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0 PLEX moved in Jita yesterday

Siigari Kitawa
New Eden Archery Club
#1 - 2012-01-03 09:45:10 UTC
Just noticed on my market history that 0 Plex have been moved. What is going on? Also on an interesting side note somebody sold a Plex to a 454k buy order.

But yeah, really wondering how 0 Plexes moved yesterday.

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Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-01-03 09:46:10 UTC
454k buy order doesn't surprise me. Some people are in a hurry/idiots.
Tie Fighters Inc
#3 - 2012-01-03 09:47:35 UTC
Dodixie area sold 100 plexes yesterday, though that is lower then usually for awhile, seems like 200 is average.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#4 - 2012-01-03 09:49:01 UTC
Didn't have luck on geting PLEX so cheap.

What market... Jita, if yes that would be weird.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Route One
#5 - 2012-01-03 09:59:35 UTC
Siigari Kitawa wrote:
Just noticed on my market history that 0 Plex have been moved. What is going on? Also on an interesting side note somebody sold a Plex to a 454k buy order.

But yeah, really wondering how 0 Plexes moved yesterday.

Its a bug, I've seen this a few times.

Eg - On the 26 December market history claimed zero PLEX sold in Jita on 25 Dec. On the 27 Dec after DT I could see the real sales for the 25 Dec - was quieter but still plenty sold.

I assume its some downtime script that hasn't been run.
#6 - 2012-01-03 10:08:40 UTC
Othran wrote:
Siigari Kitawa wrote:
Just noticed on my market history that 0 Plex have been moved. What is going on? Also on an interesting side note somebody sold a Plex to a 454k buy order.

But yeah, really wondering how 0 Plexes moved yesterday.

Its a bug, I've seen this a few times.

Eg - On the 26 December market history claimed zero PLEX sold in Jita on 25 Dec. On the 27 Dec after DT I could see the real sales for the 25 Dec - was quieter but still plenty sold.

I assume its some downtime script that hasn't been run.

I see this every time I check PLEX prices, actually. It never seems to show the previous days' results, but the day after, it's all filled in and correct. And there's no gaps in the longer term either.

This signature intentionally left blank for you to fill in at your leisure.

Terajima Kazumi
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-01-03 10:09:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Terajima Kazumi
The histogram doesn't always update immediately. You'll see the true value for the volume sold eventually.

As for the 454k sale, this happens when someone manually enters a sell price (to setup a non-immediate sell order) but they accidentally miss one or more digits, and then confirm the order.. The item is sold to the person with the top buy order at the price selected by the seller rather than the price listed by the buyer.

This can also happen with erroneously setup buy orders. About a month ago I sold an item listed at 120 million ISK for 1 billion ISK when someone made a typo while setting up a buy order. The moral of the story; don't disable the warning that pops up when you enter a price that's significantly different than the regional average!
Mirime Nolwe
Mantra of Pain
#8 - 2012-01-03 10:31:40 UTC
PLEX market will eventually implode with the current prices. I don't buy them anymore, even not playing atm its not worth it.
Tore Vest
#9 - 2012-01-03 10:47:15 UTC
Just waiting for plex prizes to drop P

No troll.

J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-01-03 11:32:11 UTC
Mirime Nolwe wrote:
PLEX market will eventually implode with the current prices. I don't buy them anymore, even not playing atm its not worth it.

They are what now .. around 440m? I bought a couple last week for 430 and was quite happy with the price. Better than when they had spiked to 500m
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-01-03 12:05:17 UTC
Common market history bug - don't trust the last two days of market history as they don't update properly.