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Removing jump drive range

Anti-Nub Incorporated
Centipede Caliphate.
#1 - 2015-07-23 13:33:39 UTC
Now that you're lined up outside my station with flaming torches, pitchforks and fedo's hear me out. This is by no means a fool proof idea just yet and I can't lie I don't know what effects this could have on jump freighters, this is more based around force projection and combat capitals in general.

What actually changesQuestion

The main focus of this is to solve some of the capital jumping 'problems' and complaints in a manner that requires absolute minimal workload and isn't some far-fetched concept of changing Jumping mechanics entirely.

The majority of current jump mechanics stay entirely in-tact (such as using cyno's, reduced cap on jump etc).

In-fact the only changes would be:

  • A total removal of maximum jump range for capital ships. This does not include bridging other ships whether via Titan or Black ops due to the stress long-range jumping can cause to ships not build to withstand it. Bridging of any kind will retain it's previous maximum jump range (or a similar figure).
  • Add exponentially increasing jump reactivation per distance travelled, while reducing the effects of fatigue (such that jumping multiple times won't prevent you jumping again for the next century /exaggeration)
  • Adjustments to fuel consumed over distance. (I don't have the knowledge to figure out exact numbers for every shiptype)

Exactly what does this do?
This will mean jumping to any range is possible, but at a cost.
Jumping your super next door, 0.5LY away, for whatever reason will result in a forgettable reactivation timer of a few minutes, and virtually no fatigue, that you will be able to jump again after your reactivation timer expires without greatly accumulating jump fatigue.
Meanwhile you've spotted a Target on the other side of new eden, It's 40LY(lol) away, but what's to lose I can jump infinitely far now right? Welcome to your new home for the next two weeks. You've killed the mining fleet your scout found so far away, but at what cost?

These are extreme cases but I think it gets the point across. I am but a single person in a whole universe and I think coming up with exact figures for cooldown and fatigue myself would be arrogant, so this is a very rough draft to make the idea more understandable.

1LY - 5 minute reactivation timer
2.5LY - 30 minute reactivation timer
5LY - 2 hour reactivation timer
10LY - 8 hour reactivation timer
etc etc

repeated and continuous jumps within the fatigue time would increase these figures, but at a very reduced rate to current fatigue mechanics, such that jumping 5LY twice immediately once the reactivation timer goes down, would merely add 50% longer cooldown (3 hours in this primitive example) or something along those lines.

What does this achieve?

Without some bullshit about making everything perfect and happy, This should improve the ability of a group to defend itself within it's territory, making continuous jumps between a very localized group of systems possible. As well as making an enemy force that jump from distance into your territory more vulnerable for longer.

On the other hand it allows capital ganking within larger ranges, but at vastly increased risk. Big alliances that previously might have dropped on any target that so much as gave a glimpse of hope at a kill will now find they have to wisely choose between potential targets. Will dropping on that sweet ratting dread that's 20LY away be worth not being able to defend your own territory, and being stuck in an area alien to you for days, even up to a week or more for extreme distances?

Then finally on a totally different note, what about the small guy that just wants to move his ships from A to B? Currently he has to jump 5LY, wait an hour, jump 5LY, wait an hour, etc. just to cover the distance of a few regions in his carrier. This would be that a simple move operation would be able to be completed in a single jump, but the pilot won't be able to jump again for days. No big deal, he's stuck for now but his stuff is moved and without the absolute headache of moving items solo that is the current mechanics.

I would really need someone more familiar with JF's and blops to tell me what effects this could have on logistics.


  • Total removal of jump drive range (does not include bridging other ships)
  • Major Increase to jump reactivation and exponentially increasing it's effects over distance jumped (while reducing effects of fatigue/constant jumping)
  • Aims to decrease the frustration of exact jump ranges between systems
  • Aims to increase the difficulty of target selecting for large alliances, and stopping large-scale capital ganks on small fleets.
  • Doesn't give the small guy a headache when trying to relocate.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#2 - 2015-07-23 14:29:33 UTC
How about NO.

Jump fatigue and the jump range limitations were put into the game for a specific purpose and to solve a specific set of problems that came up associated with the use of jump drives. Your idea removes a significant portion of the limitations and penalties associated with the use of jump drives.

And don't even bother to complain about how jump range limits and jump fatigue cramp your play style because I do not care, all I have to say is JOIN THE CLUB. Cap ship pilots are not the first group of players, you are not the only group of players and you will not be the last group of players that have had their game play styles significantly limited or in some cases even removed from the game so welcome aboard.
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#3 - 2015-07-23 14:33:58 UTC

This sounds really nice and even reasonable. Would be so great for the solo cap pilot just moving his suitcase...


