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Why High Sec Gankers?

First post
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#61 - 2015-08-22 23:51:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Ralph Bryden wrote:

you are right; no one has any right to insult anyone, but when coders or gankers do it in abundance in local they are setting the precedence for things to come for them and their alliance mates. What goes around comes around in some way shape or form (even if not in the same magnitude or scale)
That's a self perpetuating phenomenon, gankers get called all sorts of crap for playing the way that they do, they're so used to getting abuse from their victims that some now get in preemptive strikes.

You yourself are guilty of it in your post.

Many a times i have been target of coders verbal attacks on local but i just ignore them as 100% of them are on an ego high (cuz of superior #s) and now quite a few are blocked lol. Also, when you coders and code sympathizers are behind a keyboard you sure show a big lack of respect to your fellow gamers just because its 'online' and the typical 'cannot be compared to RL, yo!' LOL. But you expect no lash back or push back and everyone to be amicable and kind to you.
CODE. supporter here, stop tarring us all with the same brush.

There are exceptions but for the most part gankers are amicable enough folk once you get past the RP.

one good example that comes to mind: erotica1 that your code messiah is friends with and the code alliance wants reinstated goes after some one with a speech impediment with his buddies outside of the game and then comes back on the forums and posts his 'fun' with a victim who has a speech impediment; this is not disturbing in your eyes? Glad that CCP stepped in and drew the line.
That whole deal was a cynical witch hunt that left CCP with little or no discretion as to how they could respond.

Most of the people not calling for Eroticas head on a pointy stick weren't providing support for Erotica specifically, but to protect the long standing tradition of relieving gullible fools of their stuff by deception and trickery. Erotica was almost universally vilified by his peers, not for what he did which was nothing new, but for how far he went.

Taking pleasure out of cyber bullying a person with a speech impediment is already bad enough and then the alliance you align yourself with or represent or look up to in game has quite a few members asking for his reinstatement and now one has to seriously wonder if people in this alliance are actually mentally stable or vice versa.
Firstly it wasn't bullying, ask Sokhar who made a statement to that effect when the affair went public.

Secondly what were you saying about not insulting people? Questioning the mental stability of someone based on their actions in a virtual world and the reputation of one of their friends could be seen as insulting. That's like me assuming you're a fruitcake because you like to use only a knife in CoD and one of your friends takes anti depressants.Shocked

Do you see how silly that sounds?

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Darth Biznaga
#62 - 2015-08-23 00:54:29 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
[quote=Ralph Bryden]
That's like me assuming you're a fruitcake because you like to use only a knife in CoD and one of your friends takes anti depressants.Shocked

Do you see how silly that sounds?

I'd believe it

You got it..I want it

Herb Men
#63 - 2015-08-23 01:05:50 UTC
Next time your assailant logs in, Hop in a ship with 6dps (7 is better) and undock at his station. when he undocks activate your killright and have some fun. He will never know wat hit him.

Signatures wer cooler when we couldn't remove them completely.

Ralph Bryden
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2015-08-23 04:40:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph Bryden
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Ralph Bryden wrote:

you are right; no one has any right to insult anyone, but when coders or gankers do it in abundance in local they are setting the precedence for things to come for them and their alliance mates. What goes around comes around in some way shape or form (even if not in the same magnitude or scale)
That's a self perpetuating phenomenon, gankers get called all sorts of crap for playing the way that they do, they're so used to getting abuse from their victims that some now get in preemptive strikes.

You yourself are guilty of it in your post.

Many a times i have been target of coders verbal attacks on local but i just ignore them as 100% of them are on an ego high (cuz of superior #s) and now quite a few are blocked lol. Also, when you coders and code sympathizers are behind a keyboard you sure show a big lack of respect to your fellow gamers just because its 'online' and the typical 'cannot be compared to RL, yo!' LOL. But you expect no lash back or push back and everyone to be amicable and kind to you.
CODE. supporter here, stop tarring us all with the same brush.

