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New Ship Type in Eve - The Warbarge

First post
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#21 - 2015-06-13 16:33:47 UTC
Captain Africa wrote:
Duchess Starbuckington wrote:
I don't even know where to start on how stupid this idea is, and can't be bothered to write an essay, so I'll just say: HAHAHAHAHA NOPE.

No such thing as a stupid idea ...only a stupid hair cut.

have you read any of the other threads in this subforum?
Eagle's Talon's
#22 - 2015-06-13 23:05:41 UTC
A Warbarge.....this idea could be converted into something that miners need. A barge with teeth. Pvper's prey on mining barges to much because they are easy kills. Far to easy kills. Yet they bolster their ego's with the number of barges they kill in a month. I say make the Warbarge into a Combat Mining Barge based on the Procurer Hull. Give the barge a T3 variant designation where the sub-systems will allow for different combinations of weapons and mining lasers to be fitted to the ship. One sub would allow for a strip miner to added plus three laser, projectile, missile or hybrid turrets to be added. Another sub would allow for four mining lasers to be added plus six laser, projectile, missile or hybrid turrets. All of the subs would have their own bonuses and draw backs but the bonuses to this ship would be that the miners could defend theirself in a group or solo as well as giving the PvPer's something that shoots back.

It's kinda sad that you roam for mining barges in a Sin, Proteus and other T2 and T3 ships. Rather sad indeed.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#23 - 2015-06-13 23:49:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuronaga
ShahFluffers wrote:
The OP doesn't understand the limits of EVE's system.

- the legacy code of EVE does not allow more than one player to occupy the same ship another player is already in. From what I have heard from the DEVs... the times they have tinkered with this the core code shrieks bloody murder, spazzes out, fries a couple of critical circuits, strangles a DEV, and then crashes.
Now this MIGHT change eventually... but do not hold your breath.

- Manual aiming will be about as accurate as manual flying in EVE is. The reason for this is simple; the sever runs on a "one second tick." By this I mean; the server uploads, processes, calculates, executes, and sends data once per second (for comparison, FPS games have a "tick rate" in the milliseconds)
Now on one hand... it allows for stable, reliable gameplay for players worldwide and allows for massive fights between large groups of players (there is a reason that FPS games/servers are generally limited to regions and ~64 players per map).
On the other hand... it creates all sorts of syncing voodoo issues and means that manual flight is essentially Flight Simulator stuck at one frame per second (but with smoother movement between each frame).
Unlike the first point, I do not see this changing. This was a decision born from hardware limitations and diminishing returns (for reference, EVE is running on a decommissioned military supercomputer) and a desire to keep EVE as a single "shard" that all players inhabit.

And then there are a host of little gameplay issues that I think have been covered above.

You get an A for effort OP. But please, please, please do research before you come and propose another idea.

edit: was on my mobile when I posted this... typos fixed, elaborated a bit on some points, and added stuff.

On the topic of multiple players "occupying" ships I would like to add that the term occupying is relative, and most devs are like most people -- perhaps decent at math, but otherwise not very clever at actual problem solving in real life. There are dozens of acceptable methods to make it work without changing the core code or actually assigning a single entity in a game to multiple players.

If the game cries when you try to place several players inside of a single player-designated bubble, you change this by metaphorically gluing several smaller bubbles on varying sides of the original bubble. In the case of ambulation, well... cards were definitely melting when they tried to put multiple people in a room together. Then again, GPU tech has advanced a good bit since then. I can imagine it being a decent optional thing for those with the ability to deal with its lack of optimization.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#24 - 2015-06-14 17:53:41 UTC
Have you been reading a certain other games development blogs?
Also why add one super special snowflake to the game because you want to copy another games idea but realize CCP will never have the funding to do it properly?

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Marauder Initiative
#25 - 2015-06-14 17:57:36 UTC
Kuronaga wrote:
On the topic of multiple players "occupying" ships I would like to add that the term occupying is relative, and most devs are like most people -- perhaps decent at math, but otherwise not very clever at actual problem solving in real life. There are dozens of acceptable methods to make it work without changing the core code or actually assigning a single entity in a game to multiple players.

If the game cries when you try to place several players inside of a single player-designated bubble, you change this by metaphorically gluing several smaller bubbles on varying sides of the original bubble. In the case of ambulation, well... cards were definitely melting when they tried to put multiple people in a room together. Then again, GPU tech has advanced a good bit since then. I can imagine it being a decent optional thing for those with the ability to deal with its lack of optimization.

Why are all people doing assumptions on code, when they have absolutely no clue about said code, or even just about basic programming knowledge..?

French half-noob.

Non, je ne suis pas gentil.

Captain Africa
#26 - 2015-06-15 09:26:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Africa
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
Have you been reading a certain other games development blogs?
Also why add one super special snowflake to the game because you want to copy another games idea but realize CCP will never have the funding to do it properly?

