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Out of Pod Experience

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podding in lowsec

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Robertis Olacar
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2015-08-27 11:33:59 UTC
milllo wrote:
It is all a matter of target audience. Eve used to be targeted to a more general player base. Now it is aiming for the demographic highlighted by the posters in this thread. Players interested in fun games should look elsewhere.

I only had two accounts and unfortunately I resubbed both for one month. Could have gotten several steam games with that money :(

Just because you do not find Eve fun, does not mean it is not a fun game, it just means you don't find it to be a fun game.

Give how long a lot of the people who are replying to you have been playing the game I'm guessing the the targeted Demographic hasn't changed that much.

You claim to understand " don't fly what you can't afford to lose" then whine about losing your expensive implants that you " fly" around with in your head in low security space?Shocked

Johnny Riko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2015-08-27 11:49:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnny Riko
The Lobsters wrote:
Op, I guess you've been away for some time as you were caught in a cargo fit mining Navitas. There is a great wee ship called the Venture now which is much more adapted to your needs. They even have brought out a T2 co-ops version. It's a sexy model too. Losing a half bill pod is always going to smart, but the truth is, eventually everyone gets caught by a well organised gatecamp in lowsec. Everyone.

I've been away for a bit myself and come back to find my 50 mill pods are now worth 300+ mill. I decided on Monday to kick my Genolution habit and roll a clean pod. Which was just as well as on Tuesday I got Santo'dLol Add that guy to your watchlist btw. That was a sebo'd out the ass Sin/Proteus team with a smartbomb finish to catch my pod. Even if I had 2 warp stabs fitted I would have got caught as I suspect there was a 3 point faction scram involved.

That guy put a lot of isk into that camp.

I'm going to give you the obligatory HTFU. Adapt and overcome. The good (possibly bad) news is that lowsec is a much more vibrant place these days. Many more people live there and there is more stuff to do. Even running a hauler through low and not getting caught is a pvp activity.

Oh, yeah, speaking of haulers, they got rebalanced too. Fit a wreathe or sigil (now with agility bonus) with some istabs and the new warp speed rigs and you can be taking 3k m2 of cargo round faster that a frigate.

They still would have got caught by a organised gatecamp or in other words, get ambushed by bandits.


Addendum:- Also currently in the forums

That's the bit about carebear arguments I really can't understand. If someone has invested 1-2 billion isk in ships/modules to have an effective gatecamp, then why should a T1 cheaply fit ship be able to get past easily, just because you happen to be carrying 500m in your pod. If anything it just highlights that you shouldn't fly high value pods in ships that aren't adequate to keep you safe.

I wanna join up. I think I got what it takes to be a Citizen.

#23 - 2015-08-27 11:51:17 UTC
Milllo, some points to note:

1) Relax. They are space pixels and the rage will pass. I've bought a T2 invul field for 1.5 billion before. The rage will pass, and you'll laugh about it eventually.

2) Egghelende is a dangerous place. Avoid it or at least scout it out using a cheap alt first. Use the statistics available in the map and at dotlan to get a feel for system danger. Egghelende would always count as pretty dodgy though.

3) Max 2 learning implants in any one head (primary & secondary attribute).

4) Don't use +5 implants; primary +3 and secondary +2 is plenty.

5) Fit your ship properly, and learn what ships have what roles. Research them, it's part of the fun!

6) Learn to 'spam warp' out.

7) Get back on the horse, minding the above
The Lobsters
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2015-08-27 11:51:38 UTC
Aye, a quick go on EFT will tell you that all you need is a ship with 3k ehp min to not get blapped by a SB Battleship. That's just a damage control on a Slicer and you're golden.

That man is the noblest creature may be inferred from the fact that no other creature has contested his claim.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#25 - 2015-08-27 11:57:55 UTC
milllo wrote:
It is all a matter of target audience. Eve used to be targeted to a more general player base.
Quite the opposite, actually, and especially in the case you're complaining about. Your original complaint was pretty nonsensical, and when mixed with this bit of history revisionism, it sharply veers off and becomes pure surrealism.

Over time, EVE has been given more stuff that appeal to a more general player base. In doing so, it has lost some of the niche appeal that made it prosper. However, at no point was the things you complain about anything other than intended, obvious, and well-known.

It's not that it now aims for an audience it didn't aim for before; it's just that it never aimed for you. That's ok; you don't have to like the game. You just have to realise that the historical background you're trying to paint to cover up your constant dislike for the game is nothing but fiction.
Sanguine Vipers
#26 - 2015-08-27 12:05:21 UTC
CCP also was very generous by making jump clones accessible to all!

To think a couple clicks could save half a bil!

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2015-08-27 12:13:32 UTC
milllo wrote:
I resubbed for a month after a long break but the conditions that pushed me away still remain.