There are exceptions but for the most part gankers are amicable enough folk once you get past the RP.

one good example that comes to mind: erotica1 that your code messiah is friends with and the code alliance wants reinstated goes after some one with a speech impediment with his buddies outside of the game and then comes back on the forums and posts his 'fun' with a victim who has a speech impediment; this is not disturbing in your eyes? Glad that CCP stepped in and drew the line.
That whole deal was a cynical witch hunt that left CCP with little or no discretion as to how they could respond.

Most of the people not calling for Eroticas head on a pointy stick weren't providing support for Erotica specifically, but to protect the long standing tradition of relieving gullible fools of their stuff by deception and trickery. Erotica was almost universally vilified by his peers, not for what he did which was nothing new, but for how far he went.

Taking pleasure out of cyber bullying a person with a speech impediment is already bad enough and then the alliance you align yourself with or represent or look up to in game has quite a few members asking for his reinstatement and now one has to seriously wonder if people in this alliance are actually mentally stable or vice versa.
Firstly it wasn't bullying, ask Sokhar who made a statement to that effect when the affair went public.

Secondly what were you saying about not insulting people? Questioning the mental stability of someone based on their actions in a virtual world and the reputation of one of their friends could be seen as insulting. That's like me assuming you're a fruitcake because you like to use only a knife in CoD and one of your friends takes anti depressants.Shocked

Do you see how silly that sounds?

1) Exceptions? where are these exceptions hiding in CODE? i dont see them when I am online.

2)RP is one thing, in game scamming sure (go for it but know where the line is and that is IN-GAME); taking it to another level like members of your alliance did, not cool. Picking on a man who has a speech impediment, on a third party software outside of eve, and making him read things from various sources and doing this for a prolonged period of time, with satisfaction none the less, until he breaks and gaining some kind of pride out of it by posting it on the forums for others to have a laugh out of this mans suffering is fine in your books and not bullying? WOW! okay...Yup, me and you are definitely not going to see eye to eye on this.

you did mention above that it is not bullying.

There were others on that ts chatroom also supporting erotica1s actions, yet he was 'universally' vilified by his peers as per you. IF he was 'universally' vilified why was erotical1 not alone in that ts chatroom with the victim? or attain such a high rank within CODE? or the amount of support Erotica1 received and people asking for his reinstatement, but yet as per you he was 'universally' vilified .

3)Luckily I don't play COD, dont have much time for that, but you go ahead and assume what you want

4) I am basing my argument on the constant ego tripping i see in local by CODE members, and worse the 'cyber bullying/ harassment' incident conducted by CODE members; and yes ccp termed it as harassment so you can tap dance around this all you want, it is not going to change that fact. Just listening to that incident was mind boggling and really have to ask what kinda people can term that as RP?

And these are the types that are welcome into CODE and are also allowed to attain high positions within the CODE alliance apparently.

Since ccp has concluded CODE members over stepped their boundries, banned your alliance mate because of this harassment incident any argument you make on the point holds no weight since the judge (in this case ccp) has already dropped the hammer and given a verdict.
Black Pedro
#65 - 2015-08-23 06:37:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Ralph Bryden wrote:

RP is one thing, in game scamming sure (go for it but know where the line is and that is IN-GAME); taking it to another level like members of your alliance did, not cool. Picking on a man who has a speech impediment, on a third party software outside of eve, and making him read things from various sources and doing this for a prolonged period of time, with satisfaction none the less, until he breaks and gaining some kind of pride out of it by posting it on the forums for others to have a laugh out of this mans suffering is fine in your books and not bullying? WOW! okay...Yup, me and you are definitely not going to see eye to eye on this.

you did mention above that it is not bullying.
Do you even know what bullying is? Making fun of someone when they can press a button a leave chat at any time is nowhere near any definition of real-world bullying especially when no real-world identities are involved. At worst that is rude and disrespectful behaviour, and may just be players metagaming their opponent for an in-game goal. Really, it is just being an ass which you have every right not to like, but it is disingenuous to claim that this is some super-evil form of bullying unlike anything else ever seen in this game. Don't diminish the suffering of real victims of bullying, especially when Sokhar himself says he didn't feel bullied.

