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[Bounty Hunting] A Solution to Create a Near-perfect System

First post
Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#101 - 2015-07-29 02:50:59 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
Honestly there is nothing against a person placing bounties on all of EvE, i knew a guy once called a bounty bot because thats all he did to people, put a 100k bounty on them. think it was part of his own personal intel network doing that.

Under the current system no one even cares if they have a bounty because it is meaningless UNLESS you provide the proper situation to allow someone to kill you to collect. In other words you have to do something that gives you a criminal flag, or something that gives a player kill rights that can be sold. Under the system as stated in the OP anyone can put a bounty on any other player same as it is now. The difference in the OP idea is that the very act of placing that bounty makes you a legitimate target for a bounty hunter even if you have NO CRIMINAL FLAG and NO KILL RIGHTS against you and even in high sec you would have NO Concord protections. It is this ability for a player to so easily bypass Concord protections that I am most concerned about.

Boba Mereel there is no confusion in my mind in fact you even stated it plainly back on page 1.
Boba Mereel wrote:
The bounty right allows the hunter to kill the target anywhere(except in stations of course), anytime. Please note that bounties will more often than not be placed on pirates and gankers more than anything else, so killing pirates and gankers in lowsec and highsec will actually help the flow of trade as now there is a force to counteract pirates and gankers.

It is your opinion that bounties would for the most part be placed on gankers etc and in that you are wrong. Never underestimate the ability and the willingness of players to use game mechanics simply to harass and grief others simply because they can. And it is for this reason that the only time a player should be allowed to negate Concord protections is under a war dec.

Max Deveron wrote:
ok still this idea does not include placing bounties on like corp thieves, an awoxer, etc......where is the retribution in that especially if that character simply resides in an npc corp for a lon period of time? hence the need for bounty hunters and an actually working profession, not this broken system we have right now.

In many ways I am inclined to agree with you and I need to respond to these as separate items.

For corp thieves a system could be set up that allows for a CEO / Directors for lack of a better way of describing it issue a request for an arrest warrant. If sufficient information to prove guilt was provided then the thief would gain a criminal flag making him vulnerable to bounties and they would not have Concord protections because of the criminal flag.

AWOXers are a non-issue, the CEO already has the tools required to handle this in the game. If the CEO does not allow intra-corp aggression the an AWOXer gains a criminal flag for shooting a corp mate. Bounty is placed and bounty hunter is free to engage without Concord since the target has a criminal flag. If the CEO allows for intra-corp aggression and you do not like the possible outcomes then leave the corp, or have a serious talk with your CEO.

For either of these to work the criminal flag timer would have to be extended a lot. But then I do not see a problem with that as the current timer is to short by abolut 3 or 4 days anyway so extending it to cover the 3 days a bounty would be valid covers both ideas.

As you can see from these brief examples we can come to a workable solution to the bounty hunter problem without opening it up as the OP has suggested in ways that can and would be abused to harass and grief others.

1.) I can not support the idea that would literally put gankers into a station for 3-4 days, and you can not extend the flashy yellow as it pertains for stealing some one elses can, etc.
2.) as to corp thieves, no a criminal flag should not be levied as again being stuck in a station, the flashy yellow is Suspect not criminal.
3.) instituting the flag systme for either is not going to work, simply wait out the timer and then poof you have no recourse but to place a bounty on someone if you really wish them dead. in most cases, a wardec especially by an indy corp just will not work as the thief/awoxer leaves the area for other prey.

flags will not work.
Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#102 - 2015-07-29 02:52:34 UTC
Boba Mereel wrote:
It is your opinion that bounties would for the most part be placed on gankers etc and in that you are wrong. Never underestimate the ability and the willingness of players to use game mechanics simply to harass and grief others simply because they can. And it is for this reason that the only time a player should be allowed to negate Concord protections is under a war dec

A bounty can't be placed on a person unless they agress you and then kill you. Under no other circumstances will you be able to place a bounty. There would be a limit to how many bounties one person can place at a time to prevent griefing, but it is literally impossible to grief someone with this system due to the fact they have to attack you first, then kill you. You will not be given the option to place a bounty if you agressed the person first.

