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EVE General Discussion

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Why even bother trying to fight anymore.

Presidente Gallente
Best Kept Dunked
#41 - 2015-08-30 10:46:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Presidente Gallente
If you want to play EVE solo or you are forced to play solo most of the times due to RL circumstances you have to pay a lot of bills to gain experience and work out a personal way how to deal with this game. And I tell you from my experience as a player since 2006: no risk, no losses, no EVE. The fail never ends. I have worked out a solid way to PvP but I have to live with the fact that I will lose my ship. It's just a matter of time.

Running pure solo in PvP without alts will need a lot of experience, knowledge about proper ship setups working for solo PvP and you are maybe limited to a few ship classes. It doesn't make sense to run around blindly in a Cruiser, BC or BS. It will not take long and you crash into a gatecamp or random fleet and that's it. If you decide to PvP in a nano setup you have to learn to master the grid. All this is finally still complicated. And you never will be perfect. You will have your good and bad moments because you face real brains and not stupid AI.

The annyoing moment in EVE is not losing a fight. It's the time to run back to a trading hub and grab a new ship what you might lose 30 minutes later again. ISK is ofc for many players a serious issue. If you are not in a decent nullsec crop with access to a fast income you'll get broke fast. Working out a proper income in EVE will push you away from PvP. Everyone who lived in nullsec knows what I am talking about. Decent PvPer will become lazy PvEers. There are ofc people making billions in short schedules but most of the people don't have these possibilities. I don't like those posts where people try to tell you that it's so easy to make a billion in an hour. It's not and it never will be for most of the players. The only alternative is to buy GTC for PLEX. It would make no sense to PvE for days just to reimburse a single expensive loss. Without a good RL income it's also not an option.

The only way to lower the risk and boost the chance to survive and be more successful in EVE is running with 1-2 more accounts. A hauler sub-alt for assets logistics is a must have. One account for just scouting is a big step forward. This will give you eyes and important intel for your main. But also this needs more training and experience. Usually your alt will be a cloaky Falcon a**hole or a nullified booster with probes. It all opens more possibilities but also the risk to lose two ships in a fight.

Multiboxing has different levels. Your alt will simply stay cloaky or will be decloaked and aligned with links on a safe spot when the fight starts. You can't really focus on two accounts on grid when you fight multiple targets. The longer you play the more setups you will figure out but finally you might stay with one or two solid ones. I even tried to run with two Guaridans. It's fun but this needs a strict routine, a really proper overview setup, some special short-cuts and once one of them is jammed you lose completely the control of your little fleet by juggling through the screens, trying to rechain the **** and in the meantime your main dies followed by the Guardians.

My last loss was an EVE classic. I watched in a crowded system a cruiser sitting at a bubble. Nothing on scan means nothing. I'll check zkill for intel. I'll wait for a fight to see what comes else. But after half an hour I lost patience. I took the risk - expecting a trap - and engaged, dscan filled up. Got outnumered and neuted when the Rupture was nearly into structure: lost tackle ... died. That's EVE.

This game is and will be still complicated and a challange. That's why I still play it.
Alavaria Fera
#42 - 2015-08-30 12:43:52 UTC
Presidente Gallente wrote:
Got outnumered and neuted when the Rupture was nearly into structure: lost tackle ... died. That's EVE.

Eh, EVE would be "he had a falcon alt (and boosts but you can't see that as they are offgrid)"

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#43 - 2015-08-30 12:51:58 UTC
True Solo PVP™ includes the following: scouting alt, link alt, neutral logi alt, alt in alliance for batphones, cyno alt, spy alt in enemy alliances that roam your area and of course, probing alt. Now you can True Solo PVP™ in EVE.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Iron Krosz
#44 - 2015-08-30 14:21:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Portmanteau
Hal Morsh wrote:
I was bored in EVE and decided to try factional warfare. I found a system I used to live in an tried there.

For a while it was going okay, a few fights here and there. Some people showed up and fought and whatnot.

Sounds like you are staying put and expecting gudfights to come to you, trying roaming, more likely to catch random fights and don't give people the opportunity to set up for you (well not as much).

Despite what many posters say, you can play EvE solo, just go and look for it
Arla Sarain
#45 - 2015-08-30 14:33:13 UTC
Delightful Delicacy wrote:
Val'Dore wrote:
Welcome to the Solo PvP curse. You will run from more fights than you will engage, and at times you will wonder why you bother. And then along will come that day when your solo ship of choice solo kills a small fleet or a very large and valuable target and you'll wonder why you ever doubted.

