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[UI] Drag & Drop drones into hotbar slots

Anti-Nub Incorporated
Centipede Caliphate.
#1 - 2015-07-19 11:07:54 UTC
As occasionally suggested before. This would essentially be the ability to drag and drop active/launched drones from your drone bay window to the Main hotbar slots next to your capacitor/health UI.

This lets you use F1-F5 (or any slots of the players choosing) to control each drone independently with hotkeys, or to simply group them all as a single or multiple group(s), as you would with turrets and missile launchers. Achieving more consistent drone management to your control of all other ship systems, as opposed to having them as a separate window entirely.

From these groups in your hotbar you can utilize hotkeys to shoot multiple targets without the fuss of 'select target' > 'right-click' > 'engage target' for all 5 of your drones repeatedly, as well as letting you return to orbit, return to drone bay, scoop etc individual groups at the click of a button, instead of having to select the specific drones you want within the drone control window.

It's a pretty simple concept to imagine but here's a visual example for simplicity sake:
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2015-07-19 13:27:50 UTC
This has been brought up numerous times over the past couple of weeks.
Iain Cariaba
#3 - 2015-07-19 16:24:21 UTC
Or.... you could just drag your drone groups into space, then use the "F" key shortcut that already comes as default to make drones engage selected target. You know, use the already useful tools provided instead of begging for more tools.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2015-07-19 17:36:28 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Or.... you could just drag your drone groups into space, then use the "F" key shortcut that already comes as default to make drones engage selected target. You know, use the already useful tools provided instead of begging for more tools.

The ability to take any key binding and put it into your hotbar. EvE is starting to really show it's age here, other MMOs have Macros and crap.
Iain Cariaba
#5 - 2015-07-19 17:53:36 UTC
permion wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Or.... you could just drag your drone groups into space, then use the "F" key shortcut that already comes as default to make drones engage selected target. You know, use the already useful tools provided instead of begging for more tools.

The ability to take any key binding and put it into your hotbar. EvE is starting to really show it's age here, other MMOs have Macros and crap.

What would be the point in making one hotkey into another hotkey?

That's looking past the fact that the EULA specifically forbids macros.
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#6 - 2015-07-19 19:36:58 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Decoy
*snip* Personal attacks are not allowed. ~ ISD Decoy

One thing I will agree with tho is no macros - ever.

Yes, this idea has been suggested countless times over the years. It's quite ridiculous that it has yet to be implemented. Much like the much needed missile application modules which were only just added, but we see how horribly CCP failed when implemented those.

Putting your keybinds onto the same visible/clickable bar as the rest of your actions is a norm in any game you play anymore. It's absence in EVE is a sign of age - not difficulty. It's something that should be relatively easy to implement and would go a long way to make the UI more easily understandable to newer players. Ask yourself this: what is the difference between a person having to hit 'F1' to send his drones to attack vs hitting 'F'?

A "Group" of drones would be treated like a module if dragged to the action bar.
Default action would be to deploy/attack
Right click would allow:
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-07-19 20:03:48 UTC
There are times where you want drones to focus on different targets.
Salvage drone is likely the best, and possibly only example of this, but the point stands, none the less.

If a person wants to group, or even un-group their drones to the hotbar, the should be able to.
Iain Cariaba
#8 - 2015-07-19 20:11:14 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
There are times where you want drones to focus on different targets.
Salvage drone is likely the best, and possibly only example of this, but the point stands, none the less.

If a person wants to group, or even un-group their drones to the hotbar, the should be able to.

Except that you can already group and ungroup drones in the drone management window.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2015-07-19 20:25:23 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
There are times where you want drones to focus on different targets.
Salvage drone is likely the best, and possibly only example of this, but the point stands, none the less.

If a person wants to group, or even un-group their drones to the hotbar, the should be able to.

Except that you can already group and ungroup drones in the drone management window.

Except that ungrouping does not ensure that they engage different targets.

I've been playing with Salvage drones a lot lately, and they will all engage the nearest wreck to your ship.
The only way to get them to engage independent targets, even while set to ungrouped, is to target each wreck and manually tell each drone to engage each wreck.

There's not hotkeys for drones apart from engage, return to bay, and return and orbit.
When hot keying either of these options, it effects all drones.

Compare it to turrets.