Other than that you pretty much took the words out of my mouth on how the bounty system would work on corporate thieves. Big smile

Also once a persons bounty placement queue is full, if they get killed again the right to place a bounty on the person tat killed them will be put in a wait list and will become avalible to place once te queue has a free space. It should only take around 10 minutes for a bounty slot to be emptied do to the fact bounties will be swiftly acquired by bounty hunters.

Also..... you only can keep the right to place a bounty on someone for 24 hours after the offer.

i also can not support a system that will not allow Bounties unless you have been killed by someone, there are many other reasons for actually doing so.....if the current system wasnt currently broken.
Boba Mereel
#103 - 2015-07-29 02:56:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Boba Mereel
Max Deveron wrote:
Boba Mereel wrote:
It is your opinion that bounties would for the most part be placed on gankers etc and in that you are wrong. Never underestimate the ability and the willingness of players to use game mechanics simply to harass and grief others simply because they can. And it is for this reason that the only time a player should be allowed to negate Concord protections is under a war dec

A bounty can't be placed on a person unless they agress you and then kill you. Under no other circumstances will you be able to place a bounty. There would be a limit to how many bounties one person can place at a time to prevent griefing, but it is literally impossible to grief someone with this system due to the fact they have to attack you first, then kill you. You will not be given the option to place a bounty if you agressed the person first.

Also once a persons bounty placement queue is full, if they get killed again the right to place a bounty on the person tat killed them will be put in a wait list and will become avalible to place once te queue has a free space. It should only take around 10 minutes for a bounty slot to be emptied do to the fact bounties will be swiftly acquired by bounty hunters.

Also..... you only can keep the right to place a bounty on someone for 24 hours after the offer.

i also can not support a system that will not allow Bounties unless you have been killed by someone, there are many other reasons for actually doing so.....if the current system wasnt currently broken.

Features like placing bounties for doing something that is criminal, but not murder would be added in the future to prevent confusion on how the system works upon release. Also it would give time for CCP to figure out how to implement that without breaking the game. Basically it would evolve over time, with things like this it's best to start small.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2015-07-29 03:11:08 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
are you afraid of bounty hunters? are you afraid of them having the real ability to enforce something as a style of play?

Gankers already go around despite Concord....maybe some people like the idea of being an actual privateer doing Concord's job before the target does something, or maybe hunting those that have done something to be bountied in the first place.

Seriously, I have a 10 million bounty on myself even....and I am not going to cry and whine if someone suddenly shows up to blap my tengu while missioning....all i can say is good luck hunter, even if they have friends so do i.

Lol. Ha ha. Ha. Ha.... Funniest thing I've read all day. I'm more afraid of a new character in a rookie corp than any bounty hunter or anti-pirate. Why? Because I can't know who that new character actually is. A 'bounty hunter' is easy to figure out.

You already have every mechanic you need to anti-gank, or hunt targets. What you lack is the effort to do it. That is the key problem in every anti-gank/bounty hunting thread: The effort and willingness to use the tools at hand. They all already do the job without compromising the rest of the game. Bounties being restricted to kill rights is ridiculous, as you can already make kill rights available for free. There is nothing gained in doing this, and quite a bit lost.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Boba Mereel
#105 - 2015-07-29 03:22:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Boba Mereel
Kenrailae wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
are you afraid of bounty hunters? are you afraid of them having the real ability to enforce something as a style of play?

Gankers already go around despite Concord....maybe some people like the idea of being an actual privateer doing Concord's job before the target does something, or maybe hunting those that have done something to be bountied in the first place.

Seriously, I have a 10 million bounty on myself even....and I am not going to cry and whine if someone suddenly shows up to blap my tengu while missioning....all i can say is good luck hunter, even if they have friends so do i.

Lol. Ha ha. Ha. Ha.... Funniest thing I've read all day. I'm more afraid of a new character in a rookie corp than any bounty hunter or anti-pirate. Why? Because I can't know who that new character actually is. A 'bounty hunter' is easy to figure out.