-10s can fly freely in lowsec, camp the gates en masse and pod anyone (except other -10s lol) who comes through. There is no penalty for them. If you bring reinforcements then they can fly to the station and dock. Both of these are what I object to:

1. -10 can use the lowsec stations even though they are -10
2. podding in lowsec

Ships can be lost np since they can easily be replaced. Don't fly what you cannot afford to lose is fine and I am willing to risk ships. What I am not willing to risk is implants. Being ganked by twenty -10s and then immediately podded after peeking into lowsec makes the game not worth playing.

To those who remain, have fun. I may check back again in a year or two, if the game is still running.

nobody cares about you
go away

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#28 - 2015-08-27 12:35:29 UTC
Since no one has asked yet...can I have your stuff?
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#29 - 2015-08-27 12:49:17 UTC
Aladar Dangerface wrote:
If you get podded in low sec (where there are no bubbles) then its entirely your fault, use a ping or warp your pod out, its not hard.

(god I love smartbombing pods Big smile)

Well you could always lag but you still save the vast majority of your pods if you do it right.
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2015-08-27 12:54:07 UTC
milllo wrote:
What I am not willing to risk is implants

Then either don't use implants, or don't be in lowsec? Simple as that.
Salvos Rhoska
#31 - 2015-08-27 13:10:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
I also got podded and lost (albeit quite cheap) implants recently on a foolish trespass into LS on an escalation.

I learned though I had checked the map for activity correctly, that I had no travel fit, was overshipped/fit(at own expense), ignored obvious scout at entry gate, underestimated escalation difficulty, did not create safe bookmarks (instead warping to the first anomaly on the list, dumass explorer with hard bad habits, where they obviously followed), did not align onsite, misunderstood engagement mechanics, did not attempt escape from engagement/scram sufficiently nor fought back hard enough and correctly,, and then failed to spam warp to save my pod. Basically I fked every rule in the book, and got what I deserve. But I learned immeasurably from it.

It never occured to me to cry about it on forums though, or question why I was podded, or get angry at the game (much less at the players who blew me up).

In my case, as in yours, it was my own hubris, lack of knowledge and how to react, and lack of preparation that ultimately caused our own loss.

I wandered into the wolf territory, unprepared, and got eaten.
I cant blame the wolves for their nature, only myself.

I think some of your sec rating concerns, and LS mechanics concerns, have some merit, but not in the context you expressed them in or in connection to the result of what happened to you.

Its just isk you lost, and some pride.
Both can be re-earned, and more wisely invested in future, if you learn from this experience.

Take a breather, reflect on what you could/should have done differently, and get back to the game.
If anything, you can make it your lifes goal to revenge yourself, which is completely possible and your choice in this sandbox.
Jazminum Conehead
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2015-08-27 13:32:28 UTC
People blowing each other up in Lowsec. Say it ain't so!

Either pick yourself up and learn from it, or don't. Sympathy is in short supply here for your bad judgement/misfortune. Perhaps put a bit more effort into researching your route and balancing what is actually in your pod with what you are doing for next time.

I resent your post for making me say something bitter.

Billy and the Boingers
#33 - 2015-08-27 14:35:17 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
milllo wrote:

To those who remain, have fun. I may check back again in a year or two, if the game is still running.

if you are not willing to learn how to play the game then please,, don't check back in a year or two. please stay away.

I don't understand the thinking behind posts like this. Eve is a subscription game, not free to play. Every sub lost is a direct hit to the company's bottom line. How is telling people to go away and not play going to help short or long term?

Maybe the company should put that in their ads: "The current players do not want anyone else to join!"

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#34 - 2015-08-27 14:36:35 UTC
milllo wrote:
What I am not willing to risk is implants.

Then either don't use them, or quit.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

The Lobsters
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2015-08-27 14:42:42 UTC
milllo wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
milllo wrote:

To those who remain, have fun. I may check back again in a year or two, if the game is still running.

if you are not willing to learn how to play the game then please,, don't check back in a year or two. please stay away.

I don't understand the thinking behind posts like this. Eve is a subscription game, not free to play. Every sub lost is a direct hit to the company's bottom line. How is telling people to go away and not play going to help short or long term?

Maybe the company should put that in their ads: "The current players do not want anyone else to join!"

Eve isn't for everyone.

That man is the noblest creature may be inferred from the fact that no other creature has contested his claim.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#36 - 2015-08-27 14:45:42 UTC
The Lobsters wrote:
milllo wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
milllo wrote:

To those who remain, have fun. I may check back again in a year or two, if the game is still running.

if you are not willing to learn how to play the game then please,, don't check back in a year or two. please stay away.

I don't understand the thinking behind posts like this. Eve is a subscription game, not free to play. Every sub lost is a direct hit to the company's bottom line. How is telling people to go away and not play going to help short or long term?

