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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Fully enjoying the game so far. Grab bag of questions and revelations.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#21 - 2015-08-23 21:36:05 UTC
Confirming everything saha has said, I routinely fit t1 modules to ships, in some cases they're actually better than t2, in others they're the only thing that will fit.
A good example would be compact microwarpdrives, I have lots of fits that require one of those or a downgrade to an afterburner.

Tanuki Three
Triple Tanuki Tech
#22 - 2015-08-24 04:06:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanuki Three
So today I also had a real rough handful of encounters with a station camp in Jita and a gate camp in Highsec between Jita and my FW base which I thought was off the path of heavy traffic. This is an aspect of FW I wasn't really prepared for, but I tried a few things to get around it.

Despite trying to use the techniques deacribed by you guys, my instant warp undock bookmark didn't work. I guess it's fairly common to get 'bumped' upon exiting Jita, which throws you out of alignment just enough to make your warp out take forever to activate. It only costs me a destroyer this time, but I could see how it might be expensive down the road.

How do you deal wirh this situation?

Several people in chat suggested using a neutral alt to ship goods oit of Jita using a contract to transfer back and forth. That seems useful for gettng items to a new base of operations and for selling off loot gained from LP. Another person suggested I avoid Jita altogether. I tried movie to dodixie since its near an entrance to the FW lowsec systems. But.....turns out the NPCs don't le the side of the war I'm on. Im safe enough while docked, but i don't think I'd want to try moving anything slow through enemy Highsec. Plus all the enemy pilots too.....

I'm starting to see why neutrals want to avoid the hassle of FW, but I'm also starting to think this just might be part of the cost of business. I'd welcome any advice on how to streamline things a bit.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2015-08-24 05:13:00 UTC
Stop basing off Jita (and Nourvakaiken for that matter). Live in FW lowsec space and join a real FW corp. For hauling stuff use 3rd party haulers like red frog. Also use neutral alts for buying/selling stuff in Jita. Live in Black Rise if you want to avoid camps particularly the regional trade hub Ichoriya V. Live there if you want near Jita level prices and stocks. That station in particular is my second largest hangar and even that pales in comparison to my hangar in FW space.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Tanuki Three
Triple Tanuki Tech
#24 - 2015-08-24 05:40:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanuki Three
I'll give it a try. Honestly the only reason I go to jita is because I didn't know where else, besides the other major trade hubs, to buy/sell supplies. Before getting myself into this whole PVP/FW thing I was a pretty massive carebear that hadn't played for a few years. Highsec only, no exceptions.

That's one of the main reasons I started this thread: To try and learn as much as possible and get insight beyond what I could learn on my own.

EDIT: Ooog.....yeah. Ichoriya buys things for half as much, and sells things for 2-3 times as much. Not the best option in the long run. Guess I'm going to have to mess around with an alt to haul and buy/sell.
#25 - 2015-08-24 07:48:23 UTC
Tanuki Three wrote:
I'll give it a try. Honestly the only reason I go to jita is because I didn't know where else, besides the other major trade hubs, to buy/sell supplies. Before getting myself into this whole PVP/FW thing I was a pretty massive carebear that hadn't played for a few years. Highsec only, no exceptions.

That's one of the main reasons I started this thread: To try and learn as much as possible and get insight beyond what I could learn on my own.

EDIT: Ooog.....yeah. Ichoriya buys things for half as much, and sells things for 2-3 times as much. Not the best option in the long run. Guess I'm going to have to mess around with an alt to haul and buy/sell.

What Yang says sounds good to me. Ichoriya isn't far from Jita, so I would put an alt in Jita 4-4 and buy stuff you need a bit in advance. DST (Deep Space Transport) are popular for hauling and they have 60,000 cargo in the fleet hangar so use public courier contracts from Jita and keep the size less than 60k, try using 500k per jump initially and see how that goes, I should think that would be ok if your collateral is usually going to be a couple of hundred million at most.

Consider joining the ingame channel Haulers Channel for more info on what Indie haulers get up to and you can post your public courier contracts there as well. Read the MOTD and links.