You already have every mechanic you need to anti-gank, or hunt targets. What you lack is the effort to do it. That is the key problem in every anti-gank/bounty hunting thread: The effort and willingness to use the tools at hand. They all already do the job without compromising the rest of the game. Bounties being restricted to kill rights is ridiculous, as you can already make kill rights available for free. There is nothing gained in doing this, and quite a bit lost.

Please get off of my thread with your non-constructive post. You must be a pirate/ganker that is afraid of a functionable bounty system being implemented.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2015-07-29 03:56:22 UTC
Boba Mereel wrote:
Please get off of my thread with your non-constructive post.

My posts are quite constructive and include many valid counter points. They just don't fit your purpose so you choose to not see them that way. You've yet to address any of the things brought up in them.

For instance, Kill rights can already be made public for free. Plenty of them are. And plenty of those people already have bounties, yet no one kills them. What would changing bounty placement to kill rights only do for 'getting even' that isn't already possible? A far 'worse' crime is scamming, yet your system would be impossible to 'get even' with scammers. They don't kill anyone, and you can't classify trading or contracting as criminal, as you have to hit accept before it can be completed.

Your suggesting to change the way bounties can be placed also doesn't add anything to Eve, it merely takes away. I can already place as large a bounty as I want on any one for whatever reason, be it a scam, a kill right, or I just don't like them. And people still don't kill them if I do. I placed a bounty on a guy a while ago for lols and now my bounty messages never stop, because he has a rather large bounty and only loses little ships. Your system removes so many reasons to place bounties, and replaces it with a narrow, short sighted, frankly lazy system of 'push button, agent gives me all the info, I go sit on gate and collect bacon' system. You already have locator agents, and all the tools to do this on your own, be it war decs, ganks, or kill rights. You don't need agents to spoon feed it to you.

Further, you seriously under estimate Eve. Most gankers have Positive sec status alts, and would not be opposed to convoing a fellow ganker and working out a deal if the isk was good enough. But they don't need to. Sit on the Niarja gate with an ECM frigate and collect bounty all day.

The bottom line is this is a really bad idea, and leaves alot of things unaccounted for, either through ignorance or willful arrogance.

Here's your system as it is already implemented, zero changes to the game:
Pull up bounty list
Pick random name
Go to locator agent and run location
Go to location
Find target
Activate kill right/gank

Here are a few additional steps you may need to take:
War dec the target corp
Get target to aggro
follow around a bit

Pretty much the only change that needs to take place is the bounty list in the bounty hunters office to be more user friendly, include greater search parameters. Right now, as far as I can tell, it will only show the top ten. Give it a search set for bounty range, last known dock region/system, sec status, and maybe one or two other things, maybe like kill rights available, then that's that. You would have every tool you need to do what your idea is suggesting without the agent feeding it all to you, it would still be hunting, not random agent authorized execution, would still require effort into the hunt, and wouldn't create random opportunities for people to suddenly be free to shoot outside high sec Concord mechanics. Any situation that creates inconsistent mechanics isn't good. Ganking, the mechanics are consistent. Scamming, the mechanics are consistent. Kill rights, the mechanics are consistent. Agents randomly granting Free to shoot passes, that is not consistent. Your idea would require a message being sent to the person who was selected as a target. That is the only way to make it consistent.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Boba Mereel
#107 - 2015-07-29 04:03:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Boba Mereel
Kenrailae wrote:
Boba Mereel wrote:
Please get off of my thread with your non-constructive post.

My posts are quite constructive and include many valid counter points. They just don't fit your purpose so you choose to not see them that way. You've yet to address any of the things brought up in them.

For instance, Kill rights can already be made public for free. Plenty of them are. And plenty of those people already have bounties, yet no one kills them. What would changing bounty placement to kill rights only do for 'getting even' that isn't already possible? A far 'worse' crime is scamming, yet your system would be impossible to 'get even' with scammers. They don't kill anyone, and you can't classify trading or contracting as criminal, as you have to hit accept before it can be completed.