Maybe the company should put that in their ads: "The current players do not want anyone else to join!"

Eve isn't for everyone.

People really need to accept this and just ******* quit when it's no longer to their taste instead of ranting over change X Y and Z.

Or at least accept they are kind of stupid...
Freya Sertan
#37 - 2015-08-27 14:51:15 UTC
The Lobsters wrote:
milllo wrote:
It is all a matter of target audience. Eve used to be targeted to a more general player base. Now it is aiming for the demographic highlighted by the posters in this thread. Players interested in fun games should look elsewhere.:(

Oh dear, you have been away for a while. Many people would in fact say this game is targeted more for a "general" player base and that as a result, something in eve has died.

Eve stands for 'Everyone Vs Everyone' and for my money it's only exciting because my opponents are other real people with real brains and hearts. This game's made me so mad I'd kick a dog and so overjoyed I'd kiss a bloke. It has high stakes and, importantly, jeopardy.

It's jeopardy that makes this game great, and if you die, there was probably something you could have done to avoid it and it was probably your fault for not spotting the signs.

Still, that said. You're going to get caught by a organised gatecamp eventually. It's a rite of passage.

You should be flattered that they brought so much isk to the table just to catch your wee mining frig.

So much this.

I lost a nice Astero and exploration pod to a null gatecamp. Look it up. That one stung hard. Know what I did?

Flew 6 jumps to give the camp a GF in local because, damn. It was a GF. Then I clone jumped to Jita, got a new Astero and plugs and went right back to work.

HTFU, man.

New Eden isn't nice. It isn't friendly. It isn't very hospitiable. Good thing there are people here to shoot in the face.

Want to make New Eden a nice place? Try this out.

The Lobsters
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2015-08-27 15:09:08 UTC  |  Edited by: The Lobsters
Early on, when I first started playing Eve, me and my new corpies went on our first Lowsec roam. We got hit by a smartbombing Rohk. The next day butthurt yours truly (on different toon) went to Crime and Punishment complaining about AFK Gatecamps. I'm not posting it as I can't bear to look at that thread again, even today. Lady Spank was the first to chime in and I got far worse treatment that this guy's getting in this thread. Hell, I even filed a petition iirc.

I did learn a lesson that day, actually a life lesson. Apart from 'stop crying over space pixels', that if you feel you have lost something or been beaten, first ask yourself "has something bad happened to me? and if I feel bad, is it because my expectations were wrong in the first place. What did I expect, and was it fair for me to expect that."

Sometimes my expectations, after consideration were fair, and then I can go get mad about something (I don't usually).

But really, that doesn't happen that often.

Usually it's just means I need to wise the f*ck up.

That man is the noblest creature may be inferred from the fact that no other creature has contested his claim.

Aladar Dangerface
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2015-08-27 15:29:41 UTC
milllo wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
milllo wrote:

To those who remain, have fun. I may check back again in a year or two, if the game is still running.

if you are not willing to learn how to play the game then please,, don't check back in a year or two. please stay away.

I don't understand the thinking behind posts like this. Eve is a subscription game, not free to play. Every sub lost is a direct hit to the company's bottom line. How is telling people to go away and not play going to help short or long term?

Maybe the company should put that in their ads: "The current players do not want anyone else to join!"

We do want new players, we just don't want the type of player that cries and throws his toys out the pram all because he lost his shiney space pixel pod.

Its a game, a harsh game, thats how we like. If you can't handle loss then you are playing the wrong game.

I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#40 - 2015-08-27 15:42:47 UTC  |  Edited by: La Rynx
milllo wrote:
I resubbed for a month after a long break but the conditions that pushed me away still remain.

-10s can fly freely in lowsec, camp the gates en masse and pod anyone (except other -10s lol) who comes through. There is no penalty for them. If you bring reinforcements then they can fly to the station and dock. Both of these are what I object to:

1. -10 can use the lowsec stations even though they are -10
2. podding in lowsec

Ships can be lost np since they can easily be replaced. Don't fly what you cannot afford to lose is fine and I am willing to risk ships. What I am not willing to risk is implants. Being ganked by twenty -10s and then immediately podded after peeking into lowsec makes the game not worth playing.

To those who remain, have fun. I may check back again in a year or two, if the game is still running.

stay / leave

But one thing you got wrong, look:
"Don't fly what you cannot afford to lose"

It does not say "ship" anywhere.
This includes implants!

You have to understand and accept this fact, if you want to feel better with EvE.
I recommend, that you apply to a NullSec Alliance.
...and train Jump Clone Skills, so that you can "park" implants and switch to cheaper clones.

EDIT: I forgot:
your loss hadn't anything to do with losec. Could have happen in hisec too.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

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