If there are items that you need in Ichoriya and the market isn't co-operating, drop me a mail with a list of items and I'll get one of my trade alts over and mark the prices 10% over Jita sell, that's what I normally use as my go-to price. DST sized preferably as I normally use public couriers for anything bigger than 60k.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#26 - 2015-08-24 09:03:48 UTC
Find the closest high sec station to your staging system. Move your stuff from 0.0/Low Sec into that station. Use Red Frog Freight to courier your loot to Jita. Time that you do not spend hauling your own stuff is time well spent. Plus, it is insured. Use the time you save to do something more fun or more lucrative.

Then you have a couple of options:

You can set a jump clone in Jita. Use this for buying and selling your stuff.
You can set up a Jita alt. Use this for buying and selling your stuff.

Use courier contracts to Red Frog Freight to move your new stuff from Jita to your closest high sec station. Transport it from there to your staging system.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2015-08-24 09:15:51 UTC
A hint about Jita 4-4 undock space. It is huge, so start warping right away is not necessary (for safe redock), just wait 10s, then you are away from the crowd and muss less likely to get bumped when breaking invul. Though I have to admit, "fighting" against insta-lockers is a lot harder than avoiding the NPC Navy.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Cherri Minoa
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2015-08-24 10:12:05 UTC
Tanuki Three wrote:

I should clarify. I'm not running away simply because all I want to do is farm. I'm running because I'm literally the smallest fish in the pond. In many systems I dont' have safe spots set up. My ship is cheap and fitted with weak mods because I have neither the ISK or the skills to equip better, and I'm still learning the basics of how FW/nullsec/pvp work. This isn't some kind of cowardly desire to avoid combat. It's a calculated decision to avoid combat with other players until I think I have a decent chance of putting up a fight.

You will always get people telling you how you should be playing the game, often in local and sometimes in colourful language. They will smacktalk you cos you don't solo / you blob / you use EWAR / you use stabs / etc. All they are trying to do is goad you into fighting the way it suits them.

Don't be drawn. In every encounter, you want to try as hard as possible to make sure that things play out to YOUR advanatge. And if that means running away, do it.

Knowing which fights to take and which fights to avoid is what separates a good combat pilot from a gutter brawler.

"If I had been censured every time I have run my ship, or fleets under my command, into great danger, I should have long ago been out of the Service" - Horatio Nelson

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2015-08-24 12:56:49 UTC
Tanuki Three wrote:
Despite trying to use the techniques deacribed by you guys, my instant warp undock bookmark didn't work. I guess it's fairly common to get 'bumped' upon exiting Jita, which throws you out of alignment just enough to make your warp out take forever to activate. It only costs me a destroyer this time, but I could see how it might be expensive down the road.

How do you deal wirh this situation?.

If your bookmark isn't warping you the moment you press it: it's a bad bookmark.

tip: the further you make the bookmark, the more likely it will work (so if it's not perfectly aligned you might still get away with it)
Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#30 - 2015-08-24 13:57:11 UTC
Tanuki Three wrote:
I understand THEY don't know that. All they're seeing is one more farmer kill slipping through their fingers. But gimme a couple weeks to skill up and to be able to afford throwing ships at the learning process, and I'm going to start setting ambushes for these guys. They'll get all the fights out of me they could want. ;)

I'm flying around and see an Incursus in a plex on dscan. I'm in an Atron so it may be rough but I want to give it a go. There are quite a few people in system so I'm not sure if it's an old or new player. I scout the rest of the system to make sure there isn't anything too threatening. I start thinking about my strategy. I should probably scram-kite to take advantage of my falloff bonus. Unless it's rails and then I better get in close. I load null for the former and make a mental note to check the weapon system when I warp in. Set my default "orbit" to 1000m in case he has rails and "keep at range" to 7500 in case he has blasters. Overheat afterburner in case I have trouble getting to desired range. Overheat my AAR and make sure it is set to auto-reload off. Overheat my scram so I can grab the tackle. Drop my dscan range to 1 AU to watch for incomming baddies.

I'm ready to go! Warp to the plex at 10 so I don't get stuck on the gate. Activate gate, heart is inside the plex. He's at 20 km. Must be kite fit. Start burning toward him.....scram! web! guns!

Incursus warps off and docks up.

Rinse. Repeat.

