation" does not mean "humans never take risks and always cooperate".

Couldn't have put it better myself. There were wars in Dominion, wars now etc. But there was also huge amounts of cooperation and NAPS and "not fighting".

Every 'generation' does the same thing (in game and out), thinks the present sucks and thinks the past was glorious. It doesn't and it wasn't.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#23 - 2015-08-30 21:25:15 UTC
Cyrina FaithWeaver wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Cyrina FaithWeaver wrote:
that doesn't really explain it, the old sov system still would have easily allowed a blue donut, finite resources actually sounds like a good idea, although it would have to be implemented carefully. But it still doesnt answer why the old groups didnt blue up, if the people like to pvp, why did they stop pvping? how was the fun in pvp taken out or what killed it? surely with all the farming they could afford a constantly supply of pvp goods wouldnt you think?

BoB killed people inside the game. Goons introduced 'metagame warfare'. Metagame warfare caused blueballing.

is this a troll answer? because as far as im aware there has always been a meta in the game, and even then how does that cause a blue ball, unless your referring to blobbing tactics?

Not a troll answer, an answer born of the poster's extreme prejudice.
Chainsaw Plankton
#24 - 2015-08-30 22:09:52 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Cyrina FaithWeaver wrote:
If thats truly the case then why has it been such a big problem only recently, ie the past 2-3 years? why are people bitching about it then.


hah that's one of the main ones I remember.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Chainsaw Plankton
#25 - 2015-08-30 22:14:36 UTC
PS: according to eve-search mega alliances have been "killing" eve with their "NAPfest" since 2008

who knows how much further I could go back with related terms if I cba to look

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Salvos Rhoska
#26 - 2015-08-30 22:40:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
The past constitutes the present, and informs the future.

The powers that be have certainly learned that lesson well, so far.

Its a peculiar privilige to have such able gamers in EVE, but also a difficult obstacle for everyone, including themselves, as to overcome them.

Hopefully that is, and will always remain, a possibility.
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2015-08-30 23:30:44 UTC
Maybe because we've come to a point where there's no real reason to invade someone else's space aside from sh*ts and giggles like what happened in Provi last week. The parts of space that are worth taking are locked down by the most powerful coalitions and would be impossible to conquer for any average alliance. The only opposing force that would be able to take them controls the other half of the impossible to take resources and thus has no reason to want the other half.

Player empires today have a responsibility to their members to provide space and infrastructure for them to use. Running a player empire is pretty much a full time job. It's not something you can just risk and have fun with because some of these alliances have been around for 10+ years and are still growing strong. No-one in such an alliance would want to see that thrown away because of some irresponsible assault on an enemy.

In a way, EVE has maybe become too serious. To a point where the price of losing is becoming so great that it's no longer worth taking a risk anymore.

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Cyrina FaithWeaver
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2015-08-30 23:41:51 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:

In a way, EVE has maybe become too serious. To a point where the price of losing is becoming so great that it's no longer worth taking a risk anymore.

I think this actualy sums up our situation, but not eve being too serious, just the null sec empires......
My own alliance leader while always friendly and chatty to us line members but it is effectively his job.
Maybe i should go back to lowsec, people are not as invested persay
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#29 - 2015-08-30 23:55:04 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
PS: according to eve-search mega alliances have been "killing" eve with their "NAPfest" since 2008

who knows how much further I could go back with related terms if I cba to look

This will be ignored of course because it does not fit with the original posters views lol. It's kind of funny as it shows that some people have no sense of history or context and think things/problems that have always existed are somehow "new".

It reminds me of how someone posted a link to the old forums showing that the very 1st "EVE is dying" originated in the exact same year as EVE was born lol.
Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#30 - 2015-08-31 00:04:33 UTC
One thing to bear in mind is that all of those entities failed and died.

Another is that the "blue donut" is a fallacy and not representative of reality even in the slightest.

And finally, fozzie sov is the real cause for the lack of engaging wars, not nullsec's inhabitants.
Davian Thule Pirkibo
Caldari 1
Caldari Alliance
#31 - 2015-08-31 00:21:09 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
PS: according to eve-search mega alliances have been "killing" eve with their "NAPfest" since 2008

who knows how much further I could go back with related terms if I cba to look

This will be ignored of course because it does not fit with the original posters views lol. It's kind of funny as it shows that some people have no sense of history or context and think things/problems that have always existed are somehow "new".

It reminds me of how someone posted a link to the old forums showing that the very 1st "EVE is dying" originated in the exact same year as EVE was born lol.

I took it into consideration, more or less i wanted an open discussion on the matter, - i am the oa
But the man i just quoted there raised the biggest point, i dont care about small groups in null, i cared about them being at war and hence generating content, that search result complaint is about smalls not competing.
Alavaria Fera
#32 - 2015-08-31 01:54:11 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
One thing to bear in mind is that all of those entities failed and died.

Now it's our turn to fail and die.

