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More overview tabs

Aven Valkyr
Over Reaction
Ligma Grindset
#1 - 2015-04-26 17:35:01 UTC
Currently there are only 5. My idea on this is to allow us to make sub-tabs for the 5 we already have. This way I can have a few master tabs like "incursions" or "pvp". Under the master tabs I could have sub-tabs like "dps", "logistics", "travel", etc. I dont travel the same way in high sec that I do in low sec. Nor do I dps the same way. Please consider this. Thanks
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2015-05-11 02:19:36 UTC
I just posted in a similar thread:

kyoukoku wrote:
Ugh I just wanted to add another couple of tabs to my overview (I'm already using the SaraShawa pack with my own modifications) and forgot that we're currently restricted to 5 tabs at most, so I fully support this idea.

CCP gib moar tabs naow (or at least sooner rather than Soon™) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ please?!

Aven Valkyr
Over Reaction
Ligma Grindset
#3 - 2015-05-11 03:08:44 UTC
Thanks for the support!
Aven Valkyr
Over Reaction
Ligma Grindset
#4 - 2015-07-24 19:27:46 UTC

And while you are at it can you please streamline the overview settings window? The first page where you name your tabs, kinda confusing. If you give us the ability to make sub-tabs, please give us more of a gui type interface instead of command line. And if you stick with the global notification settings please make it more clear as to which tab we are adjusting. Thanks :)
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#5 - 2015-07-24 20:14:13 UTC
+1 despite being a repost of my thread.

It's important. Do this CCP.
Damjan Fox
Fox Industries and Exploration
#6 - 2015-07-24 20:30:16 UTC
Supported. +1
Paranoid Loyd
#7 - 2015-07-24 21:42:48 UTC
I'm not really sure this is necessary as they are pretty simple and quick to to change now and I can't really think of a single situation where you would need more than 5 tabs for that particular situation.

What would be nice is if the name of the tab changed dynamically with the tab preset chosen.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Angry Mustellid
#8 - 2015-07-24 22:04:51 UTC
I wouldn't say no to a few more tabs, I don't think its a game breaker but it would be useful.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Aven Valkyr
Over Reaction
Ligma Grindset
#9 - 2015-08-23 03:32:59 UTC

Paranoid Loyd wrote:
I'm not really sure this is necessary as they are pretty simple and quick to to change now and I can't really think of a single situation where you would need more than 5 tabs for that particular situation.

What would be nice is if the name of the tab changed dynamically with the tab preset chosen.

not simply just *more* tabs. Tabs inside tabs. So you have your standard 5 tabs. Each one of those has a subset of tabs. For example one tab could be "carebear" and have tabs underneath it, like "quick warpout, DPS, looting, logi". Then you could have an "incursion" main tab next to the mission tab. Could be similar but of course slightly different. DPS, logi, warping. Then a PVP tab. With 5 subset tabs. And don't forget your "mining" main tab. You don't see the usefulness of this?

Please CCP. This is kindof in dire need. This game is much more complicated than it used to be. There are some pretty finite tab settings. The overview is complicated. It's extremely painful having to tweak each one over and over for each different scenario. Also, and this is just IMO, but the overview settings window itself is a little hard to work with. Instead of working with the overview itself to set each tab, just allow us to activate the tabs in the overview settings window and let us tweak it that way. I think the settings would work a lot better that way.

Thanks everyone for the support on this. I would love to see this implemented *soon*.
Aven Valkyr
Over Reaction
Ligma Grindset
#10 - 2015-09-18 10:16:18 UTC
*Bump*. Please CCP someone tell me you are looking at fixing this. The overview is a buggy mess atm. I have decided to sortof make my own main category tabs by using the "share" feature and dragging them into a notepad. However the overview quickly turned into a confusing mess of auto configurations and things acting up like crazy.

PLEASE CCP. This is such a burden on the player. Some people don't live in nullsec the whole time. Some people don't live in empire the whole time. There are some people like me who live in empire and do all sorts of PVE content, and then goes on a roam to do some PVP. Then who knows I will be scanning anomalies.

The overview settings window is complicated, cumbersome. The system never seems to remember what I have told it to do. It re-configures itself at will. I tell it not to show my fleet mates, but then they are still showing until I set the entire alliance to positive standings. Things like this are driving my experience into the ground. I'm constantly trying to adjust the overview to get my situational awareness up to speed.

Another thing I have noticed. The D-scan is supposed to work off of my overview settings. It doesn't. For example I have an entire overview set up for running D-scan. I have war targets, criminals, neutrals, and structures. So on these overviews I have literally EVERYTHING filtered out except the things i want. I want my overview to just find criminals for example. Yet, the D-scan shows me EVERYTHING in system. What's up with this? Another buggy overview related gripe.

Blades of Liberty
#11 - 2015-09-18 11:49:10 UTC
Aven Valkyr wrote:

Another thing I have noticed. The D-scan is supposed to work off of my overview settings. It doesn't.

No, you can select a different overview settings for your d-scan.

Aven Valkyr wrote:

For example I have an entire overview set up for running D-scan. I have war targets, criminals, neutrals, and structures. So on these overviews I have literally EVERYTHING filtered out except the things i want.

The d-scan doesn't differentiate war targets, criminals, neutrals and all other states. It just shows you ships.

Aven Valkyr wrote:

What's up with this? Another buggy overview related gripe.


Please read more tutorials / double check your settings before complaining / saying things are bugged ! Also, caps lock is unnecessary.