It simply allows entire-map force projection. Even MORE-so than before the Phoebe changes... it's a step in the complete OPPOSITE direction CCP intended. Doesn't matter if the wait timer after jumping across the galaxy is 10 days, you still jumped across the galaxy instantly.

Jump fatigue (slowing down travel) was not the only intent of the Phoebe changes, the jump RANGE nerf was a vital part. We want the galaxy to be HUGE. You seem to think "oh as long as theres a huge timer it's okay to force project across the map", but that is completely contrary to CCP's wish for EVE.

-1 sorry I like the "make EVE bigger" initiative
Anti-Nub Incorporated
Centipede Caliphate.
#4 - 2015-07-23 15:12:54 UTC
Leto Aramaus wrote:

This sounds really nice and even reasonable. Would be so great for the solo cap pilot just moving his suitcase...


It simply allows entire-map force projection. Even MORE-so than before the Phoebe changes... it's a step in the complete OPPOSITE direction CCP intended. Doesn't matter if the wait timer after jumping across the galaxy is 10 days, you still jumped across the galaxy instantly.

Jump fatigue (slowing down travel) was not the only intent of the Phoebe changes, the jump RANGE nerf was a vital part. We want the galaxy to be HUGE. You seem to think "oh as long as theres a huge timer it's okay to force project across the map", but that is completely contrary to CCP's wish for EVE.

-1 sorry I like the "make EVE bigger" initiative

And in all honesty you're probably right, sadly there is no one-fits-all solution. It would be great if there was a way to test this for a week in a real large scenario where sisi just doesn't cut it. Perhaps severe enough drawbacks would find some perfect spot, but I guess you could say that about every feature. I just know I have absolutely no interest in capitals anymore whatsoever, and not to say the phoebe changes didn't achieve their goal, but I can't help feel there's a way that doesn't make caps feel so useless and not screwing over the small cap pilot in the process. appreciate the input.

Donnachadh wrote:
And don't even bother to complain about how jump range limits and jump fatigue cramp your play style because I do not care, all I have to say is JOIN THE CLUB. Cap ship pilots are not the first group of players, you are not the only group of players and you will not be the last group of players that have had their game play styles significantly limited or in some cases even removed from the game so welcome aboard.

I'm in a tiny corp, haven't owned a capital for 6 months, and don't intend to at the current rate... As stated this wasn't some magical idea that fixed everything, just a concept that came to mind via a conversation on reddit. Thanks for the constructive criticism if one would call it that.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2015-07-23 15:42:59 UTC
Those changes are worse then the Space aids we have currently, moving 5 ly currently nets me 30 mins and some aids, in your scheme i would have to wait 8 hours to jump back, **** that noise tbh

Power projection was the biggest problem and now its been neutered
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#6 - 2015-07-23 16:05:59 UTC
I like the part about tweaking the fuel usage.

I would like to see a module that increased range but exponentially increased fuel usage and doubled fatigue and pops your ENTIRE capacitor to 0gj, so that a full bay nets you ~10LY at JDC5 and JFC 5. I think it would be enough of a penalty with 20LYs of fatigue to jump 10, the inability to jump into a fight like that, requiring either a cap jumpstart or time to dock up before you can effectively run any modules, and massive fuel use stranding you if you don't have a logistical trail in place. I think of this sort of thing as a strategic setup that lets you jump into a friendly system at fairly long range in a strategic leap in exchange for a ton of tactical mobility, but makes you a sitting duck if trying to use it to project power. Anyone got opinions on my module idea?

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Ice Fire Warriors
#7 - 2015-07-23 16:06:22 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
I can't help feel there's a way that doesn't make caps feel so useless and not screwing over the small cap pilot in the process.

But... they aren't.

Yeah... you can't shuttle around like you used to... but none of that has actually changed their effectiveness on the field. In fact, with the current Jump Fatigue system in place the effectiveness of small capital groups operating in localized areas has INCREASED. They no longer fear an overwhelming capital hotdrop from the other side of the map... which you are proposing we be allowed to do again.

And bear in mind a few things...

- the DEVs want to encourage more "localized" empires and fights. The ability to move and defend over long distances runs counter to this as ship movement/speed and military power are one and the same in EVE.

- the "problem" with defending territory within your own region was intentional. You are supposed to have difficulty fighting on two fronts with a limited group of pilots. Either recruit more people or limit the area you operate in to make defense easier.