Ralph Bryden wrote:
4) I am basing my argument on the constant ego tripping i see in local by CODE members, and worse the 'cyber bullying/ harassment' incident conducted by CODE members; and yes ccp termed it as harassment so you can tap dance around this all you want, it is not going to change that fact. Just listening to that incident was mind boggling and really have to ask what kinda people can term that as RP?

And these are the types that are welcome into CODE and are also allowed to attain high positions within the CODE alliance apparently.

Since ccp has concluded CODE members over stepped their boundries, banned your alliance mate because of this harassment incident any argument you make on the point holds no weight since the judge (in this case ccp) has already dropped the hammer and given a verdict.
By that logic, since everyone else who you accuse of this "cyberbullying" plays the game on a near daily basis without being banned, clearly they are not engaging in "harassment". Their in-game actions must be EULA-compliant and tolerated by CCP and they have not stepped over the boundaries as they are still here. The CODE. alliance of today is 100%, CCP-approved!

Look, you don't like CODE. we get it. That is actually one of the points of the pompous roleplay and "ego tripping" as they are playing the game as villains and are out to annoy highsec residents. But they are playing the game within the rules - blowing up ships in highsec and taunting anti-gankers is legal gameplay. There are clear rules (lol, well not so clear in Erotica1's case) against personal insults and threats which you can petition at anytime. You do not have to like their antics, but you have no right to go around insulting other players as "cyberbullies" and terrible, mentally unstable people for just attacking virtual space ships and mildly trolling their opponents in this PvP game.

By doing so, you are encouraging more toxic behaviour and are causing more problems then you are solving. Drop the armchair psychology and personal demonization of other players and focus on beating the evil cultists in-game where the conflict should stay.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#66 - 2015-08-23 07:30:52 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Revis Owen wrote:
Meloddy Sev wrote:
looking forward to fighting back

Finally! An anti-Code rebel stands up in the forums and declares personal jihad on the New Order! You will train intensely and bring the fight! Fear will someday lurk in the heart of every Code agent, and James 315 himself! You will . . . . . Oh, wait.


You're, like, #82937 in that line.

No, what will happen is that you will either get a permit or for the rest of your days in Eve fear will lurk in your heart every time you undock in highsec.

Praise James!

I'm not impressed by a group of thugs who are clearly afraid to fight actual war ships, only pathetic mining barges...

Keyword 'pathetic'. Veers has a sister with big *******? Seriously, have some respect for yourself and stand up on your hind legs.
There's nothing pathetic about mining. It's a necessary career for the production of ships and modules in the universe... and by necessary I mean it makes production far simpler and quicker than simply reprocessing modules. The problem with mining is that most of those who engage in the activity assume that it is a peaceful one.

Mining is not peaceful. It is full of stress and fear. You have to be aligned to your safe while doing your thing and jamming on the d-scan button like it dispenses the antidote in order to be doing it right. It's a fast path to chain smoking at the very best, and your first heart attack at the worst. The fundamental piece of understanding that needs to be jammed into the head of EVERY miner EVERYWHERE is that defense is not measured in EHP... once it comes down to that you have already lost.

As an unarmed vessel, your absolute best defense in the entire universe is simply not being there when the attack happens. Use your tools and your brain. Don't be there when the gankers arrive and you are safe, and someone else is not. Sucks to be them, but hey, you get to live another day.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#67 - 2015-08-23 07:49:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Ralph Bryden wrote:
1) Exceptions? where are these exceptions hiding in CODE? i dont see them when I am online.

2)RP is one thing, in game scamming sure (go for it but know where the line is and that is IN-GAME); taking it to another level like members of your alliance did, not cool. Picking on a man who has a speech impediment, on a third party software outside of eve, and making him read things from various sources and doing this for a prolonged period of time, with satisfaction none the less, until he breaks and gaining some kind of pride out of it by posting it on the forums for others to have a laugh out of this mans suffering is fine in your books and not bullying? WOW! okay...Yup, me and you are definitely not going to see eye to eye on this.
1: I've never had a problem with CODE. members, despite being a PvE player; maybe your problem with them is of your own doing.