Your suggesting to change the way bounties can be placed also doesn't add anything to Eve, it merely takes away. I can already place as large a bounty as I want on any one for whatever reason, be it a scam, a kill right, or I just don't like them. And people still don't kill them if I do. I placed a bounty on a guy a while ago for lols and now my bounty messages never stop, because he has a rather large bounty and only loses little ships. Your system removes so many reasons to place bounties, and replaces it with a narrow, short sighted, frankly lazy system of 'push button, agent gives me all the info, I go sit on gate and collect bacon' system. You already have locator agents, and all the tools to do this on your own, be it war decs, ganks, or kill rights. You don't need agents to spoon feed it to you.

Further, you seriously under estimate Eve. Most gankers have Positive sec status alts, and would not be opposed to convoing a fellow ganker and working out a deal if the isk was good enough. But they don't need to. Sit on the Niarja gate with an ECM frigate and collect bounty all day.

The bottom line is this is a really bad idea, and leaves alot of things unaccounted for, either through ignorance or willful arrogance.

Here's your system as it is already implemented, zero changes to the game:
Pull up bounty list
Pick random name
Go to locator agent and run location
Go to location
Find target
Activate kill right/gank

Here are a few additional steps you may need to take:
War dec the target corp
Get target to aggro
follow around a bit

Pretty much the only change that needs to take place is the bounty list in the bounty hunters office to be more user friendly, include greater search parameters. Right now, as far as I can tell, it will only show the top ten. Give it a search set for bounty range, last known dock region/system, sec status, and maybe one or two other things, maybe like kill rights available, then that's that. You would have every tool you need to do what your idea is suggesting without the agent feeding it all to you, it would still be hunting, not random agent authorized execution, would still require effort into the hunt, and wouldn't create random opportunities for people to suddenly be free to shoot outside high sec Concord mechanics. Any situation that creates inconsistent mechanics isn't good. Ganking, the mechanics are consistent. Scamming, the mechanics are consistent. Kill rights, the mechanics are consistent. Agents randomly granting Free to shoot passes, that is not consistent. Your idea would require a message being sent to the person who was selected as a target. That is the only way to make it consistent.

Again, please read the first and second page as they will address any "flaws" you see. Also note this post I made earlier

"Features like placing bounties for doing something that is criminal, but not murder would be added in the future to prevent confusion on how the system works upon release. Also it would give time for CCP to figure out how to implement that without breaking the game. Basically it would evolve over time, with things like this it's best to start small."

It is safe to assume "criminal" would also include scamming, please read all post throughly before jumping to conclusions.
Boba Mereel
#108 - 2015-07-29 04:06:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Boba Mereel
The purpose of this revision to the current bounty system is to turn it into a viable career that is accessible to all* and to remove the current system that only benefits trolls that want to scare new people in the game. While at the same time giving scum a force to be reckoned with to create a balance in power.

*as in people who want to do bounty hunting for a living, not all in the literal sense, but in a figurative one i.e. no pirates, gankers, scum, trolls, scammers, thieves, flamers, griefers, etc.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2015-07-29 04:43:40 UTC
Boba Mereel wrote:

Again, please read the first and second page as they will address any "flaws" you see. Also note this post I made earlier

"Features like placing bounties for doing something that is criminal, but not murder would be added in the future to prevent confusion on how the system works upon release. Also it would give time for CCP to figure out how to implement that without breaking the game. Basically it would evolve over time, with things like this it's best to start small."

It is safe to assume "criminal" would also include scamming, please read all post throughly before jumping to conslusions.

But there is NO way to classify scamming as criminal. A GM cannot sit there and rule whether every contract was a scam or legit or not. You, sitting in that chair, have to click accept before a contract can be completed. YOU are responsible for that. Giving someone access to corp hangars and them using it to take stuff can't be classified as criminal. You gave them access to it. Anything you didn't want taken shouldn't have been there. I read most your posts. And as I stated before you are either ignorant to much of Eve, or choose to ignore it as it doesn't fit your purpose. You're choosing to ignore evidence and actual game play that everyone else is telling you is how it is, or likely would be.

