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Making nullsec worth fighting over

Garrett Howe
New Eden Shipbuilding
#1 - 2015-08-09 00:10:29 UTC
Epic fights, particularly over sov, have been one of the greatest aspects of this game when they have occured. However, one prerequisite for these fights is people actually wanting to fight over sov. How would you improve sov to draw more people to 0.0?
Madd Adda
#2 - 2015-08-09 00:50:45 UTC
no improvements to this game can make people go take sov or go to null. It's all a matter of choice for the player.

Carebear extraordinaire

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#3 - 2015-08-09 08:45:23 UTC
The only point to Sov is the ability to build capitals. even that is a bait and switch, as the inclusion of harvesting and industry exists solely to give PvP pilots soft targets to kill.

You can only own space in name, not in fact. Any month old toon with two spare highslots can completely negate any security measures you want to put in place. Who wants to go through the monumental effort and expense just to stick your name on screen?

In as far as it goes, there is as much reason to fight over Sov as you can get.
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-08-09 09:01:44 UTC
Nullsec is the biggest isk faucet in the game... Why does it need improvement?
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#5 - 2015-08-09 11:26:17 UTC
If you want a nullsec war why don't you go and instigate one?

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Colt Blackhawk
#6 - 2015-08-09 11:32:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Colt Blackhawk
Celthric Kanerian wrote:
Nullsec is the biggest isk faucet in the game... Why does it need improvement?

Only because most nullseccers are bots, idiots or slaves or again idiots Ugh

Ratting in own -1.0 sys with carrier:
-you risk 2b ship.
-high sp requirements.
-isk/h is meh

Lowsec fw missions:
-better isk/h than carrier ratting in 0.0
-you risk only 30mil bomber
-3 month old focused alt can do it

NPC space 0.0 missions:
-still better isk/h than carrier sov ratting
-medium sp requirements.
-still usually not risking 2b ship.
-If done right even lowsec fw isk/h income possible

So honestly the only point of getting sov and having it is being a slave who pays his masters (aka corp CEO, ally leader) sweet life with moo goo or having something erm... the players get a symbol they can identificate with^^

[09:04:53] Ashira Twilight > Plant the f****** amarr flag and s*** on their smoking wrecks.

Zan Shiro
#7 - 2015-08-09 16:01:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
Garrett Howe wrote:
Epic fights, particularly over sov, have been one of the greatest aspects of this game when they have occured. However, one prerequisite for these fights is people actually wanting to fight over sov. How would you improve sov to draw more people to 0.0?

Remove auto bill pay for sov stuff.

Seems a missed payment and loss of sov seems to get people scrambling based on past missed collection cycles. This would get more frequent than the current system of have money in wallet tab was gone potentially. They'd have to have the money AND pay the bill manually.

Barring usual advice is get these people to ride their leaderships ass to go on more road trips. It may not be the rank and file complacent to stay at home as it were. They want to travel, see new eden, and blow crap up in new and exotic places. It be leadership possibly not down for this. I recall some fun (and expensive) deaths on roams that pissed off leadership.

Why are you guys crapping up the kb?
We were really bored with ratting so we you know...roamed. We also said we made good money this month, wth, lets pimp the rides a little. Its only isk...we will make more.

But thats me....I don't RTM. Not saying large crews do...well not directly as I have no proof lol....but if not that what the hell are they saving up for i have to ask. Billions upon billions if no trillions in the bank, in theory it can never leave the game. So what is the hold up to spending it?