Solo pvp curse solod by smaller ship:

T3Ds are hardly a smaller ship.
Just because it's not a cruiser hull means nothing. T3Ds get as much if not more tank than cruisers.
May Arethusa
Junction Systems
#46 - 2015-08-30 16:42:54 UTC
So you joined Faction Warfare, an attritional war for territory. You failed to defend your home, and you gave up. Now you're here, bemoaning your terrible virtual life choices expecting sympathy, or hugs, or isk, or something. I'm really not sure.

Allow me to tell you a story not too dissimilar from your own, featuring a host of your corp and alliance members, you can tell them I said hi.

Around June, I discovered some sneaky Gallente pilots were offensive plexing in my home system late at night, usually while I was preoccupied or in bed. So after returning from a fleet, I decided to do something about it, hopped in my trusty whelp Caracal and threw myself into a horribly outgunned cluster of frigates. A griffin promptly decloaked and made a fool out of me. Lesson learned, I went to bed and thought nothing of it, but they persisted and two nights later we were at it again.

Waiting for an opportune moment to strike, I landed at range in a large complex, waiting for the inevitable griffin to decloak and cost me an Orthrus. It didn't, and three faction frigates later I felt a lot better. They apparently didn't get the message, and returned the following night in greater numbers, and continued to do so regularly. So I watched, and waited, knowing they stood little chance of actually dislodging my fine self from my home on their own. Eventually I felt satisfied I was ready, having been very verbal about their use of force multipliers in fights they already had numerical superiority in, and with my shiny new Rook I plunged again into a 5-man squad and emerged triumphant with four dead and one in structure.

The following night, there were more of them. I remained confident, and engaged six of them. There was the griffin, I'd fallen for it again. My beloved Rook went down in a blaze of glory, failing to kill a single thing due to the infrequent jams landing. Fair play, thought I, already working on a new plan. A few days later, we met again, and after making mincemeat of a very heroic Garmur and a sluggish thrasher, their fleet scattered. My efforts were finally bearing fruit, when caught alone, they would simply run regardless of what ship I was flying, and even their fleets would think twice about engaging despite having up to 8 more pilots at their disposal.

This went on for some time, they even placed an alt in system to see what I was doing while they were in the area. Sometimes I would win, and sometimes I would lose. Our last scuffle was my Cerberus against their Hecate, Broadsword, Curse, and two destroyers. I lost, but took the smaller ships down with me, and was close to finishing the Curse before I fell.

Moral of the story is: It's always worth fighting. If you can't defend your home, you don't deserve it. So man up and stop your whining. Or you can just keep blobbing in fleets and being a massive hypocrite. Either works.
Hal Morsh
#47 - 2015-08-30 16:56:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Hal Morsh
May Arethusa wrote:

If you can't defend your home, you don't deserve it. So man up and stop your whining. Or you can just keep blobbing in fleets and being a massive hypocrite.

Uhuh.. Telling the dude who fought till he had nothing to fight with but the isk for a cheap atron, and now that I am at the point where I can afford a destroyer or such, they will bring enough to kill me flat without risking anything, there is no way to fight what they have on my own i'd have to PLEX into more powerful ships to stand a chance.

And when was I ever a blobber? Occasionally being in a fleet makes me a blobber? I solo more than 3 times as much as I fleet.

The bright side is now the systems the Russians were in is outright packed with PVP rabid neutral players, therefor the Russians are nowhere to be found. But I still have to relocate or be camped both sides and station.

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

May Arethusa
Junction Systems
#48 - 2015-08-30 17:33:07 UTC
Hal Morsh wrote:
May Arethusa wrote:

If you can't defend your home, you don't deserve it. So man up and stop your whining. Or you can just keep blobbing in fleets and being a massive hypocrite.

Uhuh.. Telling the dude who fought till he had nothing to fight with but the isk for a cheap atron, and now that I am at the point where I can afford a destroyer or such, they will bring enough to kill me flat without risking anything, there is no way to fight what they have on my own i'd have to PLEX into more powerful ships to stand a chance.

And when was I ever a blobber? Occasionally being in a fleet makes me a blobber? I solo more than 3 times as much as I fleet.

The bright side is now the systems the Russians were in is outright packed with PVP rabid neutral players, therefor the Russians are nowhere to be found. But I still have to relocate or be camped both sides and station.

If you bankrupted yourself in FW, you're doing something horribly wrong. Besides, any half decent FW corporation should have even the vaguest form of an SRP in place. If yours does not, I'd suggest finding one that does. If it does, what aren't you using it?

As for labelling you a "blobber", I merely made an observation based on your killboard and weighed it against your attitude (see the bolded section of the quote.) Ask any solo pilot who gets caught by a fleet what they think of its members, and the same word will pop up time and again. There's no need to get defensive about it.