What ur talking about Dust ?..if not then i have no idea to what other game your referring to ...

As far as the special snowflake only need one Merc transport ship ...and it would be the warbarge. The whole idea is to make dust mercs mobile in new eden and be competitive in space..when they do move mercs.

I thought this idea would be a good platform to do it...
Not that Forumguy
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2015-06-15 10:51:06 UTC
Or maybe your just thinking of a new type of support ship ? rather then carry troops, perhaps you could have it say... have some sort of link that you can lock on to a friendly pod and help it survive / escape etc.. or it could have a shield that only players in friendly pod's can go inside for safety, in the fleet fight, medical ship etc ?

I think instead of troops you could center your thoughts around what happens when a player loses the ship they are using and is now in a pod, and what your ship could do to answer that scenario, maybe a pod could come near your ship, and you launch a fighter which that pod pilot can fly and get back into the fleet fight, not sure???
Captain Africa
#28 - 2015-06-15 13:04:31 UTC
Not that Forumguy wrote:
Or maybe your just thinking of a new type of support ship ? rather then carry troops, perhaps you could have it say... have some sort of link that you can lock on to a friendly pod and help it survive / escape etc.. or it could have a shield that only players in friendly pod's can go inside for safety, in the fleet fight, medical ship etc ?

I think instead of troops you could center your thoughts around what happens when a player loses the ship they are using and is now in a pod, and what your ship could do to answer that scenario, maybe a pod could come near your ship, and you launch a fighter which that pod pilot can fly and get back into the fleet fight, not sure???

LOL Man this is about Dust flying around in New Eden ...anyways this thread has reached its end ..
Juan Mileghere
The Corporate Raiders
#29 - 2015-06-15 18:11:01 UTC
Only thing I could think of would be something similar to an Orca(price, size, ship qualities) that's just meant for Jump Clone Production(and does it less effectively than the Rorq or Titan) but even then it seems fairly pointless compared to just getting a damn Rorq
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#30 - 2015-06-15 22:56:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuronaga
Nyalnara wrote:
Kuronaga wrote:
On the topic of multiple players "occupying" ships I would like to add that the term occupying is relative, and most devs are like most people -- perhaps decent at math, but otherwise not very clever at actual problem solving in real life. There are dozens of acceptable methods to make it work without changing the core code or actually assigning a single entity in a game to multiple players.

If the game cries when you try to place several players inside of a single player-designated bubble, you change this by metaphorically gluing several smaller bubbles on varying sides of the original bubble. In the case of ambulation, well... cards were definitely melting when they tried to put multiple people in a room together. Then again, GPU tech has advanced a good bit since then. I can imagine it being a decent optional thing for those with the ability to deal with its lack of optimization.

Why are all people doing assumptions on code, when they have absolutely no clue about said code, or even just about basic programming knowledge..?

Because ignorance and a dull wit is a more common roadblock than mathematical impossibility. This applies to developers as well as regular people.

Furthermore, one need not be able to code to understand it is simply a language that creates rules, and any number of rules can be bent to do what you need them to do regardless of the language they are written in.
Specia1 K
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#31 - 2015-06-16 03:34:00 UTC
You could make it a multi-player salvage ship (like the Noctis) and call it the

Champion of the Knights of the General Discussion


Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#32 - 2015-06-16 11:36:31 UTC
Market Wizard wrote:
CCP has said "No" to the idea of a ship that can have multiple capsuleers in it so many times that the very thought of someone wanting to report the thread will get ISD's attn and in here to lock it.

This gon get locked alright.

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Captain Africa
#33 - 2015-08-03 19:48:09 UTC

Tin foil hat ...never underestimate the power .
A Big Enough Lever
#34 - 2015-08-03 20:40:36 UTC
reported for necro........ I knew I'd seen this same thread somewhere before - the link is a different game. not EVE directly linked (like dust) though it is cool
when we get turrets in EVE that can shoot down missiles as well as fighters, frigates, and what looks like BS's - I'll grant you something along these lines, until then, please let the d****ed thread die!

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Captain Africa
#35 - 2015-08-03 21:59:59 UTC
ha ha ha and I thought I had the last word.
ISD Decoy
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#36 - 2015-08-03 22:30:29 UTC
13. Spamming is prohibited.

Spam is defined as the repetitive posting of the same topic or nonsensical post that has no substance and is often designed to annoy other forum users. This can include the words “first”, “go back to insert other game name” and other such posts that contribute no value to forum discussion. Spamming also includes the posting of ASCII art within a forum post, or the practice of “thread necromancy” which involved bumping of old threads for no justifiable reason.

Thread did not need to be necro'd. Locked.

ISD Decoy


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

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