- any penalty you introduce will not be enough. Certain null-sec alliances have already taken to moving capital fleets across the map, fighting, and then self destructing everything to get back home quicker. Then using freshly built capitals to perform the same tactic once the penalty is gone.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#8 - 2015-07-23 16:26:44 UTC
I sympathize with the OP and agree that the hard, uniform limit just doesn't "feel" right. But, when I try to rationally come up with an alternative that "feels" better, all that happens is the opening of avenues for emergent gameplay that run entirely counter to CCP's goal of reducing the projection power of capital fleets.

I feel ya, but no dice. -1.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2015-07-23 16:37:19 UTC  |  Edited by: d0cTeR9
Only thing that needs adjusting is jump fatigue.

I have all the skills maxed out, i had to do a few jumps to move assets.

20 days jump fatigue. For a few cyno's i took... Roll

I have essentially been forced to not partake in any ops since most are done with bridging/cyno to get some distance done quickly for about 20 days. All i did was move some large assets with a carrier that would have taken me 15-20 trips without it. That's insane... Give us a bonus when moving through one's own sov space or something...

Been around since the beginning.

Anti-Nub Incorporated
Centipede Caliphate.
#10 - 2015-07-23 17:06:19 UTC
I'll put my tail between my legs on this one. It did sound a bit more promising in my head (as all these things do). While it'd be great for moving stuff it will worsen what I'm trying to improve.

A lot of this did come from a lowsec perspective too, while I have experience in null I haven't been involved in a long time. So in retrospect I didn't understand everything I was trying to 'fix'.
Iain Cariaba
#11 - 2015-07-23 17:14:54 UTC
d0cTeR9 wrote:
Only thing that needs adjusting is jump fatigue.

I have all the skills maxed out, i had to do a few jumps to move assets.

20 days jump fatigue. For a few cyno's i took... Roll

I have essentially been forced to not partake in any ops since most are done with bridging/cyno to get some distance done quickly for about 20 days. All i did was move some large assets with a carrier that would have taken me 15-20 trips without it. That's insane... Give us a bonus when moving through one's own sov space or something...

Welcome to jump fatigue working as intended. If you didn't have 30k blues you wouldn't have the problem of having to jump so far to get content.
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#12 - 2015-07-23 17:26:52 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:

But... they aren't.

Yeah... you can't shuttle around like you used to... but none of that has actually changed their effectiveness on the field.

Gawwwwdddd THANK you!!~`1111

I want to scream this at everyone who complains about capitals being "useless" now.

Oh 5 LY jump range and some fatigue means your ship is "useless"? You know what ship class has 0LY jump range... like they literally have NO JUMP DRIVE....? ...


Every. subcap.

Wow guys I can't believe I never noticed this before, every subcap has been useless since the beginning of EVE! Phoebe just made capitals useless too right? Wow we might as well all unsub.

Zan Shiro
#13 - 2015-07-23 22:05:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
So blob plans mass movement/attack over 2 days?

Day 1 the unlimited jump that has hell 10 hours of cool down. Log and sleep it skin off the nose really.
Day 2 the "baby" jump for the attack.

KInd of what they did before really. Kind of the thing ccp was trying to limit, the force projection.

Day 1 was the hit all the staged cyno's on the mass cap movement op. No fatigue at the time so if needing several midpoints it was jump and wait for group cap recharge to jump to next midpoint.

Burns up most of the time and all that is really done. They also wait for sub cap support to stage as well. They are slowboating there worst case if not a lot of titans online to speed this up.

Unless crew hard core and lots of no lifes.....a few hours of this has them going well its bed time as work/school tomorrow for most, we can storm the castle tomorrow.

Day 2 was the movement for attack. The actual storming of the castle.

CCP was trying to get away from this.

Some people just too feeling a bit too entitled here. My first home was not uber cap heavy and no titans for bridges. When we moved fleets....we hit that road gate by gate. It works, try it.
Angry Mustellid
#14 - 2015-07-23 22:33:36 UTC
More than happy with the current system thanks.

Not supported.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Lugh Crow-Slave
#15 - 2015-07-24 10:36:16 UTC
current system is working fine and is doing exactly what it set out to do

no change needed
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2015-07-24 10:59:45 UTC
If you think about it, fatigue does kinda the same - force a cooldown on jumpers with an option to shorten them at a price. The difference is that you can't reach any point in New Eden instantly, which is exactly what jump changes were intended to do, among other things.