This is why "pirates" get frustrated with farmers. It could be a decked out incursus with a veteran pilot in there waiting to give you a really good fight...or it could be someone's alt who is afk farming and doesn't care that they and their compatriots are littering the battlefield with apathy and wasting your time (and sec status). You will come to understand this frustration well when you are looking for fights yourself.

Try and disabuse yourself of the negative connotation of the word "pirate". People go to FW for fights. That's what it is for. There is nothing wrong with people hunting and killing you in low sec. It is expected and intended. "Pirate" simply means this particular individual is not participating in faction warfare.

All that said, there is a big difference between a vet player who makes a FW alt to afk farm while they fly blingy ships on their main and a newbro who really needs the money to participate in FW. EVE is all about picking your battles so don't let people pressure you into a fight you don't want. Do what you need to do and in due time you will be actively defending your plexes.

Just don't fall into the trap of thinking you need 'x' amount of SP or 'y' amount of ISK before you can PVP. A clever newbro can win a fight in a ship worth 1m isk with a little creativity. And if you have a few friends it's even easier. However, you can expect plenty of losses at the beginning. After all, you are still learning what all the different ships are and what they are capable of, which is something that takes lots of time and practice. So keep it cheap, but go out there and try it, because you can't learn without trying.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2015-08-24 14:40:38 UTC
I'm always carrying 2 scrams and a point in cargo/fit. If you see a small ship (Merlin, Incursus, Atron, ...) in a higher plex, medium or large, it's almost always stabbed ... so I refit the appropriate amount of points and engage, but most times I consider my security status is not worth trying. Be careful with medium plexes, those combat recons don't show on dscan and will ruin your trip. If there is only a couple of people in local, you could check their killboards to find the pilot and fit you are about to engage ... refit accordingly, e.g. MWD vs. AB (will work only in own territory for you, or you need a depot). That's also why I prefer multi-purpose ships with balanced slot layout, which can be fit in different ways to (hard) counter different opponents.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Tanuki Three
Triple Tanuki Tech
#32 - 2015-08-24 19:38:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanuki Three
Cara Forelli wrote:

Incursus warps off and docks up.

Rinse. Repeat.

This is why "pirates" get frustrated with farmers. It could be a decked out incursus with a veteran pilot in there waiting to give you a really good fight...or it could be someone's alt who is afk farming and doesn't care that they and their compatriots are littering the battlefield with apathy and wasting your time (and sec status). You will come to understand this frustration well when you are looking for fights yourself.

Knowing that there's a very good chance it'll be a farmer because it's at a FW complex, doesn't it just become a cost of doing business at that point?

Coming from a 'newbro' perspective, it seems to me that the point of FW is to take over the systems, improve the tier of your side so you can make more ISK. Fights are a bonus if you win, and a danger of operating in the area no different from anywhere else in the galaxy. I can see how it might be frustrating to someone who's ONLY looking to get in fights, but it's just as frustrating to get constantly chased around nullsec when I'm trying to complete FW sites. It seems like a back and forth that's evenly balanced to me.

There's multiple sides to every story. But I think I do understand where they're coming from, even if I don't agree with it.

EDIT: I call them pirates because their security status is very low. Honestly, it's the neutrals with positive security status that worry me the most, because I don't have any hint as to what they might be doing.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#33 - 2015-08-24 23:26:25 UTC
Tanuki Three wrote:
Cara Forelli wrote:

Incursus warps off and docks up.

Rinse. Repeat.

This is why "pirates" get frustrated with farmers. It could be a decked out incursus with a veteran pilot in there waiting to give you a really good fight...or it could be someone's alt who is afk farming and doesn't care that they and their compatriots are littering the battlefield with apathy and wasting your time (and sec status). You will come to understand this frustration well when you are looking for fights yourself.

Knowing that there's a very good chance it'll be a farmer because it's at a FW complex, doesn't it just become a cost of doing business at that point?

Coming from a 'newbro' perspective, it seems to me that the point of FW is to take over the systems, improve the tier of your side so you can make more ISK. Fights are a bonus if you win, and a danger of operating in the area no different from anywhere else in the galaxy. I can see how it might be frustrating to someone who's ONLY looking to get in fights, but it's just as frustrating to get constantly chased around nullsec when I'm trying to complete FW sites. It seems like a back and forth that's evenly balanced to me.

