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[EVENT] Theomachy 2015

DotheBarrel Roll
#21 - 2015-08-09 21:27:18 UTC  |  Edited by: DotheBarrel Roll
Thanks for this great event!Big smile

My suggestion would be to have a 10-15 minute biobreak for everyone(not only overseers) like half way through the event. The framerate on the last beacon was abysmal after 5h on my machine(0.5 frames per minute) and I needed to relog badly but didnt want to be disqualified.
The overview also needs some more love and some beacon grids were totally ****** up before being cluttered, not sure if that was an accident or on purpose.
Riela Tanal
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#22 - 2015-08-09 21:44:15 UTC
Biobreak might be very hard to enforce as with some of the other rules we had. But I will keep that in mind.

My +5 standings to the logistics corp solution for unpiloted ships works temporarily until people from LG get in a ship then leave so the overview was bound to get cluttered. But will take those suggestions.
Riela Tanal
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#23 - 2015-08-10 18:56:01 UTC
So everyone has been waiting for the Hidden Achievement List and the prizes associated with them.


Some notable things, I added a Most kills with a barge after watching Elise's stream with the Hero Battle Barges slaughtering people.

An Overseer died in the most expensive Cyno ship ever being a Moracha. I personally got soloed by a Procurer in my Overseer Whiptail fit for tackling not tank. He did proceed to get swarmed when I died.

Whiptail Loss

Expensive Cyno

Ludus Gallicus
Ships Destroyed: 763
Total Damage Done: 6,355,974
Value: 53.12b

Overseer Ships
Ships Destroyed: 264
Total Damage Done: 3,405,433.00
Value: 1.135T

What secured Robby Godfather's win is he looted one of the loot pinata Dreads for Slave Implants and got a Armor BS at the end game beacon.

I have also received some great constructive feedback in what to change for next year, issues that happened this year that did not happen last year, some of my solutions for some issues last year not quite panning out like I had expected. I do look forward to trying this again next year if CCP will be up to it again.

If you have any questions contact me via evemail.
Riela Tanal
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#24 - 2015-08-12 18:19:36 UTC
I have begun putting out contracts with the prizes to the Top 40 and the people who won the Achievements. Please accept your contracts so I can get everyone their prizes quickly.
Riela Tanal
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#25 - 2015-09-04 21:02:22 UTC
ISD, since all prizes have been given out and the event is over, you can lock this now.
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