Have you ever considered that maybe FW isn't for you?
Hal Morsh
#49 - 2015-08-30 17:49:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Hal Morsh
im considering going back to mining and random industry isk activities. I bankrupted myself because I didn't have a lot of available isk to begin with and it got to the point where it was literally impossible to capture a plex without huge interference. They didn't even bring the complex back down on me.

They were literally persistent enough to prevent any plexing, and my presence in the system only encouraged them to sit groups in every plex. So since they weren't plexing to begin with but were only in the sites in an attempt to catch me I simply left for good, returning near the end I would notice a site I opened in the morning untouched by maybe a minute their way since I left. They would still return quite quickly.

Again they aren't around since I haven't returned for about a week, and others (unrelated to FW) seem to have piled that way.

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

Hal Morsh
#50 - 2015-08-30 17:53:21 UTC
They got kills out of me, so they returned with more who wanted kills out of me. in return the system becomes a hotbed of pvp activity for a while of others wanting to hunt them.

It's happened before where I have thrown frigate after frigate at a gila, and some other people ended up hotdropping him for being in one place too long (outside a popular cyno station).

It does make me feel better when they get pushed out. But I still need to go somewhere else.

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#51 - 2015-08-30 18:05:10 UTC
There is something uncomfortably aspergian about being "camped 23/7". Game or not, it just feels weird, like getting stalked online. (though it's not stalking, it feels like it). It's that "they have nothing better to do " element.

The only way to beat people like that is to never present them a target while giving them a reason to chase.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#52 - 2015-08-30 18:40:08 UTC  |  Edited by: BrundleMeth
I play solo too. I haven't undocked my main for years. This toon, I only undock on occasion now... My idea of playing is train, chat and ship spinning...

Works for me...

The nerfing of all my favorite ships disgusted me. Roaming with a group of people only to have another group you meet and want to fight, dock up to be safe. Or your FC drops out suddenly because his wife is ragging on him...

I really like solo...
Malt Zedong
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2015-08-30 21:22:45 UTC
Lets demand CCP to make eve a more solo friendly game. It is unfrair that someone has more time, money and friends to play the game. It is unfair that in some places a lot of people take eve online seriously as a challenge for their capacity, yet that the real World is too easy to go by. It is really unfair that some people can get 30, 40 toons and do weired ****.

It is all so unfair. I dont see anyone getting so sympathetic about "Scrooge McGank and the Ganktales" staying 24/7 in a system poping ships with no guns to fight. Then when you get some Ganktales and you consider youself a pvper, it is unfair. And it is CCP to blame that you cant stop others to gettting involved in a fight.

The tears from people who actually had guns and got popped aynways are more salty than those from miners and haulers.

WorldTradersGuild.Com [WTG] - We are here for the long haul.

Hal Morsh
#54 - 2015-08-30 22:07:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Hal Morsh
Malt Zedong wrote:
Lets demand CCP to make eve a more solo friendly game. It is unfrair that someone has more time, money and friends to play the game.

Hal Morsh wrote:
I shouldn't expect EVE to change because I want it too.

I've figured it out at this point, the thread can end now.

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#55 - 2015-08-30 22:10:07 UTC
Alright since it looks like OP lost his steam let's make a summary of what happened.

"Help guize I didn't GIT GUD in FW now I'm leaving it to do mining, industry and other carebear activities in highsec because I couldn't afford what I can fly to lose repeatedly. Also people point out my corp is bad and I should feel bad."

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2015-08-30 22:42:02 UTC
Hal Morsh wrote:
Malt Zedong wrote:
Lets demand CCP to make eve a more solo friendly game. It is unfrair that someone has more time, money and friends to play the game.

Hal Morsh wrote:
I shouldn't expect EVE to change because I want it too.

I've figured it out at this point, the thread can end now.

Solo is dead. Maybe it never existed. You have to have drugs, pirate implants, and a second account for links to compete consistently. Otherwise the time investment required to find reasonable fights is too great.

I was like you once Hal. I wanted to be more than the 25th guy on a killmail. I wanted to roam New Eden as a lone wolf, meet new people, and shoot them. Then, after being on the wrong end of too many blobs and other forms of buggery, I came to the light. Like Winston in 1984, I came to love the blob. I recognized that either I had to buy enough alts to run my own blob, or join one.

Now I get to experience the thrill of waiting for my corpmates to tackle some would-be solo star, and landing an 1100 DPS Vigilant on him. I may not be the only one on the killmail but damn if I'm not the highest damage.

Also, don't fight Russians unless you are prepared to out-escalate them. They will upship whatever you bring to the table, with greater numbers. They invented blobbing, soloing in Russian territory is just a recipe for sadness.
Malt Zedong
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2015-08-30 22:48:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Malt Zedong
Yang Aurilen wrote:
Alright since it looks like OP lost his steam let's make a summary of what happened.