There's multiple sides to every story. But I think I do understand where they're coming from, even if I don't agree with it.

EDIT: I call them pirates because their security status is very low. Honestly, it's the neutrals with positive security status that worry me the most, because I don't have any hint as to what they might be doing.

Because FW is a joke. It's pretty much kiddie sov. Station lockouts are easily circumvented with neutral alts so your assets are never in danger to begin with.

Still you have to look at CCP's design policy with the plexes in FW. It's meant to encourage fights not to be farmed to death with afk drone stabbed boats. Heck they even changed FW in the chronos patch that pretty much halted the pendulum swing of FW because it made it impossible to farm the mediums with stabbed ventures and ****.

Also I'm a dirty piwat in FW and I still get shot at by our newbros like this:
Take note we all didn't lose any sec status or standing hits because he shot at us first. He actually shot at our entire fleet of vexors.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Tanuki Three
Triple Tanuki Tech
#34 - 2015-08-25 06:43:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanuki Three
Yang Aurilen wrote:

Because FW is a joke. It's pretty much kiddie sov. Station lockouts are easily circumvented with neutral alts so your assets are never in danger to begin with.

How is it different from nulsec? Again, I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything. I've never been much for 0.0, so I'd like to know the difference.

Yang Aurilen wrote:

Still you have to look at CCP's design policy with the plexes in FW. It's meant to encourage fights not to be farmed to death with afk drone stabbed boats. Heck they even changed FW in the chronos patch that pretty much halted the pendulum swing of FW because it made it impossible to farm the mediums with stabbed ventures and ****.

I don't see how anyone could possibly pull off really being AFK while running complexes. As I mentioned before, I see 2-6 neutral players in almost every system in FW. I have to spend quite some time bouncing back and forth between systems and complexes, dodging attacks. I have to almost constantly keep an eye on the Dscan and local chat to avoid getting murdered. As I mentioned before, it's been very good practice on how to avoid different types of gank attempts, and I don't always get away even then. It seems to me that an AFK player would get, as the kids these days say: Rekt.

I agree it might be a little more interesting if there was more than just running plexes all day. Maybe some bigger events like incursions or something. Giant roaming fleets of NPCs that could actually pose a threat to pilots. Possibly remove the acceleration gates to make it more likely for a fight to occur(although that seems like it would give a huge advantage to the ganker)? I don't know, I'm not really a game designer.

My point, however, was that if it's common knowledge the the FW sites are just farm-bait, why do people stick around so much and not move to somewhere where it's more likely to get fights? You mentioned sov, for example. Or is there no better place to roam and look for trouble than FW lowsec?
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2015-08-25 10:39:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Tipa Riot
To answer a question above ... you don't need to worry too much about neutral players with positive sec status. They are from the following factions:

- hauler/PI alts (usually uncatchable)
- cyno alts (not worth looking)
- booster alts (Tengus, Lokis, Proteus, Legion, Command ships, etc. no direct threat, but be careful if you seek "1:1" ...)
- scanner alts (cloaked, but you see their probes)
- missioners, ratters, explorers & miners (prey)
- nullsec/WH people (they don't want to lose sec status ...)

I'm my own NPC alt.

Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#36 - 2015-08-25 11:54:21 UTC
Tanuki Three wrote:
Yang Aurilen wrote:

Because FW is a joke. It's pretty much kiddie sov. Station lockouts are easily circumvented with neutral alts so your assets are never in danger to begin with.

How is it different from nulsec? Again, I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything. I've never been much for 0.0, so I'd like to know the difference.

Yang Aurilen wrote:

Still you have to look at CCP's design policy with the plexes in FW. It's meant to encourage fights not to be farmed to death with afk drone stabbed boats. Heck they even changed FW in the chronos patch that pretty much halted the pendulum swing of FW because it made it impossible to farm the mediums with stabbed ventures and ****.

I don't see how anyone could possibly pull off really being AFK while running complexes. As I mentioned before, I see 2-6 neutral players in almost every system in FW. I have to spend quite some time bouncing back and forth between systems and complexes, dodging attacks. I have to almost constantly keep an eye on the Dscan and local chat to avoid getting murdered. As I mentioned before, it's been very good practice on how to avoid different types of gank attempts, and I don't always get away even then. It seems to me that an AFK player would get, as the kids these days say: Rekt.