2: The person who you claimed that they bullied has said otherwise, did they royally screw him over? Yes. Did they bully him? Not according to him.

Facts my friend, not hyperbole. If you're going to lie then you're correct, we're not going to see eye to eye.
Speaking of facts, I appear to have gained an invisible alliance, yay.

There were others on that ts chatroom also supporting erotica1s actions, yet he was 'universally' vilified by his peers as per you. IF he was 'universally' vilified why was erotical1 not alone in that ts chatroom with the victim? or attain such a high rank within CODE? or the amount of support Erotica1 received and people asking for his reinstatement, but yet as per you he was 'universally' vilified .
ALMOST universally, learn to comprehend what you read.

3)Luckily I don't play COD, dont have much time for that, but you go ahead and assume what you want
It was an example to show exactly how silly your assumption of "x does this in a video game and his friend y does this in real life, therefore x must be a terrible person with mental health issues" is. If you want to take it literally, feel free to do so, and I'll feel free to laugh at you for being a fool.

4) I am basing my argument on the constant ego tripping i see in local by CODE members, and worse the 'cyber bullying/ harassment' incident conducted by CODE members; and yes ccp termed it as harassment so you can tap dance around this all you want, it is not going to change that fact. Just listening to that incident was mind boggling and really have to ask what kinda people can term that as RP?
One incident where CCP were forced into a corner by a witch hunt lead by a cynical and manipulative member of the CSM does not an alliance make. We've already established that Erotica went too far and that he pushed the boundaries of bad taste, leave it alone.

If you don't like CODE or their over the top RP, then get off your arse and do something about it, preferably ingame and something other than whining and making erroneous assumptions about people on the forums.

Since ccp has concluded CODE members over stepped their boundries, banned your alliance mate because of this harassment incident any argument you make on the point holds no weight since the judge (in this case ccp) has already dropped the hammer and given a verdict.
The fact that I support their work in providing risk for those that think hisec should be safe doesn't make me a member of their alliance, nor have I ever been a member of their alliance. Which makes your argument about my word holding no weight due to my alliance affiliation a fabrication without foundation.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#68 - 2015-08-23 15:16:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Adoulin
Ralph Bryden wrote:
more sociopathic self-entitlement drivel. also, tears.

Sorry, 'cyberbullying' is an oxymoron. Not to be confused with real morons, like anybody who fell for The Bonus Room Scam.

Also, post with main or GTFO.

As for the chick....helpless mining barges? Woman, have you seen what a Skiff or a Proc can do in a fight? I've run level 3 security missions in Procuror's! In low sec! Drunk!

Helpless my furry butt.....

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Lady Areola Fappington
#69 - 2015-08-23 17:58:36 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Ralph Bryden wrote:
1) Exceptions? where are these exceptions hiding in CODE? i dont see them when I am online.

2)RP is one thing, in game scamming sure (go for it but know where the line is and that is IN-GAME); taking it to another level like members of your alliance did, not cool. Picking on a man who has a speech impediment, on a third party software outside of eve, and making him read things from various sources and doing this for a prolonged period of time, with satisfaction none the less, until he breaks and gaining some kind of pride out of it by posting it on the forums for others to have a laugh out of this mans suffering is fine in your books and not bullying? WOW! okay...Yup, me and you are definitely not going to see eye to eye on this.
1: I've never had a problem with CODE. members, despite being a PvE player; maybe your problem with them is of your own doing.

So, out of all the people who fly around doing Ganking, within CODE and without, there's been exactly one public example of a ganker crossing the line with CCP when it comes to harassment. One. Singular.

Not only that, quite a few gankers at the time came out and said "I find what E1 did distasteful". I know I did.

Yet, I can bop on over to minerbumping, and find hundreds of examples of RL threats, harassment, and other such nonsense directed towards gankers, coming from their targets.

I've yet to figure out how one instance of a ganker crossing the line tars every ganker with the same "cyberbully" brush, yet hundreds of examples of even more vile conduct get brushed away with "Oh they were upset you have to forgive them".

You know, looking at it from an outside, non-Eve perspective, the carebear types really do look like the horrible ones in this equation. I've shown examples of carebear rants and threats to my non-Eve friends, and they've all been disgusted at the behaviour.

