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Announcement: Demon Summoning Temple Operational

Odelya d'Hanguest
Order of St. Severian
#41 - 2015-08-03 21:09:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Odelya d'Hanguest
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Over time, their attempts to obtain the attention of the IGS inevitably get more and more elaborate, grandiose and far-fetched, and yet at the same time more boring. It happened with Revan Neferis, it happened with Cyshade, it happened with what's-her-face from Khanid and once again it's repeating itself with Nauplius.

As far as we remember the Thrice-Illustrious Sovereign handed out enormous amounts of money for having herself entertained. However blasphemous and condemnable her deeds were, at least she was creating the impression of being a “savant,” while Nauplius has the charisma of a post office clerk.
Anyanka Funk wrote:
Nauplius, babe. Can we also use Gallente sacrifices to summon the demons?
A post office clerk with an ugly leech attached to his body.
Synthetic Cultist
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#42 - 2015-08-03 21:16:55 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:

Can you guarantee that neither you nor any of your people would use me as a pawn to attack any friends or loved ones I might have among the Amarr?


Synthia 1, Empress of Kaztropol.

It is Written.

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#43 - 2015-08-03 21:37:04 UTC
I just realized, he may end up with my in-laws........ Summon away, Naups.

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2015-08-03 21:41:17 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Synthetic Cultist wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:

I got a close enough look at the Church of the Crimson Savior (who seem to be some of the nicer ones) while I was with SFRIM to make that seem like a likely outcome.

It is an Unlikely Outcome.

Unless you explicitly Volunteered for Such.

Respectfully, I got a close look because I got a little bit involved. Before, I never understood how exquisitely personal the conflict between Sani and Amarr is. But I got a sense of it while I was there.

As much as I like to approach things as a neutral observer, it's obvious that I can't remain completely neutral. I'm not a wandering spirit; I leave footprints. Some of those footprints pass through the Empire.

Can you guarantee that neither you nor any of your people would use me as a pawn to attack any friends or loved ones I might have among the Amarr? If I were to put myself in your power, it wouldn't be difficult to do.

It's not as though such things never happen. I've acted as a messenger in that sort of thing before, and don't have much desire to become a message.

Pop over for a massage any time

Oh wait...I misread...

Pop over anyway :)
Hoi Andrapodistai
#45 - 2015-08-03 21:51:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Nauplius
Synthetic Cultist wrote:

  1. It does not state the Orientation of the Triangle. Is it to Point To the Altar, or Away from the Altar ?
  2. It does not state the Type of Triangle. Is it Equilateral ?
  3. It does not explicitly state the Size of the Triangle. How large is a Demon ? Is it Larger than a Person ? How much Larger ?
  4. It does not state how the Text should be Arranged along the Sides of the Triangle. Is the Text to be Above the Triangle, such that the Triangle underlines it ?
  5. It does not state the Orientation of the Text along the Circumference of the Circle. Should the Text be Above the Circle, or underneath it ?
  6. What kind of Robe ? A Knee length Robe ? An Ankle length Robe ? does the Robe have a Hood ?
  7. It does not state the Orientation of the Drawings of the Ametat and Avetat. Which Direction should they be Pointing ?
  8. It does not state the appropriate Volume for the Goblet. What size should it Be ?

This lack of Detail, means that Reproducibility of this Activity is lacking. It is Not Properly Documented. Therefore, Unscientific.


Demons, being Creatures of God, and thus, given a Place and Purpose by God, would have their Own Schedules of Appointed Work.

Interrupting them, by Summoning them, and Preventing them from carrying out their Appointed Duties, is therefore to Interfere with their God-Appointed Purpose, which is Possibly Blasphemous.


I Do Not Recommend Attempting To Repeat This Ritual, due to the Risk of Accidental Blasphemy through Improper Practice.

Thank you for your commentary on this demon summoning rite. My overall reply to your objections is this — have you considered the possibility that the unspecified details are in fact not essential to the efficacy of the rite? That said, my Demon Summoning Temple is performing the rite as follows:

  • The Triangle into which the demon is summoned points away from the Altar of God.
  • The Triangle is equilateral.
  • In determining the size of the Triangle, one must consult grimoires and other ritual texts wherein the physical qualities of the various demons are provided.
  • The Text (Garrulor/Frisceas/Sefrim) should be drawn outside the Triangle.
  • The Text (ὁ τοῦ αἵματος θεός) should be drawn outside the circumference of the Circle.
  • The Robe is floor-length and hooded.
  • The Ametat and Avetat are drawn upright.
  • The goblet should be sized appropriate to the demon being summoned.

Regarding the use of demons: demons exist, like everything else, to glorify God. It is no more sacrilege to summon a demon and direct it to an activity that glorifies God, such as destroying Minmatar, than it is to mine an asteroid and use the resulting Veldspar to build a Tormentor and employ it against the Minmatar militia.