I agree it might be a little more interesting if there was more than just running plexes all day. Maybe some bigger events like incursions or something. Giant roaming fleets of NPCs that could actually pose a threat to pilots. Possibly remove the acceleration gates to make it more likely for a fight to occur(although that seems like it would give a huge advantage to the ganker)? I don't know, I'm not really a game designer.

My point, however, was that if it's common knowledge the the FW sites are just farm-bait, why do people stick around so much and not move to somewhere where it's more likely to get fights? You mentioned sov, for example. Or is there no better place to roam and look for trouble than FW lowsec?

Let's see how many I can list off the top of my head:
Nullsec has bubbles so you can't evac your assets if the station gets captured compared to lowsec where a neutral JF alt can just skeedaddle away with all your stuff tp the next staging system/highsec system.

If the nullsec boys are feel like it they can hellcamp the station for weeks on end and then deadzone the station(is this still a thing in fozzie sov?) while in lowsec you can just jump out of system in your JF alt/Friend in a JF at any time you want barring them station camping you that is easily solved since you'll have access to it via neutrals.

For your second question, if you know the area real well you can actually afk plex for 10 hours straight without anyone bothering to show up barring the odd explorer. Trust me it has happened to me more than once that it was actually boring. Extra bonus round I made an alt and sat it in a medium just outside of the plex cap range(so it doesn't close) and afk'd for 9 hours and he was still alive.

Also please don't even mention roaming NPC fleets that's just bad game design since FW is more or less for the players. Removing accel gates from plexes and you'll see everyone just flies in t3d's and other delightful goodies and lands on your ass without you ever knowing it since the plex gate gives you a 10 secondish early warning of danger.

For your last paragraph people stick around FW because it makes us tremendous amounts of ISK for little work. You might even get a bonus fight that nets you LP+loot+killmail and more or less you see everyone fly frigs up to cruisers so people can easily replace them.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#37 - 2015-08-25 15:31:53 UTC
Tanuki Three wrote:
I don't see how anyone could possibly pull off really being AFK while running complexes. As I mentioned before, I see 2-6 neutral players in almost every system in FW.

AFK farmers literally do not care if they die. They sit there with stabbed ships, tabbed out and playing on their "main". If they hear a shield alarm they might bother to tab over and warp out. Many times they don't even bother to do that and you end up killing an empty ship and podding them. They aren't bothered because they can make much more in LP than the cost of an unfitted frig.

This is why there is so much hate toward them. They aren't playing the game, they are gaming the system for free ISK. They contribute nothing. They aren't involved in militia chat or operations. They don't even usually advance the faction's territory because it's easier to afk plex in defensive plexes where there are fewer hostiles. To flip a system usually takes a pretty coordinated effort by people like yourself who are actually involved. These people are just freeloaders along from the ride.

I'm telling you this not to discourage you from FW, but just so you understand what a farmer is and why they are so disliked. Really, they are just a minor irritation that distracts from the core FW gameplay. If you spend enough time there you will be able to identify farmers pretty quickly and either work out a way to kill them repeatedly until they go elsewhere (multiple scrams), or just ignore them entirely.

To reiterate, choosing your engagements wisely is not the same as farming. And you are correct, there is plenty you can learn about situational awareness/dscan etc. just from hanging out in plexes. Keep learning, and keep having fun. Don't let those who are bitter about FW or farmers ruin it for you. Big smile

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Tanuki Three
Triple Tanuki Tech
#38 - 2015-08-25 16:42:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanuki Three
Tipa Riot wrote:

To answer a question above ... you don't need to worry too much about neutral players with positive sec status. They are from the following factions:

- hauler/PI alts (usually uncatchable)
- cyno alts (not worth looking)
- booster alts (Tengus, Lokis, Proteus, Legion, Command ships, etc. no direct threat, but be careful if you seek "1:1" ...)
- scanner alts (cloaked, but you see their probes)
- missioners, ratters, explorers & miners (prey)
- nullsec/WH people (they don't want to lose sec status ...)

Booster alta? How does that work?

