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Damage rsistance of player Drones

Homir Muhn
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-08-16 11:43:40 UTC

I belleve that player controled Drones, need to be weak to EM damage;
so: Shield and Armor resistance of Drones have to be zero, at EM damage.

- lasers has worst tracking, apart from skills, bonus, modules, ...

Small Focused Luse I : tracking=0.246 rad/sec
Light Neutron Blaste I : tracking=0.379 -//-
200mm AC I : tracking=0.315 -//-
(attributes for turrets in market place)

- Blasters and AC have optimal near to Drones Orbit range; so easilly will hit a Drone.

- Javeline Rokets, even Precision LMS will hit easily the Drones. (because their Explosion radius, Explosion Velocity,)

- finally, reallistic speaking, Drones are electronic way controled.
#2 - 2015-08-16 14:30:03 UTC
EMP projectile ammo
Mjolnir missiles

Your balance point doesn't exist because it makes an assumption that amarr only gets emp damage.
Zan Shiro
#3 - 2015-08-17 01:14:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
Homir Muhn wrote:

- Blasters and AC have optimal near to Drones Orbit range; so easilly will hit a Drone.

MInd showing eft stats for what you plugged in.

I just eft'd some af's and generic ammo I get:

Jaguar 1.1+ 6.4 on 200 II's, EmpS all skill 5 no mods
Retribution 5.9+3.1, small focused II's multifreq again all skills 5 no mods
Enyo 1.7+3.1, (edit....oops not 31.1 lol) small neutron blasters II, AM all skills 5 no mods

Tell us ammo's loaded at least. I cba to work out all ammo combinations. I used ammo eft puts into them default. The limited swap outs I did for laser show nothing dropping to enyo or jaguar optimal levels. If I missed an ammo...please do tell and I may correct myself lol.

These ships chosen as you seem to be focused in frigs. And have optimal bonuses. Your rretribution shoots farther in optimal the take away. My AC jaguar starts falloff games basically as soon as the round leaves the barrel. AC jag also chosen as you mentioned AC's directly and because it fits Arty like ass....its run this way anyway most of the time.
Chainsaw Plankton
#4 - 2015-08-17 04:42:47 UTC
most drones have most of their HP in shield and structure which do have 0 em resist. Looks like amarr drones have the beefiest armor tank, but I'm not sure it is a problem that really needs addressing.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#5 - 2015-08-17 07:28:43 UTC
Mikkir wrote:
EMP projectile ammo
Mjolnir missiles

Your balance point doesn't exist because it makes an assumption that amarr only gets emp damage.

Not to even mention EM Smartbombs...
Anize Oramara
#6 - 2015-08-17 12:17:20 UTC
Did the OP get ripped a new one by a cruiser/BS's drones? Or maybe a worm's super drones.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Celise Katelo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-08-17 12:44:50 UTC
Drones will pop easy at 50km P

EVEBoard ...Just over 60million skill points, each skill was chosen for a reason. I closed my eyes & clicked another skill to train... "BINGO...!!!" ... "This time i got something usefull"

Arthur Aihaken
#8 - 2015-08-17 17:19:22 UTC
Pretty sure player drones already have 0% EM shield resistances.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.