With turrets, you can group or ungroup. If ungrouped, you can engage individual targets with each turret, through the simple use of a hotkey and/or clicking an icon.

If you made them react like drones, this would require you to lock all targets, right click turret 1, tell it to engage, select target two, right click turret 2, tell it to engage, select target 3, right click turret 3, tell it to engage.

There is also cannot set drones to different groups, like you can with turrets.
If you want two drones to engage target 1, and 3 drones to engage target two, you must right click each drone and tell it to engage selected target..

I don't think the simple drag and drop/stacking of drones into your hot bar is an issue we need to worry about balance on.
Iain Cariaba
#10 - 2015-07-19 20:43:39 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
There are times where you want drones to focus on different targets.
Salvage drone is likely the best, and possibly only example of this, but the point stands, none the less.

If a person wants to group, or even un-group their drones to the hotbar, the should be able to.

Except that you can already group and ungroup drones in the drone management window.

Except that ungrouping does not ensure that they engage different targets.

I've been playing with Salvage drones a lot lately, and they will all engage the nearest wreck to your ship.
The only way to get them to engage independent targets, even while set to ungrouped, is to target each wreck and manually tell each drone to engage each wreck.

There's not hotkeys for drones apart from engage, return to bay, and return and orbit.
When hot keying either of these options, it effects all drones.

Compare it to turrets.

With turrets, you can group or ungroup. If ungrouped, you can engage individual targets with each turret, through the simple use of a hotkey and/or clicking an icon.

If you made them react like drones, this would require you to lock all targets, right click turret 1, tell it to engage, select target two, right click turret 2, tell it to engage, select target 3, right click turret 3, tell it to engage.

There is also cannot set drones to different groups, like you can with turrets.
If you want two drones to engage target 1, and 3 drones to engage target two, you must right click each drone and tell it to engage selected target..

I don't think the simple drag and drop/stacking of drones into your hot bar is an issue we need to worry about balance on.

And you can do all of that with drones, there's just one little extra step. You don't even need to ungroup your drones.

Have your "Drones in space" tree expanded. This is something you should have anyway so you can monitor drone HPs.
1. Click ttrget you want to put one drone on.
2. Click drone in drone management window, the individual drone, not the group.
3. Press "F".
If you want multiple drones on a single target, shift-click works to select multiple drones.

One extra click is all it takes.

Now, here comes the obligatory "fighting the UI" and "poorly designed UI" posts. Roll
Anti-Nub Incorporated
Centipede Caliphate.
#11 - 2015-07-20 01:14:40 UTC  |  Edited by: wopolusa
Iain Cariaba wrote:

And you can do all of that with drones, there's just one little extra step. You don't even need to ungroup your drones.

Have your "Drones in space" tree expanded. This is something you should have anyway so you can monitor drone HPs.
1. Click ttrget you want to put one drone on.
2. Click drone in drone management window, the individual drone, not the group.
3. Press "F".
If you want multiple drones on a single target, shift-click works to select multiple drones.

One extra click is all it takes.

Now, here comes the obligatory "fighting the UI" and "poorly designed UI" posts. Roll

It's actually significantly more time annoying than that. I, for example, when doing any PvE with a lot of frigates will set sentries or other drones to each shoot a single frigate. This means moving back and forth between selected targets and my drone management window selecting the individual drone I want to shoot at the currently selected target and tell it to engage. As I said this has to be repeated 5 times for all drones, then tens to hundreds more times to complete an entire site.

It's not like I'm keeling over and dying at the act of it, it's just a simple quality of life change (what these forums are for....) being able to click target > F1 > click 2nd > F2 etc is quicker, and is similar to the use of all other modules.

I can understand if this doesn't help you in particular, but in no way does this negatively affect anything.

edit: or just allowing us to assign hotkeys to launched drone slots 1-5 would be great.
Iain Cariaba
#12 - 2015-07-20 01:22:35 UTC
wopolusa wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:

And you can do all of that with drones, there's just one little extra step. You don't even need to ungroup your drones.

Have your "Drones in space" tree expanded. This is something you should have anyway so you can monitor drone HPs.
1. Click ttrget you want to put one drone on.
2. Click drone in drone management window, the individual drone, not the group.
3. Press "F".
If you want multiple drones on a single target, shift-click works to select multiple drones.