Also, where do you get this idea that the current system, (barring making the user interface of the bounty office more user friendly), can't be done, and is only a benefit to trolls? You DO realize you can set your overview to show pilots with bounties and kill rights right? You DO realize that an icon shows up on the selected items window when someone has a kill right, and it's pretty simple to activate it yeah? You do realize you can gank them or war dec them or get them to aggro or loot your can, right? Without creating this unstable system where Depending on whether your name came out of the hat or not, Concord and game mechanics may or may not work? You do also realize that you are completely capable of doing everything you're asking for right now, barring the revision to the bounty office interface? And that people already do?

The only two real problems I see here are the bounty interface needs to be better, which I agree with 100%, and the overview needs a look at. It doesn't need dumbed down, but it does need a 'see how this pilot looks on this overview' or 'make this pilot/this type of standings pilot visible on this overview' quick option. How much you can make it tell you at a glance, when you know what you're doing, is amazing. But it takes alot of tinkering to get it to do it.

You're making a ton of assumptions with this whole thread, many of which are just not the case in actuality. Your inability to see this is despite repeated efforts from many people..... I cannot find a word.

You change your idea to revamp the bounty search system/interface and add a bounty/kill right default tab and sure, no problem, completely fair, completely agree. But the amount of inaccurate assumption and inconsistent, questionable changes that would be required to make the rest of this work is an unacceptable price for something that can pretty much already be done anyway, with a little bit of effort.

But this is the beauty of F&I. You are free to suggest whatever idea you want and defend it as staunchly as you want. Others are free to take the opposite side. Me? I don't agree at all with this needing to be implemented, especially in this format. I'm willing to spend as much time as it takes to explain why this is bad, and why this creates scenarios that are not good for the game environment.

The only way to make this even remotely viable would be for the person who is targeted to receive a mail/notification that they were, and for how long the window stands, and by whom. You're not talking about a situation where Person A undocks, knowing someone may shoot him but Concord will show up and kill them after X seconds, or undocks knowing there is a war and concord won't intervene, or they have a kill right which can be activated. You're talking about a situation where Person A undocks, And some guy can randomly shoot him free of any typical game mechanics. THAT is bad. That doesn't create a 'balance in power,' that creates a broken mechanic, far worse than already exists.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#110 - 2015-07-29 04:45:24 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:

You already have every mechanic you need to anti-gank, or hunt targets. What you lack is the effort to do it. That is the key problem in every anti-gank/bounty hunting thread: The effort and willingness to use the tools at hand. They all already do the job without compromising the rest of the game. Bounties being restricted to kill rights is ridiculous, as you can already make kill rights available for free. There is nothing gained in doing this, and quite a bit lost.

Think the problem here is you are trying to discuss mechanics only....some of us are discussing Profession as in Job Class or simply Class in RolePlay Bounty Hunter, simply because that is what they do and all they do. Really your not being constructive here, so unless you can be think i will just make believe your not commenting here until you decide to quit attempting to derail the thread/troll.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#111 - 2015-07-29 05:24:51 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:

You already have every mechanic you need to anti-gank, or hunt targets. What you lack is the effort to do it. That is the key problem in every anti-gank/bounty hunting thread: The effort and willingness to use the tools at hand. They all already do the job without compromising the rest of the game. Bounties being restricted to kill rights is ridiculous, as you can already make kill rights available for free. There is nothing gained in doing this, and quite a bit lost.

Think the problem here is you are trying to discuss mechanics only....some of us are discussing Profession as in Job Class or simply Class in RolePlay Bounty Hunter, simply because that is what they do and all they do. Really your not being constructive here, so unless you can be think i will just make believe your not commenting here until you decide to quit attempting to derail the thread/troll.

