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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Looking for a fellow new player!!

Carson Warnecke
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-08-19 18:11:15 UTC
Want to make ISK by partnering with a fellow new player? Please add me in game if you want to capitalize on the opportunity. MUST HAVE GOOD ENGLISH. Lol
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#2 - 2015-08-19 20:55:25 UTC
If this is a scam the CCP don't take kindly to that sor of carry on in ncq&a.

That said can you give a little more information so we can ascertain if you're actually being altruistic?

Sincerely sorry if you are but the fact that you're in a player Corp and haven't just teamed up with one of them has me a little suspicious.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#3 - 2015-08-19 21:26:54 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#4 - 2015-08-19 21:54:13 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:

eye but he is in one, hens the raised eyebrow
Carson Warnecke
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#5 - 2015-08-19 22:32:19 UTC
I understand where you're coming from but everyone in my corp is already a well established player. I am looking for someone to train and befriend as they will be fairly new to EVE. They will gain ISK by helping me mine and I will help them become a good PVE player by protecting me while I mine. All the while they will just sit on their nice little bottom and watch out for minor pestering done by NPC. Getting paid to erect themselves down the path they wish to follow, which by most observations of new players is wanting to battle others or their environment. It's always nice to have a friend when starting a new game to learn the ropes. Quite sad this was misinterpreted as a ploy for a scam.
Vortexo VonBrenner
#6 - 2015-08-19 22:45:37 UTC
Carson Warnecke wrote:
Quite sad this was misinterpreted as a ploy for a scam.

No, not at all. Be on your guard at all times.

Paranoid Loyd
#7 - 2015-08-19 23:02:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
If you really are a new player you are in no position to be teaching others the game. The blind leading the blind rarely works out well for either party.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#8 - 2015-08-19 23:09:21 UTC
ahh right gotcha,
forgive my initial scepticism there

one question though
Carson Warnecke wrote:
protecting me while I mine.

All Kill No Skill
#9 - 2015-08-19 23:16:07 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
ahh right gotcha,
forgive my initial scepticism there

one question though
Carson Warnecke wrote:
protecting me while I mine.


Big smile ganker meatshield for miner escapes
Of course the newbie with the gun could be out making a lot more ISK than a miner could make for himself alone.

I'm in it for the money


Carson Warnecke
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-08-19 23:35:04 UTC
Gaining half of my mining profit while he sits there and asks questions about the game. Fortunately there are people in the world who learn at faster rates that are being altruistic in their motives. I see now the hostility of these forums and will take my leave. So much for helping introduce new players to the game.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2015-08-19 23:37:20 UTC
I have to agree with the other posters. You are probably better off isk wise to drop the minning lazor and just run belt to belt killing rats yourself.

Granted isk per hour isn't the only thing in this game and making friends is important. So while I agree that making friends is important I don't think that you are doing any new player any favors by paying them to watch you while you mine. Team up with other players where everyone is acting as equals and the game will be more fun for everyone.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2015-08-19 23:43:17 UTC
Carson Warnecke wrote:
Gaining half of my mining profit while he sits there and asks questions about the game. Fortunately there are people in the world who learn at faster rates that are being altruistic in their motives. I see now the hostility of these forums and will take my leave. So much for helping introduce new players to the game.

I don't see the hostility that you are talking about. Just people being honest. Mining is less isk than ratting. Half of mining income is half of less isk than he could make just ratting on his own. If you want to teach someone the game that's fine but I ( and the other vets reading this post ) don't seem to see how you are helping them financially.

However that's not to say that this would not be something that someone would be interested in nor to say that you can't help them. I am just being a bit more straightforward about the numbers.

I wish you all the best luck and applaud your efforts. Have fun and fly it like you stole it from your ex-wife in the divorce.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

All Kill No Skill
#13 - 2015-08-19 23:45:32 UTC
Carson Warnecke wrote:
Gaining half of my mining profit while he sits there and asks questions about the game. Fortunately there are people in the world who learn at faster rates that are being altruistic in their motives. I see now the hostility of these forums and will take my leave. So much for helping introduce new players to the game.

Well you do understand that is what you are asking of a new player, to be a meat shield for ganks as miners do get ganked. You seem to haven't yet, but you will. If you are new, I'll give you advice here, form up with an experienced corp that protects their mining ops. If the two of you are new, you might both wind up ragequitting over what will happen to you. I see no hostility here, just realism from vets that understand how things work and are willing to provide realistic counsel. Don't be surprised by a protective attitude here, there are all sorts of "helping newbie" scams and such drifting around. Lucks!