"Hey not-Eve friend, check out what this dude is saying to me. We're playing a PVP game and I killed him."
*shows page after page of disgusting homophobic insults*
"Wow that dude is unstable! "

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Alex Rax
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2015-08-23 20:48:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Alex Rax
Bellatrix Invicta wrote:

2. What does being a "hardcore PC gamer" have anything to do with EvE Online? I myself play a VICIOUS round of Crusader Kings II but I do not mention it here. Why? No bearing..

Crusader Kings, ahh, I always keep wanting to get into games like that but never have the patience.

It's super easy to avoid ganks, and it can all be learned while PvPing.. Watch your Dscan, assess people that come into local, don't be at the belt at 0, as this makes the gankers have to travel longer. I don't mine, but it really is easy to avoid ganks.

Let me tell you a story of a lowsec roam I was doing the other night.

Lowsec, right? That horrible, scary place. Anyway, I was roaming in a Slasher and found a Venture come up on Dscan. I only have a short point so can't keep him pinned down, but who knows, I might get lucky. I narrow him down between warping to a station and to a ore site. I warp in at 10 and have to MWD in at about 1k/s for around 30 seconds before I get within short point range. Here I am thinking he's going to warp off the minute I get close, but he doesn't! I get him into 20% hull before he aligns and warps.

It took, all in all, 30 seconds for me to get to him, and before that around 2 minutes for the Venture to get wise and GTFO.

Moral of the story is that you can cry all you like but you can't change the fact you're either a idiot or were AFK.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#71 - 2015-08-23 22:53:13 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Some good advice being shared here. I feel the warmth and love flowing into me. The nastiness just bounces off.

I've figured out a good way to avoid being ganked by them for now, while I work on my combat. I'll keep playing the game.

It's funny, posting here as opened my eyes to the wider scope of the game and how people play it. You have to admit, it's a lot to take in all at once. My first reaction was to wine and complain, now that reality has sunk in, I see the other paths I can take.

Now when I see another miner, I check their info, about 80% have their CODE mining permits.

I consider myself a fighter, and a thinker, looking forward to fighting back as well as learning how to play the game better.

What you have to understand is that the vast majority of ganking is done by alts of bored bittervets who can go back to station trading or check up on their AFK ratting Ishtar while they wait out the criminal timer. They do it, for the most part, to get reactions like these, because they don't get them killing things that shoot back outside of highsec. Indeed most of the content on (sort of the virtual Mecca for gankers) consists of examples of gank victims reacting in hilarious ways. It's pretty common for a follow-up message to be sent to the victim, specifically to elicit a reaction like yours, albeit ideally with more cursing and death-threats and angry Russian gibberish. Then James can post it on his site and continue to rake in the advertising fees.

Don't give them acknowledgement, don't play along with the silly roleplaying, and learn to render them irrelevant. In the case of mining, this is fairly easy. You were ganked because you were flying a ship that is EXTREMELY easy to suicide gank. There is another ship in the same tier called a Procurer, which has vastly higher base HP than your retriever and when properly fit with defensive (tank) mods, can achieve the same effective HP as a battlecruiser. Buy a procurer, fit a pair of adaptive invulnerability fields and three shield extender rigs, and never get ganked again.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#72 - 2015-08-23 23:18:41 UTC
What advertising fees? Maybe it's because I have adblock, but there is no advertising on minerbumping that I have ever seen.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

#73 - 2015-08-24 00:09:09 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:

Yet, I can bop on over to minerbumping, and find hundreds of examples of RL threats, harassment, and other such nonsense directed towards gankers, coming from their targets.

I've yet to figure out how one instance of a ganker crossing the line tars every ganker with the same "cyberbully" brush, yet hundreds of examples of even more vile conduct get brushed away with "Oh they were upset you have to forgive them".

You know, looking at it from an outside, non-Eve perspective, the carebear types really do look like the horrible ones in this equation. I've shown examples of carebear rants and threats to my non-Eve friends, and they've all been disgusted at the behaviour.