I'm being quite constructive. You're not by ignoring something as necessary as mechanics. I mean, mechanics are what a game is built and ran on. The Job/profession you're talking about already exists, with plenty of mechanics to support it. I am not at all trolling or derailing, I'm being quite on point and quite constructive and relevant. You're suggesting a change to mechanics while trying to ignore the mechanics? Huh? Blatantly ignoring the problems is far less constructive than bringing them up so they can be addressed.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Oxide Ammar
#112 - 2015-07-29 05:27:45 UTC
Rather than have spy network to provide intel about targets, here is an idea, provide deployable structures:
1- can be anchored around gates or stations
2- can be used in hisec or lowsec.
3- 1 time use but cheap.
4- it can scan ships, only there fit but not their cargo hold.
4- provide intel in automated log mail, showing victim name/ time/ ship type / ship fit.

In addition, get rid of agent locators feature. They are bad and give sense of small small eve universe that we are playing in.

Lady Areola Fappington:  Solo PVP isn't dead!  You just need to make sure you have your booster, remote rep, cyno, and emergency Falcon alts logged in and ready before you do any solo PVPing.

Boba Mereel
#113 - 2015-07-29 05:28:12 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:

You already have every mechanic you need to anti-gank, or hunt targets. What you lack is the effort to do it. That is the key problem in every anti-gank/bounty hunting thread: The effort and willingness to use the tools at hand. They all already do the job without compromising the rest of the game. Bounties being restricted to kill rights is ridiculous, as you can already make kill rights available for free. There is nothing gained in doing this, and quite a bit lost.

Think the problem here is you are trying to discuss mechanics only....some of us are discussing Profession as in Job Class or simply Class in RolePlay Bounty Hunter, simply because that is what they do and all they do. Really your not being constructive here, so unless you can be think i will just make believe your not commenting here until you decide to quit attempting to derail the thread/troll.

Yep, he's a troll.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2015-07-29 05:29:53 UTC
Boba Mereel wrote:

Yep, he's a troll.

Right, so because you can't address problems, everyone who doesn't agree with you is a troll......

GG /thread.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Boba Mereel
#115 - 2015-07-29 05:31:11 UTC
Oxide Ammar wrote:
Rather than have spy network to provide intel about targets, here is an idea, provide deployable structures:
1- can be anchored around gates or stations
2- can be used in hisec or lowsec.
3- 1 time use but cheap.
4- it can scan ships, only there fit but not their cargo hold.
4- provide intel in automated log mail, showing victim name/ time/ ship type / ship fit.

In addition, get rid of agent locators feature. They are bad and give sense of small small eve universe that we are playing in.

I think that would be interesting in addition to the spy network. Imagine bounty hunters paying corporations to use their structures to locate their target. Big smile
Boba Mereel
#116 - 2015-07-29 05:36:13 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Boba Mereel wrote:

Yep, he's a troll.

Right, so because you can't address problems, everyone who doesn't agree with you is a troll......

GG /thread.

What problems? All you've been doing is posting about how dumb everyones idea is and how my idea is stupid and listing XY and Z reason on why the current system is better. If you want to rant on how the current system only needs a few tweaks please make a thread of your own. This thread is for improvements/alterations or suggestions for my ideas, not for ranting on how "dumb" it is.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2015-07-29 05:57:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenrailae
Boba Mereel wrote:

What problems? All you've been doing is posting about how dumb everyones idea is and how my idea is stupid and listing XY and Z reason on why the current system is better. If you want to rant on how the current system only needs a few tweaks please make a thread of your own. This thread is for improvements/alterations or suggestions for my ideas, not for ranting on how "dumb" it is.

Wow really?

So you can't find anything in there that you can try to use to make your system better? You can't see any of the problems with your system and try to come up with solutions?

First I'm not ranting. I am bringing up problems or shortcomings, instances you have missed. You are not trying to address them. I am also bringing up tools that you already have. Again, not addressing them.

Second, 6 pages and no one has said Dumb, but you. Stupid has been used thrice, once by me to describe how people fall for high sec aggression mechanics, another by another guy who used it to describe how he's able to figure out high sec aggression mechanics, and the last by you.