And what's that about not wanting to lose security status? I've been attacked just as much by peoe with positive stats as by negative. As I mentioned above, they're the most dangerous because there's no hint to their intentions.
Yang Aurilen wrote:

Let's see how many I can list off the top of my head:
Nullsec has bubbles so you can't evac your assets if the station gets captured compared to lowsec where a neutral JF alt can just skeedaddle away with all your stuff tp the next staging system/highsec system.

Don't nulsec sov corps store things on Highsec alts also? I know I would have that as a backup if I ever did nulsec.

Yang Aurilen wrote:
If the nullsec boys are feel like it they can hellcamp the station for weeks on end and then deadzone the station(is this still a thing in fozzie sov?)

Sorry, I learn pretty fast and pick up jargon without thinking, but you lost me with this. What does that mean in layman's terms?

Yang Aurilen wrote:

For your second question, if you know the area real well you can actually afk plex for 10 hours straight without anyone bothering to show up barring the odd explorer. Trust me it has happened to me more than once that it was actually boring. Extra bonus round I made an alt and sat it in a medium just outside of the plex cap range(so it doesn't close) and afk'd for 9 hours and he was still alive

I guess my experience has just been different so far. Sure, I've found some quiet system that I was able to run plexes in. But even in those someone usually shows up to check me out, making me have to dodge around for awhile. The longest I think I've gone was maybe a half hour before someone tried to attack me. Maybe traffic in nulsec has gone up?

But I see your point. Even as a new pilot I can see the cost of losing a ship while running plexes is nothing compared to what you're making. Maybe the risk vs reward needs adjusting somehow?

Yang Aurilen wrote:
Also please don't even mention roaming NPC fleets that's just bad game design since FW is more or less for the players. Removing accel gates from plexes and you'll see everyone just flies in t3d's and other delightful goodies and lands on your ass without you ever knowing it since the plex gate gives you a 10 secondish early warning of danger.

Sorry, like I said, I'm not a game designer. But in response to your second sentence, wouldn't that scenario promote figjts? People already station and hate camp in insta-lock ships(Loki and Proteus seem to be the most common). How would this be different? It would make it a lot harder for new pilots to solo like I'm doing now. It seems like fleets would become more common for safety. But wouldn't figjts become more common without the gate giving an almost free choice to fight or not?

Yang Aurilen wrote:

For your last paragraph people stick around FW because it makes us tremendous amounts of ISK for little work. You might even get a bonus fight that nets you LP+loot+killmail and more or less you see everyone fly frigs up to cruisers so people can easily replace them.

This part confuses me, since it seems to be almost exclusively neutral players trying to attack. They don't get LP do they?

*BTW sorry for weird format errors. On my phone.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2015-08-25 18:58:07 UTC
Ok, booster ... to some ships (T3 Stratetic Cruisers, Command Ships) you can fit warfare link modules. Those modules boost the stats for all members in the same fleet. So the ships run faster, have more hitpoints, point longer range, etc. The boosting ship can be anywhere (safe) in the system while the combat ships of the fleet engage elsewhere ...while a valid fleet thing, this mechanic is used by some "elite" PvPer to trick you into a "solo" fight where in fact they have a boosting alt fleeted up which significantly boosts their fighting power.

Regarding sec status ... was it an actual neutral player engaging you in low and you were not suspect/criminal flagged? In nullnull or wormhole the sec status does not matter at all and also a low positive status may be a pirate. But I would say a neutral player with a sec stat higher than 2.0 is a strong indication for being one of the categories above. You can buy up your sec status to 0.0 with tags but above that point only killing a lot of NPCs will increase it further ... most pirates will not bother going higher than -1.99, because this is the magic level where you can travel safely everywhere in highsec.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#40 - 2015-08-25 20:13:32 UTC

Booster alta? How does that work?

And what's that about not wanting to lose security status? I've been attacked just as much by peoe with positive stats as by negative. As I mentioned above, they're the most dangerous because there's no hint to their intentions.

Boosters(Links) well, boost your ships performance in combat. Not to be confused with Combat Boosters(Drugs).

Yang Aurilen wrote:
Sorry, I learn pretty fast and pick up jargon without thinking, but you lost me with this. What does that mean in layman's terms?

This two links work best. TL;DR they locked out over years worth of assets from solar fleet for YEARS and NONE could dock in said station or take it until now.

Other people should be able to answer your other question.P

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

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