Stepping up to the plate, moa~

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#33 - 2015-08-31 11:14:26 UTC
Argueably though, there is a real contributing factor, and thats that we've run out of places to go skill-wise. Before, every "big power"; be it BoB, -A-, the old Northern Coalition, the various forms of the Russian Block (hell, even the failed powers of the HBC and N3 focused their formation around this principle), achieved their prominence by having the most of the biggest guns, and were then toppled off their perch by a coalition of enemies who equalised or exceeded that defining strength; and since their very reputation and self-image was built on such an unstable foundation (having the most of the biggest guns), their morale was shattered when the truth was revealed, and the rats (those who were only in the biggest power because they were the biggest power) fled to the victors, cementing the new status quo.

In the past, before the true supercap apex force was formed, there was always a way for an usurper to go bigger (for example the old NC was broken up by Russian Supercap superiority and PL T3 fleets shredding the battleship fleets of the old NC), but that isn't really possible now, all the big sides have enough of the big tools that just getting more cant assure victory any more (in B-R both sides could have continued piling more ships in to the fire, the battle itself was decided in the first couple of hours, after that point it was just feeding hulls in to the flames, Asakai was the same). This is not a new arguement by the way, we have been argueing this was the obvious result for years, but were brushed off as "whining because we didn't have the most supers ourselves". Well, now we have, and we are here. Obviously I'm not advocating that we need Super-Super-Caps, that route is just cancerous and leads us to exactly the same future just a few more years down the road, but the old adage of "just bring a bigger gun" no-longer really works, so those looking to knock us off the top are going to have to think smarter.
PlanetCorp InterStellar
#34 - 2015-08-31 11:17:51 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
Argueably though, there is a real contributing factor, and thats that we've run out of places to go skill-wise. Before, every "big power"; be it BoB, -A-, the old Northern Coalition, the various forms of the Russian Block (hell, even the failed powers of the HBC and N3 focused their formation around this principle), achieved their prominence by having the most of the biggest guns, and were then toppled off their perch by a coalition of enemies who equalised or exceeded that defining strength; and since their very reputation and self-image was built on such an unstable foundation (having the most of the biggest guns), their morale was shattered when the truth was revealed, and the rats (those who were only in the biggest power because they were the biggest power) fled to the victors, cementing the new status quo.

In the past, before the true supercap apex force was formed, there was always a way for an usurper to go bigger (for example the old NC was broken up by Russian Supercap superiority and PL T3 fleets shredding the battleship fleets of the old NC), but that isn't really possible now, all the big sides have enough of the big tools that just getting more cant assure victory any more (in B-R both sides could have continued piling more ships in to the fire, the battle itself was decided in the first couple of hours, after that point it was just feeding hulls in to the flames, Asakai was the same). This is not a new arguement by the way, we have been argueing this was the obvious result for years, but were brushed off as "whining because we didn't have the most supers ourselves". Well, now we have, and we are here. Obviously I'm not advocating that we need Super-Super-Caps, that route is just cancerous and leads us to exactly the same future just a few more years down the road, but the old adage of "just bring a bigger gun" no-longer really works, so those looking to knock us off the top are going to have to think smarter.

And that is why capitals were a terrible idea from the start.

Star Jump Drive A new way to traverse the galaxy.

I invented Tiericide

Malt Zedong
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2015-08-31 11:21:03 UTC
Cyrina FaithWeaver wrote:
Today in eve politics no grand scale wars are happening, regardless on what you blame it on, in order for it to die we need to look to the past. Why did the empires of old like BOB and even the goon fleet fight? Why didnt they just blue donut like we do now? what drove them to fight and kill each other in such a brutal manner? If we can create a system that encouraged people to fight like they did in the old days then our problems with stagnation would likely be solved. Ive yet to see anyone ask this so i guess i will do it.

CCP says EVE reproduce some of the most bizarre aspects of real life.

We dont have cruzades, we dont have "Guerra do Prata", we dont have "Vietnan" anymore. What we have today in real life is exactly what we have in EVE online:

Some powerful nations bullying smaller nations for natural resources and the ability to change their social and economics to the likeing of said power.

We have once big powers which were vanquished plotting among themselves to slowly take over the hegemonic position by means of cooperation and deception instead of all out wars.

We have the estabilished powers trying to change the rules in order to keep the power, which clearly is not working.

And we have a CRAPLOAD of people who says "old times were better" because old times were better FOR THEM.

WorldTradersGuild.Com [WTG] - We are here for the long haul.

Alavaria Fera
#36 - 2015-08-31 11:52:46 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
the old adage of "just bring a bigger gun" no-longer really works, so those looking to knock us off the top are going to have to think smarter.

Frigates with magic wands.

Get to it chaps.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Gallente Federation
#37 - 2015-08-31 16:22:53 UTC
CCP says EVE reproduce some of the most bizarre aspects of real life.

This, more or less. Asking why the empires of old didn't have a blue donut is like asking why 1700-1800's Europe didn't have the EU. The conditions and the history needed to develop such a thing really didn't exist yet.

It took time for large groups to develop. It took time for them to acquire large swaths of space and the increasingly-effective armaments of warfare. While this was still happening, they were tearing chunks out of each other, and there was still room to expand.

