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Help Bubbles Option PLEASE !!!

Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#1 - 2015-07-22 15:09:05 UTC
First off.... Great game and all, But.....

I am an old man playing eve and have a simple request..... My eye ain't what it once was and some of the things in eve are not very old person friendly.... for example the help bubble function, yes it helps them who are new and may even help others that need to have the option.
But lets be fair..... can't you guys help out the older generation that play eve and pay with cash.... yes I still pay cash each month! Sad

Why won't you guys and gals let us decide if we want this feature turned on or off, as the screens are small as it is even at highest UI Scaling. why not let us toggle it on or off at will...... is this too much to ask I don't need the feature as I have been playing for quite some time and have other accounts 6 in total thats 90.00 us dollars a month cash, and all I want is a less stressful experience playing the best game on our planet. Surely this is not too much to ask? is it?

thanks for at least hearing me out and sorry for the bad typing as my eye sight is fading as I near 61 years of age this February 9th.

the Kerk family of eve! Lol
Iain Cariaba
#2 - 2015-07-22 15:31:47 UTC
You can set the timer for the pop-ups in the main options menu, accessed with the esc key. Set the sliders all the way up and you'll never see them again, unless you sit on something for a really long time.

Also, get better glasses. I just got my neighbor to start playing EvE, and he turned 70 last month. He would have started 2 months ago, but he needed better glasses to see the screen.
Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#3 - 2015-07-22 15:38:00 UTC
This is not very true, it comes up and will not go away for awhile and I have all settings to not show for as long as possible.... the only way this is going to help me and others like me is if we can shut it off completely. you must have good eyes or you play on a big screen where these things may not interfere with your sight, but for me they are a pain. I can't afford a big screen.
Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#4 - 2015-07-22 15:44:48 UTC
also the bubbles are not going to be helped by glasses...... or do you know something I don't? they get in the way of things on my screen that are under them and I can't do anything till they are gone, maybe I didn't clarify the problem is with them staying on the screen and takes time to go away, If the on off option was therre it would solve the problem, maybe it is too hard to implement or something .... or maybe they want to cause us to quit eve. but your remark seems to be aimed at saying I am dumb or something... glasses really? lol
Iain Cariaba
#5 - 2015-07-22 16:50:25 UTC
What "bubbles" are you refering to, if not the tooltips? Please provide a screenshot.

I'm trying to help here, but if you want to portray the crotchety old man and see insults in what is an honest question, then I'll stop and you can figure all this out on your own. Your call.
Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#6 - 2015-07-22 18:14:20 UTC
first this is not a plea for help, this is a request for a game feature, you must not of read the rules of the forums as it states if you have negative response keep it to yourself. I never once asked for help I know how to change settings and play the game, your attempt at trolling me is not recieved well. thanks to abide by forum rules and go play your game sir. have a nice day!
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#7 - 2015-07-22 18:16:41 UTC
I have been playing for quite some time and have other accounts 6 in total thats 90.00 us dollars a month cash

I can't afford a big screen.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#8 - 2015-07-22 19:03:15 UTC
Leto Aramaus wrote:
I have been playing for quite some time and have other accounts 6 in total thats 90.00 us dollars a month cash

I can't afford a big screen.

Quoting for emphasis.

I play with two accounts and deemed it enough to warrant a second screen.
Iain Cariaba
#9 - 2015-07-22 19:28:09 UTC
Capt JamesT Kirk wrote:
first this is not a plea for help, this is a request for a game feature, you must not of read the rules of the forums as it states if you have negative response keep it to yourself. I never once asked for help I know how to change settings and play the game, your attempt at trolling me is not recieved well. thanks to abide by forum rules and go play your game sir. have a nice day!

So you don't want to use existing tools to remedy the situation. Ok. Since you would rather threaten CCP with your subs if they don't immediately kowtow to your demands, my suggestion to CCP would be to tell you not to let the door hit you on the way out.

Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#10 - 2015-07-22 19:29:39 UTC
Again, you people seem to think I am asking for help, this is not the case I can't see through these bubbles and am asking for a feature to use in the game to remove the problem. if I wanted help I would ask in the help section. I am doing my best to be polite, stop trolling me.

do you people not read the rules or topics in this forum?
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#11 - 2015-07-22 19:34:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
K I'll apologize, to be fair though if you go into the esc menu and set the tooltip delay slider all the way to the right you have practically turned them off.
I also hated them but I rarely see the godforsaken things anymore because I generally never have the mouse still for long enough unless I'm afk or deliberately doing so to see what the tooltip says.
Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#12 - 2015-07-22 19:35:00 UTC
Iain Cariaba, Please don't put words in my mouth or manipulate what I said. this kind of thing went out in high school.

I never threatened anyone... plain and simple. go annoy some one else like the rules state don't be disrespectful to others in this forum.

is it a crime to ask for a feature in eve now? ..... or am I in the wrong forum? I thought this was feature and ideas discussion forum, not the pick on kirk or ask for help.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#13 - 2015-07-22 19:38:08 UTC
Capt JamesT Kirk wrote:
Iain Cariaba, Please don't put words in my mouth or manipulate what I said. this kind of thing went out in high school.

I never threatened anyone... plain and simple. go annoy some one else like the rules state don't be disrespectful to others in this forum.

is it a crime to ask for a feature in eve now? ..... or am I in the wrong forum? I thought this was feature and ideas discussion forum, not the pick on kirk or ask for help.

Oh don't mind him he's just a grumpy old fecker.
Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#14 - 2015-07-22 19:38:39 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin, bo if t does not turn them off it only does a poor job when you can't see as well as others. why must I constantly be ridiculed when I have all the sliders in the longest delay and they still interfere with my seeing what I am doing. I am not stupid I know what settings are available to me and none of them resolve this issue. please stop acting like you all are the only ones who can think and use settings.
Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#15 - 2015-07-22 19:42:39 UTC
and since I am on features for the visually impaired why not allow us to modify the colours of the destination star gates into out planned routes. the way it is now they all look pretty much the same colour... if we could make them a brighter shade maybe or even a custom colour
Capt JamesT Kirk
StarFleet Federation of Players
#16 - 2015-07-22 19:48:35 UTC
Iain Cariaba you sir are a rude individual and you have too much hate for rejection as I told you this is a request for a feature not a plea for help or suggestions which do not solve the problems I am asking about.

I would ask for help if I was not doing all that could be done in the game to fix the problem, so stay out of matters you obviously know nothing about!
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#17 - 2015-07-22 19:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
Capt JamesT Kirk wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin, bo if t does not turn them off it only does a poor job when you can't see as well as others. why must I constantly be ridiculed when I have all the sliders in the longest delay and they still interfere with my seeing what I am doing. I am not stupid I know what settings are available to me and none of them resolve this issue. please stop acting like you all are the only ones who can think and use settings.

Sorry for coming off as condescending as I have.
I do actually agree with you and I actually remember Ian and most of the other lads in here going off on CCP about the tooltips when they were initially introduced... It took us a solid couple of weeks of pissing and moaning to get that delay (initialy there was no option, we just had to suck it up and deal wth the godforsaken things).

We were asking for a tic box to turn them off though so if that's what you're looking for them yeah+1
Capt JamesT Kirk wrote:
and since I am on features for the visually impaired why not allow us to modify the colours of the destination star gates into out planned routes. the way it is now they all look pretty much the same colour... if we could make them a brighter shade maybe or even a custom colour

Also a great idea that has been advocated before, particularly with the route planner,(apparently some people suffering colour blindness have issues picking up on where lowsec and nullsec border because of the colour cues in the ui).
Not something I need personally but certainly something I was surprised to se needs to be asked for.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2015-07-23 00:39:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Banana1x
@Iain Cariaba
Mate, take a break from the forums for a bit and chill out. Save the hostility for AFK miners, out here we're all friends.

@Capt JamesT Kirk
I agree with you. Eve is played with a broad spectrum of age groups with various eye sight problems and visual impairments. General accessibility and usability are certainly something the devs should be working on.

Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
Also a great idea that has been advocated before, particularly with the route planner,(apparently some people suffering colour blindness have issues picking up on where lowsec and nullsec border because of the colour cues in the ui).
Not something I need personally but certainly something I was surprised to se needs to be asked for.

From a general accessibility point of view, representing state or information by colour alone is poor design. Generally you use at least 2 descriptors; e.g. colour and shape. So the 'easy' fix is to change the shape of the route planner icons to a different shape as it goes into lowsec.