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[Service] Auth API system, Jabber, Private Jackknife install

Vlad Toltos
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-08-14 21:50:18 UTC

Tired of being unable to verify who people are, their alts, etc.... on top of trying to manage secure communications. This service is for you.


I will install the following on your VPS.

Alliance Auth gives you a quick and easy way to manage your corp members access to various services in the corp. It automatically checks API keys to ensure members are in a corp in your alliance. Once if versify that they are a member it allows them to request access to different alliance services. There are also provisions to allow Blue members access to certain service if you require it. The services are listed below.

SRP - Manges and tracks SRP fleets and SRP requests
HR - Track and Aprove applications to the corp by non-members.
Timer - Operational Timer for the corp operations such as tower bashing or refueling.
Broadcast - Broadcast to different groups, corps, or alliances.
Fleet Doctrine - Holds your fleet doctrine in one place that can be viewed in game.

Jabber is a must have text communication tool that can be used as a chat room or to send broadcasts to the alliance. The users are automatically assigned to groups based on the AUTH system and will be removed if their key is no longer valid or they leave the alliance.

Voice communication system that includes management through the AUTH system.

This can be either PHBB3 or if you purchase a license IP.Board. Forum authentication and group management is tied to the Auth system.

Nervous about using other peoples JackKnife installation. This service includes the installation of your own jackknife on your own server. It also includes customization to you doctrine to display if a users skills allows them to fly certain ships in your doctrine.
*disclaimer* I don't install the current Jackknife 2.0 because it's closed source and author won't allow others to use it. I'm currently installing the previous 1.0 version updated by whinnis.

- Optional -
I can substitute TS3 for mumble or install both but, TS3 is better managed on it's own separate from the Auth system.

You need to have a VPS that is running or can run Ubuntu or similar linux platform. I recommend Digitalocean or RamNode.

This has been successfully run on basic servers but, the recommendation is:
2048MB SVZS 2048 / 256 MB 2 Cores 1 /64 80 GB 3000 GB


2 Billion for a complete setup.
500 million for service calls. Service calls are anything outside of the norm like you breaking something and it needing to be fixed. If I messed something up I'll fix it for no charge.

I can do customization outside of the items listed above and we can discuss rates. Some are really easy and some are really difficult so it will vary.

Installation can take up to two weeks depending on how busy I get but, usually 1 weekend is enough to get it up and running. If you have any questions shoot me a message or mail.
Vlad Toltos
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2015-08-18 23:44:23 UTC
Vlad Toltos
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-08-20 14:37:51 UTC
Dirt 'n' Glitter
#4 - 2015-08-23 15:18:24 UTC
+1 for excellent service.
Highly recommend this service. Vlad got everything setup for us and we're extremely happy with everything.
Vlad Toltos
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-08-26 16:18:37 UTC
Vlad Toltos
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-09-08 17:21:28 UTC
Vlad Toltos
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-09-09 13:27:46 UTC
If you have any questions about the service let me know.