You have a whole list of things to address:

How does this system make people more inclined to do bounty hunting when there are already so many things in place for it?

How do you address the problem of inconsistent mechanics? You can't have a situation where out of the blue, mechanics don't do what they are supposed to anymore. Everything else, the mechanics are consistent, if not always the best. Having a random guy being able to suddenly shoot you without the consistent mechanic of Concord, how do you address that?

How do you address bounties for scamming or theft, when you cannot make those criminal without having to have a GM rule every case?

How do you get the idea that the current system is only usable for trolls scaring new people? Open up your bounty office in game, go to the top bounty hunters menu. How bout all those dudes who have made plenty off bounties? Reckon that was because of scaring newbs?

I mean, do you NEED everything listed bullet by bullet point, or are you able to read a post and see the issues being brought up and respond to them?

What is your take on just revamping the bounty office interface and adding a bounty preset tab?

...... You're really suggesting you don't see anything that could require some response, or even provide a discussion point for you to improve/elaborate more on your concept to sell it?

That's just a handful.....

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Boba Mereel
#118 - 2015-07-30 00:41:02 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Boba Mereel wrote:

What problems? All you've been doing is posting about how dumb everyones idea is and how my idea is stupid and listing XY and Z reason on why the current system is better. If you want to rant on how the current system only needs a few tweaks please make a thread of your own. This thread is for improvements/alterations or suggestions for my ideas, not for ranting on how "dumb" it is.

Wow really?

So you can't find anything in there that you can try to use to make your system better? You can't see any of the problems with your system and try to come up with solutions?

First I'm not ranting. I am bringing up problems or shortcomings, instances you have missed. You are not trying to address them. I am also bringing up tools that you already have. Again, not addressing them.

Second, 6 pages and no one has said Dumb, but you. Stupid has been used thrice, once by me to describe how people fall for high sec aggression mechanics, another by another guy who used it to describe how he's able to figure out high sec aggression mechanics, and the last by you.

You have a whole list of things to address:

How does this system make people more inclined to do bounty hunting when there are already so many things in place for it?

How do you address the problem of inconsistent mechanics? You can't have a situation where out of the blue, mechanics don't do what they are supposed to anymore. Everything else, the mechanics are consistent, if not always the best. Having a random guy being able to suddenly shoot you without the consistent mechanic of Concord, how do you address that?

How do you address bounties for scamming or theft, when you cannot make those criminal without having to have a GM rule every case?

How do you get the idea that the current system is only usable for trolls scaring new people? Open up your bounty office in game, go to the top bounty hunters menu. How bout all those dudes who have made plenty off bounties? Reckon that was because of scaring newbs?

I mean, do you NEED everything listed bullet by bullet point, or are you able to read a post and see the issues being brought up and respond to them?

What is your take on just revamping the bounty office interface and adding a bounty preset tab?

...... You're really suggesting you don't see anything that could require some response, or even provide a discussion point for you to improve/elaborate more on your concept to sell it?

That's just a handful.....

"How does this system make people more inclined to do bounty hunting when there are already so many things in place for it"

It makes it more straight forward and doesn't beat around the bush. It gives a clear objective and location aswell as a consistent place to acquire a target (the bounty agent) that is easily accessible.

"How do you address the problem of inconsistent mechanics? You can't have a situation where out of the blue, mechanics don't do what they are supposed to anymore. Everything else, the mechanics are consistent, if not always the best. Having a random guy being able to suddenly shoot you without the consistent mechanic of Concord, how do you address that?"

CONCORD is already "inconsistent" or example, Faction Warfare, Kill rights, etc.

"How do you address bounties for scamming or theft, when you cannot make those criminal without having to have a GM rule every case?"

Again please read a post I made earlier:
"Features like placing bounties for doing something that is criminal, but not murder would be added in the future to prevent confusion on how the system works upon release. Also it would give time for CCP to figure out how to implement that without breaking the game. Basically it would evolve over time, with things like this it's best to start small."

Note: By criminal I ment things that are distasteful, such as scamming or theft. Not criminal in the sense that it gives you a criminal flag.