RL threats, which basically means you managed to **** off the player behind the keyboard. Of course those threats are almost exclusively just empty threats.

I have to wonder what the ganking is all about with the amount of chest beating that goes on, on these forums.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#74 - 2015-08-24 00:42:14 UTC
Its like I always say. There's no point shooting at someone who wants you to shoot at them. You need to find the people who least want to be shot at and shoot at them.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2015-08-24 01:11:11 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
What advertising fees? Maybe it's because I have adblock, but there is no advertising on minerbumping that I have ever seen.

You must have them blocked I've definitely seen some. Nothing wrong with that, hats off to anyone who can monetize their hobby.
But my point was that a considerable portion of the content on that site consists of hilariously bad reactions by people who were scammed, ganked, baited etc. The worse the overreaction the more people will read it.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2015-08-24 01:12:37 UTC
Avvy wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:

Yet, I can bop on over to minerbumping, and find hundreds of examples of RL threats, harassment, and other such nonsense directed towards gankers, coming from their targets.

I've yet to figure out how one instance of a ganker crossing the line tars every ganker with the same "cyberbully" brush, yet hundreds of examples of even more vile conduct get brushed away with "Oh they were upset you have to forgive them".

You know, looking at it from an outside, non-Eve perspective, the carebear types really do look like the horrible ones in this equation. I've shown examples of carebear rants and threats to my non-Eve friends, and they've all been disgusted at the behaviour.

RL threats, which basically means you managed to **** off the player behind the keyboard. Of course those threats are almost exclusively just empty threats.

I have to wonder what the ganking is all about with the amount of chest beating that goes on, on these forums.

You nailed it. It's about people whose definition of "winning" EVE is to **** off the player behind the keyboard.
Bellatrix Invicta
#77 - 2015-08-24 01:46:10 UTC
Ganking is fun. Try it sometime.

If you think you've won, think again.

The CODE always wins.

Lady Areola Fappington
#78 - 2015-08-24 02:10:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Areola Fappington
Avvy wrote:
RL threats, which basically means you managed to **** off the player behind the keyboard. Of course those threats are almost exclusively just empty threats.

I have to wonder what the ganking is all about with the amount of chest beating that goes on, on these forums.

I really don't care if the person behind the keyboard is mad or not. I'm engaging in a legitimate form of play, in accordance with CCP rules. Ganking makes me ISK. I build mining ships and modules, and pre-position them for sale in areas before I start ganking.

Empty or not, RL threats, homophobic insults and the like are very strictly against CCP rules. I'd even go so far as to speculate that, if getting killed in a video game pushes you to that point, then YOU may be the one with psychological problems, not the ganker.

As for the threats being empty...yeah. I ended up taking a long Eve break because, among other things, people were cyberstalking me to the point of calling my then employer to "let them know" about my Eve gaming. Not cool. Sadly, I've heard about similar things happening to gankers all 'round the game, and it's kind of sick.

I'm honestly surprised gankers haven't responded in-kind. People leak personal data constantly, and depending on how talkative someone is about their Eve hobby, it's not hard to go from Eve name to facebook profile to employer/family. Then again, some of us know we're just playing vidya.

Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
You must have them blocked I've definitely seen some. Nothing wrong with that, hats off to anyone who can monetize their hobby.
But my point was that a considerable portion of the content on that site consists of hilariously bad reactions by people who were scammed, ganked, baited etc. The worse the overreaction the more people will read it.

If you've been seeing advertisements on minerbumping, I'd recommend you do a thorough and complete scan of your computer for malware. I've been following since it's inception, and I've never seen an advertisement.

Just to make sure, I went and doublechecked the site, with all my adblocking turned off. Not an ad anywhere.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#79 - 2015-08-24 02:23:09 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:

I really don't care if the person behind the keyboard is mad or not. I'm engaging in a legitimate form of play, in accordance with CCP rules.

Bingo. I do not solicit any such responses from other people, I simply do not give a flying rat's ass what they think. To some people, that counts as provocation.

And it's those people whom I am more than happy to mock on minerbumping.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2015-08-24 05:19:10 UTC
The minerbumping forum has ads.