Over time, they had more and more, and unclaimed space dried up. Once they reached a certain size and armament level, the net effect of any more territorial gains would be (relatively) small in proportion to the effort/risk involved. At this level, it makes more sense to make peace with your neighbors, as the gains from fighting them are just not worth it and not substantially better than just bluing them. As your coalition and collection of "I-win-buttons" grows larger, this becomes increasingly true.

The tendency will always be towards amalgamation unless there are specific mechanics designed to make large groups undesirable, and honestly I have no idea what those mechanics would look like.

Large groups, in the long run, pretty much always beat or absorb smaller ones. Likewise, the more you have, the lower (relatively) the effect of any rewards and the higher the risk of chasing them. If you've got 3 systems and fight to take a new one, even if you lose and get annihilated you've lost 3 systems, oh well, and if you win you've increased your holdings 25%. When you're dealing with multi-regional alliances, taking a few systems is negligible to their bottom line, yet they stand to lose a LOT if their enemy gains momentum and continues to try and rout them. It just isn't worth it for the large groups to go after each other, and even large disparities in the quality of space are not likely to change that.
Net 7
#38 - 2015-08-31 17:34:10 UTC

A lot of misinformation in this thread.

the large alliances DID have blue doughnuts, only they were smaller. Most started shortly after the downfall of ASCN to BoB in 06.

Back then we had, what was called the Pet system. The large group with teeth tended to make lessor alliances 'bend the knee' as it were, to them. BoB owned huge swath of space and had pets in the south.

At the time, eve was more or less split into three quarters, North was led by the Nothern alliances, making up the Nothern Coalition. East was lead by the fountian alliance (later coalition) The south was split by the GBE who ruled Delve, Qutiouios. And then the Southern coaition.

BoB has a Pet alliance that governed Qurious for them, Known as FiX, which was part of the splitting of Xtec just before Exodus hit. After the fall of ASCN the sotuher coalition was a bit chatoc for a bit and had to dela with the russian menace. Bob Occupied Period Basis, then left the south alone to move east.

Eventually, the south destroyed themseleves, and Goons and other groups were able to take it.

Then came the abomination of sov, known as coltalation sov, which helped move aliances to consolidate and control there stuff more easily. FiX fell to the combined Southern Coalition, lead at the time by AAA and IAC, and the nothern Coalition, lead by Razor.

Anyway, blue doughnuts always exisited. And the agreements we have now were battle forged, much like other have said. Its an evoloutuon of government, and will most likley eventually fall.

I rambled meh

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#39 - 2015-08-31 20:57:21 UTC
DaReaper wrote:

A lot of misinformation in this thread.

the large alliances DID have blue doughnuts, only they were smaller. Most started shortly after the downfall of ASCN to BoB in 06.

Back then we had, what was called the Pet system. The large group with teeth tended to make lessor alliances 'bend the knee' as it were, to them. BoB owned huge swath of space and had pets in the south.

At the time, eve was more or less split into three quarters, North was led by the Nothern alliances, making up the Nothern Coalition. East was lead by the fountian alliance (later coalition) The south was split by the GBE who ruled Delve, Qutiouios. And then the Southern coaition.

BoB has a Pet alliance that governed Qurious for them, Known as FiX, which was part of the splitting of Xtec just before Exodus hit. After the fall of ASCN the sotuher coalition was a bit chatoc for a bit and had to dela with the russian menace. Bob Occupied Period Basis, then left the south alone to move east.

Eventually, the south destroyed themseleves, and Goons and other groups were able to take it.

Then came the abomination of sov, known as coltalation sov, which helped move aliances to consolidate and control there stuff more easily. FiX fell to the combined Southern Coalition, lead at the time by AAA and IAC, and the nothern Coalition, lead by Razor.

Anyway, blue doughnuts always exisited. And the agreements we have now were battle forged, much like other have said. Its an evoloutuon of government, and will most likley eventually fall.

I rambled meh

Are there any breakdowns on the history of alliances in Eve during the lifetime of the game? I would be interested in reading that.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Deck Cadelanne
#40 - 2015-08-31 20:57:57 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Because back then, people actually liked to play a PVP game and have fights.

Now it's all about dotage on piles of moon goo and (was - before jump fatigue) cap hot drops on cruiser roams, mixed with a lot of risk aversion.

I must say I sort of miss being hot-dropped by Goon carriers while roaming in a kitchen-sink, cruiser-and-below (mostly frigs) newbfleet.

The first time it happened I thought "Sweet! Carriers to fight!" After that when I learned more about how PVP works I realized it was not a fight, it was a cop-out by guys who actually didn't want to fight..

I think Herzog nailed it in one. What may have started as a cool, edgy, even radical revolution has congealed into a fat, dumb and happy blob of "me too." That seems to be the nature of any empire; revolution, expansion, stabilization then stagnation.

Recent changes to sov mechanics are shaking things up. Time will tell if the blue doughnut evolves or dies and is replaced by something new. I just hope the friction I've seen of late (and the up-tick in activity where I hang out) continues!

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional."

- Hunter S. Thompson

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