One extra click is all it takes.

Now, here comes the obligatory "fighting the UI" and "poorly designed UI" posts. Roll

It's actually significantly more time annoying than that. I, for example, when doing any PvE with a lot of frigates will set sentries or other drones to each shoot a single frigate. This means moving back and forth between selected targets and my drone management window selecting the individual drone I want to shoot at the currently selected target and tell it to engage. As I said this has to be repeated 5 times for all drones, then tens to hundreds more times to complete an entire site.

It's not like I'm keeling over and dying at the act of it, it's just a simple quality of life change (what these forums are for....) being able to click target > F1 > click 2nd > F2 etc is quicker, and is similar to the use of all other modules.

I can understand if this doesn't help you in particular, but in no way does this negatively affect anything.

edit: or just allowing us to assign hotkeys to launched drone slots 1-5 would be great.

Your inefficient usage of drones does not, in any way, demonstrate any necessity for changing how drones are used.
Anti-Nub Incorporated
Centipede Caliphate.
#13 - 2015-07-20 01:38:20 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:

Your inefficient usage of drones does not, in any way, demonstrate any necessity for changing how drones are used.

In that case, luckily this isn't a change to how drones are used and in-fact is literally just a control/ui benefit that doesn't have to affect a single person who prefers the old ways. But if you're anti-change that's just how it it's going to be.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#14 - 2015-07-20 04:35:02 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:

Your inefficient usage of drones does not, in any way, demonstrate any necessity for changing how drones are used.

I don't see why you're denying the change...

It's not a balance issue and it isn't a new ship/module.

Your denial of this change is literally disagreement for the sake of disagreeing.
Iain Cariaba
#15 - 2015-07-20 08:15:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Iain Cariaba
Joe Risalo wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:

Your inefficient usage of drones does not, in any way, demonstrate any necessity for changing how drones are used.

I don't see why you're denying the change...

It's not a balance issue and it isn't a new ship/module.

Your denial of this change is literally disagreement for the sake of disagreeing.

If I was disagreeing simply for the sake of disagreeing, I'd be in every single thread in F&I. Not all of us latch onto every single idea they see and support it like it's the second coming the way you do, Joe.

No, my disagreement of this lies in that there is already a perfectly servicable and usable method to do everything OP is asking for. That it isn't convienent enough for him is entirely his problem, not something that needs to be addressed by CCP.

I am the kind of player CCP wants to try to entice. The kind of player that truly loves the game, enjoys it for what it is, and will try everything he can to keep it the game he loves. If you want to cater to the lowest common denominator, by continually trying to dumb the game down to WoW level, you can expect me to be there arguing against it until CCP finally makes the change that drives me from the game.

CCP is better off with 20k players like me than 200k of the lowest common denominator. Sure, they can pull in more money with them, but it's the players like me who truly pay the bills over the long term. As they say in the bar industry, your weekends fill the coffers, but your regulars make or break the bar.
Anti-Nub Incorporated
Centipede Caliphate.
#16 - 2015-07-20 11:25:22 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
If I was disagreeing simply for the sake of disagreeing, I'd be in every single thread in F&I. Not all of us latch onto every single idea they see and support it like it's the second coming the way you do, Joe.

No, my disagreement of this lies in that there is already a perfectly servicable and usable method to do everything OP is asking for. That it isn't convienent enough for him is entirely his problem, not something that needs to be addressed by CCP.

I am the kind of player CCP wants to try to entice. The kind of player that truly loves the game, enjoys it for what it is, and will try everything he can to keep it the game he loves. If you want to cater to the lowest common denominator, by continually trying to dumb the game down to WoW level, you can expect me to be there arguing against it until CCP finally makes the change that drives me from the game.

CCP is better off with 20k players like me than 200k of the lowest common denominator. Sure, they can pull in more money with them, but it's the players like me who truly pay the bills over the long term. As they say in the bar industry, your weekends fill the coffers, but your regulars make or break the bar.

while you've derailed this to some totally off-topic discussion of your apparent superiority to others in the eve universe, remember the entire point of UI design is to make control of the game more convenient to everybody, so I really don't know what you're trying to say. This literally gives more control and options to the player without removing the pressing more buttons that you refer to as 'complexity'.
Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#17 - 2015-07-20 13:26:33 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Or.... you could just drag your drone groups into space, then use the "F" key shortcut that already comes as default to make drones engage selected target. You know, use the already useful tools provided instead of begging for more tools.