Finally, many commenters on this thread have complained that I and my demon summoning rite are boring. This objection is stupid. One does not design a demon summoning rite to be exciting; one designs a demon summoning rite that summons demons.
TK Corp
#46 - 2015-08-03 21:52:49 UTC
Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#47 - 2015-08-03 21:54:12 UTC
But can you summon an exciting demon?

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#48 - 2015-08-03 22:48:50 UTC
Tyrel Toov wrote:
But can you summon an exciting demon?

Bhaalgorn would be pretty exciting I guess. Might strike up a party so epic a planet gets burned in the process.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2015-08-03 22:52:40 UTC
Actually I've heard that Bhaalgorn's presence can be a drain on the proceedings. Takes all the energy out of a party.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#50 - 2015-08-03 22:56:36 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Actually I've heard that Bhaalgorn's presence can be a drain on the proceedings. Takes all the energy out of a party.

My mother-in-law must be a Bhaalgorn.

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Hoi Andrapodistai
#51 - 2015-08-04 00:50:20 UTC
Tyrel Toov wrote:
But can you summon an exciting demon?

This would be counterproductive.
Mizhara Del'thul
#52 - 2015-08-04 00:56:14 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
Synthetic Cultist wrote:

  1. It does not state the Orientation of the Triangle. Is it to Point To the Altar, or Away from the Altar ?
  2. It does not state the Type of Triangle. Is it Equilateral ?
  3. It does not explicitly state the Size of the Triangle. How large is a Demon ? Is it Larger than a Person ? How much Larger ?
  4. It does not state how the Text should be Arranged along the Sides of the Triangle. Is the Text to be Above the Triangle, such that the Triangle underlines it ?
  5. It does not state the Orientation of the Text along the Circumference of the Circle. Should the Text be Above the Circle, or underneath it ?
  6. What kind of Robe ? A Knee length Robe ? An Ankle length Robe ? does the Robe have a Hood ?
  7. It does not state the Orientation of the Drawings of the Ametat and Avetat. Which Direction should they be Pointing ?
  8. It does not state the appropriate Volume for the Goblet. What size should it Be ?

This lack of Detail, means that Reproducibility of this Activity is lacking. It is Not Properly Documented. Therefore, Unscientific.


Demons, being Creatures of God, and thus, given a Place and Purpose by God, would have their Own Schedules of Appointed Work.

Interrupting them, by Summoning them, and Preventing them from carrying out their Appointed Duties, is therefore to Interfere with their God-Appointed Purpose, which is Possibly Blasphemous.


I Do Not Recommend Attempting To Repeat This Ritual, due to the Risk of Accidental Blasphemy through Improper Practice.

Thank you for your commentary on this demon summoning rite. My overall reply to your objections is this — have you considered the possibility that the unspecified details are in fact not essential to the efficacy of the rite? That said, my Demon Summoning Temple is performing the rite as follows:

  • The Triangle into which the demon is summoned points away from the Altar of God.
  • The Triangle is equilateral.
  • In determining the size of the Triangle, one must consult grimoires and other ritual texts wherein the physical qualities of the various demons are provided.
  • The Text (Garrulor/Frisceas/Sefrim) should be drawn outside the Triangle.
  • The Text (ὁ τοῦ αἵματος θεός) should be drawn outside the circumference of the Circle.
  • The Robe is floor-length and hooded.
  • The Ametat and Avetat are drawn upright.
  • The goblet should be sized appropriate to the demon being summoned.

Regarding the use of demons: demons exist, like everything else, to glorify God. It is no more sacrilege to summon a demon and direct it to an activity that glorifies God, such as destroying Minmatar, than it is to mine an asteroid and use the resulting Veldspar to build a Tormentor and employ it against the Minmatar militia.

Finally, many commenters on this thread have complained that I and my demon summoning rite are boring. This objection is stupid. One does not design a demon summoning rite to be exciting; one designs a demon summoning rite that summons demons.

Instructions unclear. Goon sacrifice stuck in ceiling fan.
TK Corp
#53 - 2015-08-04 01:00:49 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Instructions unclear. Goon sacrifice stuck in ceiling fan.

Mizhara Del'thul
#54 - 2015-08-04 01:08:26 UTC
Just sayin', ritual needs work.
Anyanka Funk
#55 - 2015-08-04 01:10:41 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Nauplius wrote:
Synthetic Cultist wrote:

  1. It does not state the Orientation of the Triangle. Is it to Point To the Altar, or Away from the Altar ?
  2. It does not state the Type of Triangle. Is it Equilateral ?
  3. It does not explicitly state the Size of the Triangle. How large is a Demon ? Is it Larger than a Person ? How much Larger ?
  4. It does not state how the Text should be Arranged along the Sides of the Triangle. Is the Text to be Above the Triangle, such that the Triangle underlines it ?
  5. It does not state the Orientation of the Text along the Circumference of the Circle. Should the Text be Above the Circle, or underneath it ?
  6. What kind of Robe ? A Knee length Robe ? An Ankle length Robe ? does the Robe have a Hood ?
  7. It does not state the Orientation of the Drawings of the Ametat and Avetat. Which Direction should they be Pointing ?
  8. It does not state the appropriate Volume for the Goblet. What size should it Be ?