"Help guize I didn't GIT GUD in FW now I'm leaving it to do mining, industry and other carebear activities in highsec because I couldn't afford what I can fly to lose repeatedly. Also people point out my corp is bad and I should feel bad."

That was insensitive. Carebears are a important part of New Eden. Without them, who the "Elite PvPers" who only shoot ships that cant shot back would shoot ?

Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
(...) Russians (...)

As I said, the only ones who seem to not embrace the collective playstyle are the "Unitedstatians" (Americans cant be used) and British, because everyone else does.

WorldTradersGuild.Com [WTG] - We are here for the long haul.

Salvos Rhoska
#58 - 2015-08-30 23:06:40 UTC
Presidente Gallente wrote:
If you want to play EVE solo or you are forced to play solo most of the times due to RL circumstances you have to pay a lot of bills to gain experience and work out a personal way how to deal with this game. And I tell you from my experience as a player since 2006: no risk, no losses, no EVE. The fail never ends. I have worked out a solid way to PvP but I have to live with the fact that I will lose my ship. It's just a matter of time.

Running pure solo in PvP without alts will need a lot of experience, knowledge about proper ship setups working for solo PvP and you are maybe limited to a few ship classes. It doesn't make sense to run around blindly in a Cruiser, BC or BS. It will not take long and you crash into a gatecamp or random fleet and that's it. If you decide to PvP in a nano setup you have to learn to master the grid. All this is finally still complicated. And you never will be perfect. You will have your good and bad moments because you face real brains and not stupid AI.

The annyoing moment in EVE is not losing a fight. It's the time to run back to a trading hub and grab a new ship what you might lose 30 minutes later again. ISK is ofc for many players a serious issue. If you are not in a decent nullsec crop with access to a fast income you'll get broke fast. Working out a proper income in EVE will push you away from PvP. Everyone who lived in nullsec knows what I am talking about. Decent PvPer will become lazy PvEers. There are ofc people making billions in short schedules but most of the people don't have these possibilities. I don't like those posts where people try to tell you that it's so easy to make a billion in an hour. It's not and it never will be for most of the players. The only alternative is to buy GTC for PLEX. It would make no sense to PvE for days just to reimburse a single expensive loss. Without a good RL income it's also not an option.

The only way to lower the risk and boost the chance to survive and be more successful in EVE is running with 1-2 more accounts. A hauler sub-alt for assets logistics is a must have. One account for just scouting is a big step forward. This will give you eyes and important intel for your main. But also this needs more training and experience. Usually your alt will be a cloaky Falcon a**hole or a nullified booster with probes. It all opens more possibilities but also the risk to lose two ships in a fight.

Multiboxing has different levels. Your alt will simply stay cloaky or will be decloaked and aligned with links on a safe spot when the fight starts. You can't really focus on two accounts on grid when you fight multiple targets. The longer you play the more setups you will figure out but finally you might stay with one or two solid ones. I even tried to run with two Guaridans. It's fun but this needs a strict routine, a really proper overview setup, some special short-cuts and once one of them is jammed you lose completely the control of your little fleet by juggling through the screens, trying to rechain the **** and in the meantime your main dies followed by the Guardians.

My last loss was an EVE classic. I watched in a crowded system a cruiser sitting at a bubble. Nothing on scan means nothing. I'll check zkill for intel. I'll wait for a fight to see what comes else. But after half an hour I lost patience. I took the risk - expecting a trap - and engaged, dscan filled up. Got outnumered and neuted when the Rupture was nearly into structure: lost tackle ... died. That's EVE.

This game is and will be still complicated and a challange. That's why I still play it.

Please post more often.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#59 - 2015-08-30 23:44:06 UTC
Malt Zedong wrote:
Yang Aurilen wrote:
Alright since it looks like OP lost his steam let's make a summary of what happened.

"Help guize I didn't GIT GUD in FW now I'm leaving it to do mining, industry and other carebear activities in highsec because I couldn't afford what I can fly to lose repeatedly. Also people point out my corp is bad and I should feel bad."

That was insensitive. Carebears are a important part of New Eden. Without them, who the "Elite PvPers" who only shoot ships that cant shot back would shoot ?

Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
(...) Russians (...)

As I said, the only ones who seem to not embrace the collective playstyle are the "Unitedstatians" (Americans cant be used) and British, because everyone else does.

Because believe it or not... some people actually shoot back in PVP while still making money. Yes I know it's hard to comprehend.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#60 - 2015-08-31 00:10:49 UTC
Val'Dore wrote:
Welcome to the Solo PvP curse. You will run from more fights than you will engage, and at times you will wonder why you bother. And then along will come that day when your solo ship of choice solo kills a small fleet or a very large and valuable target and you'll wonder why you ever doubted.

With just a solo ceptor you can bring an entire alliance to their I hear...