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Little Things: Make chats usable by introducing mention notifications

kiu Nakamura
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#1 - 2015-07-18 15:25:47 UTC  |  Edited by: kiu Nakamura
Most popular chat systems have a feature where mentioning your name/nick (plus configurable words) in a conversation generates some kind of notification. In eve this feature is missing for unknown reasons which results in people having to stay on top of all their channels in order to not miss somebody reaching out.

As a first step, it would be nice to let the Eve client recognize if a dragged character name in any conversation is the current character and generate a sound (disable via audio config) and let the window flash in a different color.

EDIT: OMG, this feature partially exists already. Its called Word Filters in chat. :facepalm:

Suggestions based on current implementation:

1. Move the notifications out of the word filter into its separate menu so people actually discover the feature
2. Preload the filter with your character name so people discover this feature
3. Make the blink color different if it matches. Many people want blink on to see if something is happening, but enjoy a different color for when they are highlighted
4. Attach a sound notification to the highlight
5. Change matched color text even if it is a link (e.g. dragged character)
Shei Bushaava
Neural Nexus
#2 - 2015-07-18 16:14:02 UTC
OMG yes. In fast moving channels this would be a godsend.