Super EZ. Been using drone hotkeys and dragging since it was introduced.

10/10 will continue to use.

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#18 - 2015-07-20 13:32:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Donnachadh
Neutral on this.

Iain Cariaba makes some valid points. The very fact that you keep comparing EvE to "all the other" games out there is perhaps his strongest argument. EvE is not now and never should be the same as all the other games out there when it comes to UI design, and yes I do mean it should stay in the stone ages of UI design because there is no really valid reason to change it other than you want it.

With that said I do agree that we could use a little more flexibility in how drones can be assigned to targets, I do not believe that dragging them to the HUD and using the F-1 to F5 keys is the best option. While it may solve the OP stated problem with salvage drones, or his chosen play style as a "drones ship" pilot it does nothing to help those who use drones AND another weapons system. As an example here I am thinking Rattlesnake / Domi and how would you control your missiles / guns if you had drones assigned to the F1 to F5 keys?

For now you get a -1 from me until such time as you can address this specific issue.
Anti-Nub Incorporated
Centipede Caliphate.
#19 - 2015-07-20 13:47:13 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:
Neutral on this.

Iain Cariaba makes some valid points. The very fact that you keep comparing EvE to "all the other" games out there is perhaps his strongest argument. EvE is not now and never should be the same as all the other games out there when it comes to UI design, and yes I do mean it should stay in the stone ages of UI design because there is no really valid reason to change it other than you want it.

With that said I do agree that we could use a little more flexibility in how drones can be assigned to targets, I do not believe that dragging them to the HUD and using the F-1 to F5 keys is the best option. While it may solve the OP stated problem with salvage drones, or his chosen play style as a "drones ship" pilot it does nothing to help those who use drones AND another weapons system. As an example here I am thinking Rattlesnake / Domi and how would you control your missiles / guns if you had drones assigned to the F1 to F5 keys?

For now you get a -1 from me until such time as you can address this specific issue.

Thanks for actual feedback. I didn't mean the F1-F5 quite so literally, rather that in a drone boat I might personally use it. I Imagine in PvP most people would simply stack their 5 drones onto a single hotbar icon (grouped, like you would group guns) and place them where you might put a neut or nos in the hotbar.

I also never mentioned or compared anything to 'all other games', to what are you referencing?
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2015-07-20 14:47:19 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:

Your inefficient usage of drones does not, in any way, demonstrate any necessity for changing how drones are used.

I don't see why you're denying the change...

It's not a balance issue and it isn't a new ship/module.

Your denial of this change is literally disagreement for the sake of disagreeing.

If I was disagreeing simply for the sake of disagreeing, I'd be in every single thread in F&I. Not all of us latch onto every single idea they see and support it like it's the second coming the way you do, Joe.

No, my disagreement of this lies in that there is already a perfectly servicable and usable method to do everything OP is asking for. That it isn't convienent enough for him is entirely his problem, not something that needs to be addressed by CCP.

I am the kind of player CCP wants to try to entice. The kind of player that truly loves the game, enjoys it for what it is, and will try everything he can to keep it the game he loves. If you want to cater to the lowest common denominator, by continually trying to dumb the game down to WoW level, you can expect me to be there arguing against it until CCP finally makes the change that drives me from the game.

CCP is better off with 20k players like me than 200k of the lowest common denominator. Sure, they can pull in more money with them, but it's the players like me who truly pay the bills over the long term. As they say in the bar industry, your weekends fill the coffers, but your regulars make or break the bar.

Lol, OMG... This is literally the most entitled, self righteous load of crap I have ever read.

YOU are the kind of player that is holding the game back from being something that draws the attention of the masses.
CCP may not be turning the game into WoW, but they certainly aren't catering to people like you.
With 20k players like yourself, Eve will surely fall, as you are only as dependable as diaper.
Eventually your crap will runeth over and you'll want a change.
You can take your elitist attitude to DOTA 2.

I swear all you crap because a man asked to be able to hot key drones independently.
Oh, but your eliteness out weighs utility.

Your comment shows to me that you and your opinions are worthless, as your reasoning for or against something is "I'm elite, which makes me special, and my opinion is the way."

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