I'm in it for the money


Carson Warnecke
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#14 - 2015-08-19 23:55:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Carson Warnecke
Its one thing protecting new players from scams. Its another to ridicule finite words like you're the media. He would be a friend and not used as a meat shield. I have to take all these as hostile remarks as I stated myself i am new but definitely learned at a much quicker pace. I didn't know exactly what you wanted me to state me and the other new player would do as my previous statement was pure sarcasm as i've gotten "ganked" loads of times, including from the ex-wife from the divorce. I will surely be more restricted in my wording next time I post. Testing for the hostility is what I do on all forums i'm new to. Yet to see someone suggest what I should do to help new players, just belittling current efforts.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#15 - 2015-08-20 00:12:45 UTC
Carson Warnecke wrote:
Its one thing protecting new players from scams. Its another to ridicule finite words like you're the media. He would be a friend and not used as a meat shield. I have to take all these as hostile remarks as I stated myself i am new but definitely learned at a much quicker pace. I didn't know exactly what you wanted me to state me and the other new player would do as my previous statement was pure sarcasm as i've gotten "ganked" loads of times, including from the ex-wife from the divorce. I will surely be more restricted in my wording next time I post. Testing for the hostility is what I do on all forums i'm new to. Yet to see someone suggest what I should do to help new players, just belittling current efforts.

i get it mate,
you want to take someone on board and healp out, its noble, genuinely it is.
however a s someone that clubs baby seals ( much like yourself ) for fun in down-time between contracts i can tell you that you should be able to defend yourself and/or enable your potential newbro to defend themselves from someone like me
Carson Warnecke
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#16 - 2015-08-20 00:21:27 UTC
Sorry I'm not big and bad and up to the par of your Titan-headed attitude. I was being sarcastic. Pay attention to tone of voice and the sheer crude remarks of saying he'd watch me mine. Who the hell plays a game to do that. Common sensibility should have won over with that.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#17 - 2015-08-20 00:26:42 UTC
Carson Warnecke wrote:
Sorry I'm not big and bad and up to the par of your Titan-headed attitude. I was being sarcastic. Pay attention to tone of voice and the sheer crude remarks of saying he'd watch me mine. Who the hell plays a game to do that. Common sensibility should have won over with that.

again, sorry for setting the tone here and getting you on the defensive,

sincerely i apologise,

what do ye do, what levels of experience are present in your corp?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2015-08-20 00:27:26 UTC
Carson Warnecke wrote:
Sorry I'm not big and bad and up to the par of your Titan-headed attitude. I was being sarcastic. Pay attention to tone of voice and the sheer crude remarks of saying he'd watch me mine. Who the hell plays a game to do that. Common sensibility should have won over with that.

This here is the only hostility I've seen so far on this post. The other vets are just trying to be more informative to any newbies reading this. You gave almost no info. When other's clarified your post that was blank of information you get pissy and then say that you were just being sarcastic?

I was not hostile before but I feel myself moving in that direction.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Carson Warnecke
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#19 - 2015-08-20 00:39:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Carson Warnecke
I'll be a little more clear. This started out as a post looking for someone to ally with on a buddy-buddy level. It was suspected I was scamming then I was told I shouldn't be helping anyone as I am new myself. If my post had no information why was it quoted so much to expose illogical methods. I just want someone to talk to in the game as I feel too much like the new players try to fend for themselves. I notice two active people in my corp and are both far ahead of me by having multiple characters and knowing what to do already. I am not trying to be a **** to anyone but I didn't realize asking for a friend was so hard.

I'm not trying to continue this and if you want to become hostile then so be it. I will have no rebuttal. All I was asking for was how I should help them. Still yet to receive an answer.
Vortexo VonBrenner
#20 - 2015-08-20 00:41:52 UTC
Carson Warnecke wrote:
Its one thing protecting new players from scams. Its another to ridicule finite words like you're the media. He would be a friend and not used as a meat shield. I have to take all these as hostile remarks as I stated myself i am new but definitely learned at a much quicker pace. I didn't know exactly what you wanted me to state me and the other new player would do as my previous statement was pure sarcasm as i've gotten "ganked" loads of times, including from the ex-wife from the divorce. I will surely be more restricted in my wording next time I post. Testing for the hostility is what I do on all forums i'm new to. Yet to see someone suggest what I should do to help new players, just belittling current efforts.

There is not hostility in this thread. This subforum is by far less hostile (by intention) than any other subforum in the EvE forums. Really if you are offended with this you are going to have a hard time in EvE. It is a great disservice to new players not to remind them not to trust others easily and try to look for the angles in EvE. I'm sorry if that offends you, but it is simply reality. Nobody is being hostile to you. Welcome to EvE.
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