This lack of Detail, means that Reproducibility of this Activity is lacking. It is Not Properly Documented. Therefore, Unscientific.


Demons, being Creatures of God, and thus, given a Place and Purpose by God, would have their Own Schedules of Appointed Work.

Interrupting them, by Summoning them, and Preventing them from carrying out their Appointed Duties, is therefore to Interfere with their God-Appointed Purpose, which is Possibly Blasphemous.


I Do Not Recommend Attempting To Repeat This Ritual, due to the Risk of Accidental Blasphemy through Improper Practice.

Thank you for your commentary on this demon summoning rite. My overall reply to your objections is this — have you considered the possibility that the unspecified details are in fact not essential to the efficacy of the rite? That said, my Demon Summoning Temple is performing the rite as follows:

  • The Triangle into which the demon is summoned points away from the Altar of God.
  • The Triangle is equilateral.
  • In determining the size of the Triangle, one must consult grimoires and other ritual texts wherein the physical qualities of the various demons are provided.
  • The Text (Garrulor/Frisceas/Sefrim) should be drawn outside the Triangle.
  • The Text (ὁ τοῦ αἵματος θεός) should be drawn outside the circumference of the Circle.
  • The Robe is floor-length and hooded.
  • The Ametat and Avetat are drawn upright.
  • The goblet should be sized appropriate to the demon being summoned.

Regarding the use of demons: demons exist, like everything else, to glorify God. It is no more sacrilege to summon a demon and direct it to an activity that glorifies God, such as destroying Minmatar, than it is to mine an asteroid and use the resulting Veldspar to build a Tormentor and employ it against the Minmatar militia.

Finally, many commenters on this thread have complained that I and my demon summoning rite are boring. This objection is stupid. One does not design a demon summoning rite to be exciting; one designs a demon summoning rite that summons demons.

Instructions unclear. Goon sacrifice stuck in ceiling fan.

I'm glad to see fellow Minmatar supporting ritual sacrifice to red god.
Mizhara Del'thul
#56 - 2015-08-04 01:16:45 UTC
You're not particularly good at grasping.... anything really, are you little blooder?
Cydonia Meridian
House Singularity
Sixth Empire
#57 - 2015-08-04 02:26:17 UTC
Fascinating! Can I volunteer to come watch? I'd love to see you actually pull this off!

Nauplius wrote:

If they do disobey, challenge them to a rock-off.

But when they hold the scepter, you must hold the key.

Synthetic Cultist wrote:


I Do Not Recommend Attempting To Repeat This Ritual, due to the Risk of Accidental Blasphemy through Improper Practice.

the best kind of Blasphemy!

Nauplius wrote:

Finally, many commenters on this thread have complained that I and my demon summoning rite are boring. This objection is stupid.

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#58 - 2015-08-04 03:55:35 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
Tyrel Toov wrote:
But can you summon an exciting demon?

This would be counterproductive.

So you can't...... You are the worst demon - summoner ever. A demon needs to be exciting, fire and brimstone erupting from the ground, evil monologs (not the s**t you spout, truly evil monologs), gratuitous nudity, chanting, psychological torture, and a horrific Visage. If you can't do that, you may as well sic kittens and children on us....

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Anyanka Funk
#59 - 2015-08-04 04:12:41 UTC
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Nauplius wrote:
Tyrel Toov wrote:
But can you summon an exciting demon?

This would be counterproductive.

So you can't...... You are the worst demon - summoner ever. A demon needs to be exciting, fire and brimstone erupting from the ground, evil monologs (not the s**t you spout, truly evil monologs), gratuitous nudity, chanting, psychological torture, and a horrific Visage. If you can't do that, you may as well sic kittens and children on us....

Citation needed.

Does anyone realize what Nauplius is doing here? This is supernatural! The unexplainable. Summoning supernatural creatures is exciting enough without making it into a Gallente game show. This is real life people!

What is a demon? Is the term subjective? Do we have demons in real life already?

Would you consider a raider that took your children as tribute to be a demon? What about that CODE. follower that killed their entire crew along with yours? We are all demons! And what we do is not all that exciting.

As for the thereafter of the demon summoning. I would also like to know what will happen to the demons. I'm on the edge of my quarter's sofa awaiting.

TK Corp
#60 - 2015-08-04 04:15:44 UTC
Anyanka Funk wrote:
Does anyone realize what Nauplius is doing here?

Pulling nonsense out of his butt? Yeah I think we're pretty clear on that.