"How do you get the idea that the current system is only usable for trolls scaring new people? Open up your bounty office in game, go to the top bounty hunters menu. How bout all those dudes who have made plenty off bounties? Reckon that was because of scaring newbs?"

This is a direct quote from the bio of the top "bounty hunter", wheniaminspace

"I mean, do you NEED everything listed bullet by bullet point, or are you able to read a post and see the issues being brought up and respond to them?"

Not need, per se, but I would prefer that you do as it makes your question clear, concise, and easy to answer.

"What is your take on just revamping the bounty office interface and adding a bounty preset tab?"

I would like that as a band-aid fix until CCP can implement this new system.

"You're really suggesting you don't see anything that could require some response, or even provide a discussion point for you to improve/elaborate more on your concept to sell it?"

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so. Big smile

Please continue to post anything that you see as a possible source of confusion. :)
Xio Zheng
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#119 - 2015-07-30 10:10:55 UTC
Here is my version of a near perfect system:

First of all, refund or remove all current bounties. It doesn't matter which people who have invested in the current system arn't going to see any of it anyway so it won't matter.

Second, separate Concord faction standing from security status. You can gain Concord standing by, missioning and collecting bounties. You lose faction standing with Concord the same as any other group plus getting caught with contraband in highsec or by getting Concorded. You can not pick up a bounty if your Concord standing is negative.

Third, Change Bounty office station service to only be available in concord stations. Also remove the ability to remotely place, view, or collect bounties. In other words to do any of that you have to be at a Concord Station.

The actual Bounty (what is displayed and payed out) is at a minimum 50% of what the person placing the bounty pays to concord. If you want to place a 10 million isk bounty on someone you have to pay 20 million. The percent that is payed to concord will be higher initially, it is influenced by your standings with concord, think of it as a tax.

A standard bounty such as this is not immune to concord. So if you pick up a bounty for Soandso from your local bounty office, you will get concorded if you attack them in highsec. To get around this you need the concord free pass(CFP).

A CFP is a killright you can buy from Concord. It is priced with respect to the selected system security and influenced by Concord faction standing. It will be selectable during the bounty placement process very similar to how you select insurance. So for a CFP for a 1.0 system there must be a minimum bounty of 50,000,000 isk (so a payment of at least 100,000,000 isk) plus and additional 100,000,000 isk. This means the total minimum of a 1.0 CFP bounty is 200,000,000 isk. The rest of the security systems would follow: .9, 45,000,000 minimum bounty, 90,000,000 minimum fee; .8, 40,000,000 minimum bounty, 80,000,000 minimum fee; and so forth.

CFP bounties are not posted to the CFP Bounty board for 24 hours. This means there is a 24 hour period between placing a CFP bounty and it being available to be claimed.

A bounty can be placed without a CFP, these bounties are open to any and all.

A bounty with a CFP can only be picked up by one person at a time. After picking up the CFP Bounty you have 72 hours to kill your target. After that window the CFP Bounty is returned to the CFP Bounty board and you can never pick up that specific bounty again.

Finally, All ships that have a bounty on them and are killed will drop character specific bounty claim unit. This unit is what must be turned in to receive the bounty. A CFP Bounty target will only drop a bounty claim unit if the Bounty hunter who has the CFP Bounty is both the highest none NPC damage and the killing blow.

A person who really wants to make a living as a bounty hunter can. Due to the high placement cost the bounties will be lower so as an income, Bounty Hunting wont be crazy profitable. The VAST majority of Bounty hunting will still happen in lawless space.
If you want to just follow a bounty hunter and loot his target before him you can. If a bounty hunter is ganked with a bounty claim unit on board and it does not drop the bounty is reset. A bounty will only be removed from the board when it is claimed. Meaning if you kill your target and collect your Bounty claim unit and chose to log off. Someone can come and kill the target again, collect another bounty claim unit and collect the reward right out from under you.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#120 - 2015-07-30 10:57:40 UTC
The overall concept of the OP's idea is awesome, it would be very fun to bounty hunt imo.